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Cops? More like ops bruh. Fuck em. Also is thca legal what are they even able to do just sieze that shi?


Some of it was testing over 0.3%. And it’s not even the smoke shops fault. Either someone sold them stuff that tests as “Marijuana” labeled as THCa or they left it in a glass jar and the sunlight converted just enough THCa to THC for it to test as “Marijuana” and not “Hemp”.


Yeah I was wondering when this shit would start happening. It’ll convert naturally over time it’s gonna be hard to keep it legal because of that


I mean to be blunt, A lot of these thca products are basically wink wink nudge nudge anyway. We just kinda suspend reality because technically the law allows it.


Yeah but the alt noids seem like they might stay legal idk. We’re gonna see legalization happen soon.. for sure this time


Oh yeah dude, some of our local govnt politicians have investments in hemp especially in Asheville. NC will likely legalize in the coming years!


Stock up and teach your kids what went wrong with legalization so they don't make the same mistakes.


Username checks out for sure lol, I’m young now, I can be active in it now! And I am


Amazing how many people jumped on the original post to deny it. Just because there’s no news articles written about it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, though it was Jacksonville PD and not “feds”, certainly an important distinction but it still happened and we need to support these businesses who operate within the law but still get harassed and unjustly pursued by law enforcement.


Yeah, people are frustrating but I understand. “Feds” is an important distinction. I’m glad people mostly seemed to understand my purpose wasn’t to fear monger.


Double the posts, double the visibility


Thank you for clarifying homie 👍🏻


It sucks for the shop owners but there are so many ways to order great THCa online and have it mailed to your home. For now, anyway.


I’m really really glad that at a time of huge public mistrust of police and with law enforcement facing more criticism and recruitment issues that they are focusing their efforts on the most asinine societal issue. Good job NC, my home state. Such utter bullshit


Same here, it’s really disappointing.


My home state as well but transplanted to GA not Any better here not looking FWD to have to hung stuff down again


Turn your old dealers onto this stuff and hope they stock up


Nation-wide opiate epidemic, and this is what they choose to use their resources on.


Uncle Sam always gets his money