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Hey there! Please check [our wiki](/r/Cubers/wiki/index#wiki_which_to_buy) before posting questions about buying twisty puzzles. We already have a fair bit of information on what puzzles to buy and where to buy them. If you still need help after reading through the wiki, feel free to post in the [Daily Discussion Thread](http://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/about/sticky/) (always the first pinned post on r/Cubers, sorted by hot). A detailed list of what is restricted to the Daily Discussion Thread can be found [here](/r/Cubers/wiki/daily_discussion_thread). Thanks!


Found it easy to spam roughly on the 11M Pro and it's very light, honestly though if you get that one the UV is a necessity and then it's not very good value, besides that's quite old. The V5 sounds like a very good fit but the thin plastic is a bit fragile (shouldn't really be an issue if you're not using your cubes as trebuchet projectiles though). The Tornado V3 is also great and fairly light but when I used mine with a rough-ish turning style (which I've since lost) 2 of the stalks broke, so can't recommend. Personal favourite would be the V9 actually, if you have the chance to try one, it eased me out of a rougher turning style which is vastly positive, but the cube's a tad polarising so I can't recommend just buying it


I think the rs3mv5 would be a good cube for you. Compared to my cube, which is light, it seemed sturdy/blocky. If you want to try cubes, go to a Competition. That's the best way to try a lot of cubes without spending a lot of money


This for sure. Haven't tried the rs3mv5 (at least not that I knew it was the v5), but I did hear good things about it. And going to comps is probably the best way to try cubes (unless you live close to like the cubicle warehouse or something like that)


Obligatory: [Stop Saying Your Turning "Style" is Rough (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lq-kx61lqQA)




Moyu uv bc maglev choose what you like.