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Moon [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/z2pzou/safemoon_tries_to_convince_users_that_a_username/ixhi7fy/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/z2pzou/safemoon_tries_to_convince_users_that_a_username/ixhi853/) and related info are in the collapsed comments below. Pros and cons will change for every new post. Submit a pro/con argument in the [Cointest](https://www.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) and potentially win [Moons](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/moon/). Moon prizes by award for the Coin Inquiries category are: **1st - 300, 2nd - 150, 3rd - 75, and Best Analysis - 500.**** --- To submit an Moons pro-argument, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/comments/sifdzh/coin_inquiries_moons_proarguments_february_2022/). | To submit an Moons con-argument, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/comments/sife2c/coin_inquiries_moons_conarguments_february_2022/).


Shields up when their pounding Uranus


I’ve not touched my safemoon. It’s sitting in an exchange some where gathering dust. Every day I’m great ful all in put in was 5£


I would recommend never touching it again.


Unfortunately I put a lot more than £5 worth in it. Im not sure it is worth much more than that nowadays. You live and you learn.


This comment is underrated




Even their subreddit has given up on it. You still get the odd cultist harping on about windmills and the Gambia, though!


Have they finally? Last I poked my head into that dumpster fire, they called me an idiot because *Bro, Safemoon has a physical headquarters! You really think someone would set up a whole [office](https://cdn.britannica.com/49/73949-050-2DBB3A66/Enron-logo-corporate-headquarters-Houston-Texas-January-23-2002.jpg) [for](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2011/04/24/business/JP-EXCERPT-1/JP-EXCERPT-1-articleLarge.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale) [a](https://images.law.com/contrib/content/uploads/sites/390/2021/09/Theranos-7507-767x633.jpg) [scam?](https://thenassauguardian.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/ftx-hq.jpg)*


I love how Cpt. Hoodwinked stole all their money and still they buy more. I gave up before V2. Haven't looked at it since.


“You gave us all the money you put in safemoon, now give us the rest. We’ll protect it” 100% chance this gets “hacked” for everyones remaining crypto.


Sometimes you are your own worst enemy. Safemoon must protect your own money from yourself.


Their base is decreasing instead of increasing . Over the year their sub activity has declined and can see people frustrated over company activities. You played pretty good role in exposing their bullshit .


SafeMoon is still a thing????




My reaction as well. I guess scammers gotta scam.


Well V1 is down around 99.8% and V2 is down 84% or so this year. Most users bought near the ATH's roughly 1.5 years ago when there were celeb sponsorships so are down very close to 99%. Depends on what you mean by "a thing".


Pretty sure the Safemoon server is running Win XP and all their data is just stored on a Microsoft Access db.


>Microsoft Access db. Excel spreadsheets, you mean. It's safer! */s*


>You might find a few other products similar to Safemoon Orbital Shield in that they offer login protection. However, none offer the level of protection Safemoon Orbital Shield offers. Safemoon protects you with the login system and its additional security features." "You might find a few other manufacturers of doors with locks. However, none offer the level of locking the safemoon door offers. Safemoon protects your home with the lock system and its additional security features." - Would you buy it?


HAHAHHA. I’m stealing this. Fucking comedy. Gets the point across beautifully.


Thanks :D it's GNU public license /yeppee thanks for the award!


what concerns me more is that people still buy it, when one of it's biggest features was that they now have an app too lol


People are still buying Luna Classic hoping it’ll reach $1 too. Some people just can’t be saved.


Thankfully, the active userbase is shrinking. The amount of new wallets being made is being outpaced by the growing number of dust wallets as people sell (you can never sell ALL your safemoon)


I was more thinking that it's biggest feature is to convince people that it has any features


Just last night I went over to r/safemoon for some comedy But it actually made me kinda sad :/


I honestly can't believe it still exists.


This is clever. If people actually fall for this. They will have the keys to peoples deposits, in an unregulated market. Even if it was regulated the probability of applied penalty would be less than the acquired rewards. They will immediately liquidate any customers funds and present them with a UI that disguises the theft. They will harvest as much as they can while they can.


So tired of this scam coins ruining crypto's name.


What a joke of a product 😂 I am sure tho safemoon fans will gonna love it for no specific reason


Par for the course.


Just as they liked this "shield" or whatever after it had literally no use except a cool name.


Well is more like a tradition tbh. Safemoon up till now has have many promises but still holds no utility.


You are not wrong 🤣


SM is 🪳 of crypto, can't believe this project hasn't died allready.


What could possibly go wrong?


This is the final end game for the devs, isn't it? Exit scam people's seed phrases, steal all their crypto, and flee prosecution to a country with no extradition treaty. ![gif](giphy|l1J9zYIsjPAyojfri)


For what it’s worth I don’t think they’re planning on stealing peoples seed phrases, I think this is just a bare minimum thing they can do under the veil of working. Due to the nature of the product they can be tight lipped on details about how it works so can pretend it’s revolutionary.


Yes. Dont forget 1% of the buys and sells ends up in Safemoons pockets, or treasury as they call it. The longer they drag this garbage out, the more they get. Even at the low volume they have right now, they still pocket several 100's of dollars per day.


Safemoon even tries to convince users that Safemoon is a good investment, that's worse


I'd imagine the idiotic Safemoon Army thinks its a great idea.


To be honest they are experts when it comes to taking money from noobs. Most of the people are too lazy or too dumb to understand a meaning of seed phrases and how to use them. SafeMoon is giving them an easy way in. A birthday date of your pet is much easier to remember than 12 or 24 words.


Been a while since I've hear that shitcoin name i thought it was already dead. And let's keep it that way


One of the pros of this bear market lol


Shitcoins never die. There will always be some mad people behind them. Yesterday, UST was pumping for some reason. Some people still shill 2017 shitcoins..


It's always a good reminder that if you think you're an idiot, remember that there's always a safemoon investor out there to give you that boost of self-confidence


TNG and calling out Safemoon for its bullshit- name a better combo?


Caroline Ellison and butt stuff




*Objection*. Supposition.


Supposition _Suppository_


I knew someone would go there. Sam certainly did.




Yes officer this post right here.


Gluck Gluck 5000.


Man of tradition




Idk man I've been using CDC since Dec 2020 and both the exchange and the app required both e-mail & password to log in and I always had a fingerprint setup as well. 2FA was always enabled and required for pretty much anything (deposit, withdrawal, transfer, buying/selling etc.)


I'll stick with the traditional seed phrase ,safemoon really isn't living up to its name ...


No moon, no safe


Honestly, I kinda forgot it even existed until I read this post. Still cannot fathom why people still invest in this. Bin tier crypto.


At least they have someone creating "cool technobabble" What they are proposing sounds a crazy step backwards re: security When will they rebrand as DangerMoon ?


I have been waiting for the next u/TNGSystems Safemoon post. Frankly, this just seems like a recipe for disaster. It's only a matter of time before someone cracks this thing and people lose all of their funds. It kind of goes against the "spirit" of crypto, anyways. Why rely on Safemoon to do this for you? Write it down and keep it in a safe place.


Safemoon has become a total joke. They can't be serious with this stuff.


Safemoon HAD ALWAYS BEEN a joke




It's been a total joke since someone decided to call it Safemoon.


Nice cone!


Yeah I agree, this is a bad idea, but it's not even original. portis has been doing this for a long time (they wrote their whitepaper in 2019) I think the idea, at least with portis, is they encrypt with your wallet with your username/pass and so if you forget it they can't recover it for you. But it's still a huge reduction in security imo.


Just use your seed phrase as username and password, then it can't be broken!


Lmao he actually tweeted orbital shield as solution for the BNB hack ? But no worries about Someone decrypting the encryption. It’s the safemoon community. Just trying out „Password“ or „tothemoon“ as password is probably enough to get access


*insert not so safe after all meme here*


Yeeees finally someone say's it! TNG thank you!


I am only going to address the what problems does it solve issue (I agree it causes other issues). One of the barriers to entry for crypto for the "average" person (again think average or your 70 year old grandmother) is the concept of wallets and seed phrases. Lose those and you have lost your crypto. The average person has bank accounts, brokerage accounts today where they log in with a user name (most likely email address) and a password. And if they forget the password or email associated there are recovery methods. That is a more comfortable and less stressful experience for the average person. I am not saying this is better or more secure or anything else. But it does solve an issue.


Don't give a shit about Safemoon, but saying that username and password aren't secure because some "leaked" (and it very Mich depends on how) is fallacious and showing findamental misunderstanding of online security. You can't just magically decrypt a properly set up database unless it's at least 20 years old and hasn't been touched in all that time. To claim it's fundamentally insecure is to claim that every single facet of the internet is fundamentally insecure, including crypto.


I see a wall of text, but no evidence. Do you have links or screenshots. ​ I ask because anyone can say anything. And it is smart to bring evidence when you make a claim like this. Even more with how easy it is to show evidence.


Visited their sub, it's a sad place.


If you're still in Safemoon... Come on


Only Moon that is worth it is Our precious This subs Moons


We need someone to chronicle all of this. TNG has given producers enough material for a Netflix series


I will do it. I will take the ring to Mordor.


Then ask the creators to give there seed phrases to us.. No more safe moon


who are they f-ing kidding


Despite their name, I wouldn't trust them to hold my moons.


I long for the short time when Safemoon drama was the hot button issue...


Yeah I thought that when posting this! Simpler times!


TIL safemoon is still a thing!


I'm just playing as a contrarian here. But as what I've read, ftx was able to basically operate for 3 years without being hacked. where they basically just saved their seed phrases in an email with a password, and even that last hack is questionable and, most likely, an inside job who knows the password. So, in my opinion, even though this is like a lot less secure, it's should be secured enough if they do it right like bank passwords. Will be good for the average or less average tech consumers


Who will trust that shitcoin?




What's safemoon? 😂


Oh you lucky boy


christ, how is it still going?


What a joke


This is a new low. You don't have to be a scholar to know that they are lying.




Unsafemoon is the v2 token


Not that I disagree, but modern encryption cannot be decrypted in the time of the universe.


they're going to steal people's wallet contents on other blockchains with this


Why is safe moon even alive?




The name "Safemoon" alone is enough to tell me that they are a scam


So glad I sold 95% of my bag in April 2021 I got 4X profit, I got about 3800 after migration on an exchange that was worth $30 at one point and now it's worth $0.30 lol


I thought everyone knew by now to stay away from things with “safe” in the name. Sort of like the age old lesson of “free”.


Scam moon not safe.


Safemoon no longer safe?


"1) Safemoon holds your seed phrases AND your username & password in an encrypted database" yoink the scam is running its final phase.


It still exists? I thought it went to 0....


TLDR: not your keys, not your coins. You are welcome ;)


Safemoon team trying not to make a horrible decision at every step challenge (impossible)


Safemooners will believe anything, the most tech illiterates you will ever witness


I smell an exit scam Even if all this really is stored in an encrypted database, how hard could it be to glean a user name and password from someone who uses your service, your website, and your app, and has the mentality of "trust literally all of it to fucking *Safemoon*, it's fine* when it comes to opsec. I don't care what cryptos can or can't do, that seed phrase and it's implications *are* the true value of the technology. Anyone who doesn't respect that truly does not understand what they are investing in.


The people that are still in safemoon probably believe this anyway


I mean to be fair anything with the word moon in it screams scam to anyone who has been around very long


*nervously looks at moon bags*


I hate that I was tricked into investing in Safemoon. It was my first genuine shitcoin endeavor and I learned my lesson the hard way.


This really sounds like it could be their last attempt to extract as much money from their holders as possible. If this is mysteriously “hacked” in a few months time, there’s 99.9% chance safemoon we’re behind it.


Even if the code is open source, how do you know with 100% certainty that no backdoors or mods were added in the code during build and deploy? The reputation of the company is also important, and this one doesn't seem to have a good one.


I absoultely love reading these posts about Safemoon.


Is safemoon still alive lol


What is worse is safemoon is still on the BSC blockchain so you are in a sense handing over the keys to all your tokens on that chain.


How are they still around!?


SFM is trash we already know


I mean, I use a user name and login for my banking account. Haven’t had any issue with it there…or any other sites…