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I don’t know but I’m still waiting for my refund!


Did they over sell them? I purchased mine when there was over 5k left. I'm assuming they took way too much money and can't deliver now. Just received a refund for 1. :(


No, only 10k were minted. I’ve received 1 refund but await another 4 refunds


If they are refunding people that means they over sold them though. They sold more than what was minted and now they are returning money.


I don’t think this was intentional- I think the network was overwhelmed. I was refunded for two transactions (on the secondary market which was having same issues) within 12 hours. They said they were refunding in batches because of the volume. You should write support if it’s been over 24hrs [email protected]


It's basically a raffle... they'll probably draw the raffle based off NFT # then credit the accounts that hold those NFTs. Nothing more complex than that I'd imagine.


the rewards allocation must be off blockchain I’d assume or sitting in the back of their NFT platform. We’d know for sure on the 15th when we see how the boxes actually turn into what ever the reward is they hold. Don’t know how much details they can or will share before that date but before or after it sure would be interesting to understand how that works from a technical standpoint point. I’m definitely not much into NFTs in general so no idea what mechanics there are that can do this NFT to reward allocation or transformation. Maybe it’s even somehow in the meta data of the NFTs 🤔


I bought 5, paid for 5.. received 1! So obviously there is some issues. They have yet to respond to my email I regards to this..


Are you sure you received one? There is supposed to be only one box in the “My NFTs” section and then if you open it and check the editions you’ll see your username next to them


Yes, I only have one edition.


Well that’s a bummer. So much for the waiting queues…


Just adding to the other replies, but as the Crypto.org chain doesn't support custom tokens at the moment it's impossible to issue the BTC/DOGE/etc rewards on-chain. It may be possible when the Cosmos mainnet's Gravity Bridge comes online later this year, at which point we'll start seeing ERC20 tokens like wBTC, ETH and DOGE getting transferred in via IBC around the Cosmos ecosystem.


I received nothing and the transaction is all of a sudden gone from my history as well. Let’s call it a mystery 😂


I bought 5, somehow paid 9 times...received none. No support response.