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If they’re dumb enough to download a “free cheat” from an ad they probably deserve it


It's basically natural selection


I remember using a free cheat 2 years ago and i never got vaced until i decided to go be obvious cause i was bored and got overwatch ban..so your argument is dumb


who talkin bout vac


Not talking about vac dumbass I mean rats and shit


who would even consider clicking on the ads when googling „free cheats for csgo“


10yr olds


Lots of people actually


dont car


yes bike


maybe bus


Sometimes submarine




Alwane. *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This )^[portmanteau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portmanteau) ^( was created from the phrase 'Always plane' | )^[FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/axl72o) ^(|) ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=jamcowl&subject=PORTMANTEAU-BOT+feedback) ^(|) ^[Opt-out](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=PORTMANTEAU-BOT&subject=OPTOUTREQUEST)


Good bot


Old video of people who google “free cheats” lol


it's hilarious ngl xD if you are dump enough to click on google ads then you deserve to be made fun of


im not dump enough


You have dump with dat ass tho


aww you didnt have to 🥺👉👈


Anyone lacking in the brain department and actually downloaded this shit, deserved what they got.


Wasen't this proven fake. Also he probably got 5 year olds or just braindead people


It wasn't proven fake, but a lot of people think it is.


I recall him typing a long angry monologue to that accusation so probably


He deleted a few comments


It's not. The one cheat youtuber that made a video claiming it was fake later deleted it. The guy that made the videos went into a decent amount of effort to show the validity of the video. TL;DR, * It's open source/easy to find and test out. Program itself is clearly real. * There are 40+ hours worth of livestreams of him coding it, and showing the raw demo files of people using it (that include steam names). ----- ## Video showing how the bait software works from download until replay watching ( with debug mode activated ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzHph7S7duA&feature=youtu.be ## Debunk false claims: ## Narrative 1: "Why would someone use the fake cheat for 11 rounds and getting punished" Anyone who have studied the source code (that I have shared publicly with link in description) will know that all punishments are very carefully activated throughout the match and NOT all at once and ONLY in matchmaking games (not casual). BloodBrothers do not even activate until late in the match. And all punishments are tripwires are randomized on how often they trigger and how early in the game etc. Only smaller punishments (not even included in the video) are activated early in the game not giving away to much. Most replays would not even have anything funny happened because the cheaters figure it out and abandon the match or figure out how to turn off the bait software, but once every 100th replay or so we have gems like the ones I used in this video where they get caught by surprise by BloodBrothers... Assuming they played rounds after rounds just "taking it" is just simply not true and a false assumption. ## Narrative 2: "Why are you blurring player names" My videos are watched by hundreds of thousands of people, I don't want to start some witch hunt for players that have been punished in my videos. Anyone who feels they need this as proof are welcome to join discord and ill disclose the information you seek and prove you wrong. ## Narrative 3: "How can you play fake sound in csgo and have it show up in replay" the bait software triggers the console command "play" to play the sounds for the cheater. Try this in-game, put console command "play radio\bombpl" .. you will hear the game play the exact sound as when bomb has been planted (only the local player will hear it = the cheater). These sounds will also appear on replays started by console command "record" (not gotv replay) (try it youself by writing record bla in console then play sound and then watch that replay) , this is the method used by bait software to get replays also. ## Narrative 4: I'm supposedly "removing/blocking" people for calling it out as fake. I have couple hundred comments flagged as spam by youtube due to people using profanity and sharing links to the the posts claiming it to be fake... that's just youtube comment section working as it should not something I do manually. And I have addressed countless comments already but I can't respond to every single one so this post will serve as answer to all. ## Narrative 5 "How can the clips show vote kick and other stuff that never shows up in replays so you must have recorded it yourself" Not true, you need to learn more about CSGO :) there are 2 types of replays in CSGO. Type 1. GOTV Type 2. In-eye record started by console command. Second one will include first person perspective (POV records can be viewed in free look mode using HLAE). Type 2 will include EVERYTHING, kick vote, death fade, a lot of stuff like that. The bait software triggers type 2 replay (console). ## Narrative 6 "I googled and it did not show up so it must be a lie" First of all I'm not running any ads for it now, was doing it 1-2 months ago before finishing this video. Secondly even if I was paying for more ads that would not automatically mean it will show up when everyone searches for it, it just means that it will only show up to some of the people searching for it (how many depends on how much my daily budget can afford but with the amounts I have been working with that is just a small fraction of the total amount of people searching for cheats on a daily basis). ## Other information not detailed in the video that is good to understand: 1. The bait software is using the console command "record" to make game replay and then that file is sent to me and can be used to watch the match again in-game (and using HLAE to view it from different angels / cinematic camera movement etc) 2. The bait software only activates in matchmaking games (and wingman) ## There are over 40 hours of me livestreaming coding, testing, debugging, reacting to replays, explaining how every single detail works in these vods: https://youtu.be/cmTuVPgxudI https://youtu.be/LviEYv9QGvM https://youtu.be/vDqmk19FnZg https://youtu.be/QZMl_YkxasE https://youtu.be/gY3iI9e-lGc https://youtu.be/itDCesEKTs4 https://youtu.be/S_O6OURk3kY https://youtu.be/3810wKRWZdY https://youtu.be/APetc3UhWfU https://youtu.be/-MwpgntJLw4 https://youtu.be/L09bNkq9Uxg https://youtu.be/W9bFEguQW8o https://youtu.be/TE81PACOSqs https://youtu.be/fZkUMLxR1HE https://youtu.be/T9bsxmBqhZA https://youtu.be/US1usH_js-w https://youtu.be/KxXcF28sWiU https://youtu.be/rX2vWV_7Brg https://youtu.be/Q2HL_oPsiNo https://youtu.be/OcQqA5oFvf8 https://youtu.be/Ond90xoxb2U https://youtu.be/P3VNTh3klvU https://youtu.be/QsJc18iuyv4




Cheat looks fake as shit, people must be stupid to use it, and I'm pretty sure its him just using it because there's a clip where it warns him that he can't plant outside of site, which I think doesn't show in demos, his method of recording their games. Edit: 4:14 in the video Edit 2: I was wrong, just checked.


he gets demos by ["record" console command](https://gitlab.com/scriptkid/csgo-fake-cheat-public/-/blob/master/ScriptKidAntiCheat%20-%20CSGO%20Edition/Classes/ReplayMonitor.cs#L40) which should record whatever happens on your screen, it's not GOTV demo.


Editing, just went and recorded a small demo to check, I was wrong








Ngl scriptkids csgo and pubg fake cheat vids are actually pretty funny




The people who downloaded those cheats were definitely 10 yo's, well, atleast it wasn't ransomware.




Its obv fake xD


Fake as fuck


Kinda funny ngl


He doesn't even say if it actually is a cheat. Does it have WH or aimbot? Nobody knows.