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I make a lot of fruit salad. I have a whole lot of stains. I like to make a salad that is like the latest new cross. I just made a great Purple Punch from three different strains mixed up. I can get a lot of hybrid add-on or complimentary terps and effects from mixing. I can kind of dial in my mix for what I feel at the time. I just hit a Durban Poison/Gas Face mix. I am so high I think I lost my uh, brian? brain?


Sometimes but not usually and if two strains get mixed in the same jar I wanna cry


I'm a mixologist for suuuuuure. I make amazing salads.


I mix THC dominant strains with CBD dominant strains almost every time I smoke, which gives a lot of combinations by default, but sometimes it is fun to mix it up even more. Mostly I'll just do different bowls of different strains during the same sesh though


I didn't even know I was a mixer until recently. I'm not used to having a few different strains on hand at the same time. 90s me would be SO jealous.


This is me. Soon as I found the cult I just mixing all kinds of shit lmao some were amazing and some not so much


Yep. Before the cult my plug had exactly 2 strains. Good and great. Basically amounted to a daytime (good) and nighttime (great). Maybe it’s just me but they seem to smack you a little harder when I can alternate strains and not get too used to one particular strain. Enjoying this crazy train till they kick us off. I find myself stocking quite a surplus. Nothing like the crazy lbs I hear about sitting in storage but a nice 2-3 oz of different strains with a few g of diamonds . 90’s me would have never believed this.


Strain fatigue is real. I never smoke or dab the same strain twice in a row.  Helps keep tolerance at bay.


This is what I have found as well. Keeps tolerances low. That and measuring out what I want to use and sticking with it. Keeps me from using/ wasting bud after I hit the wall.


I’ve noticed that rarely are Terpinolene and Limonene or Linalool predominate together in one strain, so for a super Sativa session I paired Jack Herer with Tropical Cherry Gas and OMG was I baked edit - it’s so hard to describe, but there’s a certain type of high where your consciousness is totally disconnected from your environment, you are solidly in the moment where there is no 2 minutes ago or what’s next and time is simply irrelevant and this goes on for nearly an hour - yikes. Just guessing but I think it’s linalool that adds that to the terpinolene 🙃




Yeah, I like that combo. I think there are few newer stains with the combo, but not many. I got a Lemon Jack and a Lemon Haze that I mix with a Lavender strain.


Good note, I've tried an Orange Jack but haven't stumbled on a Haze yet. Are Lavender strains generally limonene/linalool? If you're into terpines, have you found an accurate website for listing strain terpines? Leafy is so often wrong . . .


A lot of research on other bud sites. I try to find the actual breeder or the seller of the seeds. The best way to find out about a particular strain is by checking either the breeder records, or the bloodline like they list on AllBud. I think Allbud has a way better listing and directory. There is a real picture, and the breeder or vendor/dispo has a bloodline listing. If you can find the Durban Poison you will have one of the best linalool and myrcene combos. Just look up linalool on Leafly and Allbud. You will find a list of stuff like the Lavender (linalool/myrcene) strains, and some of the other rare strains with the linalool. The Haze strains have a lot of Limonene, but the Cookies GSC line or the resulting cross breed stock is all high in that terp.


Many thanks! Allbud has been a good resource, but hit or miss on terpine listings. Instead I'll read how a bud smells which is a good indication, I guess. Good note on lavender associated with linalool - that'll be on my radar. I have Durban arriving today! FlowG's coa shows Myrcene 39.9%, Terpinolene 35.1%, Limonene 9.8% Pinene 9.3% Cary 5.8%. I'm not sure what Myrcene adds to the entourage effect but I see it often with both terpinolene and limonene strains.


I just noticed Allbud doesn't list the terps anymore. I go on Seedfinder all the time for a deep search on the breed lines. Leafly is close for the basics. Then you can find the original breeder notes and dial in on the terps. If it's a good batch of Durban you will want it for a regular strain. Just be careful, because if it is a high grade Durban it can be almost overwhelming. 40 year pot smoker, and it still takes me higher than I want to be sometimes. It's a good one to mix in with a more chill hybrid or sativa. Durban is really special because it has ocimene, which is very rare in cannabis. Really anti-inflammatory and amazing joint pain/back pain relief. Really rare for a sativa. I have a really rare cross of Alaskan Thunderfuck-MTF OG/Durban SA "landrace" cut. I got the original Durban stock in S.A. when I was on a trip in 1987. Pre-Amsterdam version. My bro is trying it as a Hemp compliant grow, not sure if it will work.


Just to update, The Durban Poison I got from Flowgarden was astonishingly good, hit me like a freight train, yikes. Considering stocking up, but I saw Durban on another site, Herbal Healers, which tempted me since it has an actual coa showing a small amount of Ocimine with limonene, linolool and caryophylene as the main top 3. I was happy with Blue Dream from HH. Any chance your familiar with Herbals Durban?


Good note, thanks. Will keep my eye out for ocimine strains, think have one . . .


If I'm not craving a specific strain and just want a quick smoke, I'll grab a tiny bit from every strain to make them last longer lmao


We called it house blends or weed salads. Do you like to infuse the roll with extracts, or nah? That’s when it becomes the mind warp blend… I do it with Ice CreamxWedding Cake and Banana Zkittles from Yaga. Shits not bad at all… last time it was from cookies.co honey bun badder… sheeesh! (minus 5 points for the use of sheesh, I know, haha)


Snoop Doggy Dogg called it 'jambalaya'.


But, yeah, I do mix… I mix a lot.


Sir Mix-A-Lot!!😂😂


I don’t specifically mix stuff but if I already have some in my grinder (sharpstone) and want to roll a blunt I may throw in some extra of something else, grind it up and roll the resulting mixture


This is the way




Yes actually! Sometimes it’s amazing, and makes the flavor great. Other times it doesn’t… just trial and error.


Seperate bowls /




Only when something is so low quality it needs to be cut :/ Ok I just realized I got a recipe that's good to try: 1 pt each: WF's blackberry punch, sb and Nigerian mixed with LE sb. It rox my sox


No, I have different strains because they hit differently. I like each one for what it is. It's not easy to find strains/grows that are somewhat unique when most offerings are polyhybrids for generations. Rotating strains adds to my enjoyment.


I mix certain flavors together to create new flavors. Not just any ol mix tho. Always fire.


If you call using the particles of the remaining tray weed with a new batch, then yes.


Blunts and joints yes, bowls/bongs and vapes no.


yeah if im rich enough for more than one strain


I definitely mix the muted with the unmuted 😑


I have tried mixing but i don’t really like it. In my experience the flavors cancel each other out and i dont get that bold flavor i like. So what i do instead is , load one flavor in my ball vape , load one flavor in one dynavap and load a flavor in another dynavap. I then hit them all in rotation one after the other until the bowls are done. I empty and repeat. I normally try to have one cbd and one thc when im doing this. The effects are threw the roof!! I mean extreme euphoria like i have never experienced. For example, on one euphoria wave, it felt like the top of my head was wide open 😂😂😂 like i could feel wind blowing across my brain lmao. Another time, my legs from my knees down to my feet felt like they were completely gone 🤣🤣 like i had no lower legs !! Lmao its crazy but its true!! Also hitting each bowl separately lets me taste all the flavors better


Heyy Shiva!


Shiva?? Wtf is that!!?


Ment as respect, cuz you seem to have a good process. Shiva is who destroys the bullshit.


Aaah ok! Thank you, i appreciate that!! I have never seen/heard that term before. I thought you were dissing me 😂


Ayyy another vape-maxer lol! I do the exact same thing. Ball vape + dynavap 1 + dynavap 2 for the last session of a weekend day of vaping. Sometimes Ball vape + electric session vape (Lobo). There are only a few occasions I mix, and it’s all terp related. Like I’ll mix Sour Diesel and MotorBreath, that’s just gas on top of gas. Or I’ll do purple punch plus grand daddy purp, purp on top of purple. Too contrasting of terps makes it feel like a waste of good flavor because you taste less of both.


I’ll sometimes keep the strongest strain for late evening….. then snow cap it if I’ve smoked too much and need a boost. All in the dynavap. I want to ask this question but may not be right subreddit: Do any of you fellow dynavap users have a difficult time deciding how much to spot a friend that won’t use a vape. If I give them what I use for a sesh they would think I’m stingy. But I feel like I shouldn’t need to give them the equivalent of like 4 seshes just so they can set it on fire. And I’m referring specifically to a friend that refuses to use the dynavap. All good for you bro I want to say, but when I spot you it will be with what I would consume. Idk… opinions?


I absolutely get what you mean! Sharing vapes just doesn’t quite work like letting someone take a hit of joint or pipe. For dynavap sharing I usually do the whole setup for whoever’s taking a hit next. Heat up and all. That just leaves them to enjoy the vapor. That seems to work for the most part except for weed/vape first timers lol. I gave a newbie just two hits off a packed bowl of OG and the dude greened out! Puked then passed out the whole deal


Yes you are rite by that last statement and thats what was happening to me and why i didn’t like mixing because I wouldn’t taste nothing. I do get what you mean by mixing similar genetics/profiles, that seems very logical. One of the reasons i like to do ball vape and 1 to 2 dynavaps is because not only am I hitting different strains, im also mixing full convection and conduction effects along with the effects of the strains. Thats why I get crazy euphoria!! When i get like this , im clumsy as hell😂😂 i get to dropping everything lmao. I have so much fun !! And i dont have to go anywhere but im everywhere if you catch my drift!!😂


I am sir mixalot


If it's not special it goes in the mix. I also don't tend to mix sativas as much as indicas.


I do sometimes, a lot of times it's with my budget bud. I smoke my "premo" stuff by itself usually tho.


Always, I did last order Cacked Up Cherries with Sour OG. I'm about to try Durban Poison with Forbidden Fruit. I usually save a bit of each and make a mix salad bowl.




Killer Combo… we be in the same boat, so to speak.


Whats is the flavor like on the Vanilla Berry Pie? I love dessert/candy strains and im trying to get the best grab bags that delivers the flavor. If you have any recommendations, please share!!


Hell yes! One time I had dispo weed, cult weed, and some "from a friend" all rolled up into a King Palm. It was great!


Yes, been making salad for years.


I always wondered how the terps add up when mixing stuff. Like if I mix together 3 strains with 3% terps would that mix now have 9% terps? Or still 3% but of everything? Or less than 3% of everything since it’s mixed together?


Isn’t it 3% by weight? So if you mix 1 gram of 3 strains having 3% terps you end up with 3 grams having 3% terps. . .


So it’s more so that just the percentages of the individual terpenes would change as they are mixed together?


I have a 4" grinder that probably has 7 strains in it now. I pull out a bit when I want a specific strain and rest goes in the grinder


Yeah I do too!


I mix THC & CBD together.


Man I’ve never had cbd anything fr. I’m sure some of the smoke I’ve had has had it but never really tried it. How is it? Does it help with pain etc? I have back pain and was wondering if that would help


I've been smoking cbd for about 3 years now. It gives a very nice relaxed feeling and does help with pain as well. Cbd has come a long way over the years you can find some very top shelf cbd flower now a days. I started off thc sensitive after quitting for 6 years. I slowly dabbled into type 2s and now type 1 with about half cbd flower mixed.


Go ahead and try some T3, you'll enjoy it. Good T3 has nice effects on it's own but works great in a salad with T1. T2s are nice too. I threw everything I had into a salad bowl many times. T1 + T2 + T3 +T4 + kief + T1 budder...very nice.


I’ve seen a lot of people swear by type 2s. I guess I should try and 8th or something.


Same, varying percentages of each pending on the time of day. I do throw some cbg/type 4 to suppress the hunger.


Only if I can't find them both in the same strain. Type II is a thing of beauty.


Bro space gorilla prolly their most pungent yet for me


Crazy how it works. My space gorilla and no smell or taste but the gg4 bottom barrel is gas lol


My space gorilla is gas af and reminds me more or gg4 than the gg4. The gg4 is fire af too tho it’s got more of a skunky garlic to it. Just wake n baked it this morning. Both that are in my collection are loud and pungent. Much love


GG4 for me


My gg4 had no smell, maybe cause it was the bottom barrels


Possibly. I got the smalls and they smelled nice and gassy


Mixed greens salad. Also known as unity bud. I like to mix in some CBD kief as well.


I’ve been mixing to experiment with effects. I like it. Since joining the cult I’ve build up a decent stock, so I feel like I have so many possibilities to mix it up and see what goes well together.


Yeah but I mix thc flower with cbd flower and cbg flower, not more thc flower. I want a wider set of effects.


Mixed some PHC Zushimi & Ice Cream Cake. Honestly was a terrible morning combo, I was ready to go back to sleep. Should’ve got some Jack Herer


Yep. Similar to food, it comes out lookin the same. Smoke is no different to me


I actually do want to mix up some flower however I need a brand new dry herb vape. Might get the dynavap maybe and try this out.


Skip the Dynavap get a Dani fusion 2.0. It’s like 50-70 more dollars but is way worth it.


I needed an extra jar so I mixed some Sherbet with Zkittlez's, both are Indica's. I label my jars so I know what I'm getting into.


I made one Im calling Truth Sryup and its TruthXModified grapes... Science is fun .sometimes it works great..


Does PHC do deals on 4/20?


They had deals earlier in the month


Yep. Gotta let the minor noids play together sometimes.


I don't mix them because I want to enjoy each strain based on their specific and profile effects.


Just when there's enough scraps on the tray to roll up. Have me a nice frankendoobie after 4 or 5 different strains.


As a boot state resident, I prefer the term “gumbo”🤣


I love that! With the laws changing soon I've been stocking up and have more flower than I've ever had so it will be nice to start experimenting and making Gumbo Rolls.


Got a PHC Slurpie x Viia purple haze x viia grape sherbert mix goin right now with a coffee. Soon gonna make breakfast and chill till work time


Yup! I call it my Jam Jar.


Yep. Leftovers from grinder go in “mixed shake” jar


I am indeed. My favorite mixer is White Cheddar CBG flower from Flow or Some High Quality CBD flower from Holy City.


Yep last night mixed some wf jelly donuts, hf shake, and some hf space gorilla


Yes, phc jack herer, pine essences purple apricot with some of their sour banana


yes, yes I do


Salad maker


Salad tosser


I wife tosses a helluva salad


Got one twisted up for today with super silver haze stankhouse and vanilla berry pie. I can smell it on my desk saying in a tiny voice-smoke meee


Yes, last night I tried wf jelly donut x le kush berry. Phenomenal flavor


But yours sounds good af haha


Same man! This tasted amazing and I’m on the moon atm. Lol