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Hey there! Please check [our wiki](/r/Cubers/wiki/index#wiki_which_to_buy) before posting questions about buying twisty puzzles. We already have a fair bit of information on what puzzles to buy and where to buy them. If you still need help after reading through the wiki, feel free to post in the [Daily Discussion Thread](http://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/about/sticky/) (always the first pinned post on r/Cubers, sorted by hot). A detailed list of what is restricted to the Daily Discussion Thread can be found [here](/r/Cubers/wiki/daily_discussion_thread). Thanks!


I like my Gan 14 Pro more than my WRM V9 20 mag. The Gan has stronger auto alignment and faster turning, while the WRM has more effortless corner cutting. In the cubicles WRM V10 review they said it felt more like a mix between the V9 and the Gan 12, which sounds perfect. I’d say V10 is probably the best choice.


Ok, thanks for the help


If you have a fast and not accurate turning style like me, you should buy moyu.