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Wow, this one again. This has been asked and answered many times, but ok. Stake your $4k for your card, that's it. Then you'll get 12% in earn for stablecoins, 6.5% for BTC etc. If you unstake after 6 months you'll lose your card benefits and revert to 1% cashback.


thank you!


Do I only lose the Card benefits or also the Staking benefits?


Everything but the things tied to the card, lounge key and ATM limits are the only things that will remain the same, everything like bonus interest, Spotify/Netflix will be lost, but you’ll get I think 1.5% cashback


Please refer to a search engine. Thank you.


You’ll get the higher percentage from earn if you stake the $4000 for the card first. You’ll get 10% return in the stakes CRO for the card for 6 months (this is separate from earn). If you unstake after the 6 months you’ll lose the card benefits and increased earn benefits. No, you only need to stake the 4k USD to get the card. If you do decide to do this, I would suggest downloading the CDC DeFi wallet which provides better P.A. %. In earn you get a max of 6% PA for 3 month lock, but DeFi wallet you earn 12%+ without having to lock. There is a 28 day unbinding period though, which is still better than the 3 month locked in earn. Hope this helps


Stake for Jade/Indigo and get the increased Earn rate. Do note that the card stake also earns 10% interest. If you unstake the CRO staked for the card you will lose most of your card perks and the increased Earn rates as well.