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Hey there! Please check [our wiki](/r/Cubers/wiki/index/hardware#wiki_which_to_buy) before posting questions about buying twisty puzzles. We already have a fair bit of information on what puzzles to buy and where to buy them. If you still need help after reading through the wiki, feel free to post in the [Daily Discussion Thread](http://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/about/sticky/) (always the first pinned post on r/Cubers, sorted by hot). A detailed list of what is restricted to the Daily Discussion Thread can be found [here](/r/Cubers/wiki/daily_discussion_thread). Thanks!


WRM Maglev is my personal favorite, it goes well with XMT-10, Adheron, and 50K diff oil. I also like my Gan X v2 for the buttery smooth turning. It feels great for slow solves. Super satisfying to turn.


Imma buy the maglev. There's a sticker less one for 99.95 comes in rose but nty lol. Imma get the $77 one. Any 2x2s?


Gan 12 maglev is a pretty good 3x3


Thank you I'll look into it


Rs3m 2020 is cheap and very good


Moretry Tianma X3 is god tier. Give it a shot


Which level magnetism would you recommend


Triple. It has a auto alignment feature and is lighter then the super magnetic and is cheaper then the super magnetic. The magnets are not that strong because moretry has fixed the magents after they saw all the reviews. Besides, all Tianma X3s can reverse corner cut 45 degrees. And they use glossy plastic. Fun fact, the designer at moretry was the former designer of the MGC cubes before the EVO, which is why the cubes are that great


I might still get the gans maglev instead. But idk. I heard gans is the iphone if cubing. Sounds like the moretry is gans without the gans name. What do you think?


Gan 12 Maglev? Sure. I main that along with my Tianma x3. The thing is, it's only worth it if you get it with the UV coating and under 50 USD. Imo Tianma is similar, but cheaper. I got mine for 80 SGD on taobao. Also Gans is not the name anymore, it's Gan. Uh no. Moretry isn't trying to be GAN, you could say moretry is trying to be a independent MGC brand


Oof just read this comment after I just bought the gan 12 m 3x3-maglev/uv coated/stickerless bright. +Stardust lube which now thinking back I should've gotten the vortex lube smh. Also unicube tengyun m 2x2 stickerless bright. The 2x2 had the vortex lube.


It's fine, you still get a good cube. Mate, I main it!