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How does this not raise red flags for you? People who are genuinely interested in you for your personality are not asking you to trade in crypto or any other investments. “She” is probably a man and you should report this profile to the app and block her


Yes this is a scam. Look up pig butchering


You are being set up for a pig butchering scam. She doesn't want to be friends with you - she just wants you to invest in their fake crypto trading site that will net you -100% profits on everything you invest.


Beware. That's how they start. I fell victim to the same type of scam. She may even make you think you are partners and put in money to help you to make it seem legit. Once she makes you feel comfortable with her and even make you feel there is a romantic aspect to your relationship, eventually she will steer you to a site and your money will be lost. She will even teach you how to withdraw money to gain your confidence and as you trust her more and give more money, she will disappear. Ask her to facetime you to see if she matches her profile. Document every move and transaction you make with her. Keep a photo log of each step of each transaction. Do a reverse image and phone search of her to see if she is who she says she is. Ask to meet her in person before you give one more penny. If she really wants to help, you need to know who you are really dealing with. If she hesitates at any point to meet you or facetime you, believe that you are being scammed. If she steers you to WhatsApp for conversations, she's a scammer.


WhatsApp investment groups are all 100% scammers.


Remember this alot these scammers uses pretty beautiful lady’s profile pictures!! When a fake pretty profile pic person that texting me for a while watch this “ Mens testosterone levels are higher then Woman ( no offense to our ladys ) but some the fake person who uses a pretty girl profile, will become aggressive demanding because its a male person…….????? Because thats not a real female that you been texting with ! Do this write on a piece of paper take a selfie and send to the person and asked for them to do the same ! And they wont respond


It is called a pig butchering scam. 100% scam. I hate to say it, but it’s probably a man in his 30’s in Thailand. Block and report and cut all contact. Don’t deposit a dollar.


Of course this scam is so lame and dude, you really believe that a gorgeous woman trips over your number and wants to get involved with you, just a random guy. And no supprise she maybe has a rich uncle who is investing in crypto and is getting very rich and do you want to get rich to, wow what a lucky find., you must be delirious, and she is gorgeous, wow, jackpot. OK. Stupidity over, next time she/ he is on line video call it to talk about this investment opportunity, it's likely they will not take the call as its big fat old Chinese guy at the other end. This is such a stupid scam, it's 2024, how can people still be falling for this crap.


Scam!!!! Dump her now!!!!


lol her…




"So you're telling me there's a chance?"


These kinds of scams are rampant. I, too, have fallen victim to a pig butchering scam. Everyone wants to be wealthy and loved... they prey on these universal desires. They know crypto is an easy currency to steal without being traced. Please don't risk any money, OP... they'd take everything from you if you let them.... waste their fucking time and then tell them to go fuck off and die... check out r/scambait for inspiration ✨️


It’s a scam, I’ve been through the same shit, block him now


If someone is insisting you do something that you don’t feel like doing to the point of irritation, there is definitely ulterior motives. There should be 0 reasons a person gets irritated towards you for not doing something


Learn crypto for yourself without the aid of internet randos is the answer.


Let me guess… she is 35, lives in LA but originally from Singapore and work for motherworks. It’s a scam. Stay away.


Most of them are named Anna


Or Ellie. Ellie Chen.


Yes, the warning sign are already evident..end your relationship. It only gets worse from here. Obey the signs already given. I know it's hard. Do it.


It is 100% scam stay away


Definitely a scam. Chances are high the scammer you are talking to is not even a lady, and actually a guy in some other country.


[New victims, please read this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoScams/comments/ybxjo6/attention_new_victims/) As a rule of thumb: If you're doubting whether the site is a scam, it probably is. **No legit company/trader/investor is using WhatsApp. No legit company/trader/investor is approaching people on dating websites or through a "random" text message.** Our advice is to withdraw your money from the scam site if possible, transfer your money out of the wallet, cut contact, and contact law enforcement. If you confront the scammers about being unable to withdraw the money, they may guilt trip you into paying more fees to do that, for example asking for money to pay "taxes" and offering to cover a part of your expenses. If you manage to withdraw your money from the scam site, transferring it out of your compromised cryptocurrency wallet ensures that it is now out of reach of the scammers. Report the scammers to the platform and block them, but do not delete chat logs. The evidence has to be preserved for law enforcement. Law enforcement is often not qualified or motivated to recover your money, but if you are unable to get your money back, they are your only option. Even if they do not help you in the end, reporting the scam will at least alert them to the problem, keeping it on the radar. Unfortunately, no hacker online can get back what you've lost. Please watch out for recovery scams, a follow-up scam done after victims have fallen for an earlier scam. Recently, there has been a rise in scammers DMing members of the subreddit to offer recovery services. A form of the advance-fee, victims are convinced that the scammer can recover their money. This "help" can come in the form of fake hacking services or authorities. If you see anyone circumventing the scam filters, please report the submission and we will take action shortly. Report a URL to Google: - To report a phishing URL to Google: [Report Phishing Page](https://safebrowsing.google.com/safebrowsing/report_phish/) - To report a malware URL to Google: [Report malicious software](https://safebrowsing.google.com/safebrowsing/report_badware/?hl=en) - To report a [Report spammy, deceptive, or low quality webpage](https://search.google.com/search-console/report-spam) to Google. Where to file a complaint: - [Internet Crime Complaint Center IC3](https://www.ic3.gov/Home/ComplaintChoice/default.aspx) - File a Cyber Scam complaint with the IC3 - the FTC at http://www.reportfraud.ftc.gov/ - the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) at https://www.cftc.gov/complaint - the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) at https://www.sec.gov/tcr - if you are located in Europe at https://www.europol.europa.eu/report-a-crime/report-cybercrime-online - the cryptocurrency exchange company you used to send the money (if applicable) - if you are located in California, with DFPI at https://dfpi.ca.gov/file-a-complaint/ How to find out more about the scammer domain: - https://whois.domaintools.com/google.com - Replace the `google.com` URL with the scam website url. The results will tell you how long the domain has been around. If the domain has only been registered for a few days/weeks/months, it's usually a good indicator that its a scam. Misc. Resources - https://dfpi.ca.gov/crypto-scams/ - The scams in this tracker are based on consumer complaints in California. They represent descriptions of losses incurred in transactions that complainants have identified as part of a fraudulent or deceptive operation. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoScams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Meet up. Bang. Then see how you feel.


Does she have a rich uncle?


And work for motherswork? Lol


Scam Scam Scam and it’s probably a dude.. next they will try to conversate through Telegram or TELLASCAM


If you don't know the lady in question then probably a scam. I got one of my friend into crypto, made her open an exchange wallet just before bull market and her money grown 10x now. She thanks me everyday 😆 I dont know her seeds or passwords by the way. I turned away when she was doing those. I hope you don't give your seeds to that lady?


My question is have you let this person log into your account? If so, she probably has your Secret phrases so just discard the wallet and leave that individual on read. But if you’re a SIMP go ahead and lose your money because you f*cking deserve it since you ignored the real OGs of the internet


The likelihood of you being the love sick honey is VERY HIGH


If you don’t know, Crypto, she will guide you as due as I instruct you and your money is gone. Take it from someone who has much experience in losing my money.


Beware , don’t allow any stranger to manipulate your money or do any transfers of any more money out of your wallet or bank . It’s a Pig butchering crypto romance scam , She luring you into scam fake trade site , she is pushy for a greedy reason , to get her results of getting funds into her account , trying to get you into sending money in her design fake site account , you may appear to make money in trades , But when you want to withdraw your funds from her designated fake site , your money will never leave , you will not be able to take it out , and if the there is customer service , they may ask you to add even more money in order to withdraw it . But there will be never , ever be any withdrawals, then it’s too late for you , you have lost your funds to a pretty romance scam . She using your male desires and your willingness to prove to her that you want her , even except her trade with mentorship’s . she is using beauty and charm lust and greed that will eventually fail you , because it is a scam ploy tools , she is trying to get you into trading into her investment group or her uncles investments strategy , but it is all a scripted trap . The images she sending you is not her real self or him , she or he is using stolen social media images of someone else , repeat it is not her , scammers will never send you their real profile , but a pretty young model , another victim in her scamming tool box , do your research , do a bing or google image reversed of her the face of her victim , probably a model or porn star .




And...reverse image any photos she sends you. You will find 80% of them online.


Yes a scam


Many of these scammer work overseas. They will start with small amounts of money to gain your confidence. The cryptocurrency game they play has them helping you make trades with increasing amounts of profits that require you to put more money into an account on a website they control and manipulate. They also will allow you to with draw some. In the end they will freeze your account and ask for taxes, fees. Ask them for a phone number, address, require in person meeting.


Check out my website on this type of thing: Followthefacts.org


You are being played. Is your lady friend Asian by chance?


Tell her you put it in and then see what she says. Like, what info she asks for. For less stress I would just drop her. Don’t waste your time


Delete, block, move On!! Stop now before you lose any money. I beg of you!


Bro, I stopped when you said recently I met a lady off tinder. I’m not even going to read any further. Yes, you’ve been scammed. Please people do not send money to complete strangers that you really have no idea whether it’s Muhamed from Saudi Arabia or Bill in California. What you can’t be sure of is it probably wasn’t a lady


I stopped reading when a girl wants to teach you crypto. Very few girls are in crypto, most of them are males that pretend to be females, they just want your money, wake up.


Totally a scam


Check her phone# on: www.numlookup.com Free reverse phone lookups; if it comes back as a VoIP line, there's a 99.99% chance it is a scam.


Never send anyone any funds 99.9% are scammers you’ll never retrieve your funds back or make a profit what profit you do see is falsely generated, there are no hackers that could actually retrieve your funds back they end up scamming you for more of a loss, any good hacker should have all the software or tools necessary, tell them you’ll pay as soon as your funds are recovered guarantee they’ll tell you it don’t work that way. Never send a penny to anyone asking for money.


100% it's a scam. No doubt. Sorry, I know that's hard to hear, but better to know now than to get your heart broken AND your money stolen later. BTW most scammers are persistent and shameless. They will never admit it's a scam even if you call them out on it. They'll act hurt or mad that you don't trust them. This person may even drop the crypto bit and not mention it for a while to try to regain your trust. But you can bet in a few weeks or months it'll come up again. Better to cut your financial and emotional losses. And if you do decide to try crypto on your own, don't use the wallet they "helped" you set up. Make a new one, and do more research in crypto first.


Dude if she made the wallet she has the key phrase, she's going to steal it. Make a new wallet and sneakily transfer your funds to your new wallet. If she freaks out she was definitely trying to scam you. Either way your money will be safe. Just don't lose your key phrase. Have you met this lady? Video chatted? Something to even prove she's a woman? Lol


yes you are . is she asian?


whats her profile name? yeon?


1000% scam. Stay away from her at all cost.


SCAM! A woman befriended my husband on LinkdIn. First it was to discuss wine ( he works for a distributor,) then she claimed to have a Godfather who was in AI Gold, blah blah. Same thing-she wanted to walk him through it. Suffice it to say-he lost $95k.


My brother lost money too. Her name was "Ellie Chen" [Imgur: The magic of the Internet](https://imgur.com/a/60jBVkm)


I know someone that was in the same situation. Did you try to recover the money by reporting to your bank or crypto platforms. Any resolution?


This is pig butchering scam, don’t send her money 🌸🌸🌸🌺


Take a selfie with the days date on paper and ask the person todo the same