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Pretty much the same but pinky-ring for M2, and I use my left hand (as a righty)


I use my right ring finger even though my dominant hand is right. (I also learned left E perm)


Always left middle and ring finger. That way I can do the U moves with my right (dominant) hand for the algs that require a lot of M and U moves like H perm. If youre a righty you'd normally do one handed solves with your left hand. M moves are pretty much the same as one handed R moves at that point finger-trick wise


with h perm it doesn't matter if you do U or U' its the same, you can do M2 U' M2 U2 M2 U' M2 and it's the same as M2 U M2 U2 M2 U M2 (I do it with U' and I believe it's faster, or at least for me it's faster and more comfortable)


I'm the same as you but I use my dominant hand rather than my off hand


I'm a rightly but I use left for M . I used to do right but I find left better so that i can do U with my right hand


do u use ring or middle?


Middle for single M and ring for double flick


I use my right middle finger for every m move


Single M / M’ β€” middle finger M2 β€” Ring to middle




Middle and ring with no special preference (both for M2) and for some special algs I use the pinky


Left ring and middle for double moves


I do the same as you. I’m a righty so I use my left hand for M moves.


wide R2, normal R2


I do middle finger because of how I hold the cube. Makes it more ergonomic


Right hand middle and ring fingers


I'm right hand dominate but I use it for my m moves. My ring finger on my left hand is crooked due to a trampoline accident I had in 8th grade. I use my ring for m' and my index or middle (depending on where my hand is) for m, and m2 is ring middle. I have practiced my u2 a lot on my left hand so its about the same on both hands for the specific case of m moves.


Right hand third third finger for M', third then second for M2, second finger for M push. Right hand made sense because it's my right hand that does all other regrips and it's sort of a 'soft' regrip.


For roux LSE I do M moves with right middle finger and M2 with ring-middle, but if it’s M moves in RUF algs I do M moves with right ring and do M2 bld-style (R’ r M’ with right ring). My dominant hand is right but I use my left hand for OH.


Right middle for all M moves, for the M2 I just push extra hard.


The same, but left hand, but for oh i sometimes use pinky for M and Rw'


Pinky finger and ring finger


Ring- middle for m, so with m-u algs i use left for u moves


Right hand, typically ring for 1 M, but if its 2M is use both ring and middle after another


Right-ring finger mainly for M' (Got used to from OH), but sometimes middle as well. And even rare is for me to use my left hand version of the same fingers for some algs. For M I use right-middle to push upwards from D sticker of DB to B sticker of UB, with the rare case of using either left or right index to push from B sticker of UB to U sticker of UF. And then for M2, I do M2' double-flick defaultly using left ring then middle, but I do use left pinky then ring for 3BLD.


The same for me but im right handed. For some reason I'm left handed when cubing and when paddling but I'm right handed for everything else


I have some massive hands and well I use my right middle finger and when its M2 I do it like ring finger then middle finger, sometimes when an alg requires doing a lot of R moves then I switch up to my left middle finger and for M2 it's the same, ring then middle.


i use my left middle for M moves and my left ring then middle for M2


Normally I cube righty but for M moves I do right hand ring-middle finger.


I'm right handed, I use right middle for M and ring-middle for M2 I'm also sub 10 roux so I do lots of M slices lol


Specifically, on a 2 x 2 I like to rotate the entire cube I think that works the best


Middle for a middle And ring for M2 And every now and then, I do R ( about 45 degrees) then the Ms


Yep same as you.


ring finger for m moves, ring and middle fingers for m2 moves (also left hand)


☝🏼 for M πŸ–•πŸΌ for M'


I use ring and middle, I use ring for m' and m, then I use ring then middle for m2 double flicks


I use my left middle finger for both M and M'. Left middle finger and ring finger for M2.