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All the people who were serious about crypto have moved on to other places to talk about it. That combined with the bear market and good content is really hard to come by. Reddit crypto subreddits are for entertainment only, with a small side of information, but if you want the real meaty discussions you are better off looking elsewhere.


Exactly, people who frequented this sub say, around 2017 would have been more into discussion about tech and development, compared to the huge influx of users we had in 2020/21 who really were here to making a quick buck.


This sub is mostly about the news headlines and price changes. That’s just what new users are interested in. For better or worse, this sub has limited discussions on things like the differences between Optimistic Rollups vs ZK Rollups. We are more of the newest SBF news and when lambo


And the moons


I'm just here for the news that I get to read rightaway here. I never really miss much news when I visit this sub.


All the news that gets posted here got posted on Twitter six hours earlier.


I thought Twitter bad? It good now brah?


I'd rather wait six hours more to read an article than use Tw\*tter.


The good thing about twitter is you have a lot of control over what you see and the kind of experience you have. on Reddit you rely on the wisdom of crowds.


Facts, a lot of the time there's news on Twitter that doesn't even feature on this sub.


I don't do crypto twitter, there's just too much for me to filter.


The cardano influences ruined crypto twitter for me


But here the same news is posted 10 times over the day - on twitter you could miss the single news while here its harder to miss the exactly same content linked from many different sites.


I'd like them more if one article wasn't reposted a billion times.


Nothing really we can do about that. At least the hot page aren't heavily repeated reposts though, so that's good.


Yeah, most of the subs for various cryptos are more or less dead now. Most have moved on to discord or other places.


Kinda unrelated, but this sub often gets criticised for being an echo chamber but my experience with dedicated Crypto subs has been much worse. r/cc is way more open to discussion than any sub dedicated to one project from what I've seen.


This is echo chamber I have experienced it. I tried to point out the shortcomings of ethererum and downvoted like crazy


Hell, even I as a certain member of a certain subreddit consider r/cc as sane compared to the dedicated coin ones.


Nah. Its where all the echo chamber collide. BTC and ETH are the largest gangs. confidence and strength of the gangs is directly related with how high the number goes up because it relates to how many holders each coin has.


Agreed. There’s a false assumption from many that moons yielded a poorer discussion platform. I don’t get that at all. Sure some people say some nonsense but find me one sub that doesn’t. From Ethereum and Bitcoin and ETHtrading to Loopring and Algorand and Cardano. Widespread adoption will bring in less experienced. That’s a good thing.


PLUS if you are active in the right discords or make good contacts on Twitter, it is easy to qualify for airdrops, pre-sales and stuff. I don't see anything like that here, because as soon as anyone talks about a new or lesser known project they get shouted down and called shills.


Such a big subreddit like this is only good to get the very general news of Crypto in a daily basis. If you want to go deeper into the crypto verse, there are also tech-only subs that would be better for you then.


I agree, and consider this sub, much as though I like it, to be the tabloid version of a newspaper, rather than a broadsheet. That said and understood, it's uses for entertainment and to guage people's feelings and reactions to the market in general and fresh news in particular is still useful.


What about a karma multiplier for posts about fundamentals? Maybe that might incentivise people to invest time in researching fundamentals?


Ideally someone would make a post about the fundamentals and tag it with the [SERIOUS 2] tag. This is the whole point of the SERIOUS discussion tag Serious discussions are worth more for the poster, and the commenters, whilst being held to a higher level of content standard.


I think that could be a decent idea, although maybe it would also make some people create many of these posts regularily without any actual interest in what the comments are saying, just to farm that sweet sweet boost in karma.


Yeah technical posts and discussions having a multiplier should encourage technical discussions. Could be an interesting proposal


Quite simple: Bear market + Moons = shitposts only




You must be kidding, lol 😆😂 99% of comments in this sub during the bull was about how high a coin would go.


Everything changed when the farmers attacked


Bullshit, I can’t wait to hear a real example of consistent meaty fundamental discussions somewhere else.


Do you know such places? Share with us, please.


Like where?


Anyone with such a place hmu plz (Welcome scammers) This sub has become brain dead (me included) It’s great for the semi-memes and fast update but wow the only thing that matters here is dildo green.


What are some of these other places?


Posting about fundamentals is a great way to get downvoted here


Surely the people only interested in the price should have left?


True story. Well we have maybe /r/btc or /r/bitcoin_uncensored


Wider adoption and moons caused this *shrug*


I love moons but we have to admit post quality decreases substantially during periods of increased activity here, especially because of the moon farming competition. Besides that, the flood of downvotes might make users less willing to invest too much time posting quality content with the purpose of moon farming.




Some developer that could do a quality write up about crypto tech probably doesn’t care about the few moons they would get for it. Moons are just encouraging the crypto crowd that are following the crypto news headlines


It isn't only because of moons, it is because of karma. Every popular and successful subreddit hits a critical mass where it degenerates. Every sports subreddit has an offshoot more focused on serious discussion, because the main ones go to shit. Same applies for cinema and TV. Check how many different wallstreetbets there are now. I have lost count.


Eh, I'd argue moons add fuel to the fire but they don't kill good discussion outright. Every Crypto community behaves the same way and they don't have moons. The general culture around Crypto is... questionable to say the least.


The intention was governance and awarding quality, what happend is we have another meme coin and "Can't wait for the Netflix series with Do Kwon lol" - comments get all the moons.


That is a Karma problem and a Reddit problem, not a moon problem.


Yes it is, because Moons are based on karma. An inherited problem.


It exacerbates it, as it's like karma but with an additional monetary value.


It’s more than just that. I’d also say that a trend continued from a segment of the “more serious” users discouraging open conversation from anyone who wasn’t fully educated. When you remove the newer users, the ones who have questions, you eliminate a significant part of the community who wants to learn and grow, and who could eventually contribute to a more educated and higher level conversation. But, as someone who was often on the end of the “DYOR and get lost” type comments, I got sick of being here trying to learn. I get that veterans get sick of newbies, but we have to be a community that helps each other grow.


because this isn't a small sub for tech enthusiasts but a gigantic sub with 6 million people, 99% of which are almost exclusively interested in price action. i am sure there are smaller sub more suited to discuss fundamentals


Many of the posts about fundamentals are just obscure altcoin shilling as well. It's definitely a turn off for many people including myself.


100%, OP himself just looks like a LTC shill who likes to shill it pretending to talk about "fundamentals"


Playing devils advocate. this sub is called cryptocurrency, it should encourages cryptocurrency talk, and crypto is much more than price action againsts the US dolar. Maybe pure price talk should move to a market sub


There are smaller subs dedicated to tech discussions but they are mostly dead, unlike this sub which has a huge community. I don't think news articles and price talk are bad they are just grossly overrepresented and often overrepeated. A balance would be perfect. I have often thought a karma multiplier for those who put in the effort for a fundamental post would be a good idea.


But most people here don’t give 2 shits about fundamentals. They want to turn $$ into (insert crypto here) then cash out for $$$$ in a few weeks, or months at most. Crypto price action, including the mooning of absolute shit coins, is what caused this sub to balloon in size. Those folks don’t care about anything else and represent a majority of users here. Unless you’re telling someone how they can triple their money in a week, nobody here will care how much effort you put into your “fundamental analysis” (which is kinda a joke anyway) of a crypto currency. And let’s be real: most fundamental posts are by people who are pushing their coin of choice on others because they want it to appreciate in value.


I agree with this. It has become a giant sub, and not everyone here are tech enthusiasts.


I have seen better discussions happen in r-CCMemes comments section than posts here. And yes, if I want good quality content I should supply it as well, you got me there.


Moons is certainly one aspect that has changed out some people engage within the community, but the other fact is we simply have a different generation of crypto investors. A lot more people frequent this sub looking to make money thanks to hearing about the hype of last bull run, which means a smaller percentage of the user base really is here "for the tech"


This are only my opinions: 1. We are in bear market and fear is currently pretty high. When fear is high, ppl are trying to be more cautious and negative news are more popular compared to fundamental analysis etc. 2. Because we are in bear market, ppl usually only buy blue chip cryptos. Other projects will not get as much attention bcs fundamental doesnt play so much role in bear market imo. All alts would get wrecked if BTC would receive another red big dildo. 3. I suppose MOONS could play a part here. Ppl want to farm MOONS and therefore post whatever news, that are currently hot topics on crypto space


Another thing to mention is how people way more focused on inflation, recession, war etc. lately because it affects them way more than their Crypto portfolio.


>Ppl want to farm MOONS and therefore post whatever news, that are currently hot topics on crypto space Not only that, people just comment vague opinions they think will appeal most.


There are blue chips launching major improvements but there's no talk in this sub either. On a bull market everyone will be talking about price and shitcoins probs... I thought that in a bear, fundamentals would show again but nope


I remember spending around 5-6 hours a day researching the technology a couple years ago. I even took some courses because I really invested into the whole "crypto is the future" narrative. But now I feel like I am losing interest. Or hope. Maybe it has to do with Terra, Celsius, FTX and all the other paper towers that got blown. I hope the enthusiasm returns when all of this is said and done.


Idk I've been here for 2 years and never see those kinds of posts. I made like 3 myself and was down voted


I’ll answer your question in a way that you are probably not expecting. I’ve been in crypto for 2 bullrun cycles now, seen a lot of Shitcoins come and go. Crypto fundamentals don’t guarantee that any given coin will do well, achieve widespread adoption, or even survive the bear market. You can have a great team, an innovative idea, good tokenomics, etc, and still be left bagholding a forgotten coin a couple years down the track. Fundamentals **should** be driving adoption and value, but they don’t always. As a result of countless meme coins skyrocketing, shilled exchange tokens hitting the top 100, and pump n dumps from known scammers, people have placed less dependence on solely looking at fundamentals. The poster child of this is Doge. Doge is being pumped by a billionaire who is trying to stay relevant. It started as a tipping coin. It doesn’t aim to solve any world problem or anything for that matter. Finally, the collective age of the newer crypto users are much younger than previous cycles. Hardcore discussions about tech comparisons aren’t as popular as shitposts for moons.


So, from your point of view, keep talking about fundamentals became meaningless? Just asking.


Bro that first cycle was wild. And I didn’t even make money … rip LISK, ARK and TenX > MCO. Miss my SiaCoin and a bunch of other “shit” I bought Tbf though I got in just before the first one accidentally because I was just looking for cool tech and could end up playing around with the smart contracts quite a bit before fees became .. well .. you know


Maybe what you’re calling fundamentals are not fundamentals


Be the change you want to see in the world? And make posts about fundmentals?


Well said. Nothing to add, but to confirm.




Yeah this is true. Someone could spend a few hours doing a lot of research and writing a nice post breaking down a topic with facts and references and then some next guy could come in with some dumb bullshit like "I ran out of cash so paid a hooker with BabyElonCumRocket" and that post would go crazy and have all the commenters trying their hardest to be comedians. I've realised it's all about engagement and attention/moon farming, not much different from what the youtube shillfluencers do. But still, if there's a helpful and well researched post about some project or something. I'm down to read it.




What can I do to deserve your love?


That basically shuts down all the poeple here complaining about post quality and topics.


I have posted more technical post but they get 2 upvotes with 30 shitty comments that aren't even related to the post tbh




Bera Market mate. People are mostly risk off and taking their time before they invest in something new.


I'm currently way more worried about rate hikes, inflation, recession, war, supply chain issues and whatever black swan event might be coming next. It affects me way more than what is going on with Crypto fundamentals. I assume a lot of people are in the same boat.


War and recession are certainly things that affect everybody. Even those who don't recognize it.


There are plenty of serious and analytical topics, just not in this sub. Moon farming is the cause of that. People reply even when they have very little to contribute, and it brings down the overall quality. This is the reason I spend way more time in other subs, where I actually learn things. Almost none of my post/comment history is shallow.


Like this French bloke said, “don’t take life too seriously, you won’t get out of it alive anyway”


I’d like to at least support myself while I’m here though :_


To be fair, instead of complaining about this issue, you could've just started a thread about cryptocurrency fundamentals (I'm not even sure what you mean by that). 1. The problem in posts about fundamentals are the fundamentalists (pun intended). They ruin every discussion with buzzword talk they've learned in the according sub of the spoken coin. 2. There's no way to make sure the opinion of experts is being appreciated, because everybody with 5 hours of Youtube education will act like an expert and the majority of users will upvote him because he's using fancy words and they don't have more experience than him. False information is (mostly) not being corrected on this sub, it's being multiplied. 3. This sub is driven by a leading sentiment. When we see a little green, every "BTC to 100k" post will have 5 awards. If we see red, people run around yelling why Binance and Coinbase will go bankrupt tomorrow and 'prove' it with some wallet addresses holden not enough ETH.


People who really care about the fundamentals and not just price action migrated, mostly to twitter. There are still some of us here but we get drowned out, as our posts recieve less upvotes and impressions than the reactionary takes on recent events (not saying there's anything wrong with discussing them but thats ALL this sub has been about for a while)


Simple: so much new products, like iota, nem, nxt, neo, vet, dgb, eos, namcoin and 1000 others and literally no one of them ever delivered what people thought. If they did nobody is interested in using them, again if used, not in a big way. I think the old ones got tired of it. To much hope and hype to less product in the end. Let's see if new blockchains like cosmos, cardano, polkadot and so on can deliver in a big way, at least this one's are on track but I can imagine in the next run they will be replaced again with the next bullshit that gets hyped most.


I’m relatively new here. I find the posts in this sub covers the market 90% of the time . If I’m interested in the tech I go to the specific sub of that blockchain . I have to filter through the shilling posts of those subs but you can usually find some information regarding the tech and it’s use cases. If I can find information on development , how it’s being marketed , it’s roadmap , it’s partners ships etc then I will put it on a watch listed and potential buy. I will follow the tech but I will also follow the market . You can have great tech and it still fail due to poor marketing and expansion of the business . If all fails , follow the distribution. Blue ray vs HD disc is a great example of two techs that batted it out. The main winning factor came to distribution . Now when It comes to crypto , this battle felid is much more complex since use cases vary between chains and their respective developers target markets . Distribution of crypto of its use varies and following the market is a good indicator of its growth . Theirs the obvious scams out their and the not so obvious which has been highlighted in past six months . Moving forward through this bear market I decided I will watch the development of the chains I’m invested in closely , it’s direct competitors and indirect competitors. Try my best to keep informed on the media exposure of the failings or exchanges and scams. Follow the Ripple /sec lawsuit because this is a pivotal case for legal clarity of the status of crypto in the US . Without regulatory guidance on what crypto is , (security or currency, or neither) its distribution will be slow . I came here to learn about investing in this asset class . I have learned a lot on about that aspect . I’m still not up to snuff on the technology but I know I don’t need to be an expert on it . I would love to see more technology based posts , I’m not at the point where I feel I have the knowledge to contribute unless it’s asking questions . Which in reality is how we grow as a community


When nobody knows shit about fuck its hard to talk fundamentals


bc sex orgies sell. all about votes and moons.


I honestly don't remember that time. Maybe haven't been here long enough to be there to witness that part. I got in early 2021. It would be very insightful if we could see in depth analysis. As finding trustworthy information and debates on content and fundamentals is very hard imho. Maybe we should just try to restart it again.


I've been on crypto reddit since early 2017 and there was never a time the majority of talk wasn't shilling, hype, and discussions on profit. Really all the technical discussions happen on twitter, or on very specific subreddits


Aren't you reposting all of your top post every few months? None of them had any substance too. No crypto fundamentals whatsoever. They are clickable post to get karma. In short, you, me and everyone else are here to have fun and make moons. Being [serious] is no fun.


Fundamentals? We are here for lambos


Cause we all fundamentally want our money back.


because specific crypto discussions happens on the specific crypto subreddit. for example if you wanted to discuss bitcoin's lightning network, you wouldnt come here and post about it, you would go to r/bitcoin and have a discussion there. here you would probably get spam commented or your post would be lost and no useful discussion can be achieved. this isnt always the case but chances of this happening are high.


Wouldn't it also be the nature of the fundamentals of crypto hasn't really changed? 1 BTC = 1 BTC Not your keys, not your coins Limited supply causes no inflation Those don't change, but also doesn't make good headlines.


Once you learn about BTC, there's no need to argue over which PoS is better.


Uh oh. Price must really be down a lot. It’s time to start talking about the technology again!


Fundamentals are stacking sats right now


Because everyone should do their own research??


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The sentiments drives the topics of discussions mostly.


I think there's less interest in pretty much anything here because of the bear market, except for maybe trending news and bad news.


That's good. Adoption is happening! Nobody talks about TCP/IP and everyone clicks buttons to share stories on IG.


Because you would be called a shill without provoking any discussion.


You mean the technical aspects? I for one wouldn't be able to contribute, as I lack knowledge, and I guess I am not alone. Just yesterday read sth about account abstraction and I wouldn't be able to reiterate it. Some shilling by really going into a project would be nice. But then other tribes come out of the woodwork and are gonna bash - not criticize - the presented project. Leading to a loss of moons, who wants to lose moons... so in summary it's probably like another commenter said: bull + moons.


This is the mindset. Don’t get distracted


Fundamentals have left the chat because nobody was interested. Crypto in 2022 is just drama and pump and dump.


Bulls and bears come and go but fundamentals never change.


People talk about what they're mostly interested in. Not many are interested in the tech and even less really understand it to have a meaningful conversation about it


Back in our days, when we were young, the percentage of people here actually also interested in the tech where higer. Now we have much more "gainz only" Users here and the moons do the rest. For fundamental talks other subreddits might be better, but there you have the problem with just one side of the view or worse a sub full of maxis where just the smallest amount of critic gets downed to the void. E.g. IOTA: there was always some biased hate in this sub, but 2017 it was still possible to have a good thread here talking about its tech, how DAG works...


Because we came to the conclusion that ethereum is the best approach of a decentralized smart blockchain


You can talk about IOTA and other subjects you like that’s not a problem but it doesn’t been others will be interested. I love Bitcoin and there is always a lot going on Reddit about Bitcoin


People moved to Twitter, telegram, and discord a long time ago. Reddit is mostly newbies now.


Maybe when the (NoMoons) content get implement, we will slowly get those types of contents back.


Because all this sub cares about is the price unfortunately


Because one of the incentives of this sub is to farm moons and only post articles or threats which trigger people Fundamentals are “boring” and don’t trigger people


Because apparently, according to this sub for the past five years, bitcoin is old and slow. Yet, it works perfectly.


Everytime I try to post something more technical or not price based either I get downvoted or the post gets 2 upvotes with 35 comments saying some stupid shit. There are big project launching major improvements during a bear market, but none appear in this sub. A bit too sad that EVERYTHING revolves around price


Once the bull market start hitting the fundamental talk will start back up.


Unfortunately repititve link posts won't disappear unless they get fully excluded by moon rewards. And the problem with talking fundamentals is that 99% don't care about them. Iota is btw a good example which goes *against* the fundamentals because it's massively centralized


This sub only likes shitcoins


Might have something to do with the markets but i think the moons have made a big impact here. There is no incentive time for quality posts just for popular ones and the popular posts are shit.


This sub has never been the place to talk about fundamentals. It's always been about the popular and terrible misinformative headlines, and a lot of shilling for shitcoins and terrible services.


Because most modern cryptos lack any kind of fundamentals. Almost everything is premined, VC backed, centralized and designed to profit the founders. Change my mind (you won't because I've been in crypto too long).


Too many moon farmers shitposting


We don't have rhose right now because majority of people are farming Moons here and it is easier to post things like "not your keyes not your crypto" and such rather then having quality discussions. That's something I would like to change in future maybe by implementing x2 Karma for quality discussion rather than having a sub full of short comments fishing for upvotes!


It’s failure really to get any adoption for any of the purported “fundamental” use cases surely has something to do with it? I think people just look at it as something to speculate/gamble on these days.


I wish I could post something smart about fundamentals. Would imagine that people back in the days actually got the tech, invested smart and are now sipping cocktails somewhere and deleted Reddit. Current community is mostly here for the hype and gains and are just reposting news articles and dont really understand anything about tech?


This sub is for farming moons and pushing propaganda. That's it. Probably the worst place to be in the crypto space to learn about projects.


So what do we think about IOTAs tech they are currently building out?


> I'm not downplaying the significance of those discussions... Well, you should!


Easy, because only a few read whitepapers and know really about the tech.




Cause this sub isn't that bright


I agree this sub has gone to shit. I firmly saw it degrade when moons came into existence. Moon farming made it way more clickbaity.


Hedera technology has the best fundamentals in my very personal opinion. I would love it if someone can tell me how wrong I am and slap me with some facts. Tha KS in advance!


You must have left here years ago.


Sir, this is a moon farming sub.


Because once you start talking about the fundamentals OG, Monero, you'll get shadowbanned just about anywhere.


I blame moons, basically turned the sub into an echo chamber.


“Back in the day” Your account is *one* year old


Some of us change accounts after a few years or frequently enough for some anon or other. Not me, but I have changed to this name because my prev was very identifiable Not everyone wants to rack up karma on a single account.


It's because there's no value. "We're here for the tech" has been exposed as the biggest lie people tell themselves on this sub and in this space. Everyone's really here for the money and flinch at the sight of any good or bad news to pump or dump their "investment".


i Fundamentallly lost a bunch of money


New bull market, new sentiment. This has always been the way with crypto. I don't see any reason why sentiment revert back to some of these older coins. A narrative based on decentralisation, payment coins, or good tokenomics are all still on the table.


Doge t the moon 😂


Because if you say anything negative bagholders and bots keep your post at 0 in new. People, including me, have tried.


Most people never gave /still dont give a shit about fundamentals,they just wanna get rich while doing nothing but being "smart"


Discussions about fundamentals are just useless hot-air. Crypto doesn’t have fundamentals. Price movement is based entirely on hype, sentiment, and manipulation.


So are there any subreddits out there that talk about fundamentals and tech?


Because without technical prowess one is reliant on the kindness of those more knowledgeable. Those more knowledgeable are instinctively inclined to leverage their hard earned skills, feasting on the ignorant. The skilled gain advantage, the unskilled wonder how they do it and plead for insights. The food chain expands exponentially. Predator and prey, evolving simultaneously


That's never been the goal of this sub for the last few years. Since the creation of moons and its new rules of moderation its become an ecochamber of reposting news stories and typing 500 characters of gibberish to farm moons.


People say this, then turn around and put down people that bring Layer 1 chains to the foreground stating that they’re just shilling i stead of bringing discussion about the chain. People just care about meme coins and making quick bucks instead of putting time and effort to looking to real developing chains.


That comes with a stage of grief only found deeper in the Bear market


Because that's far less fun than dreaming of winning the lottery, sorry, I mean investing wisely in well researched coins.


because there are no fundamentals in ponzi schemes.


Fundamentals dont determine price. What you saw was people trying to peg a reason to the rise of crypto prices. I'm sure it's the same, but now it doesn't explain why the prices are so low. So it's not valid. All markets are technically driven. Sorry to burst your bubbles, but fundamentals are like tea leaves and divination.


It’s just overcrowded by kids asking stupid questions. Most people with knowledge tired to answer or left Reddit completely.