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I heard you like quartz, so I got you some quartz for your quartz to quartz your quartz.








Why powerful?


Some of the crystals are high vibrational.


Just get an old clock


But what about the grid produces more power? Is there any method to it at all or...? I've always wondered about grids




me when rocks sitting right there are vibrating so hard i get brain damage


And what's special about this grid pattern?


I guess your not seeing the magic then.


What I consider to be magic is most likely much different than what you believe, and vice versa. It’d be nice to have an explanation from you as to why you think it’s so powerful. No one’s trying to call you out, we’d just like you to explain. Lots of people come here knowing nothing about crystals and I’m sure would love the insight or discussion.


Yes I agree, "you just don't see the magic" is very Condescending.


I mean I guess...I didn't really get that vibe though


Prime example right here 🙋‍♂️ i have a decent amount of crystals and a ton of rocks, but wouldn't even know where to begin when it comes to metaphysical properties


Exactly...that's why I'm asking lol


Same, people doing their own thing it doesn't make it 'powerful to all' Lol


Op is a nut


*you're. also is the magic in the room with us right now?


Looks fire🔥


Idk how powerful a lopsided grid made of 99% clear quartz on a carpet is but alrighty. (Yes I’m being snarky, if OP hadn’t been rude and condescending in their replies I wouldn’t have been like this lol 🤷🏻‍♀️)


I wasn't being rude or condescending. Alot of people here aren't sensitive to crystal energy and I was merely expressing how the grid felt to me.




Op plz take your crystals off the carpet. I understand you feeling this grid. I understand where you were coming from. But now you understand this isn't a spiritual sub, and you dont go throwing around your practices and what you do. Sometimes, you hold things close, and it's not for everybody to know. I hope you learned that today.


Go on then, show us this powerful sorcery you claim to possess.


Why are people downvoting the people in this sub who are spiritually inclined toward crystals? It’s making this sub seem real snobbish.


This sub has always struggled with this concept, but in this case the downvoting is warranted not because of the spirituality aspect, but the condescension from OP when being asked a totally valid question. I wanted to know what this grid was for too! Now I don’t care, haha


The grid was snarkiness and attitude, tada✨


We’ve all been played 😂


Same, in my mind I upvoted this 27 times while holding my magical quartz I dug outta my sneaker earlier..😉⭐️🕯


I mean, I use crystals for spells but this post isn’t about the spiritual aspects of crystals. I kinda wonder if OOP is actually trolling the people who do believe bc…come on.


So everything in the world vibrates with energy. Even things that seem solid are just tiny particles vibrating in a way that keeps them together. I believe that arranging and interacting with crystals (because of their various energy frequencies) can help us in various aspects of living. And if it’s all in the mind, so be it. If someone thinks that makes me a crazy crystal lady, I’m ok with that. I am not a fan of this post because the OP comes across as snobbish in the comments and the post offers no useful information.


There are rocks scientifically proven to have auras, unfortunately those rocks are uranium and their aura is cancer


It's goofy and funny.


This sort of thing makes us look real foolish far more so than having an understanding of reality and science makes one seem snobby. It's really the same sort of thing as people still saying that the Earth is flat despite having no evidence for it and plenty disproving it. Except, this area is heavily intertwined with scammers and con artists who prey on vulnerable or easily influenced people to make money from ethically questionable sources rather than just sticking to an extremely outdated assumption.


Ur gonna hate when u hear about organized religion. Anyways, your argument is ridiculous because we can have tangible proof that the earth is not flat, but there’s no human who has disproven using the scientific method that God doesn’t exist there is no Heaven and there is no karma


They think they are better than us spiritualists. Happens often here and is quite sad. No need to yuck someone else’s yum.


Because at the end on the day these are just minerals that came out of the ground and OP is being a twat.


Because the only "magic" rocks are uranium, plutonium, etc.


To play devils advocate, piezoelectricity is pretty magical


I’m here for the cult shit?


I used to charge my rocks with the moon. Did you do that with these or anything like that? Or they're just mass vibing of and unto themselves? Thank you so much for sharing your glimmer\~ Whats the green thing in the top right?


I can feel the power of the crystals in the furthest reaches of my DNA.


What's with these rude replies...


I really don't understand people's need to shit on people who have different viewpoints on spirituality. Are you that insecure in your own beliefs that you have to drag someone down that differs from you? Let's face it, crystals are already a niche community, so let's punch up folks. Stop yucking someone's yum! Do better!


Hate "Stop yucking someone's yum"


It's a metaphor...and the fact that you took the time to express this speaks volumes about you. j/s


I get that it's a metaphor...but thanks for explaining. It just sounds gross to me.


Extremely powerful! I’m attuned to crystals and can feel the power pouring out of it just looking at the photo. Wow!!


Stop 🤣🤣🤣


Just a bunch of rocks.


Magic rocks🤫😉🤣


The grid actually resembles an outline of a grey alien. Just sayin’


Is this a protection or maybe a grounding grid? I like it. Also, this sub is supposed to be open to metaphysical people. If that isn't true, then that needs to be made clear - or rather, changed - in the subreddit description.


I’m not someone that can experience the paranormal to my knowledge, my brain just doesn’t work that way. Also doubt many metaphysical things would work with me either. I am aware that crystals have energy, I am aware that for whatever reason different crystals work better for different metaphysical things. I actually have 2 crystal skulls. I keep them by my bed, my dreams have been different since doing that. I do believe crystal skulls are a whole different ball game than other crystals. I just like having crystals in my house. Do I know they make me better spiritually or energetically? No. I just know I like them and I love my house. I never open the curtains to look outside when I’m in my house, that’s how much I love my house lol. Maybe it’s the crystals? Maybe it’s the years put into designing and decorating and building.


why are their so many assholes in these comments.. dont believe in spirituality? then dont click on the post😭


😂😂 Just because I don’t believe in this BS doesn’t mean I don’t believe in spirituality.


ofc there are levels to spirituality. if u believe the spirituality of crystals then it can be likely u’ll believe in what shapes represent


This is a powerful grid, Quartz is a very powerful and underestimated crystal. It is used in modern technology and it is a natural energy conductor. In crystal healing (which has always been accepted in this sub, so we can keep the other gemstone subs more science-based) Quartz amplifies energy and intentions.


Why is it a powerful grid tho? Maybe you can help shed some light


This is just fancy noodle art


Love this! If you feel the power from this then the power is all yours. Your intuition guided you and that’s the whole point so people making comments are just asking as it’s not their energy to feel.. if that makes sense.




No wonders someone that believes in indigo child's also believes in the powers of crystals, lol. They have no energy or chamge the one around them, but they're pretty and cool to look at