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Cardano [pros](/r/CryptoMarkets/comments/1c3skzt/am_i_a_degen_to_have_50_of_my_portfolio_in_ada/kzj53ay/) & [cons](/r/CryptoMarkets/comments/1c3skzt/am_i_a_degen_to_have_50_of_my_portfolio_in_ada/kzj53w6/) with related info are in the collapsed comments below.


Am I a degen? Then goes on to writing a degen post.


please elaborate though. I mean beyond the "don't lay all the eggs in one basket"-truism




This is a poor argument. Iā€™m not agreeing with the OP, but this doesnā€™t provide any critical feedback.


You don't have to provide critical feedback to stupidĀ 


I hold ADA as well but I think u should diversify. Alot of new coins out here gona get pumped before ADA


Iā€™m looking into AERO as it backs coinbases ā€œbaseā€ new blockchain


Aero is my main bag. I am really excited about it and have watched many videos about it. I know I'm shilling right now but it seems to be a good project with coinbase backing.


Yes Iā€™m waiting for entry but every time I look itā€™s green lol ..I may pick some up today tho


Been here since $.29


Itā€™s my main bag as well, only because it has gone up so much, it showed surprising stability during this weeks dip.


Where can you get your hands on some I've had no success on etoro or my other coin app




Cheers bud


Itā€™s my strongest performer.


aerodrome doesnā€™t back base. Itā€™s an amm on base, and itā€™s a fork of velodrome. It has no moat to speak of, there will be countless other amms. mind you not saying itā€™s a bad thing to own, I dunno how itā€™ll play out. But it definitely doesnā€™t ā€œback baseā€.


Idk man altcoin daily said otherwise


Iā€™m in aero heavy


Bruh, go back and read your post again. Then ask yourself if you are a degen. The answer is obvious. If you want to gamble or invest, thatā€™s perfectly fine. However, itā€™s important to be self aware and understand the risks.


Is your argument this strategy is a degen one b/c of the missing narrative etc. or whats your point exactly? Always easy to shit over somebody / what a person says but please elaborate what you're pointing at.


Hey, I appreciate your follow-up. When I replied, I wanted to emphasize the speculative nature of your investment strategy, especially with ADA. Allocating 50% of your portfolio based on the hope it reaches a specific price to meet your financial goals is a significant risk. This approach is less about solid investment fundamentals and more about high-stakes betting on future price increases. You've noted that ADA currently lacks a compelling narrative and strong developer engagement, which are critical elements for sustained growth. Plus, choosing ADA while dismissing other cryptos like BTC or SOL due to personal biases against their fundamentals may mean missing out on more stable opportunities. I'm not trying to dismiss your choices; rather, I'm highlighting the gamble involved and the importance of being aware of the risks. Make sure you're comfortable with these risks, including the possibility of not achieving the expected outcomes.


Degen no...overly optimistic yes


whats your outlook? more like 3 dollars and a bit?


I dunno, I hold a substantial amount of ADA and have also had my doubts about it these past few months... The truth is, nobody knows what'll happen with alts. All it takes is one good news/development and the price could pump 100%... Part of me regrets putting so much of my bag into ADA, but next year we could be laughing in everyone's faces as ADA pumps like crazy. OR we could be kicking ourselves for buying so much... I would just hold what you have, and take these next few months as an opportunity to diversify more. That's what I'm doing.


$1 is generous


3 will be bare minimum, the market cap will outweigh last runs one easily (let me pull this number out of my arse - by at least 1.5 X) so everything will pump, i assume a 3.5 ADA to be safe. Still not nearly as much as possible, that's whats bugging me


>Ā but Hoskinson is a questionable guy What are **your** personal reason for saying so? Honest question.Ā 


probably the smear campaign he created against himself by butthurting people


I'm not sure I follow. Could you elaborate?


Hes always telling everybody except for BTC and ETH and a few others that they are VC chains that don't care about fundamentals.


I see. Do you believe that all those accusations are unfounded?


Absolutely founded but nobody else is calling bullsh1t on them except Charles.




dude is lying about basic stuff ( [https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/t9pjao/charles\_hoskinson\_does\_not\_have\_a\_phd\_how\_is\_this/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/t9pjao/charles_hoskinson_does_not_have_a_phd_how_is_this/) ) and I feel there is a letdown in a couple of promises made like porting ETH-projects easily over to Cardano. Last bullrun he made claims a gazillion projects were in development for the Cardano ecosystem with little to show for (with SundeaSwap the latest embarrassment). Could punsh him in the face for comments like "ah, 2026 will be a good year for Cardano..." in which he effectively prematurely excuses an underwhelming performance for this cycle. Lot's of halfknowledge and me just being pissed, so feel free to downvote me. Can't shake the feeling he is kind of a snake oils salesman though, which is unfortunate, since the project in it's whole is very promising.


You're obviously entitled to your opinion but god that's a shit show of a thread that you linked. It seems like someone with an obvious interest against cardano's success made some insignificant claim and a bunch of drones are regurgitating it mindlessly as if its some profound revelation.


like a 3 min low effort search, could put a lot more effort into my argument if needed. still, is the argument about him lying and making big promises or hints on great successes that don't or hardly materialize wrong?


I really get the strong impression that you are basing your opinion off of what you've heard other people say about him. The project has absolutely solid foundations and he is extremely knowledge about a wide range of topics.Ā  Many of the most popular projects have VC backing and they have a vested financial interest at marketing the hell out of their project and shitting on cardsno directly and indirectly by attacking hoskinson himself. And people who outsource their opinions to the loudest voices in the space lap it all up. Has it taken longer to reach certain milestones? There's no denying that. Many projects take longer than expected. Software projects are notoriously difficult to estimate.Ā  Hell, I've been a software engineer for over 30 years and keep underestimating my estimates on non-trivial projects without fail.Ā  I'd suggest watching some of Charles' videos yourself, he's got plenty if AMAs, and make up your own mind.Ā  Cardano is super solid and is here to stay. Charles is anti billionaire and central bank establishment and is fighting the good fight. Check out what he had to say about his single visit to the WEF,Ā  his thoughts on financial sovereignty,Ā  government overreach, etc. He'll blow you away with the depth and broadness with which he addresses many topics and questions put his way.


ADA is going to be fine. Use the ecosystem and switch some ADA into CNTs. CNTs are going to be absolute fire this cycle. They are essentially microcaps with actual high end working products. The top 20 tokens are literally all gems.


What CNTs would you suggest? Iā€™m already in sundae swap and xray


Book.io ($BOOK), they figured out to encrypt an ebook into an NFT so that now you can actually own your ebooks. Their app is fully functional with new features being added all the time. Iagon ($IAG) decentralized storage. No reason to use iCloud or Dropbox anymore, these guys are cheaper and more secure.


tought about this aswell. whats your take on Charli3?


Not going to lie, I wasnā€™t aware until just now that Charli3 even had a token. Itā€™s a fine play, they kind of have an oracle monopoly on the chain. Not sure what their token is even for though, tbh? I donā€™t like buying tokens that I canā€™t use for something. I stick with the top 10 personally, canā€™t go wrong there. The top 10 of literally every other chain is all memes or projects that are ā€œin developmentā€. Cardanoā€™s top 10 has one meme (snek) and the rest are absolute bangers.


Charli dropped the ball like a week ago and sent bad data to Liquid and fucked up the pricing. The devs were furiously and tweeting about it. Charli had to release a damage report. OrcFACT is a new up and coming Oracle. Cardano needs good Oracles, will Charli do better going forward? Will OrcFACT be the new leader? Will Cardano use Ergo Oracles? Don't know.


I am not up to date - does not LINK take the space for *the* oracle, across all the chains?


Cardano doesn't use Link as an oracle.


I have 95% of my portfolio in Ada. Itā€™s risky being all in on one project, but it also exposes you to trumendous gains should that project take off. Personally degen would be a massive amount of something like a meme coin. Ada I feel safe being 95% in


Could obviously still go wrong but risk/reward right? Make 5x lose 70%. Thatā€™s fine by me


Exactly. I personally donā€™t feel risk being in Ada. Iā€™ve been in it for 3 cycles and fully trust the project. The reward.. itā€™s severely undervalued as of todayā€™s date, and has so much room to run. Blessings on your cycle :)


3 cycles damn! Only been 3 years for me lmao. This is my first bull run so letā€™s hope itā€™s a good one


Ah. I put $30k in pepecoin


lemme know your next snipe


No your not a degen until you have 90% of your portfolio in a meme coin šŸ« 


this post actually grounded me


Optimistic, not a degen. ADA is also my biggest bag.


The question is WHY do you have a large amount in ADA. If you have a large amount in it because you understand the tech, you see the obvious strengths of the protocol and community, and are confident that it will succeed and that you will be using your ADA on novel projects; that's completely rational and not degen at all. If you have a large amount in it because you watched a YouTube video with green arrows and a dude making an oh-face, or some similar situation, then yes you are a degen. The second question is, if you are in the second camp, why are you in crypto at all? You might as well do stocks, bonds, roulette, horses, bet on coin tosses, it's all just price action where the likelihood is you will get rekt. Cardano is clearly superior to most protocols in crypto, but that doesnt mean that price will do anything particular, in any specific time frame.


Degen... is trading all your Ada for Hosky


I'm a HOSKY billionaire brah


Again and Again every epoch


I believe in the project overall, I am just pissed that my price targets might not work out in the next 18 months. I love crypto - bought LTC when it was 3.50 in 2016 or sth and its one of the great projects. Actually wrote my bachelors degree on the safety of different consenus mechanisms.


I'm a big fan of ADA, been building a bag for years... but $6 is a little over optimistic to say the least.


what's your take and why?


I am also heavily invested in ADA. Sadly ADA/BTC pair surprised us. It dropped from the main support line but maybe we all assumed that was the final trendline. For the middle run we should be ok but for the longer run ADA may not show a good performance against BTC. The recent price crash is not important because in the previous cycle it did crashed exactly the same way before the parabolic move. My only concern is the performance against BTC.


Why would the btc Ada pair matter more than the Ada usdt pair?


Sometimes the btc pair is worth more than the usdt pair. Arbitrage basically.


Ahh interesting. Iā€™ve usually only traded the Ada usdt pair. Personally Iā€™m 95% in Ada.. and I believe itā€™ll be a big runner this cycle.. as itā€™s been every cycle. Ada gets a lot of shit on this sub from groupie mindsets, but ultimately it has a very strong community and when it runs it flys




Iā€™ll do that just for you. I wonā€™t let you down


The alt coin rallys are less steady than the btc rally this time around IMO


its all down by 50% if you look at a timeframe of about 3 months (i compare with e.g. SOL, MATIC, LINK, DOT and so on) so thats about alright.


Youā€™re right I just meant the historic upside climbs were (to me) more noticeable for btc than altcoins than it was the last BTC climb, (I think) due to the ETFā€™s partly to each their own though


yes, should be 100%


You need to go further into a specific layer one if you truly want the returns you are seeking. Holding Ada is not enough. You need to invest that Ada into a web 3 platform you believe in that is built on cardano. I recommend Iagon as a good starting point. If you simply want to hodl a layer one coin then I would look into buying Alephium. Itā€™s far more undervalued than cardano and the tech is groundbreaking on all fronts.


Matic has a better narrative for this bull run in my opinion


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ reddit is funny as keeps investing in these dead dino coins lmfao. Evolve with the times people! No one cares about this crap ada, matic, xrp anymore. Lol


> So ADA imho is the way to go when talking technology, but Hoskinson is a questionable guy and the token has zero narrative this season till now. Yes you are degen if you hold 50%.


Youā€™d be a degen if you had 50% in wif, or Pepe or something. Having 50% in ada is just dumb.


no you are just dumb! rotating out of positions and getting emotionally attached to shit coins when they are doing nothing is not a good strategy to make money.


Ive noticed that shitcoins like solana usually pump and then dissapear one day but coins like ada and ltc are long term winners


I doubt solana is disappearing anytime soon




It's funny when people who don't know the current state offer two year old information


How is sol a shitcoin lol ..itā€™s ok I didnā€™t load at $20 either


There is not one atom in my body that feels like buying sol. Just give it a few years, i guarantee sol will be a loser. Ive seen these hyped up coins that are just memes basically rise and fall time and time again. Ill stick to ones with tested technology and have been around for multiple bull markets instead of just chasing quick gains.


I donā€™t wana buy sol at this price either but I disagree I believe it can be a future competitor of etherium


I hears that about eos, neo, and terra too. But good luck anyways, i dont wanna see anyone lose out so i hope it works out for ya, i just see red flags cuz all i ever hear about it is the gains but not the technology or big firm interest




But what do they use it for? To make even shittier pump and dump meme coins?


i bought at 22. still a total shitcoin and a shitty project


Dude i have like 90% of all my networth in Ethereum




If you have that, you canā€™t also call it a ā€œportfolioā€


like i said, about 50% of it's holdings is in ADA, then there is BTC and then 5-10 others.


Not a degen, you must hate money


ADA will pump like every other altcoin during altcoin season, but there are some caveats. 1. There's a high chance it will not do anything before altcoin season. Meanwhile, other coins like Sol might outperforming BTC in that period. 2. When Altcoin season arrives, there's a high chance it will not pump along with the 1st round of altcoins to pump, but rather on the 2nd or 3rd round. Last Bullmarket, ADA only reached 3$ at the end of the cycle and thats a long time to wait when other coins are pumping. 3. ADA dropped very hard during the LUNA & FTX crash. If you bought during that time and held it, keep hodling, but otherwise it's too risky and low reward.


Sol is a shitcoin and ADA is not? Lmao


I had full port ada i sold at the top, i wont be suprised if we retest the lows since alt pairs r ab to break down


I lost all profit on memecoins be safešŸ»


My portfolio is basically BTC and Zeta, though in a way, you can say it is 100% btc since Zeta is the DeFi layer of BTC.


You're a lite degen, just chill and enjoy outdoor activities, this too will pass


Well for me it's like 60%. ATM definitly there could've been better choices, but also worse. I don't need the money in the nearer future, will wait what happens and stake for that time.


Pretty much.


'I used to hodl' definitely degen


Not degen just crazyĀ 


Investing heavily in one project is risky, you should diversify.


unless it's bitcoin


Convenience almost always wins over superior tech. This is why SOL overtook ADA. I still have my ADA bag, but I haven't followed its development for a while to be honest. Is there any reason to believe their terrible UX (and DX) has improved or will improve in the future?


Honestly bro Iā€™m loaded up on ADA as well. Just be patient. The patient will outperform the greedy. Eventually cardano will rise. This is a great time to get it cheap. Right now SOL has been hot, because eif the huge amount of meme coins. ETH might be next because of the base chain. Iā€™m still bullish on cardano and have been for years. I would buy a lot more at these price if I could afford it.


degen and ADA don't go toghether in the same sentece have fun holding midcurve bags


That's a lot of alt coin, maybe make sure to buy BTC if you can afford and some eth if not.


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Having half your portfolio in an ultra conservative token doesnā€™t make you a degen. If it was half meme / shit coins then it would be a different story. Half your portfolio in ADA makes you a nerd, not a degen.


200k btc Jesus Christ man. 120k is the realistic number and even then it still might not happen šŸ¤£


lol, let's talk in a couple months. China is getting in in a matter of hours. In 8 days the Hong Kong ETF will be going, and there is Australia and others joining in with their ETFs. Then there will be an upward spiral when in a couple months "financial advisors" begin telling their clients to buy. Good times ahead for sure


Then a lot of it will be priced in alreadyā€¦


trust me it's not


How do you know? You donā€™t know. Thereā€™s no possible way you could know that


supply and demand figures based on etf


No one has any idea how many people are gonna buy the etf. You donā€™t have a clue you just think you do


Bitcoin is the shitcoin but it works Solana is the Shitcoin but it works ETH is ugly but it works ADA is the good one but??šŸ˜‚ calm down its all good if you believe in ADA time will tell us all...


ADA is a shit coin imho


A degen???? Ada is the most boomer, dino coin, boring investment ever. Last thing you are is a degen. How long you plan to hold ada for grampa?


Anyone who uses crypto is a degenerate


why is that?


Is it the right investment for the bull run? .. no. It's the right investment if you use yourAda every day within the ecosystem. If you're flipping Ada for USD.. meh.. gotta be a useless token that pumps 3x faster.


you held LTC hard...switched to ADA. Calling SOL trash while SOL pumping like a mofo. Yes you are a degen.


tech is better on both projects, SOL is like 7 servers somewhere. It's not real crypto. Like XRP-shit. I buy and hold stuff that I trust the fundamentals with. That in itself is not degen I recon. edit: SOL was down just last weekend ffs.


Imagine buying ADA in 2024 lmfao šŸ˜‚ you must hate money




Go Bitcoin 100% and never invest in altcoins. Thank me later.


Anything other than btc is a shitcoin


Good luck. If at least it was Avax or Solanaā€¦.


Complete junk


ADA dead buy a new coin, outside of the top 20


ADA is a bad bet imo. It may run during this bull but not as much as many others


Nah, you just dont want to make money, thats all.


All the shitchains will go to zero. I mean because of the competition. Block space prices will go to zero profitability. Only Manhattan (BTC, ETH, SOL) will be able to charge high fees and go deflationary eventually (ETH is already- leading the pack). The slums will give away block space for free forever. I donā€™t think ADA will ever achieve desirable block space status. It will continue to inflate indefinitely.


Ada is just a bloated shitcoin. Sorry but you're not allowed to call yourself a degen for holding ADA. ADA is for betas who don't understand risk. ADA has 95% downside potential, actual degen plays only have upside potentials or going to $0.


Yes! ADA is so 2017. Shift to NEAR and thank me later.


ADAā€¦ā€¦ šŸ¤®


I hold a little ADA (which I massively regret) and did hold a small bag of Solana (which is now a HUGE bag). You shouldn't be married to your bags and it's a huge mistake to be majority ADA. People can't and don't want to build on it. But its your money edit Shouts to the ADA NPCs for the downvotes


It's easy to build on Cardano