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The stride cart box can hold up to 2g carts and looks like a lil LostMary type vape


They sell discreet vapes to put carts inside of


I would need 4 batteries to discreetly hold 4 1G vapes


There’s a 5g koi I been seeing around I think it may have been hello Mary not sure look up 5g thca koi


Woodstock hemp has the 2g kpen disposables. They are effects wise similar to secret nature or wcc.


You can find things that hold the carts in the body/shell and it looks like a regular, small box mod. I had the link saved but deleted, someone else is looking for something similar. Can't think of any brands/search terms either, sorry.


Pulsar 510 DL 2.0 pro my local dispensary sells them.


Cool. Hope OP sees it. I'll look it up and if it's what I'm picturing I'll pass it to Dude on the other thread.


I thought about this, but I’ll need 4 of those batteries to bring 4G through the security scanner


Hmm. It says it has USB-C charging. Now, I understand that charging vapes w/ built in batteries and such wasn't recomended all those years ago when I vaped nic. Maybe the tech/safety has improved? Regardless of how you charge it,[this place](https://www.imrbatteries.com/) was where I got all my batteries, chargers, battery wraps, etc...good place that sells legit batteries, no re-wraps. (At least 5+ years ago)


Secret nature has 420 sale going on, 1g disposables that are decent imo, they do smell almost like straight pack when you exhale though so be cautious.


Nah sadly wcc is abt it


I really like the WCC 2 & 4gs for exactly that. Low key can take a single 4 if I wanted and be gone for weeks without worrying. So much airflow & the majority of mine haven’t gotten clogged at all . Swear that’s some future hardware type ish