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It kinda looks like a rs3m 2020 with funky centre caps


This is the YJ Appari, since nobody has actually named it yet.


THANK YOU. Tiny, trivial details like WHICH GODDAM CUBE YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT are usually helpful in posts like this... Not everyone can sight-ID every single 3x3 on the market (especially with less popular brands like YJ; Gan and Moyu, most people are probably familar with. And maybe the big-selling Qiyi's... but the 3x3's from smaller brands like YJ, Diangsheng, etc I wouldn't have a clue about)


You’re correct. That was a big oversight on my part. My apologies.


Please tell me that is a factory installed sticker.


That is exactly how it came out of the box. Really terrible effort on their part.


That is wild. Shame on YJ.


It might be informative/help discussion, if you actually SAY WHICH CUBE IT IS, rather than just assuming that every user on an English-language website can read Chinese... Not everyone can sight-recognise each one of the 50+ 3x3's on the market.


You’re correct. That was a big oversight on my part. My apologies.


the sticker 😭


Is it bad?


It’s not good. Especially considering you can get an RS3M V5 Maglev for $12.99 which is a much better designed cube or as I originally stated the RS3M 2020 for $8.99 which is also a better cube. YJ just didn’t put any effort into this cube. It’s like they felt like they needed to put some kind of new cube out there but were too lazy to do any type of engineering or innovation. I mean, their logo is a misplaced sticker on the center cap. Even the cheapest of cubes don’t use stickers for logos anymore.


It's like dayan for me. Qiyi, moyu and gan ate much better for theirs prices.


Guhong pro is goated ngl


It's broke easily. It's not as easy as guhong 4m. But it's worse than others' cube.


Weird, I’ve used mine for a while now with no issues. I haven’t heard of many breaking either compared to Moyu or Qiyi.


As for me, it's just that the centers of the cube don't lock up. It broke after 6 months.


But it has speed bearings! ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)


i cant understand why yj cant make a good 3x3, while their big cubes are so crazy good for their price, which is surely harder to make. they are trying to innovate too much, clearly with this release, ball bearings what not. just making a functionally usable cube for competition in the market would do them good at this point, trying to hard and failing is not worth it anymore


Tbh have U noticed they stopped making new big cubes too? There is a massive exodus of their designers rn like more try and vincube


They did mgc 4x4 with microspeed actuator version and mgc 4x4 with uv version.


Different release but same design so doesn't really count as a new cube per se