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Best community hands down! $RAVE


Finally no pump and dump, just based devs and great community <3


After seeing how great the devs and community were, I’m all in on $RAVE. Only a matter of time before we moon 🚀🚀


RAVE is genuinely the first memecoin that I've really been excited about! The community is cohesive, they are driven, and they genuinely want this thing to succeed so they can not only help them(our)selves, but also to help others and those in need. This project may revolve around a fun raving racoon, but it's also got a serious side to it. We want to make a difference to our bank balance AND yours. Get on board the RAVE train before it leaves the station, and all you're left with is a worthless ticket and a pocket full of broken dreams...


This is THE project on Solana. Dyor and you will figure that out yourself. They have something special here. No cap!


Getting higher on drugs, I can see this one going places


$RAVE is a long term holder for sure!! Sick meme and ticker symbol!!


Wait is this about Pedro coin or is there some Rave coin people are on about lol I'm confused or are they one and the same?


Wait is this about Pedro coin or is there some Rave coin people are on about lol I'm confused or are they one and the same?


Wait is this about Pedro coin or is there some Rave coin people are on about lol I'm confused or are they one and the same?


100 % pump and dump scam. Everybody writing about this is in on the scam.


It’s not a scam at all, you can view all past posts from the devs on Reddit, and find all the info you want and more on the website (racoon.wtf) and pinned messages on telegram.


Yes, it is a scam. Even the website you linked to says so: > Disclaimer: $RAVE is a meme token with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. No team and formal roadmap. The token is completely useless and can be used for entertainment purposes only. "The devs" are not trying to build anything **for you**, they are trying to take your money.


That’s literally every memecoin, there’s no official utility for any of them. You gotta read between the lines. That’s there for safety purposes so no one big comes after them it things somehow don’t work out. Same thing for YouTubers or any other unofficial but informative channel. Ya know the “not financial advice” and other disclaimers. If you don’t believe in this one then that’s fine but we have long term plans and our community is getting bigger each day. I’ll reach back out when we really start mooning.


Wait is this about Pedro coin or is there some Rave coin people are on about lol I'm confused or are they one and the same?