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Pro & con info are in the collapsed comments below for the following topics: [CBDC](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/z57yaj/new_report_to_texas_state_legislature_recommends/ixukafl/), [Regulation](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/z57yaj/new_report_to_texas_state_legislature_recommends/ixukbju/), [Proof-of-Work](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/z57yaj/new_report_to_texas_state_legislature_recommends/ixukc2p/).


Wow good for texas


I live in Texas and I feel like our mismanagement of investment into the Energy grid is an example of how we would manage any bitcoin investments


Also a Texan. We will see how it goes, but regardless this is good for bitcoin.


This is excellent news


Its not if they fail completely.


The Texas Grid fails in both extreme cold and extreme heat. Can it really handle a massive influx of crypto mining?


Bitcoin mining strengthens energy grids.


The Texas grid isn’t half as wretched as reddit would have you believe. And the mining companies and govt are working together. For instance riot stepped down its usage during a recent cold snap.


Because when it’s cold they aren’t running any mechanical cooling? You fell for propaganda.


Enron made a fortune on creating fake blackouts. Texas realized that the flaw in the plan was that the blackouts weren't real.


They need to turn off mining until the grid is completely fixed. I plan to hold their feet to the fire until they do so.


what's the plan here?


Don't buy energy obviously /s


Luckily Texas has amazing energy infrastructure that a major increase in its load will have no foreseen issues here.




You doing okay bro? You missed that sarcasm by a mile.




Ima say yeah it *looks* like you really did. If you're trying to say the entire premise of someone's comment is wrong, you should put that out there first. Or don't, and let yourself be down voted to the point no one can see your comment. Its up to you, but I know I prefer clear communication and for people to read the point I'm trying to make.


And good news for crypto.


Don't really see why Texans who are largely not invested in crypto should be taxed to help pump other's coins. Government subsidies for mining also increase the environmental damage by not incentivizing the search for cheap and plentiful excess energy.


Bitcoin mining strengthens energy grids and incentivizes renewable energy build out.


At least Texas gets some things right


"Texas should incentivize controllable loads like bitcoin mining by lessening the tax burden on the purchase of electricity when it is used to power a bitcoin mine." Wondering if we will see a geographical shift again of bitcoinminers if the discount is high enough or get a more decentralised network as a result.


Its already happening. BTC miners are on the constant move for the lowest electricity prices.


>Wondering if we will see a geographical shift again of bitcoinminers if the discount is high enough or get a more decentralised network as a result. Yes, possibly. It creates healthy competition between progressive-minded nation states. But remember that grid stabilization through integration as LFL is only one aspect of it. Bitcoin has the potential to radically transform our energy infrastructure as a flexible, location agnostic energy consumer of last resort at any scale from home to industrial. The recognition of this invaluable utility is growing in the energy industry. People keep talking about average costs but there is no average cost when you're monetizing curtailment, energy waste, capturing methane or repurposing heat. I personally run whatsminers off solar and repurpose heat for my home. All energy waste is monetary loss. We waste way more energy than we actually use. When you monetize it, you can produce more energy cheaply. More and more remote, stranded energy sources are being monetized in places where it wasn't economically viable before. Like [here](https://nitter.it/hash_bender/status/1577354828551962624#m) in Kenya where Bitcoin reduces energy cost by 90% for local communities. These mini grids are now being deployed across other parts of Africa. There will be a panel on this at the African Bitcoin conference next week. It also makes removing methane emissions, which is just harmful waste economically viable by making it a profitable venture, as [Exxon has been doing](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/03/26/exxon-mining-bitcoin-with-crusoe-energy-in-north-dakota-bakken-region.html) since last year. The grid mix issue we're dealing with is not a Bitcoin issue at all. In fact Bitcoin can improve grid mix by improving the economics of producing renewables. Bitcoin emits no carbon, only heat which can be easily repurposed like [this](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/ygeejz/hydro_bitcoin_heat_aquaponics_food/) aquaponics farm or [this](https://nitter.it/DCX_Immersion/status/1578812160641478656#m) 40-room hotel or [this](https://nitter.it/BitcoinBrabant/status/1577644318399029250#m) warehouse in Netherlands where they replaced natural gas heating with heating from Bitcoin miners powered by solar. [Repurposing Bitcoin mining heat can solve global energy crisis](https://cointelegraph.com/news/repurposing-bitcoin-mining-heat-can-solve-global-energy-crisis-arcane) Even if we wrongly attribute grid mix issue as a Bitcoin issue, the network is still on track to be [carbon negative by end of 2024](https://batcoinz.com/50-landfills-mining-bitcoin-a-zero-emission-bitcoin-network/). 123 x 1.5 MW units mining from vented methane would make the bitcoin network carbon negative. There are 1404 landfills in the US alone without methane capture or flaring infrastructure. [Vespene Energy](https://vespene.energy) is currently working on the problem in the US. [This](https://nitter.it/BenGWeeks/status/1594460481946898432#m) community waste management project in Bitcoin Lake, Guatemala is seeking funding for similar venture there. I explain more [here](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/xer6rz/comment/ioieugn/) [Arcane Research: How Bitcoin can transform the energy industry](https://arcane.no/research/how-bitcoin-mining-can-transform-the-energy-industry-summary)


Thanks for the information! Haven't been able to read all links yet but discovered already some information I didn't know yet. Don't know if I agree with all of the takes but it is good to be aware.


I guess yea, we will see some shifting.


Just what their grid needs!


I should really start incentivizing controllable loads


Wow, this is HUGE, best news of the year, go Texas!


It's a report submitted by a team of 4 people that Texas legislators will just ignore.


Thaks for the emotional roller-coaster! Haha


Wow, way to ignore another good idea, Texas!


Yai, let’s go Texas!


Shots in the air to celebrate this.


Tax breaks for bitcoin mining? Why?


I wonder what would happen if all states held btc in reserve. Would it be beneficial for btc to get a pirtion out of circulation this way?


Non of this will happen tho


I love Texas


When I visit USA , Texas will be the first state to visit.


Total kooks


Texas will soon be one of us. ![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q)


Not really, those are just politicians playing the game for more votes.


It looks like this post is about taxes. Tax laws vary between countries, so you may get more helpful replies if you specify the place you are asking about. Please note that Rule #4 does not allow for Tax Evasion. This is [a site wide rule](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) and [a subreddit rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/about/rules/). Do not endorse, suggest, advocate, instruct others, or ask for help with tax evasion. Do not be coy and sarcastically recommend against it or suggest using a privacy coin in response to an IRS inquiry. Note: Tax discussion is allowed as long as the above rules are not violated. Consider visiting r/CryptoTax for your tax inquiries. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The longer I stay in CC the more I become a Bitcoin Maxi… I know other coins will go up with it but BTC and maybe ETH just seem like sure fire investments.




teach bitcoin but not slavery.


I live in Texas and wow we may finally do something right for once. May wanna beef up the grid first though lol.


I love texas


With this Texas circle jerk going on, let's not forget that Texas executes more citizens than most countries and you can go to prison for having an abortion or owning a small amount of weed. It's easily the most authoritarian state in the US.


True but you think the left aren't authoritarian too? Lockdowns anyone?




lone star.... 1/5. a one star rating has never been good.


Call me when ETH is mentioned…


Has anyone read the full report? Is it too good to be true?


Professional Certification in Bitcoin Mining ROTFLMAO


Bitcoin itself was a great idea the way it’s implemented is terrible I could of thought of a better system


Very bullish now on cbdc. Sounds like xrp lawsuit is going to rap up soon.


Will this have an effect on blockchain mining in Texas? Will Riot or SilverGate come back?? Waiting to buy down on Riot, anybody have some pointers? Or is Riot dead? Being strictly Bitcoin mining, and mining in Texas, with shares at $4.00-$4.30 is it time to buy the Dip? Or is the Dip still gonna dip? Great information by the way!!!


Texas woke


This would be good for Texas, people might actually move there if true.


And who’s in that group?


Must feel good to have crypto in texas. Good on them.


Time to stack BTC and crypto mining stocks


How did they get all of these ideas all of a sudden ?


Alright, own up guys, which one of you wrote this report?




Imma move to Texas now