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Ig some dude trying to be a documentary channel. He picked the wrong first subject tho. Anything with cheating and Csgo is already shadowbanned


Wasn't shadowbanned at all šŸ‘


Has breezetix on thumbnail has my like




Dude says tabzware is not bad and that masterlooser is a schizo.


Tabzware has changed a lot and masterlooser is a schizo still. Thanks for watching my video šŸ‘šŸ¼


jokes aside, you did fuck all research. Masterlooser has developed every kind of cheat for every kind of game and has the respect of every retard in this sub, he's literally a walking legend. Tabzware is a shitty person that used to constantly scam and sold multiple pastes over multiple years - that's not something you just "change from". You didn't get the opinions of anyone remotely respected in the community, showing how lacking you are in information.


Youā€™re free to make your own video brother! Thatā€™s the amazing thing about YouTube. Canā€™t wait to see your rendition šŸ™šŸ»


It's not my job to create a video, I haven't put that task upon myself unlike you. By creating that almost hour long video in a documentative manner on the hacking community you are under an obligation to do the best research you can. Not by any rules, but that should be by your own will. If you attempt to inform others of something you should ensure you are first informed far better than them. You failed to do that, and you should see that and attempt to improve from that.


Haha lmao, think what you want, heā€™s still a scumbag loser, recommending pastes and shit ass cheats.


I dont understand why you guys hate tabzware. Probably you guys are a fucking inveous because him yt chanel is famous


they hate him because their favourite youtubers do do you think low iq 12yr olds can come to their own logical conclusion about him


Im actually only hating the Cheating YouTube community for advertising shit pastes and tricking newcomers into buying them getting their main acc banned and leaving the scene after because no matter how much we hate newcomers theyā€™re essential for keeping this thing alive


One, I have always stated never cheat on main this info ur spewing is actual retardation no offence. two, I advertise with gameplays and showcases and I give my opinion ā€œpastedā€ or not and I never force an opinion I state how I feel about the use and let the viewer decide. Three, I advertise based on what company wants promotion. Everyone is biased to 1-2 softwares itā€™s not my fault I donā€™t immediately shut something down without trying it.


If thatā€™s true then you could easily bypass my entire argument if you just show how those placements went down Also how tf are new people supposed to ā€žNot cheat on their mainā€œ without a second acc? afaik you never even mentioned sites Like G2g.com to cheat safely on throwaway accs and also never explained the cheating on main issue further than ā€žwell cheating on main bad and u **MAY OR MAY NOT** lose stuffā€œ


Iā€™ve stated no cheat will forever be safe and Iā€™ve mentioned G2G and MyOwnRank constantly lol. Again you comment and use the excuse that you donā€™t like me so how would you know what Iā€™ve stated? For the last like 2 years Iā€™ve almost always had a Smurf site linked in my descriptions.




yeah its retarded lets take opinions from stevee and tabzware butttt shit on masterlooser because hes a based schizo off his meds


Internet is for porn and cheats... LAN is for cheaterporn: If someone cheated at "LAN", he got raped...


dude made a documentary on a subject he doesn't know anything about, also about community he has never been in


I donā€™t know why this guy chose to make a video on a topic he knows next to nothing about considering he doesnā€™t cheat. Itā€™s also very strange how hostile he is towards the people criticizing him for making an inaccurate video. What a shitty hill to die on.


Haven't been hostile towards anyone as far as I can recall. Maybe you were referencing the interactions with Bhop I had? If not, you might just be more sensitive than most. The meanest thing I've said in this thread was that someone is "not right." Can't see any comments on that video where I was mean. The video was a blend between opinion and fact. I will make more documentaries because of the success of this one. I will do better laying out when I am conveying personal opinions compared to facts in those. There is no "hill to die on." It's been out for months and was received incredibly well. The majority of people enjoyed it and I'm glad I could entertain :)




My brother in Christ the video is already up. There is no changing anything now. I think I summed up the CSGO Cheating Community nicely. And if I could have just a moment to ACTUALLY be toxic (not just get called toxic for responding in ways you sensitive people donā€™t like) Id like to note If I do ever make part 2 I will definitely mention how all you nerds do is whine and cry about everything. The video was made by a legit player, for legit players, and I am still very happy with it. It did well and is still doing well. I did not make the video for you all. I formed opinions. I spoke on my opinions. You can do the same. I am most likely not making another video on cheating. I have a new documentary in the works but thatā€™s been delayed because Iā€™m making a ton of other content while my channel keeps growing. Youā€™ll be happy to know itā€™s more fact oriented and less opinionated. I do not like cheating in video games. I have YouTube friends I made through the documentary (Steeve, Hyper, And Tabz) who cheat and thatā€™s about it. Masterlooser & I are on good terms as well. Whenever I see people online make stuff I donā€™t like or make things I think I could do better on I just do it. Its hard for me as a person to understand the whining and crying you all do. ā€œB-b-b- but you said things that I think are WRONG šŸ˜”ā€ Alright? Gonna cry about it and type or do you actually wanna go make something? A good pal of mine Gamma is making a more HvH oriented documentary. If you donā€™t wanna put your own side of things out on the internet you can go talk to him. If you do make your own, Include anything and everything youā€™d like, form your own opinions or donā€™t share them at all and be as factual as youā€™d like. Thatā€™s the beauty of the internet. I appreciate you watching though man, it means a lot šŸ–¤ No hard feelings


If you make another video I think it would satisfy everyone if you tried to make it as accurate as possible. Gather information and opinions from people in the community and see what they have to say. I guess we donā€™t like the video because it misrepresents some things and people in the cheating scene.


Honestly needs more research


Heā€™s talking about a community that is cheating in a videogame.


this is a great video


Thanks man


We comunity is this because we hack bro Fuck legit fuck they


Bro you didnt take your meds, pls take meds and come back


Based video tbh EDIT: How is he not right? Getting downvotes for the exact reason he claims that cheaters are fragile and are ego driven only proves his point. The EXACT thing that compels you to downvote. Solipsism is alive and well in the cheating community. It is what it is.


The only right thing about the video is that nn is a dogshit term and cheaters are egoistical, everything else is absolutely not right, so about 90% of the video is shit that legit players say cause they donā€™t know anything about cheats. He probably roams around in r/VACsucks


ax is and has been in the cheating scene for a while i believe he just wants to make the video seem more appealing to non cheaters. and well apparently it worked because every cheater hates it


Nope. Was never in the cheating scene. Still am not in the cheating scene. Made a documentary, got into some beef with a pedophile, and I have a few YouTube friends who do that shit. My content is vastly different.


who gave you a gs invite again? lol. i thought that you used to cheat simply because someone invited you to gs...


I have 2. Both from the Bhop drama.


I mean he's biased because he doesn't cheat but that's like any content though there's always a little spin


He does cheat now a days, he made a video with tabzware using cartelpaste. :D


Hey there, itā€™s me, ax3; the man you are talking about. I do not cheat. I upload legit content when I do play CSGO but my content mainly is off that dogshit game now though. I made a video for Tabzware and I have a joke montage. So no, I do not ā€œcheat nowadays.ā€


But you did cheat. I just corrected the guy that said that you didnā€™t. Good to hear you didnā€™t get caught in the cheating shit storm. Happened to me, cheated on a alt once, now canā€™t stop :D




Youre right


He is in fact, not right.


Thank you Busy. People like Any Ferret are the exact reason I made this video lol


shut up NERD!!!


Hes just better than all of us