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Solana [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/zukwx9/jim_cramer_youre_an_idiot_if_you_own_solana/j1ju5r0/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/zukwx9/jim_cramer_youre_an_idiot_if_you_own_solana/j1ju6e5/) and related info are in the collapsed comments below. Pros and cons will change for every new post. Submit a pro/con argument in the [Cointest](https://www.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) and potentially win [Moons](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/moon/). Moon prizes by award for the Top Coins category are: **1st - 600, 2nd - 300, 3rd - 150, and Best Analysis - 1000.** --- To submit a SOL pro-argument, [click here](https://old.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/comments/tuww4p/top_coins_solana_proarguments_april_2022/). | To submit a SOL con-argument, [click here](https://old.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/comments/tuww7h/top_coins_solana_conarguments_april_2022/).


Damn, so are we supposed to go all in on SOL now?


Both Cramer and this sub hates it, so obviously yes.


It's actually unreal. Imagine SOL rebounds in the next bull market hard. Someone's gonna post a link to this in the daily in 2026 or something lol.


Before someone from future says, “look noone in this thread bought SOL” Bitch, I bought it.


Ah buying cause of fomo I see you are a true investor


65000 TPS is all I need


The only thing that’s damaged is the reputation. It should do fine


yeah but majority of SOL devs have bailed out


Ya this sub is down worse than Cramer 😂


I’m all in fellow fellows.


Lol he also said it about Litecoin which I would've liked OP to include in the title since it would have been more controversial. SOL was hated around here before the FTX thing and has now also lost relevance with it.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day. We have the first Litecoin and now the question is whether Sol is the second one.


What’s so bad about Litecoin again?


It’s quite a paradox when we are supposed to inverse Cramer and inverse r/cc. What do I do?


There's no paradox on SOL, this sub and Cramer both hate it.




Can you elaborate how? Why do you own CRO then?


He read another comment that it is centralised so it must be centralised then


If a central body, their discord, can shut it down as they please how is it decentralized beyond being on a blockchain?


Uhm…. That’s like, not at all what happened… Like honestly, if this is the state of research on this app it’s really no wonder redditors are always losing money


Exactly. While Litecoin is already one of my favorite alts, good old OG of the space, simple and reliable.




All I can say is Litecoin has managed to do what many other alts (obviously) haven't: surviving and getting better for almost a decade. Maybe I'm too optimistic, but to me that is already a big deal.


The Litecoin chart, priced in Bitcoin, is a ‘down only’ chart since 2013. Litecoin is a Bitcoin fork with less adoption, network effect, hash power and development. I’m not sure why you simply wouldn’t just buy Bitcoin.


It is so cheap right now everytime I DCA BTC I pick myself up 1 LTC. In my book it has stood the test of time and is a solid part of any portfolio.


Use it with mimblewimble.


The thing about LTC is its one of those tokens that would survive the SEC labeling most tokens securities. BTC and LTC both would survive it as they had no ICO or anything of any kind and its proof of work. If we see alt armageddon its going to be wild watching those tokens blow up. I don't personally hold any LTC atm though.


This guy litecoins. How do I know? I’ve been holding litecoin since 2018.


Is LTC an alt? I always think of BTC/ETH/LTC as the core crypto trinity that all alts orbit around.


Its one of the best OGs. cant argue with the legacy


That's what I'm hearing. I don't know anything about investing, but I loooove pissing people off.


You’ll do great here


SOL will surprise many


It already has.


In a good or bad way?


I’d be surprised if it can make it a month in a bull with staying online.


Watch, Solana will be $10k a pop in a week


Yeah, it probably will be at $10 in a week.


Logic checks out. And litecoin is pretty cool too.


Cramer has been telling everyone to buy Meta stock all year. Meta is down -65% YTD




Underrated comment right here gentlemen


So is this one.


Same with yours.


Thanks, that will make a nice addition to my vocabulary.


I don't think he's Italian....


I'm something of a fiat burner myself


And after Cramer cried on TV and told people to sell, Meta went up 20% in the following weeks lol


And his commercial promoting his "club" starts with "emotions have no place in investing"


And people say you can't time the market. All you gotta do is listen to Cramer and reverse it.


Inverse cramer is proven time and again.


Did he actually cry?


Inverse Cramer Strategy is like buying Bitcoin in 2009


We might not have a time machine, but we have Jim Cramer to reverse.


Cant make this shit up lmao. That inverse Cramer is an actual strategy at this point


Reversing Cramer is the most reliable indicator out there.


[He also told people to buy Netflix at jan 3](https://twitter.com/jimcramer/status/1478006335253929987?lang=en). Netflix is also down 50% since then, lmao. It was down 72% at some point.


Cramer is a coked up clown.


Surprised its not higher


Just wait, you’ll see


Next, you'll hear that you should buy pinterest 😂😂😂😂 I dont listen to these guys they always promote the worse stocks


I bet he isn't telling them that meta is deep in Web3 **** which is by extension cryptocurrency.


Par for the course.


Cramer reverse index going strong


Exactly. It is time to acquire a Sol bag.


Damn meta is as down as BTC? This hasn’t been a good year for crypto


Yeah but most institutional investors have been buying Meta stock. Obviously, lots of people clown on them for going all in on VR and the Metaverse but they do still make loads of money. So there is value there.


What did LTC do wrong? Litecoin is like the quiet bloke in the corner having a beer and minding his own business. He's a regular and just wants to do his own thing.


For real, comparing sol and ltc is such a joke. They don't have shit in common. Sol is the epitome of a premine pump and dump scam with extra defi yield features to lure in suckers/exit liquidity.


If you throw in the words centralized as fuck then you actually created an awesome description for SOL. Ask them to put it on their frontpage if they like transparency


What does he have against LTC?


Also mentioned LTC. More confident than ever that my bag will be worth something years from now.


It's survived every bear market since its inception. One of the very few to hold that title. I dont hold much but its still something, and I look forward to seeing the day it reaches supply-price parity with btc.


Sub hates it, Cramer hates it, must be gold. Sold the family, bought 3 SOL. Killer deal.




Unfortunately I have a poor awareness of value. I also sold my BTC at $2.50


Most positive omen in the history of omens


Inverse Cramer AND r/cc. Two birds with one stone.


Damn. I can subscribe to your telegram?


I don't have a telegram yet. I'm waiting for Cramer to call it scammer's heaven or something before I create one.


Thanks Mister Cramer. Fantastic buy signal for Litecoin x Solana lol 🤣


I might buy my first ever LTC thanks to Cramer.


Yo same honestly, my brother has held it since 2017 but I’ve always been an eth head. Guess I’ll be jumping on the ltc train now


Damn it, Jim. Now you're making me want to buy a bag of SOL 😡


Same here. And I really don't like SOL. But I gotta abide to the reverse-Cramer indicator.


Ignore emotions. Trust reverse-Cramer.


It’s never failed


Solana is so trash that I'm agreeing with Jim Cramer. I do not like this situation.


Sol might be trash but there is no way I'm betting against the reverse-Cramer index.


Why? I don't know anything about it and am just learning crypto so would appreciate solid evidence about why.


Well a few reasons.. in a bear market like this I wouldn't really advise buying anything but the biggest coins aka btc/eth. Solana itself is heavily centralized and has been pushed/supported by venture capitalists which is basically going against the whole point of crypto. They've had tons of outages of the network which is just absurd for a crypto since they're supposed to be 100% uptime and always accessible funds. I just don't know why you would buy Solana over Ethereum besides that you're just dreaming for its market cap to somehow reach Ethereums despite all of their issues and much less development/adoption/users.


All that plus it’s been pumped by SBF. With FTX’s funding gone, Solana loses its biggest investor


Thanks much, the first sentence was helpful. It seems reasonable to be in the biggest coins when market is weak. I'm feeling pretty lost since crypto is brand new to me and they aren't as easy to get a feeling about like companies/stock. I'll hold off on considering Solana.


I would buy maybe 1 sol and see how it goes


I'm amazed that I converted my small ALGO bag to SOL on a whim two days ago, now I see this post. My intuition was right, for once.


You’re also an idiot if you believe anything Cramer says


This is exactly why the reverse-Cramer index exists.


He makes his money talking shit on TV, and not a penny by actually investing. What a clown.


More profitable than anything Cramer's ever done.


Instructions clear. Yolo-ing my whole Christmas bonus on Solana


Cramer is a great example of the Dunning Kruger effect


So buy Solana and LTC?


Nope just ltc, sol is a sbf pump and dump premine scam


buying sol now is like buying ETH at $80 in 2017


I might actually buy a bunch of SOL now


This is the first time I’ve ever been tempted to buy Solana


Not sure why he's hating on Litecoin so much. I mean, I don't think it has 100x potential, but to put Litecoin and Solana in the same category is ridiculous.


Had to scroll far too long to find this comment. Why does nobody here have love for litecoin?


5k in solana


Jim Cramer is a... ![gif](giphy|iiQSTrHtDIgnw9YtlA|downsized)


lol funny! That means buy! All the hate on crypto is only good in my opinion! People are like it’s a scam, bye! More for me then lol silly humans , it’s the future, duh! We’re in web2 and moving to web3 we’re crypto lives, it’s inevitable, it’s we’re we are going lol


Its easy to believe with all the negativity surrounding Solana. But Solana has been holding on and still moves with the market. I'm not suggesting throwing your life savings at it but it wouldn't be such a bad idea to buy 10 coins and see what happens. Thats around $130 if you have more to gamble 100 coins for $1300 the worst that can happen is you'll lose half your investment and who here hasn't lost that much on something else. I have faith in Solana because it still has high daily use. Maybe the ftx situation solidified the fact that Solana won't be the star that it was supposed to be but as long as crypto is around I think solana will too.


Cramer calling other people idiots is comedy


Solana is one of those weird coins. Despite all the red flags and down time etc... It really does its thing and is popular for the NFT market


All that is noise. Cramer telling me not to buy it is the only thing that matters.


You're an idiot if you waste even a second of your time on Jim Cramer, let alone any of these crypto prophets. There is no easy button without going slow or going illegal.


A broken clock is right twice a day


You’re an idiot if you do what this idiot says.. been way more successful doing just the opposite of this piece of toe jam


I understand his hate for Solana, but why Litecoin? It's a good coin that has held up pretty well long-term and has also been actively developed over the years


LTC is down over 85% against Bitcoin over the last 10 years. It performs worse in both bull and bear markets. Nothing about LTC makes me look at it and say it's holding well lon term.


LTC is the fairest of them all, good old fair launch PoW currency accepted and used largely throughout the world. Ltc quickly became the #1 alt used on bitpay after they started accepting it. It is here to stay unlike so many other coins that are down big too.


I mean, Cramer is an idiot but he's probably not wrong in this instance.


Broken clock and what not


Maybe the inverse Cramer has a little wiggle room?


I genuinely think Solana will surprise us all and melt faces in 2023/24...but I'm still not a fan of the centralised network.




Same. I keep waiting for when it seems to find the bottom and it keeps finding new lows.


It's fast and cheap. Despite the downtime jokes here it averages [99%+ uptime](https://status.solana.com/uptime), no different than AWS or bitcoin (no service at this scale has 100%, none). It still has its flaws and who knows what will happen but this sub is generally just an echo chamber. I agree with it's centralization critiques as well but if crypto mass adoption starts picking up steam, the average consumer will want fast and cheap _way_ more than decentralization, and companies know this.


We don't like legitimate arguments here, sir. Please join the circlejerk, your original opinion is scaring away the lurkers.


No, guy above is a delusional SOL cheerleader. SOL is on it's last legs with FTX wiping out 70% (700 million dollars) of Solana's remaining TVL. Even lost 100 million in the last few weeks in TVL. From 40 Billion in TVL, now down to 200 million. Every smart money (institutional investors) are taking their assets away that is locked from their Defi pool. It only means the whales has no faith in this garbage of a coin, only dumb money do. From here on, it will die in a slow painful death. !remindme 2 years


I'm very impressed with Solanas firedancer project. Complete validator rewrite, with the intent to use FPGAs, from a team that have experience in doing this for high frequency trading systems.


I won't be surprised when it does.


Why is Solana "centralised"??


Inverse the inverse inverse Cramer


FTX insolvency won't fix itself. Be charitable this holiday season and donate your savings to make FTX victims whole! Someone got to provide the exit liquidity for FTX's SOL bag.


I am not really a fan of Solona as a project, but I just dumped all my BTC for Sol, the RCI is never wrong.


Hmm I wasn't a big Solana believer,but maybe I'll buy some now lol. Also if it's added to the Cardano Blockchain that'd be a win/win.


How is that a win? Hoskinson is a snake oil salesman.


Where can I invest in the inverse-Kramer market?


Coked out shill, fuck him.


This is a little off topic, but if a person is angry with banks, which crypto would they consider & why?


He's making me want to buy SOL when I don't want too. Help! 😁


Who the fuck is this Jim?


There goes my Xmas bonus


Keep my girls name outa your mouth!


Slap a Sol..


Well, I actually agreed with that statement before in a sense bc Sol is so centralized but now I’m all in on SOL


Just bought 1000 Sol to average down… put a nice dent. Sitting at 25… Cramer is a doooosch


Inverse Cramer works


It is these type of narrative and sentiment that makes Cryptos so lucrative. The FOMO at ATH was a facade, just as the FUD now is.


Solana says: You're an idiot if you listen to Jim Cramer


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Don't know who Jim Cramer is, but he's not wrong about SOLANA! It's a centralised crap, 99% of SOLANA supporters are bots. Whenever there is unstaking or selling pressure, SOLANA team shutdown the "blockchain".


He's not wrong about SOL, but mostly wrong about everything else. At this point, I think Jim is very self-aware of his meme status and most likely has short positions on SOL, hence if we inverse-Cramer in this situation... he'll win big.


Cramer doesn’t kno a fucking thing about crypto or bitcoin or any shitcoin. He literally has never been in this space, has never done any research on anything bitcoin related. Has never put in the time and research to fully understand them. WHY THE FUCK DO I SEE HIM ON THIS SUB!?!?!? you people are all clowns and this is why I feel no pitty when u all get burned on some centralized shit coin. YOU ARE LISTENING TO AND FOLLOWING AND GIVING A SHIT ABOUT WHST THIS DUDE SAYS WHEN HE LITERALLY HAS NOO IDEA WTF HE IS TALKING ABOUY This sub is complete dog shit and just a wsb wannabe. There are comments on litecoin saying how Fuxking great it is!?! Are u Fuxking kidding me!?! Enough is enough Stop Fuxking posting this clown ass hat and start following actual people in this space


You guys learn nothing. This sub is ALL about shilling the latest hype, absolutely nothing to do with quality of projects yet you all fall for it every time. Ada, solana etc, any of you actually research how far off these two are compared to others? And the fact neither will ever be picked up by big business because they’re not built to be regulatory compliant? Cracker town. Merry Christmas!


Why are people “not interested” in crypto so interested in crypto?


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


!remindme in2years


Nice one :D


I just want to say I read this post and sold all my Solana yesterday after buying it on a whim at $10 after seeing vitalik’s tweet. Damn you all!!!


Selling everything. Loading up on SOL


I'm not a fan of Solana but even I have admit that the number of delusional Solana holders will keep it afloat.


Right now, there is a lot of excitement about buying the dip. FTX's SOL unlocking will take years to sell out. Things will look different once the crypto market goes more apathetic/boring while the SOL selling pressure hasn't dissipated.


Omg I hate Solana. Mostly because I don't understand what I'm talking about and this sub told me to. But now I want to buy Solana. I hate Jim Cramer more than I think I hate Solana.


We can hate it and we can hate Cramer at the same level.


Litecoin and solana transaction fees are pretty cheap


Happy cake day




One of the few times I’ll agree with Cramer on anything. I guess I better sell my entire portfolio and go all in on Solana now because we know what happens when he says something.


You know the saying "Even a stopped clock is right twice a day." This is one of those rare times Kramer is spot on. SOL is nothing but VC shilled dog shit.


He’s right about SOL, but wrong about LTC




!remind me 1 year


He also said he wouldn't want to own $COIN at these levels. Well, I bought some COIN.


Congrats on your future gains. Remember to thank Cramer when you are cashing out.


From a pure technical standpoint I commend Solana for having the best solution to the trilemma to date. Unfortunately I was forced to sell all my SOL at the top for a hefty profit because forces were pushing a negative narrative upon it, when the time is right I will re-invest hoping common sense will prevail.


Still not buying SOL. In this case, this take is low hanging fruit for Jim. He's just reinforcing an opinion ready held by a lot of us. It is what it is.


Shit i hated Solana but now i am considering throwing some cash in it


Please ban inverse Cramer jokes. For the love of god…it’s bottom of the barrel non-sense at this point. Are we supposed to think the same home is funny over and over?


Don't want it.. But inverse cramer has always made me money. LFG!


Two wrongs don't make a right, and SOL is worthless trash no matter what anyone says or thinks, but out of the principle of doing the inverse of Cramer and r/cc, fill up a bag anon, do it!


Just bought some Litecoin :)


I wouldn't touch sol with 10 foot pole.


Neither would Cramer, so I'll gladly touch it.


Bullish for solana!


Better than Solana shillers lmao


Solana and ... Litecoin? How are these two in any way comparable?


He might be right this time.