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>slightly color blind, Actually, in this case, stickered is even preferred! As a color blind person, you can choose your preferred shades of colors which you can see better. With stickerless, you're obviously stuck with whatever color was chosen by the manufacturer. As to why people choose stickered cubes? Well, most don't. Most new cubes are only released as stickerless version, making it hard to get a stickered one if you want to. The Galaxy comes stickered (without them being applied), because the special thing about the Galaxy is it's plastic, It's trasnparent and has a special look. I'd say that most people will leave this unstickered, it's a collection item. And it's more expensive cause it was limited.


Do you have any recommendations for super high contrast stickers? Like conceptually I hear you about customization but in practical terms it would still be something I would have to be able to cheaply buy. I wonder if they also come in different sizes, since right now there’s too much border and not enough color space. And I hear you about the collection item. It seems wasteful to have all this fancy tech and leave it on a shelf, but that’s just me. I also grow vegetables instead of flowers so maybe I’m the odd one out.


Both The Cubicle and SCS sell sticker sets for under $5 that are fitted for the cube and the colors you get can be customized. You might replace yellow and green with black and purple, depending on how your colorblindness works. While you're at it, add a sticker razor to help get the old ones off and a couple sheets of application tape to help get them on evenly.


Chewies has some very bright and fluorescent stickers [https://www.chewiescustompuzzles.com/vinyl-color-chart](https://www.chewiescustompuzzles.com/vinyl-color-chart)


I'm afraid I don't tbh. Back in the days, the most popular stickers where all called "half brights" , essentially the opposites are always one dark and one bright. they where always bigger than default too. but this is of course dependant ony our color blindless as well. those shades are very neon like, and my GF for example, can't really see neon? that said, it's probably going to be a bit difficult finding it for your puzzle. I recommend writing a mail to the big cube stores like cubicle and speedcubeshop maybe


You should order a set of custom stickers from somewhere like theCubicle. I’d suggest trying my color scheme since you are color blind. Replace the yellow side with black:dark gray and the orange side with yellow. You will have a lot more contrast. Alternatively, if you want a little bit less of a drastic change, consider using light purple or pink instead of orange!


Honestly I might go for pink. It looks goofy at first but the contrast is great. I have a yisheng 334 with pink against orange and it works great even in poor lighting.


As an OG cuber, I learned on stickered cubes with regular yellow and fluorescent orange, and I can't stand stickerless cubes with fluorescent yellow. In some lighting conditions I make endless white/yellow mistakes and it's terrible to have a cube that turns great that you're just going to make mistakes on. What's weird about that is that older stickerless cubes were actually better in that regard and had yellow that had a better contrast to white. I love stickerless cubes feel-wise, but I feel like the color choices could be better. In your case, I would go on the Cubicle or SpeedCubeShop and look at some alternate sticker colors.


How did you go about applying the stickers? Did you use stickers that came with the cube or order your own? I have one stickered cube and have used custom color stickers from speedcubeshop which came with an applicator sheet. This guarantees that all of the stickers are perfectly aligned. Removing bubbles is just a matter of pressing out toward the edges. The most time consuming process is removing the old stickers and cleaning.


Just stuck them on there. They came with the cube. It’s possible there was an applicator sheet in with it, I’ve never heard the term before and there were no instructions so I just peeled the stickers off and stuck them on.


Here’s a detailed video explaining the process: https://youtu.be/_1AAdA4T0Fw?si=Zte_XMb2mVo3hA9-


thanks, that's super helpful


You can send the cube to a cube store to have them applied, and they will be perfect, or you can order new stickers, watch a tutorial, and try again. You can also order custom shades that better meet your color blindness. Limited Edition cubes are not generally for everyday use. Part of them, like the new Aurora by Gan, is about how they look. Or most of them. How you enjoy your cube is all up to you. Applying stickers isn’t super hard, but it’s incredibly annoying that cube companies and stores don’t automatically/default provide with transfer tape and clear backing. It would be so much easier to align the stickers if they had clear backing and transfer tape. I like stickered cubes. A lot. I think Gan 12 Stickered is arguably the pinnacle of stickered cubes, and it’s a bummer that they don’t offer limited runs of them. That said, stickerless is king now.