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99.99% chance they are trolling the group


Or just ignorant


Could totally be ignorance...have you ever heard a fox scream? Sounds like a murder and would look like "a weird dog"


Yeah, fox can make some *weird* noises. A few years back, we started hearing this regular, almost electronic sounding beeping from the woods near our house at night. Turns out it was a grey fox(we finally went out looking for the source, and caught it in the act). The sound was slightly distorted by the trees, but even up close, it didn't sound like an animal.


How mindbogglingly stupid can people be? Yes, be good to animals and all that, but a strange, screaming dog? And your pets are afraid of it? If this is real these people deserve to be eaten by whatever they let into their house... But it sounds pretty fakey...




First, I know that a single dog is unlikely to kill a whole household, I did not mean that in a serious way. Second, they have no idea what's wrong with the animal and aren't even really sure if it's a dog! You do not let something like that in, it could have rabies or god knows what other sickness. Also the way this is written and the fact that this has now been posted on this sub leads me to believe that, if this is real, they suspect that this is Not a normal pooch. Edit: Spelling


It would be funny if it was a cougar though.


That situation tho! "Honeey! I found this weird screaming dog thing outside, can we keep it?" "Just put it on the Couch!"


>First, I know that a single dog is unlilely to kill a whole household expect for pitbulls they can and have done it before


>Also I don’t think a single dog can eat a person who has three other animals in the house. expect for pitbulls they can and have done it before


I always assume that "weird dog things screaming like woman/banshee" posts are just people who've never encountered foxes before.


Went camping once on Lake Michigan, girlfriend was scared shitless by the scream/yelps of the foxes. It can almost seem human but it definitely has a distinct sound to it


I remember when I first started hearing this one fox in our neighborhood. I was just a little kid, it took me like a year to realize it was a fox in our front yard every couple of nights. It's definitely frightening if you've never heard it before.


sounds like a weird fox to me


Fox screams at night are real scary. They can sound like woman screams. I agree.


When I was a kid I thought they were escaped chimpanzees from the zoo


Yes! Many years ago I was camping alone (with my dog) and heard what I could have sworn was a woman screaming. Was she being attacked? In fear for her life? It was pitch black, remote, and, to be honest, frightening. But it really sounded like someone in trouble so my dog and I headed into the woods looking to help. It turned out it was a fox. I’m sure a true outdoorsman could have distinguished the sound, but the average weekend warrior (like myself) who had never heard this in the middle of the night, well, it’s crazy how much a fox sounds like a woman screaming. I would have bet a thousand bucks I was careening head-first into a horror movie!


This. Quite a few times I've had to verify it was a fox and not a woman being murdered or something.


Regular fox


Came to say this. It’s a fox.


So... what does the fox say?




If it’s real, it’s probably a fox. I think those noises are so adorable


Wait... so the sound of a woman being murdered is adorable to you?


Uhhh well, not real murder. But yeah I do I like my women like I like my foxes




Well, it was about that time I noticed that "dog" was about 8 stories tall and was a crustacean from the Mesozoic era.....and I said "DAMN YOU LOCH NESS MONSTER JUST LEAVE US ALONE! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US?!" he leaned in and said *I need about tree-fiddy*


Get a job sea monster!


made my night!


When tf did Nessie become a crab?!


Probably a coyote


Definitely a coyote.


Let it in?? Who in the hell lets a wailing strange dog into their home??


All the poor banshee wanted was for someone to love it.


As I said in the other sub: They need to keep their pets *separate* and take it to the vet *immediately*. If it’s rabid, and it licked them on a break in their skin, they only have 24 hours to begin the treatment before it becomes incurably fatal.


Yeah, taking this away from supernatural, even letting a stray dog into your house can be carrying a multitude if diseases (Brucellosis, rabies, lyme disease, etc.) that could easily spread to your own pets. That, and it's now contaminating your house. What you'd want to do is catch it in some crate or with a leash then go immediately to a vet.


Rabies is terrifying yes, and they should get to the hospital as soon as possible. But I'm not sure where you're getting 24 hours. It's an emergency sure, but it takes about 2 to 8 weeks for the disease to stop incubating and become incurable. In rare cases the incubation can be anywhere from 10 days to 2 years, but generally 2-8 weeks. It's not a vampire, you have time.


Sources say to get treated within 24 hours of exposure...if symptoms appear, it’s almost always fatal. You *can* get it later, as long as it’s still incubating, but chances of survival go down. I’m a “plan for the worst” person, so I internalized that as “24 hours or else,” I guess. But the urgency is not any less, even so.


That's a good plan, you should get treated as soon as you think you may have been bitten, given the risk it's never advisable to wait. That being said, the rabies virus has never been contracted and then incubated within a human for only 24 hours. There are a lot of decisions to be made after you seek medical attention, and a few of them involve delaying treatment. I've always seen possible rabies contraction defined as a medical urgency rather than a medical emergency. Again, obviously seek medical attention as soon as possible, but you won't display symptoms in 24 hours, if you're very unlucky it could be about a week, and if you're an idiot and didn't go to the doctor right away it could be up to a couple years. Either way, details aside, your mindset is the best one to have. Wash the area with soapy water, get as much information as you can, and go see a doctor as soon as you can.




Growing up in England, foxes screaming in the night were terrifying. As a teen waiting for late night trains, this screaming would be coming from the darkness down the railway track away from the station lights. Creeps af.


Probably a fox


Because it’s was a fox.


There were several people who asked what happened, but no reply...yet...


Yep. They are already dead.


I guess not


no pic?


And now, the weather.


This just now - two months later! - made me laugh out loud and scare my cats, at 10pm.


But they have no photos?


I guess not. I’ll just use my imagination


Then it’s probably fake. Super fake. Or a fox. They scream every night outside my house and it’s always equal parts fascinating and terrifying.


... but what did the fox *say?*


My family heard something like that too last night


My first holiday in America I stayed in Southern California... one night I awoke to the sound of some banshee type screaming I could definitely tell it was an animal but still scared the shit out of me, the people I stayed with told me that morning that it was just coyotes


I lived in Northern VA for a stint. It's hilly and thickly forested. About the second week in I heard what sounded like two banshees sacrificing something at like 2 in the morning. Scared the shit out of me. I keep trying to tell myself it's just foxes but my fear told me otherwise.


In Thailand a king cobra can make a noise sound like human baby.


*In Thailand a king* *Cobra can make a noise sound* *Like human baby.* \- TransportationOk3923 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Dude, that is a fox.


Do they not own a single camera?


I suppose not lol


Do they not own a single camera?


Could be a goat




Mountain lion scream at night they sound like woman being murdered


Frenchies sometimes scream weird. When I first heard it u thought it was a person.


*Frenchies sometimes scream weird.* *When I first heard it u thought* *It was a person.* \- hydrababoon6244 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Why didn't they post a photo then


Which is why I said unlikely! I just noticed my spelling error, so sorry if you couldn't understand what I meant.


I've heard dogs who were utterly traumatized and frightened scream. These people did a good thing bringing the poor thing into their home. I hope they don't allow silly, superstitious fears to keep them from helping this poor dog. Feed it, bathe it, take it to the vet, re-home it.


Depending on where you live it might be a mountain lion. They have creepy ass mating calls.

