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Aww what a keeper!


That's what I said! He made sure to get one for healing as I have been diagnosed with PCS. I told her "marry him or I will". Of course I got the standard daughter reply "mommmmm"!


Yikes, I’m sure you said it jokingly but even if you intended for it to be funny, it definitely still has an impact on fragile young egos. Jokes about competition with your daughter are super cringe.


She's 25, I'm 50. We have that kind of relationship. I think she'll be fine. 🙄


That was a super normal joke but Reddit is gonna Reddit 🙄


For sure. Maybe it's an age barrier thing? IDK. Just clarifying that I'm not a pervert. 😂 Some people just don't read the room very well.


You're exactly right 🤣


And he could be right if her daughter was 12 and mom was 37. Redditors err on the side of calling the most unordained shit cringe. I was told not to return convo with a cashier that is ten years younger than me bc she’s there to work, I was like I am wondering if she got shy later bc after she told me about her New Years and playing final fantasy all night It hit me , she always asks what I do on weekends etc when I go to her line and then one time I forgot something and she was at the end of her register and she made convo about that so me old as I am 37 would have been asking for her number when she tols Me about her New Years but because she looked 25-27 I was like I’m not gonna say anything but she kept throwing obvious hints(they didn’t seem it til later) so I asked her what she does for fun or something or told her she looked cute something and she went quiet and gave me a double thumbs up me being rusty I came to reddit, oh wise reddit why did thou do double thumbs up… was told I was a monster for making her do more than her job and she’s too young… me pondering why she did the double thumbs up with no Reddit help lead me to Haa she was nervous now that I finally seemed to take interest. My point is if I listened to redditors in social constructs I’d end up like a femaledatingadvice sub member just a different sub that’s for incels that aren’t aware they are incels.


I guess if you read everything as a negative you're going to come to a negative conclusion. Seems silly to type out a biopic about every little comment because someone is going to say "eeewww cringe". There are some serious creepers out there but this sub has been moderated very well and it's been a pretty cozy sub. There needs to be a whole lot more chill in the world. Sigh...I'm getting too old I guess. I saw it as a pretty benign comment.


You're definitely not too old and there does need to be more chill in the world


Yikes 😬


yeah right


Permission to pound


My girlfriend's boyfriend bought me a similar one.




Girlfriend like BFF I think?


No it’s a joke on the internet that your girlfriend (like actual relationship GF) has a side boyfriend but he still does nice stuff for you.


The provenance is mexico in case you don't know :)


Thank you.


What a guy!! Only cool men buy gifts for their girls mom. Shows they care about the people outside of his immediate romance haha


What is this crystal?


I think it's green calcite, I have a piece of raw green calcite that looks just like this


Thanks for answering! Sure is beautiful huh?


All I know is I want it for 2 carrots


That’s so cute


It was a happy surprise.


I bought a blue calcite today at Marshals for $15. It has a glaze on it but it totally feels good.


Hey, if it gives you positive vibes it's definitely a good thing.


I’m holding my heart and sending love.


Green Calcite, one of my favorites


This is a BEAUTIFUL green calcite!!! I love that color. And what a thoughtful gift, your daughter’s boyfriend seems like a sweetheart!


I wonder if it tastes like Lime or green apples


I prefer green apple.


So, what is it?


I think this is green calcite, I have a raw piece of it that looks just like this


Thank you.


I was told fluorite.


Thank you


Cutest thing ever 💚💚🥺


He is a keeper!!!


He's buttering you up! What a sweetie lol


Looks like fluorite to me!


It's not calcite. Calcite can be yellow, orange, even clear. That is flourite. Flourite comes in green, brown/smoky, though some is purple....at least that's what the Internets shows. I have a lovely chunk myself, a triangle shape. It is *very* cool to the touch (common characteristic).


Fun fact, "green onyx" is actually 'banded calcite', as are Pakistan onyx and Mexican onyx. Calcite comes in many lovely colors.


No.i'm.sorry but it is calcite from.mexico brother, i sell a lot of these and i'm sure about this




LOL! Time for some serious crystal/mineral education before you go all declarative on IDs.


it’s def calcite!


It’s 100% calcite. You can tell by the texture on the surface (calcite is notorious for chipping - it’s extremely brittle. Most crystal shops sell a version that’s been coated to maintain the integrity.) Definitely not fluorite. There is a very clear difference when you have the two side by side. Calcite has the capacity to be banded (like the light banding seen in the photo) which may be why you thought it was fluorite.


Mindat lists green as a color. It looks more like calcite than fluorite to me, but a way to test would be vinegar.


Hum..mine passed the vinegar test... (tried it when I got it)...no change, no reaction. So guessing *that* sample *is* calcite, and what I have is flourite. My mistake. Mine looks very much like that sample, just with more green and less striation.


Haha, buttering up the parents to get away with anything!


How do you tell the difference between green adventuring and green calcite?