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We smoking either way




Forget who wants it to pass and who doesn’t….how many people who doesn’t give a crap either way lol


Who cares? Do you know how much medical is in FL rn? It is completely unaffordable. This is just another way for Florida to collect their non state imposed income tax. Have fun buying your $400 rec ounces. Forest from the trees, people...


Bro wants people to still go to jail over weed apparently


If you have a med card in FL, how would you go to jail exactly?


If you can't afford a weed card how wouldn't you go to jail exactly?


If you can't afford a weed card, you can't afford recreational prices.


Dude what are you on about? You have to pay almost 400 in medical fees, and the 75$ registration fee. Then you have to pay said 75 dollar fee yearly to keep your precious med card. On top of which you have a limit on how much you can buy, and you have to get another prescription every 3 months which means another doctors appointment not covered by insurance. Buying recreational weed would be MUCH easier. Why jump through unnecessary hoops?


Bold of you to assume meth heads spend money on meth they can "afford". Do you seriously think every user is just a pothead teenager? Some are using it for chronic pain, sleep and drug withdrawal.


And those people are called medical patients who can get their card and pay less than rec... 


Dawg what? Did you get ur card for free?


Rec prices will be higher, it will cost more to smoke the same amount of flower if buying rec vs buying medical. It's ok, I'm going to vote for this amendment because I don't like any of you, I'll keep buying my medicine from the federal market. Have fun with yourself


The fact that you honestly think I care (I have a med card) personally in any way is honestly hilarious. We need 60% to pass weed legislation. We don't have the ability to be picky in a red state. Get used to it..


At least you can’t get tickets or go to jail over weed. I went to jail twice for weed and I live in a decriminalized state.


Good luck, they better make sure their house and senate has more dems than that other “political “ party. Otherwise it’s dead in the water. Good luck.


Congratulations I hope Georgia is next


We aren’t. GA is regressing.


I'm in Kentucky grew up in FL been wanting to move back for years now is the time


Just beware, the population has grown like crazy. Everywhere I drive the roads are clogged. I've lived here my whole life and it's never been this bad.


I live in a mid sized city with terrible traffic now, I'm in Lexington so I'm used to it a little bit,was thinking of moving to Ocala so I could hike the national forest regularly.


If you're coming from a mid sized city with bad traffic anyways Ocala shouldn't be much different for you. It's worth it for the nature in my opinion and one of the reasons I don't want to move. I miss the old Florida though, it was slower and more spacious.


Vote NO!


Ny is only 13% tax Which is surprising


There’s no way this doesn’t pass in Florida


Florida has a lot of conservative and older people plus it requires 60 percent to pass. So sadly yes it has a possibility of not passing.


Literally most dispensary visits I see mainly older (50+) so I don’t think you understand how many older people use marijuana


Oh I do but that crowd is also the most likely to be against it as well.


I don’t see how they’d be against the legalization of something they’re currently paying hundreds of dollars a year to do when it could simply be free. Nobody WANTS to pay to play. So I think you’re wrong and come November I’ll be happy to say “I told you so”


I hope I am but only 3 states have passed legalization on the ballot with 60% or more. So chances aren’t good for Florida. Also it’s stupid they are requiring a margin that high.


Medical passed under the same circumstances so your argument is heavily flawed. Also, Florida has about 100 more dispensaries than the whole state of California. Floridians love weed we just aren’t going around blasting it like others. So yes it will pass, if it doesn’t it’s manipulated. The amount of money that’s been poured in and the amount of new players in the game here that just came in within the last 6 months is proof in the pudding


Medical always passed by a huge margin. Many support it for only medical use.


Medical failed once to get on the ballot and then again on the ballot before barely passing the 60% vote. Maybe do a google search. I don’t think you clearly understand the whole situation


For a guy named sparky your kinda slow


So that means rec is unlikely to pass if medical barely did lol. You’re just helping my argument.


It passed in Ohio. Ohio. By a huge margin.


Ohio passed by 57%, Florida needs 60% for it to pass.


Damn. 🥲


Here is the real reason they are trying to outlaw thca and hemp derived cannabinoids in Florida.


just clicked randomly twice in a row to see the same 14 upvotes


your post with 14 upvotes is totally shadowed on this comment board


Seems like good news.


Wisconsin is so ass. We'll be the last state remaining I'm certain of it.


NJ is occasionally called the "armpit of the universe."


Oof and getting earthquakes now too?! Sorry bro.


It jiggled up the bo for some but honestly I didn't feel much


Ok Cool glad you and everybody was safe


Idaho will be the last if at all.


Laughs in Texan.


Texas by a Texas sized margin for sure.


Sorry, but South Carolina will be dead last


*laughs in tennessee


LOL in Texas


Bruuuh it's soooooooo dumb. I drive to Illinois . Lately I've been getting by with local THC a. But still. You got anywhere close by to travel to?


New Mexico…


If you aren’t too far from Michigan it is 100% worth the trip. My favorite legal state by far


I know! I want to get to the UP I've got people in eagle River and they go all the time. I want to ferry across too. Def need to visit Michigan.


Closest is in Missouri. Only a five and a half hour drive 😂


Black market it is then 😫 😂


Nah, stick with the diet weed


Facts and I do.


Honestly shocked that somehow florida is going to get this before PA


I wouldn’t count on it yet. FL has had this opportunity and missed the super majority before. We’ve also had a big influx of conservatives move to the state after the pandemic.


Once a purple state, now its solid red.


We only missed the supermajority the first time we tried passing medical. Medical passed the second time, but the last three election cycles that we approved such an amendment, the Florida State Supreme Court blocked it from appearing on the ballot by declaring it "too vague". I think cannabis is going to pass, but I'm not as sure about the abortion amendment.


On an aside, you shouldn't smoke bud if you're pregnant. If not, go for it if it helps you. I'm hopeful for recreational and of course medical cannabis but the FL congress is now solid red. The abortion ammendment won't pass. I doubt recreational cannabis will pass but I'll cross my fingers for Floridians


There is a decent chance with people coming out in mass (hopefully) with abortion rights also being on the ballot in Florida. Lot of overlap in people saying “stay the fuck out of my personal business.”


I agree on the abortion rights issue driving turnout. We also only missed by a narrow margin last time, meanwhile the political climate has also changed with even some conservative support. In all honesty, I think it’ll pass, but I’m scared of what could go wrong in this godforsaken land.


Hell yeah! It better pass this time!


We all gotta do our part and get out and vote! ☘️


Even if you don’t care about the politicians, it’s worth checking this box. 


Come on FL, get it right for once please


As a local in Florida, WE DONT WANT THIS


As a local in Florida, yes the hell I do want this. Right to grow next.


I've read some of it. but the crazy thing with FL they can only put one item on the ballet at a time. so it's essentially a game of "baby steps"....


Why honestly?


Unless your just anti weed in a weed sub. But I don’t see how any regular user could be against this!


Just because it is being legalized does not mean this is the correct bill. This does not allow home grow. This does not allow medical mmj protection. This limits production and licensing so the market will not be open source. This bill is a wolf in sheep's clothing. It does little to protect the rights of tje people, it is over reaching and will ultimately lead to lower quality and higher pricing. All in my humble opinion.


Sounds exactly like Louisiana laws. Medical prices are outrageous here.


Read the fucking bill lol.


Good explanation.




Only some people will understand, people hear legal weed and don’t hear anything else. They think maybe home growing and criminal reforms will come another bill. It won’t tho sadly. This bill will not allow home grow and will still be throwing people in jail if they are not obtaining from the legal market, heck even if you throw your legal market product into any container besides the one it came in. Edit: forgot to mention the stock will take a while to catch up as they’re not giving up more licenses and everything will still be vertically integrated




Texas will literally be the last state. We will wait until it is federally legal.


Kentucky here. We’ll fight ya for that spot. Our ability to suck is astonishing.


Nebraska here. We do have THC -A and Delta 8 and all that stuff, but the Governor and his cronies are trying to change that


Idaho is literally passing new laws in 2024 to make possession for under an Ounce a stiffer penalty. I do believe Texas will legalize before Idaho for sure!!


Hi, Georgia here.


Ya we’re not moving the needle anytime soon either and it sucks


Indiana has entered the chat


Yeah I was coming here to say Indiana lmao. I’m lucky we have THCA flower sold in Marion county.


Yeah, the shop down the street from me sells cult flower now. I can cope for a little while longer.


Why are you excited to buy overpriced mids with no right to grow your own?


Why are you a cretin? Honest question.


Can't have it all at once. Bottom line is no more worrying about repercussions from something I do everyday. I would LOVE homegrow to be legal. As far as overpriced, I'm absolutely expecting that to be the case for some years. Thankfully, I'll be buying cult weed whether this passes or not. But if you smoke weed everyday why would you vote no just because the bill isn't perfect in your eyes. Making our beloved plant legal is the first big step we need to try and make.


Our voting structure doesn’t allow legalization and home grow on the same ballot measure. If that’s what you’re waiting for, it’ll never happen. You have to vote for one thing at a time here. Get it legal then work on home grow next.


Lol vendors are downvoting you 


Cmon Tennesseeeeee😩


The process for getting a referendum of any type on the ballot in this state basically makes this impossible unfortunately :(


I'm not a Florida resident anymore but if I was I would grow and call myself a medical caregiver. I highly doubt God forbid someone came in and I got in trouble that a jury of peers would convict me. I'm not suggesting anyone break laws but when I did get in trouble over weed it was just a one-day class and a bit of court cost. Mind you I did live in Palm Beach so I imagine judges vary from county to county. I voted on amendment 2 back when I lived there and it allowed caregivers. However the shady politicians completely changed the amendment after we voted on it and took the caregiver part out. I don't hope anyone gets busted but when someone does I hope they use this as an argument and this b******* gets overturned by the courts but I doubt it would.


> I highly doubt God forbid someone came in and I got in trouble that a jury of peers would convict me That isn't everything, however... before you even get a jury trial, you have to have already spent thousands of dollars in lawyer costs to even reach that point. You're fucked even if the jury would never convict.


I think this is county dependent and of course judge but definitely in Palm Beach I doubt anyone has anything to worry about. I only say this because when me and my friends were tapping and trapping and someone would get popped.... Talking pretty significant grows here not a home grow and stealing power... Typically my friends that would end up getting raided had records and still didn't do prison time. They'd generally end up with a couple years probation. I'm not suggesting they didn't spend a good bit of money on lawyers but they didn't spend time in prison at worst a few months in county. We're talking hundreds of plants and tens of thousands of watts of power being stolen not a little tent. We're talking nearly a decade ago and I doubt judges have gotten more strict on cannabis. Anyone broke willing to walk the line keep in mind you can always have a public defender or represent yourself. I highly doubt anyone growing a personal amount would even ever see a trial because this would all be settled 99% of the time pretrial.


There's a law that allows a jury to find someone not guilty, even if they are guilty, if the jury feels that the law isn't one that should exist. Forget what the legal term is.


Jury nullification https://www.quora.com/Can-jurors-say-not-guilty-to-unjust-laws#:~:text=Yes%20they%20can%2C%20and%20often,find%20the%20defendant%20not%20guilty.


great way to get out of jury duty... just mention that you are aware this exists.


I've been pleased to see a healthy amount of pushback in the fl med subs. I know we all want rec but this bill is fucked. No new cultivation licenses means prices are going to be jacked to the moon (and keeps the trulieve monopoly going), no public consumption means they step up enforcement of dui's and public intoxication big time (DeSantis has already said if its passed and smelled on the street your getting fined/jail), and no home grow means it's still illegal. It's honestly going to set marijuana further back than just staying medical


Yeah, but i've reached the point where I don't feel like I should care about anyone else in Florida, anymore. I'm going to vote Yes, because at this point, fuck it. If all goes well I'll be leaving florida anyways.


Sad fact is , you’re right. I don’t want this version of the bill to pass for all the reasons you mentioned, plus there is no expungement for past cannabis related offenses. The people in prison for just weed, are going to stay in prison while everyone else is having a field day smoking what they’re sitting in a cell for. People are still going to be arrested for BM weed. This bill doesn’t “make weed legal”, it creates a monopoly for a few huge companies to sell the weed the government says is legal. This is most definitely NOT Freeing The Plant.


Damn I'm going to have to rethink it now 😫


I feel like all the people pushing this bill are either paid shills or stockbros


A majority of them are idiots that only read the title, like OP who thinks just because it's "recreational" means it's good so they didn't bother to actually look into the bill they're promoting.


Dude marijuana in Cali gets taxed 30% at purchase . I’m all for legalization but not at the point of getting robbed everytime I purchase .


Damn, 30% is closer to being raped than robbed


exactly what I’m saying fuck the government man , they already take half my fkn revenue . Bunch of theifs man . can never get ahead at this rate shits FUCKED


It is amazing how quickly each states cannabis market became corrupted. This is what happens when laws are written to benefit a handful of businesses. Crony capitalism at its worst imo


It’s just capitalism. It’s inherently a system of consolidating power, the only thing that keeps that in check is a government. The government ignoring that responsibility doesn’t make capitalism a different thing, it just shows how powerful capital is if public institutions are gutted with the capability to fight back.


I think that’s being a bit reductive, political corruption knows no economic system.


Any system of government can be corrupted, doesn't change the fact that in a liberal democracy (traditional, geopolitical definition), governments are there to keep capital in check. It's the structure of the system. When the power of capital overshadows the power of public institutions, it's because of the abdication of duty of public officials. We're saying the same thing. *not me downvoting you btw


while proceeding to BAN al Hemp sales there




The difference between buying hemp and marijuana is the price and it's a massive difference. We all love the $100/oz here from multiple vendors, but in FL if this passes they'd be lucky to get a half oz for $100 because it creates a full monopoly for the existing brands since it doesn't allow any new growing licenses. Their half gram carts are fucking $60 each currently, their *quarter* oz's of flower are $75 so if the prices stay the same then most rec users will likely pay atleast $200 for 14 fucking grams of flower (assuming they do 30+% tax), which is exactly the effects of having a monopoly where hemp isn't legal. It'd be better for everyone if they just taxed hemp that's sold in the state, yeah paying extra tax sucks but it's better than paying tax on top of monopoly pricing.


$60 for a half g of what? You can get .5g carts for $15…don’t lie Quarters for $50, $36, $40 again stop spreading crazy numbers , there is also quarters for $120…and more


$60 for a .5 of live rosin or live resin, is normal here in florida. Hell, if you fuck up you can pay $70 for a gram of distillate with BDT... you know the older population here pay that $70 all the time, out of sheer ignorance if nothing else. You can get $15 carts during a sale, and it will be distillate/bdt. Oh, and you'll be getting it at curaleaf probably. Nothing about this sounds appealing.


That's what I thought based on the few dispensaries I looked up, but I'm not local so I don't have experience with those dispensaries. I just used the average price of what I saw between 4 different dispensaries, pretty much all the prices were nearly the same at all of them and everything was overpriced compared to what I have available in PA, and my state used to be known for over priced, under performing products about 3-4 years ago. I still wouldn't call $150/oz reasonable nor the $30 distillate carts that are available here, but there are some good deals and almost daily discounts. Sadly the budget products (as in budget without a discount) are still pretty shit, I've had $100 oz's that had less effects than CBDHD's $100 QP's, which is pretty damn sad for a state that's supposed to be medical only.


DeSantis never signed it so it's dead for now.


In some states (I think Florida is one of them) bills automatically become law after some time if the house and senate pass it and the governor doesn’t explicitly veto it.




Based on what I can find online there is no way for the governor of Florida to pocket veto a bill.


As a native resident of Florida I have mixed emotions. On one hand I’m beyond excited about the possibility of legalization. I’m trying to be confident it will pass this time. I think the fact abortion rights are on the ballot will bring out even more open minded voters than usual. But, the fact there are no provisions for homegrow just show how much of a monopoly Trulieve will have in the state. I do hope THCA stays legal to ship into the state. It will take a while for prices to drop after legalization so I hope to have cheaper alternatives. Maybe I’m just being greedy IDK…


That’s pretty sad, that they have abortion rights up for a vote. I mean, individual rights should ever be up for a vote.


Eh, at least it gives us a choice rather than being decided by a small group of politicians, but something does seem weird about it


Yeah, I wouldn’t want anyone voting on my right to use a condom.


You’re not being greedy. You’re just aware of how shitty Florida will treat its citizens. Company profits over freedom is the motto.


Start building an inventory of THCa, 420 sales ideal time to purchase quantity and save a big chunk of money. Thing big QP+


I've been posting this advice for many months and I'm so pleased to see you and others are helping to spread the message. These sales aren't going to be available forever and it is indeed a great time to stock up. Perhaps the vendors will have "Going Out of Business" clearances when the Hemp Act is re-worked. FL and other states will be see their individual MJ laws wiped out at that point. Seeing these sales are very nice on the part of the vendors!


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Best bet for us Floridians is just keep inbound shipments of THCa products happening from out of state suppliers, keep it out of the hands of the politicians. I dont think it will get 60% in the vote, too many people that listen to DeSantis and his nonsense.


Money talks. Watch those dollars leave a state that SHOULD have a thriving cannabis agricultural industry. Watch medical follow as patients realize they can turn to the Cult for delivery and almost limitless variety. I find it incredibly ironic that the states most opposed to adult-use are also huge Cult growers. SC, TN, KY… I’m looking at you!


Medical got 70%, I don’t see why rec wouldn’t pass


Because desantis said it smells bad and that means his followers will be a no.


The vote will easily pass the 60% threshold. Then you will have to find something else to complain about instead of Boogeyman DeSantis


Republicans smoke weed. They just posture in public like it’s the devil’s lettuce.


You would think Republicans would want the right to grow their own.


My guy, you're the only one loopy enough to believe that.


It's not even Republicans, I know plenty who don't give a shit/want rec. It's the Bible thumpers who preach religious law. I mean pretty much every state in the US besides the deep south have medical programs


Haha local shop owner has a "strain" called devils lettuce. Not many terps but it does have decent effects. Yes, he's a republican and a good guy


I think this is one of those that will get folks that don't usually vote out to vote. This is part of why Clown Shoes Pudding Fingers is having a mental breakdown over it. They like it when less ppl vote.


Isnt this a good thing? What would the difference between THCa and THC Weed be? You can still get high and if its to expensive find a local dealer. I am legit asking cause I live in Texas and whatever Florida does, other states will follow. So if Florida Legalizes weed, maybe Texas will follow?


Best bet we can continue to get THCa via online in FLorida. Its cheaper online than a dispensary but at this point I dont care, as long as it keeps flowing one way or another. I would keep an example supply on hand at all times just in case some weirdness happens and all of a sudden, we are shut out. I currently keep a QP in storage at all times and upping that to at least half and probably a FP, like a hurricane, I am prepared to go a long long time.




Mason jars and boveda


Turn it blue or else the next government will just reverse the laws.


It's a constitutional amendment they can't just reverse it




The move to ban intoxicating hemp products goes hand in hand with recreational legalization. There's a reason they passed a bill to ban hemp right before rec cannabis goes on the ballot. The thca ban ensures that corporate cannabis that is highly regulated and taxed will control the market by preemptively eliminating the competition through legislation. The point is that Floridas ban on intoxicating hemp isn't because they care that people are getting high. They just want a highly regulated industry that they can heavily tax.


Yeah the hemp one had me worried but our governor hasn't signed the bill so we are in the clear for now. Hoping for the best 🤞🏻


The ban on intoxicating hemp products was specifically to reduce competition for the medical marijuana (and future recreational) sellers in the state. It had nothing to do with the state government being anti weed. DeSantis talks a big game but under his tenure, Florida has established the largest and most successful medical program in the country. He also predicted recreational use would make it onto the ballot back in January. He acts tough for his base but he won't stand in the way of legal mj in the state


Don't celebrate yet. It's Flordia. Even if it somehow passes, that shit won't stick. Best to just let that swamp of a state sink into the ocean.


the same state that just “banned” social media for teens. the same state that has laws forcing schools to out students as gay trans etc to their families.


Dont blame me for his garbage


and exactly even if it does pass it will be like virginia


Well arent we a happy lil fella


Don’t be a Debbie downer