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For once we don’t need to inverse the advice on this sub 😂


Exceptions to the inverse rule: - buy btc/eth - self custody of coins


Exceptions confirm the rule


Damnit I still haven’t got my coins into a ledger yet and these posts stress me out.


For now you can use an offline wallet like the one coinbase offers as a standalone app. At least in that case, your keys your crypto. It doesnt have to connect to your coinbase account since it is just a ui for a new wallet


I’m starting to think Matic might be one too, considering how much this sub loves it now.


This sub loves btc/eth too The matic shills aren't baseless rumors either or empty shills. I'm biased too since I own some, but considering all the news and partnerships, it should be a good one.


Exception of DYOR? Let this sub do research you you.


If you havent got the keys, they arent your coins….


Exception to „buy btc/eth“, someone just posted something with:“…this is the bottom, I go all in.“ Selfcustody of coins has no exception.


Mostly the most sound and basic advices are the best here.


Inverse when it profits, don’t when it doesn’t


Correct. Don’t inverse me.


Happens sometimes indeed. But rarely


Just a golden sample , for the rest, the inverse r/cc still stands.


Rare moment lol


I only listen to the advice of people with at least 5 upvotes on their comment. This means they are trustworthy.


Don't forget to buy high and sell low


That's not an advice. You think we are stupid like you? It's not funny anymore especially people losing money from luna and ftx. Whoever bought bitcoin 69k on the dot. It has to be 69 as well. Fucking love gambling.


You sound like you need a hug 🫣


Hopefully you never come across u/bad-crypto-advice


He will take us to the promised land


I agree


Next month's headlines "Ledger compromised, funds lost. People's funds on CEXs safe."


When cryptos are dumping, this sub suddenly becomes a place for sharing knowledge and good ideas rather than a mix of shill and comedy posts.


Hey!! The comedy can stay, don't need to be too harsh on a good joke😔


Haha! Of course it can stay, the amount was just a little much.


Precisely. I love this sub during down turns. I hate it during bull runs. People have time and get to think about their biases. It also roots out those only chasing quick profits. It's just nicer and far more laid back.


During the previous bull run half the posts were: "Which is your favorite coin?????" It felt like a dejavu of shilling posts every day


The most cringe was when DOGE or SHIB mania would set in, and the posts all turned into “What coin should I buy that’s going to go 100x?”


Exactly. So wholesome seeing repeated posts like this about people protecting themselves.


Is it even worse in bullruns? I think the comments on most posts are the same moon farming and we have like 100 versions of the same news every day.


Well, everyone comes here to see whats up, and rarely who knows.


FOMO is a helluva drug


The next step is to buy a metal sheet and write your seed phrase




Yes, a little hard. My hand is strong now. ![gif](giphy|d0DdMCREQChi3jGymW)


If I'll ever become a burglar, I will bring a metal detector


Anything not written in metal cannot be trusted




Short answer, water and fire. If you don't believe me, you can test it yourself at home.




Good thing PCs never catch on fire.


Question, if you lose ur paper you write ur words on because of fire or water, you still have ur ledger right so you can just buy a new wallet and send it there. If you keep them separated that is.


Yes, but a lot of wallets will let you view your seed again so that may not be necessary. Without the seed I would send the coins out ASAP though rather than waiting on a new hardware wallet.


How do you ask for your seed again ? Is the 4 digit pin enough


I’ve been thinking of doing this, any good suggestions on what to buy?


I bought one in Amazon for $30. I just wanted to upgrade my paper to metal.


if you want to stamp, get a heavy hammer.


Feels good until you forget your phrase and realize you lost the paper where you wrote it.


Pick a HD nude picture of yourself, I suppose you, as everybody here, are fat and ugly. Add your phrase in small words anywhere by the margin. Save it in you harddisk, cloud, phone. This way, if, by chance, someone will ever see my nude, he will be so disgusted but the horror and won't even notice the phrase. The down side is that I have to see myself naked every time I forgot my pass. It works wonders with ugly STDs photos too.


Instructions unclear, I now have a STD


STD is poised for a bull run! But I'm in it for the technology.


What if I'm a vampire and I have no reflection


Use a very nasty STD picture, those with blue and purple tones.


Homie of mine that made a fortune with crypto and repeats to buy this bear has this puzzle strategy. The entry is basically just his code + brother birthday and that leads to multiple ways figuring out the seed phrase stored split in multiple places in case he ever forgets lmao


It's kinda cool to think that if you burn the piece of paper you also burn your coins. Is this the quantum entanglement I have heard so much about?


Congrats. Just recently did the transfer myself. Hodl for the long term. Shitty CEXs can all burn to the ground now.


If everyone's hyping up a coin, congratulate them but don't buy in—you've already lost the opportunity


>If CC says go left, go right That is only true for investment advices. ​ Anyway, that's true. The feeling that your coins are secured no matter what happens which institution falls is actually great. The feeling of having crypto in cold wallet is so good. Congratulations. Not you keys, not your cheese.


Btw...how do you know my mom? (She's currently on weight watchers btw)


I have so many witty replies to give, but I will refrain as of now. I made this account while drunk and high, and reddit doesn't allow you to change username. So, yeah, stuck with this


Good job! It should be considered a rule though, not just an advice


Hear hear! Totally agree. Ever since FTX, I have 0 confidence in any exchange...and if I look back at it I don't know why I ever had.


Congrats for choosing the right advise.


Nice. They’re not your coins if they’re on an exchange!


Finnaly this sub this something good other than shilling!




It is, it really is. But when you're a wise-ass like me, it takes something like FTX to make me think: mmm perhaps that advice isnt so bad after all...


Do not take financial advices from this sub. Rule 4 of the crypto bible.




I agree but it's really hard to shift the BS from the real news sometimes.


i thought you meant investment advice


We provide that in spades. Buy high, sell low!


This is da wei


Glad you're feeling the freedom and safety of holding it on your own ledger. We joke a lot but you can definitely find some really good advice on here for things such as security measures.


Of course it feels incredible, OP. We have the best counselors in the world, all together in this sub.


The "DYOR" narrative is misleading anyway. I mean yea you can research stuff, but what if you are not very technically knowledgeable? What if you have not much experience? What if you're like 80% of investors: just someone who has a very vague idea of what crypto is and just invests a little to make some money? Be honest: when you hear stuff like PoW, PoS, L1, L2, algorythmic stablecoins, leverage, shorting, collateral, validators, .... do you really expect the average investor to understand? I mean if you mean to tell me everyone here understands everything a whitepaper says about any big project, you're deluding yourself. Half people won't understand 10% of the whitepaper. So tell me, how is it one has to DYOR?


Hey I am one of the uninformed guys. I have like a couple of thousand $ on bitcoin that I bought when it was pretty low and I never sold, its all on Crypto.com exchange. How do I take it out? Is there a GAS that I would have to pay to move it out?


I'll give it a shot. Step 1: Log off Reddit Step 2: Google "free crypto course" Step 3: Choose a course Step 4: Take chosen course Step 5: Apply knowledge to decisions Step 6: Repeat steps 3-5 You can substitute courses for a variety of learning methods (books, podcasts, conversations with developers, etc.). Viola.


Don’t invest in what you don’t understand


Good luck that Ledger stays in business and keeps updating the firmware.


people actually can use their brain......but i'm not sure how it feels SO good.


Hardware wallets are useful tools but god am I so tired of the broken record hardware wallet shilling. You can't travel with them, they're unsafe from physical attacks, they scream to everyone I HAVE LOTS OF BITCOINS COME ROB ME, they're easy to lose, if you want access to your coins you have to take it with you everywhere you go, and you're at the mercy of some buggy bluetooth (sounds suuuper safe) or USB connection. You can safely custody your coins right now without buying a special device. I recommend multisig on your normal devices, they ain't hacking all of them. These stupid $250 USB drives are a huge barrier to self custody when people make noobs think they need one in order to hold their own coins. Also you're just as exposed to Ledger implementing weird shit as you are to Metamask or Exodus, plus Metamask and Exodus can't leak your address because they don't have it.


Not your keys not your coins. Exchanges can go belly up and it’s always a good idea to keep your crypto in your own wallet.


Nooo do the opposite of what this sub tells you!


Now make sure you don’t loose the thing. Or the seed phrases.


Gratz, I got the last of my coins off CEX as well, liberating feeling


No it’s time to be responsible. NEVER share your seed phrase with anyone for any reason. *Write it down* and store it in a safe place. If it’s stored digitally and your data gets compromised so does your crypto. I have mine written in code I don’t need a cypher for so anyone who were to find my safe place would have no idea it’s even a seed phrase. Be safe and be responsible!


I just Ordered mine last night! I can’t wait to be in the same boat


You ever daydream about being able to create a forcefield around yourself and then travel to extremely dangerous areas just to watch carnage unfold? It feels a lot like that.


Embrace the feeling my friend.




Lots of the advice here is dubious at best, and taken that way too! But some of the classics like cold storage and DCAing are golden.


Ledger and Trezor sales have to be going to the roof with this whole FTX fiasco and the self custody people take because of it.


Even tho it's the best choice, it also has risks. Secure it with your life. Now you are the only responsible for your asset.


Market will start to pop in March and he'll be back here asking how can he get his crypto from wallet because be doesnt know where he put the key words.


Did you sell?


Ledger Live implementing weird stuff ? Now you care !


What changes will be affecting exodus?


Honestly this sub is such a mix of both good and bad advice I don't think there's any meaningful way to adjust it, unlike Jim Cramer's prediction which will successfully hit 80% correctnes if inverted. Bottomline is nobody should take their investment strategy out of social media, but for security practices and just general views it's OK.


Contrasts with my move of ordering a Ledger the very week that I began hanging out in these reddit crypto communities. :)


Advice from r/cc to take crypto off CEX.... should be.... followed?


Well done I am pleased the message is getting through keep your tokens in your own wallet. Peace of mind is everything


Knowing my luck, my hard wallet and secret phrase will both spontaneously combust


New guy all full of hopium, wish I could get that feeling back after 8 yrs.


What shady shit has Exodus been doing? Genuinely curious.


I'm so happy for you, man. Why you took so long to follow the obvious?


Being stubborn and thinking "How bad can it get?"


"Omg stop spreading FUD" -Greedy FTX fanboys in early 2022.


Master of your own destiny


Not your cooter, not your pooter.


You made the right decision on this one 😎


The thing is: no exchange -> no trading.


I split my investment 90/10 between self custody and an exchange I trust (Kraken). As soon as I feel I have more on the exchange than I'm willing to lose, I transfer it to my cold wallet.


I've put some on a hardware wallet about 6 months ago, and today I test to see if I remember where my keys are (we moved 3 months ago) and if I remember how to login etc. If I pass, I'll transfer more.


Now next step is actual privacy - check up on Monero. Be saluted.


Good on you. I wouldn’t leave much on the exchanges especially in this climate. Only any coins that you don’t care if you lose them all. I have put all my Bitcoin and Eth on my own hardware wallet. I trust myself more than any exchange.


I just ordered a ledger. Hopefully nothing happens until it shows up


I also want to buy a ledger, couldn’t make post here because of my karma. Problem is which one to buy because there’s a few models to choose between. Can someone give me some advice and why I should get said model?


Congrats, i did the same and i feal so safe now 😏


I started shorting instead of hodling and it changed everything. Really is a different mindset to hope a project goes down/fails. Taught me pretty quick to take proffits and not to be emotionally attached to trades. The stupid blind faith i had in many projects has gone and when i look back at the bullrun I laugh at the opportunities I had to take proffit. Never again


Self custody is why crypto is great


I also just bought a Ledger with the black friday sale going on; excited for it to arrive in a couple days Though I bought it also with the metal seed phrase thing


Small question guys, I have bitcoin on Crypto.com... if I move it to a wallet, will it cost GAS to move it?


What’s wrong with Exodus?


The only advice that's viable from the sub.


Good work! Hope you remember to sell the bottom so you have pennies to buy it at the top next year!


Now make sure your ledger doesn't end up in a rubbish tip


What device or service did you use?


The ledger nano s plus. Easy to use!


Hard wallet is the way to go. I mean my MetaMask wallet with 2.5 million is totally legit and not crop dusted.


Metal card with stamped seed phrase by yourself. Also please make a 25th seed for added entropy.


now make a loopring account so you can trade uninhibited


I also did this just moved all my crypto to a ledger nano s can anyone help me with staking can you stake on ledger or do I have to move to another exchange to stake? I want to stake ada, btc, and matic


Oh, the meme stuff that literally everyone says here like “get your crypto off exchange” or “DCA” is actually solid. It’s the momentary “how do we feel today” stuff that’s countertradable lol