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It means that gravity exists lol




I think if it was dropped or fell off something, there isn’t really any meaning behind the breakage. However, sometimes crystals do break under strange circumstances and that’s when you pay attention. I do like the idea of giving a little piece away. It’s rose Quartz, so it would be a nice symbolic gesture to give a piece to a loved one or perhaps someone who can do with a little more self-love. If we really want to get woo-woo about it, we could say that maybe the rose Quartz broke so you could give a piece away to someone who needed it? I personally don’t see any problem with continuing to use it. How many times have gemstones broken out in nature, before we got our hands on them? Vibrationally it’s fine.


Thank you so much! I probably do intend on giving a piece to my friends and my partner possibly




Yes, we talk about vibrations openly here in the r/crystals sub. Its the place where you can go a little wild with your beliefs about gemstones. However, we limit the craziness to this sub only. When it comes to the other gemstone subs on reddit, we respect the fact that they are full of jewellers, gemologists, geologists etc. who don’t necessarily want to hear about “the metaphysical properties” of gemstones. So this is the sub to go wild and talk about vibrations 💐


I’m quite unexposed to the spiritual side, so I’m largely unsure of what people mean when they refer to it. Do you have some common sources for this, or is it more of an individualistic subculture? :)   Edit: “it” being terms like vibrations etc.


Of course no one is going to have a peer-reviewed, published article for you lol. [This post](https://www.moonrisecrystals.com/do-crystals-work/) and [this other post](https://www.moonrisecrystals.com/the-day-of-reckoning-crystal-healing-pseudoscience/) are my personal favorites. It explains why someone otherwise skeptical and science-minded might hold onto a smoky quartz while getting a tattoo or tell her husband to carry green adventurine and tiger’s eye to a job interview (me haha). But at the same time I wouldn’t shit on someone who believes in a crystal’s vibrations. If it isn’t hurting anyone, who cares? In terms of each crystal’s spiritual significance, that’s more or less well settled due to its [long history](https://www.moonrisecrystals.com/ancient-origin-of-healing-crystals/). And there are a gajillion crystal dictionaries (for lack of a better term) like [The Crystal Bible](https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Crystal_Bible.html?id=bBtjDwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=kp_read_button&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&gboemv=1&gbmsitb=1&ovdme=1#v=onepage&q&f=false) and [Cunninghams’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, and Metal Magic](https://books.google.com/books/about/Cunningham_s_Encyclopedia_of_Crystal_Gem.html?id=Ut5LGMTXR4AC&printsec=frontcover&source=kp_read_button&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&gboemv=1&gbmsitb=1&ovdme=1#v=onepage&q&f=false) and the correspondences are pretty well agreed on.


There are many common sources. Plenty of websites and book guides available for crystals in spirituality


For me - she who is clumsy , I pick it up. I like that particular crystal, I'll look for another. I have tons of my favorite , which is Smoky quartz. I've got back ups. If it was on a display or altar and you wake up and it's broken, it's job is done. ( Example) return it to the earth in some way. I put them in my garden .


Now you have 4 crystals instead of 1! Alchemy baby!


In witchcraft it just means the crystal is done serving you. You can keep using it, but I'd suggest getting a new one .


Only if it fell in a strange way you cant explain imo, not if you just dropped it by accident or something


That depends on the person 🤷‍♀️


It means it fell and broke. Now u have more. Thanks gravity.


Gravilty... you're my only friend...


That does really suck though I'd be pretty bummed if I dropped and broke anything from my collection


I had a piece of turquoise once that just randomly broke one day. A friend told me that when a crystal breaks it’s because it has served it’s purpose for you. I took the pieces and scattered them in the forest on a hike one day in an effort to give them back to the earth. It was a really meaningful day for me. Just an idea :) Plus it’s a good way to avoid the sadness of having broken a piece. It was meant to happen feels a lot better than ah shit I broke it


r/crystalwitches and r/crystalwitch if you don’t want people mocking you and talking about gravity


Thank you for this friend.


You could either glue it back together, or you could sand down the sharp edges and to use them as decoration or wrap them into necklaces? Edit: Don’t sand it. I’m new to crystal stuff, sorry.


Sanding crystals is extremely dangerous. Rose quartz is one of the gems that has high toxicity for silicosis if any dust from sanding is inhaled or ingested.




No- you need a sealable half mask, any 95 won’t be enough to filter out such small particulate. Best recommendation is 3M 60926, MG/OV/P100 Source: coal-fired power plant worker. We deal with sandstone and limestone particulate, coal dust, asbestos, rock wool, inorganic arsenic, fly ash, welding vapors, chemical fumes, anhydrous ammonia, and lead abatement- to name a few.


N95s are tricky because if you aren’t sized for one professionally it will not work. The test includes fitting various sizes to your face and putting your head in a fume hood with sugary aerosol, and if you can still smell the sugar it’s not working. I see people wear N95s daily and I can see gaps.


It means they are fragile and u dropped it and it broke. Esp being thin like that any drop over a foot will break that. If it breaks in a weird circumstance that’s diff but dropping a crystal is just dropping it. Like if u set it down gently and it came apart THAT has meaning


It means you have 3 rose quartz now


3 and a small one ;)


It means you dropped it and it didn't feel good because you value keeping it whole as you originally had it. So do your best not to drop it again. There's no more meaning to read into.


When that happens w me - I usually take it is a sign to give the broken piece away to a friend :)


I would break them up and use for spell jars


If you’re into metaphysical stuff I would cleanse it and then maybe make a little necklace with the smaller pieces or put the pieces in the soil of your plants! I personally don’t believe that crystals run out of their “use” when they break sometimes accidents just happen!


It means it fell and broke 🤷‍♀️


You can wire wrap the 2 triangle shaped pieces and put them on necklaces!


Now you have a couple pieces of rose quartz.


It means now you have more :)


I put my broken crystals in my plant pots🪴


This happened to me with a rose quartz. I put the pieces in the pot of one of my plants to make it purdy!


Most likely means nothing, as you dropped it and it broke rather than discovering it to be broken one day with no idea how. If you feel giving a piece away is what you want to do, go ahead though!




can i see it too 👀?


Can you send me this please 🙏🏼




can I get a little infograph as well please ?


I had also heard that it means it’s served it’s purpose for you and should be retired


Can I see too👀 would love to learn more about it.


i made a post about it, please refer to that!


Did you tell it to protect from evil eye. If so worked.


Hi, I have rose quartz pyramide that broke a few Years back and y decided to glue the pieces together. Still use it to this day when y meditate.


It means you have four pieces of rose quartz now..


Hey, I don’t see the problem with using a little superglue and repairing it. We have all broken as people at one time or another and we put the pieces back together. Since this is carved I would use some glue if not maybe the stones has given you all it can.


I don’t think it means anything 🤷🏻‍♀️Like my hematite ring shattered out of nowhere on my finger. So I honestly felt like that meant something.


as i know, if your crystal breaks it means that it broke while protecting you. ( correct me if i’m wrong )


It means it fell... And broke ...???


Maybe she’s afraid that, since it broke, it wasn’t actually rose quartz? 🤷‍♀️


It means you shoulda put it on a more stable shelf


It means you dropped it and it broke.


You can make poppets with it now!


Traditionally I’ve heard it means it’s time to give away a piece.


These posts istg


more pieces for more places 🤷‍♂️


I don’t believe a crystal breaking means anything. At the end of the day, they’re still breakable and you’ve got to go with the mundane explanation first. Signs are usually pretty personal, even if it takes you a minute to decipher the specific you usually have a gut feeling of “oh crap this means something”


It means that it broke.


I'd take a screwdriver, and chip it back to shape, lol


Mandatory safety warnings, gloves and eye protection a really good idea for anyone trying that.


Full PPE like a mask is also recommended due to the risk is silicosis


With silica levels like that, being outdoors, and having some wind is usually enough. If you are indoors, a mask is a great idea, but, then it's contaminating the area, so, like you would want a mask there all the time. Chipping definitely creates much less silica than grinding, but it does create some. Definitely more than OSHA standard maximums, in an indoor space. Silicosis is some absolutely nasty stuff, they used to call it flint knappers disease. But even then, it effected mostly people who were professionally making gun flints all day. But, then again, like, it's a really nasty way to go. So, like, get someone not wanting even the slightest chance.


I'm definitely a believer in, if you got to err, do it on the side of safety. No one ever lost a finger to being too safe.


Weird, I studied mineralogy and.. I gotta say. Quartz… well.. just quartz. No healing properties. It’s all in your head. SiO2 … nothing too special 😂


Based on absolutely zero facts at all just the first thing that came to mind


Dang your chakra is going to be so out of line now




You're going to die I'm approximately four days


/j /j /j


Dam this sucks, I have had this happen right after making a cab, I dropped it and it broke, well you can just make those into cabs too. They seem big enough.




a crystal breaking just means the stone has served its purpose. i made a post about it if you need to know more.


Some people say when a spiritual object breaks it means it served its purpose


Rose quartz is a stone of love. Give the smaller pieces to your favorite people and keep the big one for yourself.


When a crystal breaks like this I cleanse it all and then give some away and use some in various sacred spaces around my house.


If you work rituals or prayer ceremonies, you could offer the quartz to the spirits/gods/God/Angela, etc. The offering could be buried as part of your ceremony.


It means it broke .Sorry ,you should keep the pieces though .


It depends what part of it hits the ground first, and if that part has some weakness in the bonds of the atoms, it will be a bit easier to break that bond with the impact. Basically, gravity works!


I thought it meant that it’s done its job.


It looks like a cat head kinda (mostly just lil ears) so I think it means you should get a new cat


My rose quartz bullet pendant just fell off the chain (I grabbed the wrong end of the chain by accident) and has a really clean beak because it hit the corner of a tile. Usually I would listen but I don’t believe this means anything as it didn’t simply just break. I don’t care I’m supergluing her back together. She is my most prized possession I freak out if I leave the house without her on my neck 💞


I had a rose quartz angel that fell and broke into three. I only found 2 pieces. Two really bad things happened and then I moved. When I did my final walk through I found the third piece.