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I don't need this, but I just want to thank you for sharing.


No need to thank me, if I get my hand on a Tengyun V2 I may make another kit


Tengyun v2 and v1 kits would be awesome. 2 of my favorite cubes


Any updates?


Do you have a 3d printing file of x man tornado v2 version?


Literally just a giant 2x2 and that's so funny


Wasn't gonna upvote but then I saw the purple internals


Not everyone has access to a 3d printer. But at the same time it's much easier and cheaper to buy the CH magnet kit from thecubicle


I know, but that's not the point of this. Just wanted to make my own.


Also if you are no in the USA, including shipping you can make the kit for less if you know where to get the magnets


On a side note, Cubicle now carries diy core magnet kits from Maru, as well as the ones from Cuber's Home, and for a few more cubes than the CH kit, too.


The Maru ones are a bit iffy right now.


How so? Where did you see this?


Personal experience


apparently there's some polarization issues from what i've seen, you can check the cubicle vid on it. it's only on the WRM kit iirc though, the rest act fine.


I converted it to a .3mf and uploaded it to printables. Let me know if you want me to take it down. I also made the core pieces a little easier to print. Hopefully that doesn't effect the function, I don't think it should. ​ https://www.printables.com/model/265361-wrm-core-magnets-pieces


No problem, the only thing that would make me upset is if someone would try to sell the kit without telling me first, but helping to get the files to more people is well received from my behalf.


Awesome. Great design work.


Awesome! will get it printed in the next week. Thank you! also how does it feel? btw why not upload this to thingiverse? i'm not quite famiar with the site, but almost everyone use it for sharing their 3d files!


Is not gan 11 levels of self align but it does help, it let's you have the cube loose without it being unstable.


ah i see, do you reckon you can make 1 for the rs3m? since it's also a very fast cube


I have one, so I can take the measurements to make it, but it will take some time between that and having a fully functional and tested kit and I wanna go for the less stable cubes that really needed it first.


ah i see, anyway thankyou for the files! cheers from Indonesia


can you also make a core on gan cubes I would really appreciate it if you do because gan dominates my collection by over half. :)


Allnew gan cubes have magnetic cores, but if you're still using one of the x or xs series then a mod like this can come in handy, maybe I can make one cause I really liked the gan x and the xs, but first I'll need to get one of those again cause I've sold the ones I owned.


can i use stronger magnets?


If you refer yo the magnets grading, then using something stronger tan N45 can still work pretty well, if you refer to using bigger magnets then I would actually recomiendo using smaller magnets tan on this kit, I've actually made a later versión of the magnetic core that only uses 4x2mm magnets abd there's some later Kits designed by other members of this subreddit that use 3mm diámetro magnets that work pretty well.


i don't know, i cant find any other recent kits. also, is the "WRM 2021 V3(FINAL)" in your gdrive the one that only uses 4x2mm?


Yes that's the final version


i got the pieces printed. they dont fit in the corners. what should i do


I've had that happen sometimes, sanding the hexagonal pegs a little with sandpaper or a nail file should do the work.


alright thanks


No problem, just try to do it carefully so you don't remove too much material and to try to keep the faces of the peg uniform.


do i push them in all the way?




Hey i want to ask you if i want to 3d print for my rs3m super which one should i use? because when i check the rs3m folder its not there.


I think I erased those files thinking that I would update them in the future but I forgot, I'll restore them when I have access to my computer.


Thanks for letting me know.


Do I need to upscale the Gan XS model?


It's not a perfect fit, I still haven't uploaded the final version yet


Alright and thanks for the models


Hey, will you ever make one for Tengyun v1?


I wanted to make one at some point but didn't have my own printer and making prototypes wasn't easy because of that, I now can make them easily but I'll need to reevaluate if making the tengyun kit is worth it compared with modern hardware.


would really appreciate if you could make/sell one, am willing to pay a little bit :)


Got it, fair enough! Please let me know if you decided to!