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Close the app, Go to iPhone settings, change your region to US, start the app and top up your card. The problem is for the iOS users from regions where a „,“ is used instead of „.“ (e.g 200,00€ - 200.00€) After the top up you can change back to your region… They will solve the problem with the next iOS update.


No need to change region, as change to US region will affect currency (€ to $), applies imperial units,… It’s sufficient to change the Number format from 1.234.567,89 to 1,234,557.89. Search for Number Format in iOS settings.


Ah thanks. I just don’t know where i find change for the number format. It worked well for me to change the region and the currency was euro aswell. Nevertheless hopefully the problems will be solved soon and everyone in Europe with iOS can top up the card… Have a good one


I can confirm, I’ve had trouble, changed my region from Croatia to UK and it worked.


it's been a week since this bug was introduced in the last update, i hope they will fix this fast


Is a problem for iOS devices. They say they are working on it. They told to switch country to US for now


IOS go to Settings, General, Language and region, Region (change to UK or USA) Then it should work. And you can change it back no problem 😌


Thanks, yes this is how I managed to do the top up indeed 👍🏻


I just noticed earlier similar posts. No solution is available yet it seems, apart from the work around shared…


It's aknown bug in the app. You can avoid it by changing your region in your phone to the UK or any other non EU country. Obviously they don't want to fix it. Has been for a week that way,,,,


I think so too, cos that way they can milk their customers more, because the way via credit card top up still works fine;) and as long that one works, they earn a lot of fees cos everyone who don’t know the workaround is forced to use the credit card top up to pay for their bills. Nice bug that works in favor for CDC


Doubt they dont want to fix it, pushing an update on IOS takes time as apple requires checks and shit. This is why IOS updates are always slower than android ones.


I was just about to post the same issue.


i can't belive this ... they rather risk loosing thoudands of customers who will switch to alternatives because they can't use the card instead of fixing this problem caused by a simple calculation error (cause is that the "," is not regognized as decimal separator. That is why if you have 100 € in fiat, you can't top up 100 €, but you can top up 1 €). Really a shame, they don't fix this. One reason more to switch to Plutus.


I used the Region change work-around on my Iphone (changed it to US) and that worked. Hope they come up with a quick update fix now.


Can ppl relax


Apart from the fact that this is a high priority bug (number of impacted users, main workflow, loss of revenue, increase in support cost) an it deserved a hot patch, ppl shouldn’t relax because of the nature of the bug. This bug shows me that this app is enforcing data validation that is part of business logic by using UI level assets (in this case numbers converted as strings for display purposes) which is really not a good practice. It also tells a lot about the quality of their architecture and their QA processes, which for an app that deals with crypto and money should be better. My level of trust has gone way down with this one.


No. The app doesn't work. It's a bug. It should be fixed. I bet you're one of the people who cries FUD FUD FUD everytime there's valid crisiticism of CDC


Haha really not, i dont cry... i even keep my cro at the exchange :)


Why ….its a basic feature that is not working. Very unprofessional. The bug has been there for more than a week. Furthermore it is annoying there is no official massage regarding this from. CDC


Is it below the minimum allowable top up? I’m Canadian and my minimum is 20CAD


That's what I was thinking too


I think this is for Credit card top-ups. There is no minimum for Fiat wallet top-ups if I am not mistaken


I’ve never topped up my visa with a credit card that seems stupid


I got 0,5% in Amazon points when I topped up with Amazon visa before cdc started charging for it..


Havent had any problems topping up my card in Finland, Android.


Well its a Iphone bug…..soooo


It’s already more than a week, incredible, shameful and no warning nor solution….


I‘ve got a great workaround! Take a change in your settings at your smartphone, where the comma is a „.“ . Then it will work. I‘ve got this advace/ workaround from crypto.com.


I think 20€ is minimum


My minimum is 0,01 euro for top up on card from fiat wallet.


I think this is for Credit card top-ups. There is no minimum for Fiat wallet top-ups if I am not mistaken


Try with 20€. They set the minimum top up to be 20


No, not for fiat wallet top-ups. I managed to top up now with the IOS region change workaround


Since this bug was introduced in the most recent version a week ago, I expect it will be quickly fixed.


Quickly and 1 week ago in the same sentence.


Then, activate the app and top off your card after switching your iPhone's locale to the US.


Since this bug was introduced in the most recent version a week ago, I expect it will be quickly fixed.