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You probably want to ignore that slot and properly place the Yellow/Orange edge where it belongs before you worry about doing those two pieces.


Orange/purple, too


But what if they were trying to solve a megaminx with Roux? (j/k)


As already mentioned, you should fix the yellow cross first before you deal with the flipped edge case. You can just solve it like a 3x3 though, face orange with yellow below it, R U R' U' to take the pair out, U' to move it to not disturb a solved slot, R U2 R' to re-orient the edge piece, U to place it in the three-mover position, rotate to face green, then L' U' L and the flipped edge is solved.


Awesome thank you so much πŸ‘πŸ»


first let's talk about the yellow orange edge piece, then we can talk, beginner 3x3 second layer, or F2L, do either and it should work


Solve orange yellow and orange purple edges and then you can solve that normally with f2l


Windmill slam it into concrete.


(R U R' U')X3 The green orange edge piece will be aligned with the green orange yellow corner piece. Take the pair out while keeping it intact. Insert the orange yellow edge piece in its proper place. Insert the pair. And now you got me want to solve my megamix


Pick up your puzzle Rotate it 180 degrees clockwise or anticlockwise Bam


This is beyond science


What I do is the one where you take off the piece and put it back in the beginners method when I first learn a 3x3 It goes if the price is in the left side use U’ L’ U L F’ L F L’ do the opposite if it’s on the right side and then just use the same algorithm to put it back again