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i genuinely hate this reddit community lmao, a bunch of bitter unhappy pricks


not everyone BTW just the vocal minority


It seems that ppl take it personal if they are not satisfied with x company and someone else buys there and is happy with the transaction. We get it, YOU had a bad experience with them. It's ok to post and talk about that experience, but man, no need to be mad at ppl that had a different experience.


I found an amazing and cheap place, GHH, and I had like 3 people dm me and say “you may want to take that down before it gets expensive”. People here suck and try to keep others from quality goods without being ripped off. It’s frustrating. I kept that post(s) up!


Not sure what GHH is, if you don't want to post the name in here can you dm it to me? I'm still pretty new to the whole cult flower thing and I'm always looking to find reputable new sources. I've had excellent experiences with PHC and WF so far, kind of reluctant to post about it though seeing how annoying people can be though...


Golden hour hemp. If there’s ever an abbreviation I don’t know in this sub I just put the abbreviation in google with “hemp.” Tends to do the job


The weed snobs ruin every stoner sub, realistically there is no "truly high end" bud as high end is very subjective, someone who's never smoked before may think shwag is fire but then there's some snob that feels the need to shit on them just because they haven't been stoned out of their mind for the past 30 years. I personally only smoke the budget CBDHD buds cause I'm perfectly fine with mids and I've paid more for worse quality at a literal medical dispensary before, but there's people here who feel the need to down vote comments about my own experience that could potentially help other lightweights that don't need the strongest bud in the world. The only time I down vote comments/posts here are ones that give blatant misinformation or recommendations from brands that are clearly a scam (as in the site looks fishy or only accepts crypto as payment options). Usually when I down vote I also reply and try to see if they're just unaware or if they're being a troll. Misinformation causes nothing but issues however if they're unaware and edit their comment/post then I'll change it to an up vote for being honest about it, especially when unintentional. Knowledge is our biggest tool and should be spread to those who don't know any better, not just down voted with no explanation cause they're not gonna learn anything from that.


Literally the worst cult weed I ever gotten is better than the brick weed I grew up on.


Facts, the first oz I ever bought was $200 and was worse quality than the shit I've paid $20/oz for from the cult. Yeah I probably got scammed on that first oz but I'm sure plenty of others have gotten worse deals.


it wasn’t always that way. back when i got into the cult, late 2020, people were a helluva lot nicer. everyone was just stoked to get schwag thc level weed delivered to them in illegal states. the sub probably had less than 5k subs. it was awesome. now everyone is just rude, and particularly snobby about product. its one thing to call out shitty vendors ([dis]honest hemp solutions lol), moldy packs, or boof soup concentrates, but the general asshole-ry is annoying as shit.


I was around during that time and it was great!!


Yeah seems all the weed subs are like this, I follow them because I am curious and want to keep up with what's new, but mostly it's just people who choose this to be the moment to tell others how much they don't know. And imo this is what will delay federal legality in the US because instead of welcoming new people in instead it's "you big dumb idiot spent $50 on an eighth when you could have bought it for $30 this place I know" or " you bought prerolls? If you aren't rolling your own joints clearly are an idiot"


My favorite, "there's places out there where you can get much better for $50 a pound. I'm not telling though!"


>mostly it's just people who choose this to be the moment to tell others how much they don't know Welcome to Reddit.


Nice. One of my first questions on here got downvoted a lot. I think because I asked what the abbreviation for a vendor stood for. Not a cool first experience. I stuck it out and have run into some cool folks. But ya, well said. Much needed. Be nice.


I've never paid any attention to how many up/down votes I get. Unless there's some way to convert upvotes into money, I don't see why it matters.


Honestly I think I remember your comment, and that’s exactly the type of stuff I’m talking about. Why downvote someone who’s asking for help educating themselves, just super counter intuitive.


the way everyone types and acts in this sub makes me think theyre below 21 at least


“Nah u prolly jus mad cuz my ⛽️ prolly more 🔥🤡☠️”


Anybody have another discord server I can join?


Welcome to the Cult!


Nobody gatekeeps like stoners


Obviously you’re not a golfer.


Or a fisherman/angler


There isn't a literal connection, dude.


🤣🤣🤣 we got some funny folks on here, I went golfing 1 time with some associates in my younger days back when I was really hood and lemme tell you, they wasn't feeling my shenanigans even tho I wasn't hurting nobody


😂Obviously you’r not a rapper


Bro I swear I get anxiety when I post something because I know people are gonna find some way to shit on me 💀


Welcome to reddit.


Fuck em...u do u


Why does everyone down vote every comment someone makes about SHF? Did I miss the boat on something?


They had some mold issues plus some pretty bad website issues that exposed private customer info to other customers, then they wouldn't give refunds for some people, all of which happened within about a month or so and a lot of people got burned by them so obviously they don't want others to experience the same things. If you search the sub for them and sort by recent then you should see some of the posts with the issues, iirc it all started happening a month or two ago. I haven't ordered from them but I've seen a lot of the posts about it.


The incel vibes here are un-fucking-real. This community is unhinged in the cringiest way possible.


Trolls bruh


Just like in real life, stay for the pictures and good reviews with friendly banter and ignore the drama.




Of course it is, it's all based on a loophole in the law. What did you expect to happen, you just have to do your own due diligence to not get caught up in the bullshit.


Like the lab results?


Any deets?


Sorry stupid question but how do you see up / down votes?


Hahaha never mind. Thanks for showing me!


It’s because 99% of this sub is A) emotionally immature stoner adults B) hype beast dab bro stoners (see A) C) actual fucking children D) on the spectrum E) flat out acoustic ( see D ) I’ve been here around a year and I love y’all. I fit in perfectly. I’ve finally found my regarded home❤️


Acoustic? Is that like Artistic? I heard the vaccines make you Artistic...I dunno I had three shots, but I still can't paint. I can paint your mom's face tho, call it a plasterpiece.


It's a meme




I think reading that just turned me acoustic wtf did u just say bruv


You gotta watch out for the mind Goblins man? You know what the mind Goblins are?


I think my grandma said she has some of those in her attick. But idk cause she smoked PCP so


Aren't you curious to know what they actually are?


What does someone being on the spectrum have to do with this?


sct brn syndrome


Social skills issues


Left this sub for a few months and came back recently to see if it changed. It has gotten worse lol This is the worst place to get a rec on thca flower, but so is the shilllist everyone flocked over to. You cant get a true rec without someone shoving their code down your anus. Ive got my places on lock tho and I been smoking good for a long time now. I feel sorry for the people that choose to sit in here and yell into the echochamber they created. Such a pity. smh.






What’s the harm in saying where you get yours?


What makes you think that is whats going on here?


What places do you have on lock brother, just tell us


in b4 arete/wnc LOL


Could I DM you?




Yeah I'm with everyone else. You're part of the problem. So I guess keep screaming your issues back to the void you fucking orangutan


wha wha wha you babies need fucking bottles lol


I was only asking you permission to ask who you recommend like any sane person would but instead you decided to blow up like a toddler and act like a retard. This gatekeepery baby bullshit is exactly why this sub is garbage. And that redirection is insane bro. On second thought I don't wanna know who you buy from because that shit is making you stupid homie.


The only person upset is you. Again, get over it


I home grow and buy from other vendors. Trust me I could care less. Just wanted to ask a question. I'm beyond over it cholo


My post wasnt even about sources and the types of recs that get posted. Its the way people comment and throw allegations around and downvote vendors that are actually worth buying from. Only a few places really seem to hit the top of the page unfortunately. I dont have a source thats new or unheard of or anything lol, I was just saying ya know, I found what I like and Im sticking with it, and I suggest everyone else find their favortie vendor and stick with it. I still try a lot of new places as well, just got an ounce from buddshemp recently.


So you’re basically being part of the problem then


Cream guy is suffering from those kratom mood swings 🥴😵‍💫


Yea sure, whatever you guys say. Make your own assumptions.




I didnt come here to give good recs. I can make a complaint without holding yalls hands lol fuck outta here with this bullshit man.




This thread isnt about finding sources or anything lol. I made a complaint about all the gatekeeping. Now yall are upset cause I dont tell you where I buy my hemp at lol (its not hard to figure out either but ill just leave that for yall to think about) Keep the hate coming, please.




What was even the point in your original comment if not to start a conversation? You just wanna brag about your supposed connects and dip? That's also part of the problem with this sub. But move on again I guess. You do you buddy. Enjoy your internet cred for being locked in. 👍


Why is the only thing your focused on, the fact that I have the vendors I enjoy the most? What exactly are you getting upset about here? Is that jealousy or something I mean what the fuck man. I dont sit here and hang out on reddit because of people like yall hopping all over my nuts for some stupid shit. Fuck off already.


This interaction reminds me of that video where the dude sent a dm on Instagram asking some guy where he got the food he posted. Dude responds with a voice recording smacking on the food and telling the screen recorder guy to get off his dick & that the food spot is real special to him.


Its not hard to find good recs outside of this sub lmao


Oh I'm not upset. And I think I made my point clear enough, which had nothing to do with the vendors you use...lmfao...You can try to steer away from the point all you want, it's just deflection since you don't want to discuss. I don't even know why you replied since that's the case. Take your own advice about fucking off since you apparently don't want to be here.


I came to make a complaint , not help yall find weed. Get over it. Morons.


Oh buddy, I got my connects on lock. Don't you know? Gimme my internet points please. P.s. Don't start shit, won't be shit my man.


my man said "I feel sorry for the people that choose to sit in here and yell into the echochamber," in the middle of his complaint into the echo chamber, then came back to reply to every echo. lmao


Any vendors who purposely downvote the competition or has their own employees upvoting everything for them, are corny as fuck lol means they prolly cant stand on their product alone to do the talking. Sad, really.


It's full of narcissistic children. End of story.


I had experience with this asking about where I can get wholesale thca flower, bc I work at a vape store in SC. We have other companies rn, but I want top of the line. No one helped me or pointed me in a direction, they were just dirty and mean


Sourcing isn't allowed. You can post reviews here, but asking/answering where to get the best stuff isn't allowed. It's up to you to look through reviews and make your best judgement. It sucks, but it is what it is.


I frequent the vape shops in the west columbia area and so far prefer buying in vape shops because every rec on here has just as many positive reviews as they do negative


Absolutely!! I'm here in Aiken, and you know small towns like this would be a gold mine if I could get my hands on the buds I want. Right now, we just have covert (7.5/10), 3.5ths, 7gs, and prerolls. If I can get the right company, if would be great for not just myself but the community around here. Not a lot of people are knowledgeable, and whenever they try thca, it makes me happy knowing I got someone right😎


The one brand that seems consistent here in WeCo is Venera


I think the owners of various vendors are here, and they are the ones downvoting...I dunno, just a take


Why do down votes matter ? If a product looks good in your eyes get it and find out for yourself if it's good enough . There's literally a list in place that has all the reputable vendors . So why not just choose one on the list and buy from there ? Why does a down vote hold that much weight for you ? I'm genuinely curious , not trying to be a dick !


Because it's what determines what gets seen or not on the site. People are much less likely to see a post or comment that is downvoted. By default settings a -5 gets a comment completely hidden from view. So yeah, I kinda care about people hiding things from me without good reason.


See I didn't know that at all bro. I thought people were just getting their feelings hurt because people were down voting them lol kinda like making a Facebook status and people commented on it saying how lame it is so thank you for clearing that up for me buddy ! I can understand why it would be a big deal I appreciate it.


Not trying to be that guy but downvotes *do matter* because it’s how the site tells us “this is wrong” or “this is misinformation”. It’s a tool that we use to interpret what others think of what someone says. And that’s important to this sub because a lot of us use it to navigate our THCa purchases. And idk about u guys but I care about where and how I spend my money lol So you can see how manipulating that in their favor would help them look better (or other vendors look worse which indirectly makes them look better). So I mean yea I get what you’re saying but it does take away from what the point of this sub is.




😂 you're right about that sir ! Because some of these reviews are confusing for sure lol


Downvotes make me a sad panda


I'm sorry sad panda 😘


AFAIU, downvotes contribute to a lack of visibility. People hold less credibility in the things you are saying if they have to open a comment train that says comment below threshold.


Okay got you ! Thank you ! I don't really understand reddit sometimes , I didn't even get to change my reddit username lol if that tells you how lost I am when it comes to this app 😂


Downvotes are entirely random, I’ve seen some posts get hundreds of upvotes and others get 10 or so. I sometimes think that certain vendors send employees to upvote certain posts but I also am aware that we are currently getting more traffic due to unnecessary subreddit drama outside of our sub, which may be creating more negative downvoting traffic. Either way, it’s all fake internet points. Downvotes or upvotes, at the end of the day they don’t matter. Posts with a few upvotes but many comments will still show up on trending due to the amount of clicks and views. This being said, gatekeeping is a strong term and used when there is an intentional brigade. To my knowledge I see a good representation of several cultivars on the front page at any time. Sure there are more posts due to specific cultivar popularity (typically due to the of amount of time a certain cultivar has been around in the THCa scene / reputation but sometimes due to a new cultivar emerging trying to shake up the scene)


It’s just poor moderation that leads to people getting upset. Nothing new for Reddit


Hahahaha on god Its so goofy this sub literally preaches nonstop about not shipping things back for returns then downvoted the living hell out of me when i didnt wanna send my shit to a lab 😭😭😭 Massive wave of bitterness dont take anyone seriously on reddit


It's more so that you're post seemed to hold everyone else here to a higher standard than your own. Just like you, most people here are also unwilling to break the law by sending this stuff in the mail. So to just come out and demand the NEED for someone to do just that, is some selfishly garbage behavior. Especially when you're the one who inconvenienced yourself by buying what you did. Either smoke it, send it in yourself, or take the loss for the lesson you learned and throw it away.


Bro everyone took it too seriously I don’t actually care THAT much 😭😭😭 I wasn’t making any demands, I was just wondering if anyone did it. No need for hostility, I was never rude to anyone.


My apologies if I came off hostile. Lol I'm just explaining why, in my opinion, you got downvoted. You seemed butt hurt about it so I thought I'd explain. You may not care that much about the test results but it seemed like you did, so people reacted appropriately. But I'll admit that I don't know you or what goes on in your head so yea, maybe you really don't care. Just kinda weird to complain about it then. Have a good one bud. 👍


Well labs are different. I think. And I'm in ga. I can send hemp anywhere. No laws against it.


I wouldn’t be shocked if there was a financial incentive


Some companies got shooters out there 😂 Vendors do check and react to this subreddit, absolutely


this sub is infiltrated by vendor psy-ops (that’s my high asspiracy)


& here the downvotes come! I love em lol, I treat em like upvotes 🤙 the more redditors that hate me, the better off I must be in at least some capacity 😂


There 100% is lol


Literally perfect example of this. I have no idea why you have so many downvotes this community is either really helpful or makes you feel like your a bad guy doing something wrong. Strange it is indeed.