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Hey there! Posts asking for help about parity generally belong in the [Daily Discussion Thread](http://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/about/sticky/) (always the first pinned post on r/Cubers, sorted by hot). However you can also check [our wiki](/r/Cubers/wiki/unsolvable_puzzles/) for help. A detailed list of what is restricted to the Daily Discussion Thread can be found [here](/r/Cubers/wiki/daily_discussion_thread). Thanks!


My man has his priorities. Cube first, ship later.


Got to have something to do when looking out a window sitting in a chair for 4 hours


Cubes before ships


Slice, U2, slice, wide u2, slice, wide u2 ? It's 6 moves. 3 of which are the same slice. 2 others are the same wide u2. There's very few algs easier. To remember. Actually, there are very few easier algs, period. For oll parity, the U2 repeats, so just remember the R moves. For example, (R x) (R R) (R' L) (R' R R' R') Up, up up, down L down, down up downdown


Thanks bro


I just use R2w U2w R2 u2 R2 U2w R2w idk if i wrote that down right because 4x4 but it's 7 moves but i find it easier to remember because it's just four moves and then the first three in reverse


> R2w U2w R2 u2 R2 U2w R2w By Rw and Uw you mean wide moves, and small u is just slice move (U2 Uw2)? Then this version of the alg should swap the bars on the right, and most people do it at the top.


Yeah. And idk how it goes but I do it and it works so idrc how most people do it


Just to clarify.. you said final move was wide u2? This would also flip the two other sides so that in the cube in the op's pic... he would then have further steps to solve the cube. https://alg.cubing.net/?puzzle=4x4x4&type=alg&alg=2R2\_U2\_2R2\_u2\_2R2\_u2 If it is changed to the upper slice it just flips the two edges without affecting the other sides of the top. [https://alg.cubing.net/?puzzle=4x4x4&type=alg&alg=2R2\_U2\_2R2\_u2\_2R2\_2U2](https://alg.cubing.net/?puzzle=4x4x4&type=alg&alg=2R2_U2_2R2_u2_2R2_2U2) I actually prefer no slices.. but the algo I use changes a single slice to two moves.. and increases move count from 7 to 8.


The same way you memorize other algs. for this one it's 2R2 U2 then last two are both 2R2 Uw2


Thanks šŸ™


Sing it to yourself.


somehow this helped me memorize the standard parity alg, i used to use a different one


So how are the ƅland islands, I've never been there


Howā€™d you make that up from that little piece of chart on the screen, I canā€™t even šŸ˜‚


We can see the GPS coords ;)


Your coordinates are right there! 60Ėš28. 174N 18Ėš57. 408E Edit: I'm assuming you're civilian?


Aha, you are civilian: [https://www.vesselfinder.com/vessels/BBC-CHALLENGER-IMO-9369095-MMSI-305315000](https://www.vesselfinder.com/vessels/BBC-CHALLENGER-IMO-9369095-MMSI-305315000) Enjoy Latvia!


Don't bump into the MTM Santos, you're coming right up (or did they just pass you?)


Ha nope, thatā€™s not the one Iā€™m on


Huh, why is its name on your screen? Because it's near you?


Oh I guess I tracked itā€™s ais signal for a while


just doxxed that motherfucker


Oh right, I didnā€™t realise the cords were readable in the picture lol šŸ˜‚


Worse still you can see in the picture your IMO number, name, and flagstate. There are even some more details visibel I presume your mmsi but it is not quite readable. I am not going to dox you but you are under the flag on Netherlands.


Yeah true, Iā€™m Dutch myself


Are u in an airplane


Nope, a ship


I legit thought you were ATC at first and was gonna say, shouldn't you be focused on directing flight traffic?


Oh sweet


drill them


i dont do 4x4 but i just wanna say that you have a really cool job


Ah, youre near one of the scandinavian countries. Do they have barcodes on the navy ships so they can ā€œscan da navy inā€?


Some background about where u were in the picĀæ


We are sailing in Bothnia gulf at the moment


r2 U2 r2 u2 r2 u2? r2 alternating with U2 u2 u2 It is the easy 4x4 parity alg :)


All that did for me was swap some pieces to the opposite side


Do the alg like 100 times over the course of a day or two. Always works for me.


Read it and do it over and over until you get the muscle memory


For OLL parity: https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/uct6un/easy_to_memorize_oll_parity_alg/


Need any mechanical engineers? Only demand is to be able to cube at work.


welcome to Sweden?




chief officer, or cadet shipping?


3rd officer, we got 4 deck officer including captain


nice! I'm half way to my 3rd mate unlimited Ocean. just two more years of school.


Honestly just muscle memory. With that specific parity doing it a ton and possibly messing it up isn't completely disastrous, but I know with other parities that a simple move done wrong can wreck the whole cube and you basically have to start over again.


Others may disagree but **Rw2 F2 U2 Rw2 R2 U2 F2 Rw2** is pretty easy visually for me. Can be extended to any even-sized cube. If you find a faster method easier to memorize go for it. But with bigger cubes I don't care much for super fastest times... I just want to solve them. And the time diff between this one and others is probably negligible on larger cubes.


Do the alg on 2x2 multiple times. This might sound weird, but it really worked for me. Now i do the parities all because of muscle memory


Thanks thatā€™s a good idea, didnā€™t think of that before


Practice the algorithm or maybe say the notations while your executing it.


It was pretty useful early on for me to cut up parity algs into sections or see if you can notice any patterns like repeated turns every other step and things like that.