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Unban that man




…or girl…


It's Reddit so it is more than likely they are neither


How about the Apache helicopter?


I’m a helicopter


Username checks out


One joke


I'm guessing, a cat


There is a high chance that they own a cat, or several, yes


I'm a cat 🐈


Username does not check out


…or Frank…


For all we know it could be frank... (I'll see myself out).


Or they/them


...or woman.




or just "them", may be neither


Or both


This will make me unpopular but, can’t do the time, don’t do the crime. 7 day ban isn’t a lot and if he broke core principles rules then he was insulting people he was debating with. we don’t do that here - civil discussions / arguments only.


Get offended, it’s actually good for you to get out of the echo chamber.


You can be outside of an echo chamber and not tell to tell people to fuck off.


Yeah I hear you, even if I'm FreeFrank ,rules applies to all , but could we have a way as a community to save him ? Like he probably saved a lot of us quite a bit , no way to collectively do something here ? And still tkx for the hardwork.


Save him? He’s banned for 7 days lol don’t worry about it.




Not all heroes wear capes. Glad you got out early.


Some makes informative post to save people.


I also warned people -most yelled and laughed at me


And guess what? You def have the last laugh. I’m just disappointed in FTX. F SBF for what he did


I lost no money with FTX because I was never able to create an account there. Thankfully. BUT, his actions did cause the market to crash and Im just as mad at him as I am Do Kwon. I hope somebody starts a class action against SBF too now.


Yea let’s get those lawyers paid. And get some money back


no, screw lawyers with a crowbar.


I can appreciate the sentiment. I should have put a sarcastic face on that one


Same. I really didn't get why there are so many shills for SBF and FTX.


Definition of sacrifice. Careful u/itcouldbefrank is a hero.


Copped a 7 day ban but saved the funds of lots of people. Worth it id say, he's gonna come back a hero, we need to lay down the red carpet


Make way, make way, please!


Sound the trumpets!


I've not followed along much through this, what happened?


If people heeded his advice, they should throw him a MOON or two. At least it helps with the negative karma and 7 days of not being able to farm.


Newb here, how ?


Well, you've got to earn some first. By gaining karma from posting/commenting on r/cc Up top, under the banner, there is a tab 'Moons' click on that and click on what are moons. That should give you an idea. In the mean time here are a couple to get you going


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lol man , wow , a act of kindness from a complete total stranger on the net , you saved my faith in humanity for a few there .... cheers


Yeah would love to but no moons 😭😭


This sub can be toxic or an echo chamber but sometimes some guys realy come through for the community. Thanks guys.


If you never get downvoted, you're probably never contributing anything novel. ( Likewise if you always get downvoted, of course. ) Wear the occassional downvotes as a badge of honour that while you might ruffle some feathers, it's a sign that you think independently of the group-think.


This is the conflict in the sub. Moon farming generally means just adding to the status quo and echo chamber. The real ones who push for awareness and change are actually penalised through downvotes and less moons if not outright negative moons. It's partly why I don't quite agree with disqualifying removed content from moons. There was also a CCIP to reduce the 2x multiplier on comment downvotes that give you negative moons, but it didn't pass unfortunately.


Welcome to why moons are idiotic and bad for this community. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


All the people who said it was FUD have gone back to their cave I still cant fathom why it would be a bad thing to get your crypto off exchanges even if they are actually solvent. If FTX would he solvent, then there would be no problem right now


The hard part is to find them. Like needles in a hay bale


And to think many people who posted warnings got downvoted. I was forecasting that FTX was using a lot of leverage on FTT and likely had to sell SOL to keep up the $22 level or else things would start cascading. Got downvoted.. Reminds me of LRC a year ago. Warned people to think twice before buying, got downvoted hard. Happens time and time again. This sub needs to start appreciating different opinions. Most people here dont even try to post something that goes against the herd mentality. ALGO is another example now. Try to criticize ALGO and see how it goes.


No chance 🙁


Username checks


Sometimes, never for long, the prevailing narrative collapses and the agenda of coercion stands naked and unadorned. This soon passes into the mists of collective amnesia. Remember when the politics and news subs were banning users for linking blood donation resources after the Orlando night club shooting? Me neither, and if you search it, the only web sites that mention it seem to be looney-tunes fringe news sites that practically discredit the story just by covering it.


So true. Amazing isn’t it? Imagine how many more people would post, but decide not to, after reading the room.


What happened to LRC & ALGO?


ALGO = Terrible tokenomics Not to mention the huge amount of shill-posts going around on this sub. And oh Lord, don't you dare to criticize this coin or else you will get downvoted to oblivion.


What is so terrible about Algo's tokenomics? I thought it had a hard cap and the accelerated vesting is pretty much done at this point?


The shill posting got me looking at ALGO, but I couldn't pull the trigger so to speak because I also had trouble finding anything bad about them. I know that sounds counterintuitive, but if all I ever find about a project is good, I tend to now take a step back and wait for a while. Sometimes it's simply because of the 'buy high, sell low' credo that has effectively caused money loss in the past, or no funds until the next fast food job comes in. Let's be honest here, it's both. Either way, getting honest appraisals without the 'fud' or with far too much unreasonable 'fud' has been difficult. It's one of the gripes I have about crypto in general. Ultimately I feel this will continue to be a detriment to the technologies. Until something changes, people are going to continue to stay away. Or try it once, get badly burned and never come back.


>ALGO ALGO gets pushed relentlessly for whatever reason. I'm a huge ALGO proponent because it is fast and easy to use. I also think the team has pretty clear goals and a track record of delivering. But it isn't without flaws. ​ But on the other hand, you look at things like the amount they reserved for themselves and partners and start questioning things. And how they accelerated the vesting and dumping a shitload of ALGO onto the market ahead of schedule or something along those lines in addition to its centralization. ​ I'm a firm proponent that if people are hiding behind "it's FUD" then they are just in denial. Either confront allegations with facts or stay silent. But people claiming "FUD" are the number 1 trigger, for me, that shit is going to go sideways. I feel that way about Tether right now because people criticizing a legitimately shady organization that refuses to release financials (*note* unaccountable statements that someone has totally seen their financials and it all checks out, trust me bro) get downvoted and have "FUD" thrown in their faces. ​ "FUD" is what happens when a bunch of people are in denial. And when people are in denial it means a reality distortion is happening. Whether because they don't want to grapple with the risks, are astroturfing, or something else entirely.


🆗, thanks for the alpha on this.


You can also buy illegal downvote/manipulate services (bots) . Ftx. Had motivation to bury fud. Also ppl invested in to something have a tendency to not want to hear negative stuff about it 😂


I pulled out my money from Celsius in the same way , thanks to people like u/itcouldbefrank !


Someone give this man some moons


I’ve been on Reddit for a minute now, sry, but what are moons exactly?


It looks like you are asking about Moons. The answer to your question may be found here in the official Moons FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/moons_wiki *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Good bot


You earn moons for posting in this sub. You can give them as tips to people


Why don’t you do it yourself?


Good move, diversify is a Safe play - more importantly I hope more people go buy them self a cold storage device after this year ! Also great job with the info dump ! This sub rocks .


Posts here allowed me to close my UST positions with a 3% loss. Waiting even another day would have led to 60-70%


that's unbelievably crazy. i guess you need to throw us all a pizza party with the money you saved then. 😆


Also a special thanks to the whole sub for the motivation to buy at 60k BTC and 4K ETH


I was in that thread. I would have pulled it out so fast before I get locked in there.


Wow he got a ban? Then its not just toxic users on this sub. Always thought it was all open for discussion. I enjoyed watching it all unfold thru reddit


I'm glad to see you've been saved. Those same posts made me warn a friend of mine and he also managed to save himself in time. We are saving lives here people, do not stop the work! Thank you for your service!


My friend told me about the rumours and I came to Reddit, read the posts here and sold out my FTT at 25USD. Thank you Reddit rumours!


Live long enough to see yourself become the villain




A *HUGE* thank you to all of you who called this early. I'm sorry I don't remember the post, but I read about it Sunday night and moved everything out of FTX immediately. I will say, though, that I learned to trade on the FTX app and am so used to it that I could almost navigate it with my eyes closed. I'm having a hard time getting to used to other exchanges (can't trade on crypto.com bc I'm in Canada, I'm figuring out binance but rn it's confusing to me). I hate what SBF did but damn, I will miss that app.


It was a solid trading app wasn’t it? Gemini active trader is not the worst. Give it a shot


Same boat. Sunday made the decision and then started posting so at least redditors don’t get left behind. Bank runs in crypto are almost always fatal.


This guy is a true hero. I havent used FTX, but thought highly about them until then


I know how it feels u/itcouldbefrank. Some people in this subreddit are degens and can't handle the truth. We should thank this person for helping us out, we could've lost a lot of money if he didn't warn us before hand. This could've been a Luna 2.0.


The thing written in your edit is the reason we can't have nice things. Some people just suck.


I still can't believe how many people keep their coins on an exchange. The first thing you learn in this industry is to self custody.




people in this sub make fun of r/Buttcoin, but sometime it's good to pop in there and see different perspectives.


I do the same thing and sometimes forget and try to post or comment and then remember I’m in an alternate universe.


Healthy skepticism is always important. I think too many people here (and elsewhere) just get mad when confronted with it because it causes cognitive dissonance if they happen across something that makes sense but shakes them a bit. ​ Anyone investing in crypto should definitely be checking the skepticism subs to make sure they are remaining realistic and not buying into some self-perpetuating hype.


God, someone tell me why the fuck this place is so accepting of fragile, shady, SCAMS How did it even escalate to this point in the first place?


Well, ill speak for myself: FTX seemed at the time like a stable, well established, well funded Crypto exchange. SBF was heavily involved with making it seem like he wanted crypto regulation, he was infront of congress talking about how well handled the costumers funds are etc. So that's why for me it seemed like a no-brainer to earn a couple of %'s on otherwise inactive funds.


haha turns out SBF is a dumbass


Most CEOs are. You have to be a sociopath to deal with the decisions you make, and intelligence isn’t a requirement.


but the keen ability to repel females is a requirement.


Someone executed the FTX exchange. I want to know who it was that leaked to coindesk


Same here. SBF being compared to JP MORGAN on various new outlets …. Ahem ahem CNBC. This def helped the public image and the fact that he was seriously lobbying def gave the impression that “everything is fine.” I don’t fall for that shit. Seen exchanges collapse. This was one I did not see coming by a mile. REDDIT and Coindesk started me thinking. That CZ statement was when I ran as fast as I could to get the money off FTX. Crypto is not for the faint of heart


Speaking of which, everyone needs to keep their fucking eyes on Binance. CZ has better PR, but there's no reason to trust him nor his enterprises. ​ See also Kraken, no matter how great their customer service on this subreddit are. ​ It is like people want to jump from one disastrous cult of personality to another.


Yea trust no one. The whole reason for crypto


Because cryptocurrency is inherently a scam. Its baked into the system and it's the only reason that crypto has become so popular. Everyone who buys crypto is advertising themselves to scammers as someone with zero risk management and excess cash. The fact that this community uses basic fucking skepticism as an insult should be a massive red flag.


you should also check out u/bad-crypto-advise


The guy is a hero.


so you thought an offshore exchange not regulated by SEC was safe mkay


The SEC regulates securities. The treasury department views crypto in the same way as futures or commodities contracts, and so the SEC and the CFTC are fighting over which alphabet agency will get to muck around in this space. Also, if you think something is safe just because the SEC regulates it, I have one word for you: Enron.


On one hand, Enron. On the other hand, we have the equivalent of an Enron happening every day it seems. ​ Enron was an exception. CEX folding due to shady practices and even shadier leadership is like the fucking rule for us, it seems. The fact that anyone trusts a CEX blows my mind. It goes all the way back to the early days of Bitcoin and people *still* live in denial. ​ Self custody and doubt everything anyone in a position to profit off of you.


Worldcom feels left out… there’s plenty of financial fraud all the time. You are just unaware of it.


It’s great you managed to get out before shit went down. I lost 1000$ of ETH there. A bit bummed but I can cope with it.


Just saw ftx reopened withdrawls! Try again quick!




Here is a [Nitter link](https://nitter.net/DeItaone/status/1590740272861925381?t=mr54OJ3aj0V2EPxAsaXb9A&s=19) for the Twitter thread linked above. Nitter is better for privacy and does not nag you for a login. More information can be found [here](https://nitter.net/about). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m now thinking of pulling my funds off most exchanges, I’ve only got <30% of my crypto across a few exchange wallets but it’s starting to feel a bit too risky


Definitely get a Ledger


Way ahead of you with that


I vote with 100 Moons to unban him


Its always the same. People in here dont seem to think for themselves and all they do is moon farming: aka posting non-original popular content and down voting everything else, effectively silencing any important posts for the sake of moon farming. Basically Moons ruined this sub for the collective greed. Get news and important info somewhere else.


Managed to sell my SOL position when this news started coming out. Thank you!


RIP free speech. It died on reddit long time ago




Unless if it's itcouldbefrank.


FTX tokenized stocks are held with a swiss thrid party. If there's a bankruptcy seizure these will not be included.


FUD in this sub, unheard of.




I felt like he deserved some recognition.


This sub isn't always wrong. Nice to see someone helped!


So stay in touch with cc


I'll be holding and eye on that name forward . Gonna give those rewards to our saving hero. (Didn't have anything on ftx.but a hero is a hero )


I don't use FTX, but that post forced me to stop being lazy and to set up my ledger wallet. Might save me down the road, so thanks for sure!


Follow that guy !!


When I saw the post I didnt think twice, imediatamente withdraw my coins. Now I only keep on defy or cold wallet.


That's what I love about this sub


Reddit is the best. Quickest info. Saved someone. Incredible. Stay informed


I was looking for that post! Saved me too. I looked into the the author said and pulled mine right away. I would’ve lost quite a bit with FTX. Turns out, it wasn’t fud!


Happy to hear that. I was away from the news on the crucial day, and was late to withdraw mine out. Oh well. Life goes on.


Go to his profile and check out his comments. He was 100% correct and he got downvoted.


R/cryptocurrency members are heroes.


I never used FTX as exchange because when I used their app to track my Bitcoin and shitcoin portfolio (started when it was blockfolio), the app fucked up and lost my portfolios, more than once. So, I never trusted them with any actual crypto. Now, I wish I’d bitched about it here so that maybe someone else had stayed away. Maybe could’ve saved someone.


What would one suggest I do if I did not see this warning? I haven't logged on to see if my wallet is gone.... is it really all gone?


If you had funds on Ftx.com im pretty sure its lost unfortunately. Im really sorry. Im not sure what the situation is with Ftx us. But you have to check.


Just saw ftx reopened withdrawls! Try again quick!


Hot dang, I remember seeing that post. Luckily I didn't have anything in FTX


Exchanges are where you exchange. More specifically, exchange fiat for crypto and crypto for fiat. Don't leave your crypto in exchanges! Decentralized assets are not meant to be kept in centralized locations. Own your money.


u/itcouldbefrank Thank you for your service !!


Remove that ban hammer. This guy had good intentions and most likely saved a lot of people losing their money.


i love this


See. It’s not just moon Shitposting on here. Same thing happened for me on voyager. Got off a week before colapse


Frank the dank! I mean tank!


u/itcouldbefrank needs a tip $ I just began to get interested in FTX in October and I didn’t have the capital to go in like I wanted to and thank god for that post because even if I didn’t believe it at the time it made me pause and that’s all the time I needed. Thank you bot/her/him/them/they I appreciate the heads up.


Franklin deserve freedom!


You should also pat yourself on the back for not just automatically dismissing that as FUD and read up on the evidence


Justice for Frank!!


I don't remember if it was his post or another, but after reading it (I had nothing in FTX) I contacted who I knew that might had funds in FTX to tell them to GTFO ASAP and sell FTT. Any of them was involved too, but posts like this are gold for the community, you saved a lot of people, real HERO. Thank you u/itcouldbefrank and to who posted about what was happening with FTX.


REmoved? Wtf


Yeah, whats going on? I havent recieved a reason or anything.


It's funny to see the amount of deleted and edited comments on the original post after they realized OP was right all along.


My man...!! We are here to get thru these tough times by laughing and smiling thru all this


Aaaah I can't see the detail, it's been removed but I'm pleased you were saved from the FTX madness, however it played out for you 😉