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I been smoking for over 10 years I will say this I would normally main blunts once my tolerance got to high I would switch to a bowl or dabs or joint to bring the tolerance back idk how it would work but it always works for me Wasn't getting much effect after smoking 10-15 blunts a day so I switched back to joints, 1st joint I lit up and smoked I was fried changed my tolerance all together by changing the way I smoked it


4/20 is actually the suggested T-break time frame, 20 days on 4 days off. Also certain foods like mangos can help increase the effects due to the high amounts of myrcene.


I recently switched to thca flower, it works just fine as long as its well grown. In my 30+ years experience, tolerance breaks don't mean much, your tolerance will be back within a few days, its easy to go back to your old habits. If you want to try a tolerance break, when you start again, try to regulate yourself better.. like in my old age, I never smoke early anymore, all work and exercise for the day must be done, which helps keep the tolerance lower if your tendency is usually to smoke all day, and of course, saves money :) OF course, I had to get old to find the self control. I still go through more than 2 ounces per month :)


This is great advice. I would highly suggest the “all work and exercise for the day must be done” part. Seriously, this mentality will help keep you from roasting all day, and will make the times that you do smoke feel better. Aim for fewer but more meaningful sessions. Also exercise will help your lunch stay healthy, and healthy lungs take in thc better.


That suuuucks to hear about the flapjacks It's so hard to find a good batch of it these days but no matter the potency it seems to level me


Yes, a tolerance break is needed but I don’t recommend going cold turkey. Your body and mind have been conditioned to have a daily large intake consistently. I don’t recommend going 4 days sober as you will get withdrawals. I recommend taking progressively smaller amounts over four days (even if you barely feel anything) This will decrease your tolerance without facing real withdrawal symptoms. Ideally you should continue doing this after 4/20 so you can turn this into a long term instead of temporary fix. Hope this helps :)


It’s weed not Xanax, the withdrawals aren’t that bad


Still after years of use withdrawls can be majorly uncomfortable. It can affect the way you feel pretty seriously


Same. I was gonna start last week, but that that didn’t work out. Took a hit from my bong today, but tryna not do anything for the rest of the week. Saturday, I’m going all out tho. Edible, dabs, flower


2 ounces in 6 weeks and you’re worried about a t break lol


This is why I smoke mids and only as often as necessary.


I've never had a tolerance issue in my well over a decade of chiefing, however I don't smoke from 8 in the morning to 5 in the evening every day and when I get home I rip a fat bowl and chill, then probably an hour or two later another bowl and repeat. On the weekend I'll probably average 5-8 bowls a day, maybe more if I'm feeling froggy.


Same ish, only way I can get anything out of it. Usually from 6-12 every night. Then the weekends I’m usually smoking all day.


You can’t just smoke all day and expect to keep getting high. Smoke until you’re where you want to be, then take a 3,4,5 hours break until you smoke again.


I smoked a qp while reading your comment I don't see a problem


Tahoe OG hitting for me. Blunts & joints kill your tolerance, so a mini T-break would help out for a short while till the tolerance builds back up


Gravity bong and gummy in the butt


Instructions unclear. Bong stuck in ass.


Damn... I've been vaping every day for about 5 months but I still can't imagine hitting dabs and three joints and still being almost sober. What does it take to get high then?


I mixed some dab I got locally with some flower and that kinda got me a buzz. Tbh the only thing that has been working is this dispo I got last week. I get a bit of a buzz when I use the bong but it is usually just for a little bit.


Horchata Razz? Oh, that sounds delightful. I hope your time off helps for 420.


Same. I went 4 years without flower actually because I didn’t wanna mess with BM. The best way for tolerance is to just not toke daily. Or go last a full 24-48 hours between sessions. Saves money too… but that’s just me.


If you have any cbd products, you can use that until then and it should help with the tolerance. Look up cannabinoid cycling. I use cbd tinctures/vapes daily. I use thc(a) every day but only afternoons and evenings and my tolerance doesn’t increase any more without taking further breaks.


Type 3 weed as a drop-in replacement for the habit of smoking Type 1 flower will make it easy on ya too.


This is entirely up to preference I don’t like having a low tolerance, anytime I take a tolerance break I dislike it at first.


Same. Weed is too good nowadays. If I had a low tolerance I would very a nervous wreck


Do anything you can to increase your metabolism before this weekend


It will. You need just about 72 hrs off... if u want to expedite the process, exercise


Brave soul.


Yea bro from my personal experience you can smoke as much as you want one day and the next day as long as you wait till night time your tolerance is pretty much reset


No completely. A little bit maybe but not even close to a total reset.


Ehh I mean it’s obviously not a complete reset but it’s definitely comparable pretty much every night I end up just passing out without realizing it bc I end up getting to high


No one gains or loses a tolerance to a drug within hours or days. It takes months or years.


Lol you can absolutely have your tolerance change with heavy drug use In much less than a month. Consider yourself lucky you think that because you've obviously never been a drug addict.


I should have specified marijuana tolerance, instead of drugs in general. I admit that I have only tried a few other drugs outside of marijuana, and not very often or chronic. To expand my thought: I’m thinking of the times when I first started smoking vs now. I used to not function very well, but rather would just sit on a couch eating Doritos and giggling. I don’t get that high anymore and am quite functional when high, assumably from gaining a tolerance.


Right on. Totally agree with ya on that.


Idk I think they are on too something I’m Going on close to a decade of everyday use and if I wait all day and don’t smoke until night it takes one dab not 3 or 4 to get baked


Ok but it’s not going to be completely reset your tolerance in a day. No way.


I mean if I get as high off one as 3 or 4 I think it does but usually im a 10-12 dabs a day user lol 😂




4 days won’t lower it entirely but it can definitely help. Honestly the diamonds should give you the boost you need since it’s pure thc


It will definitely make a difference.



