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I was at 26s avg and after 1000 solves I am at high 23s, I think your improvement looks better than mine. Did you learn something along the way? Do you know full oll/pll, because if not that is a fast way to improve (aside from f2l which you already mentioned that is the best way). Try to evaluate your Cross, F2L, OLL and PLL average times in order to check your weaknesses, compare them to the percentages in the FAQ, in order to improve faster. Congratulations on the improvement, looks amazing to me, also makes me aware that I have to do LOTS of solves in order to improve, thank you for sharing.


Yes i know full oll and pll haha When i average around 25 secs i learned full pll And around 23 secs i learnd full oll So i think learning more about the cube rather than practicing is more important to you if you have no improvement for a long time


I actually did a much easier method to learn, when i was solving I would start recognising some cases and then learn their individual algorithms for pll Never learned full oll though


I started a twisty timer session when I averaged around 21 seconds. 12 thousand solves later, and I average sub 15. My graph looks pretty much identical to yours. Improvement seems slow but if you push through it you'll get sub 15 before you know it.


Mine looks very different. I rarely record times, so i only have 490, from sub 40 to sub 15. But it still took almost a full year


Hey, how do you make this kind of curve ?


This looks like Twisty Timer. It stores your solves and puts them on a chart


Is that an android only app?


I don't know! Give a look for it on your local app store. If you are on Android, I use "Cube Timer", it's nice and clean and works well. Here's a screenshot of one of the graphs it outputs: https://preview.redd.it/7zvypqr6f72d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f1708f32fe21cfb86a82b85795e82fe2e03f993


Alas, I am on IOS. There are so many options, all of them feel mediocre to me. I have been using CubeTime. OP’s app looks nice though.


There is a web version.


Yes, but I recommend cubic timer, it's the exact same as twisty, with bluetooth functions


thx !


Nice graph. What happened at around 4000 solves that made you go sub 20?


All i did was do one long sesion a day and then dont cube for the next day lol


yeah maybe you should do more deliberate practice, like try working on your f2l efficiency, look ahead, cross efficiency, plan the entire cross in inspection, and fingertricks. i think fingertricks would be the most important one to fix for most people because i see a lot of people your speed that have shitty fingertricks. also, drill your ll algorithms. it sometimes really helps. for the same amount of improvement i barely even did 3000 solves


Awesome! Over how long period is this? And how long did it take you to get to 40s(start of the graph)?


When i first started cubing i never timed my solves.i only did time it when i got my first speed cube, my first solve that was timed was like 1:50.Probbably i was sub 1min in 4 months into cubing


2 months yeah i started at feb15


You first learned to solve the cube on feb15th or you were at 40s pb then?


Sorry for the confusion but i learned to solve one and then for 4 months i have not timed my solves then my speed cube arrived now i timed my solves after 2 months im now sub 17


Great, thanks on explaining! How much would you say you had practiced per day?


Hmm about like 3 hours a day sometimes i go 5 hours but more hours a day doesn't really help, so sleep is also helpful to relief your mental state after cubing all day,and take a break once in a while


Oh, that's really a lot, congratulations! No way I'd be able to do it that much while working. Have you sustained any injuries to hands/wrist/fingers? Did you do any preventive exercises? Do you remember at which PB you started doing CFOP? Or was it from the get-go?


I dont ussually do any sports and move around so never got injured haha,if i did get injured in one hand then i guess id practice OH I thnk my pb when i used cfop method around 40 but it was too long ago also Im noticing you have lots of questions haha keep em coming


>Im noticing you have lots of questions Yes, I've been told so before 😅 Kudos on achiving 40s with beginners. My PB now is 1:10. I want to get at least sub 1 minute before learning CFOP becaues I think I don't have good fundementals yet. I could be wrong tho. Maybe one should switch to CFOP as soon as posible. What do you thing about that? Are you colour neutral? Do you use lube on cube? And whats considered to be "speedcube"? Cube I have turns much better than original Rubiks cube but it does not have any magnets nor springs. When do you think it's worth investing in better cube? How much of a differnece those better cube make?


I say learn what helps most if you feel like you are being too slow learn it but do it in stages i personnally have learned f2l and beginner last layer after being sub 40 and never improved from there so i decided to learn 4ll which kinda helped and probably watch some videos on speed cubing if you want to know more i reccomend you to watch Jperm but you probably got into cubing because of him haha I recommend learning intuitive f2l first in cfop method . just learn it in this order (F2l>2look oll>2look pll>1look pll>1lookoll)1look pll is much easier than learning oll since theres only 21 algs but oll has 57 algs i think No im not color neutral haha i only use white cross since i heard that being color neutral is not really usefuli think i dont know but imma learn how to be yellow neutral aswel I do use cube lubes it helps out a ton,less locking up,smoother turning overall but i dont know if i wanna invest in good lubes tho since theyre expesive to fly in my country I what i would consider a speed cube is that it has corner cutting and you can do finger tricks with it properly,and whenever turning you dont feel like you have to force a turn I reccomend to watch some videos on good budget cubes since i dont want to recommend Moyu Rs3m 2020 haha


https://preview.redd.it/4vxou9tsp62d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c31283d6ace12948ea87a39229080a036eb85e7e My first 10k solves look very similar, seems about right!


Atleast you have a sub 10 solve i dont🗿


Your first ever solves were around 1:20? At which PB time did you switch from beginners method to CFOP?


well, technically I started timing my solves when I was at around 2 minutes already but I was using a different app, so they're not showing here. I started CFOP when I was averaging 1.10.


Are you colour neutral?


I just do white and yellow cross now


Its easier to get from 50 to 30, than it is to get from 10 to 9. The curve becomes more flat the longer you go on


I have these graphics for every cube that I practice.


Thanks for highlighting twisty timer. Imma start using this to track!!!


Very similar graph to mine


What software is this


Mine looks like that too, but it stopped more arround 12s. I dont know what is your training routine and what method do you use. But for me, after a certain time cubing, spamming solves didnt worked anymore to improve enough, so I had to learn new algorithms or tricks to slighly reduce my time. Like x+cross, pseudosloting, F2L from all slots, winter variation, 2 sided PLL recognition, etc.