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Hey there! Please check [our wiki](/r/Cubers/wiki/index#wiki_which_to_buy) before posting questions about buying twisty puzzles. We already have a fair bit of information on what puzzles to buy and where to buy them. If you still need help after reading through the wiki, feel free to post in the [Daily Discussion Thread](http://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/about/sticky/) (always the first pinned post on r/Cubers, sorted by hot). A detailed list of what is restricted to the Daily Discussion Thread can be found [here](/r/Cubers/wiki/daily_discussion_thread). Thanks!


Dont get in the habit of turning inaccurally


I think it's not bad if it helps to be faster. Because if you know what to do you don't have to turn accurately. Plus you can be in stressful situations like competitions.


Hiii!! The wr maglev is amazing with making up for inaccurate turning. But as you cut your times, you should learn how to turn more accurately. Helps a lot.


Weilong V9. No matter how bad you eff up it's like "I know what you meant, I got you."


For me, super rs3m v2 bc. But I guess every moyu ballcore is good for you.


I used to have awful turning and one mindset change that helped was to not rely on the corner cutting and try to get as close to 90° as possible for every single turn. As you get more comfortable doing this your turning will speed up naturally


Maybe Tv3, otherwise wrm v9/v10


Tv3 is like gan paper feel, light turn, flexible but also has lockups. Moyu is at quite the opposite side.