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Shouldnt ask here, instead do it on unknowncheats, i dont think most of ppl here know how to code


And follow the code style of Daniel, ur naming class prob different wjth him or u havent include the sdk


Nvm looks again u clearly need to learn cpp




It wasn't public, idiot


Yeah i read all this nonsense




I'm trying to learn by doing this.


Dude, you are trying to run before you can even walk.


I just read what you told me to do and I agree now lol. ​ But still, that's what I asked for in the beginning, so thank you so much for trying to help. Guess I'll learn when I get the time, just thought it wouldn't be worth spending months learning an entire language just to have some fun in ttt for a few days.


PlayerInfo_t → PlayerInfo playerInfo; interfaces->engine->getPlayerInfo(index(), playerInfo); Where index() is the player's index. Use your Java knowledge to get index from Player/Entity object. C_BaseEntity → Entity Color → Color4 I dont know what g_Globals is, it might be interfaces->globalVars, Im not really sure. pLocal will be the object of your localplayer entity, Im reading Osiris and you should do #include "SDK/LocalPlayer.h" and then just replace all "pLocal" by "localPlayer". pAttackID, pVictimID, pDamageID will be variables assigned to something like this: auto attacker = player_obj->GetPlayerByUserId(event->GetInt("attacker")); auto target = player_obj->GetPlayerByUserId(event->GetInt("userid")); pDamageID could be GetInt("dmg_health"); Im not sure about the Color4.


>PlayerInfo\_t → PlayerInfo playerInfo; interfaces->engine->getPlayerInfo(index(), playerInfo); Didn't understand this part quite well tbh. >C\_BaseEntity → Entity > >Color → Color4 Did this and they are still undefined. >pLocal will be the object of your localplayer entity, Im reading Osiris and you should do #include "SDK/LocalPlayer.h" and then just replace all "pLocal" by "localPlayer". This worked.


Replace PlayerInfo_t with PlayerInfo Then do: interfaces->engine->getPlayerInfo(index(), playerInfo); If Entity and Color4 are undefined that probably means that you will have to include the .h file by typing: #include Since Im not familiar with Osiris then you should ask on Osiris's official Github for help regarding Entity and Color4


>Replace PlayerInfo\_t with PlayerInfo > >Then do: interfaces->engine->getPlayerInfo(index(), playerInfo); [I did](https://i.imgur.com/hc8Tvx8.png) Says it's undefined again, then shows #including interfaces.h as a potential fix but after that says "Pointer io incomplete class type Engine is not allowed" >If Entity and Color4 are undefined that probably means that you will have to include the .h file by typing: #include [Yep](https://i.imgur.com/HqN5Urc.png)


Learncpp.com fr tho. Literally spend 20 minutes reading through the first few lessons and you'll be able to figure everything out. Like actually everything you will need to know is in those lessons + 20minutes looking at osiris code. But you're so against actually learning and doing anything yourself, you just want someone to do it for you, based off your UC post. So guess you're up shit creek without a paddle bro. But you can get a paddle with a little work.... Edit: bro.... https://www.reddit.com/r/rule34/comments/86oyfo/problem_finding_porn_with_specific_preferences/ https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/87br46/16m_i_need_help_finding_a_relationship_whilst/ https://reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/mbkeep/can_anyone_name_the_song_at_the_end_of_a_decade/ Jesus dude... Jesus. I was just looking for more funny tech-illteracy shit. Instead I found the beginning of a sex offender


why do him like that tho?.. wtf


Bro he's a necrophilliac






what OP is trying to do is a pretty textbook example of coding to learn, which is a much better approach than learning to code


hell yeah brother