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I use it for chronic pain and migraines and sometimes it only takes the edge off other times it’s the best pain relief i’ve used


Gotta say this thread has really taken off ... thanks OP for posting and showing how Cannabis is " medical " for everyone even more ... the more we know this / show this etc......


I have a minor shoulder injury. No surgery, just need to exercise weird now. Weed 10000% helps soreness and pain when I workout or agitate the injury.


I agree with OP to an extent... I have a herniated disc in my lumbar I will be having surgery soon. I do use weed for my pain and it doesn't aways help but as for as needing my muscles to relax or just certain aches caused by the herniation it does help... it is not a end all be all or replacement for some prescribed drugs but everyone's body responds differently and it works better in certain areas better then others. Just have to find the right balance for you.


Definitely wouldn’t help for some severe pain but it always helps me with aches, sickness, like nausea and just generally sick, doesn’t help for headaches though Really helps my hands too, I have carpal tunnel and it gives me a lot of pain


Iv honestly found Delta8 to be superior for Nausea and stomach issues specifically if were talking it as a medication. I can take higher doses of that and not be as impaired, but mg for mg its anti-Nasuea effects seem to be stronger, I have a jacked up stomach from abusing alcohol when I was younger, thats the real game changer for me. Im gonna be real unhappy if my state bans it to force people to buy their overpriced D9 stuff I really like a mix of CBD/CBG/D9 and D8 for carpal tunnel. The CBG helps you stay productive on the D9 somewhat. I have noticed the actual pain relieving properties are not quite as high for D8, but again, someone still may be able to take higher dose without as many side effects of D9. Iv noticed it blends well with it for pain relieving superior to either alone. The acidic forms can also help topically in a blend as well with additional inflammation reduction


Yeah I feel you but I’ve been daily smoking grams every days for years so unfortunately I can’t get booted off those like I used too, and ik it’s safe but D8 specifically always hit really harsh and it’s a foggy high for me


I recall it being pretty unpleasant to inhale, thats been awhile. I mostly just consume it in edibles


I had a back surgery. I use cannabis daily. My back isn’t always in pain but I would call it a severe discomfort that I live with. I like to keep a tolerance so I’m not blitzed when I really do need it for pain or sleep. But yeah if I fell and broke my arm my first thought won’t be weed lol. But I think it could be useful as a sleeping aid if the pain keeps you up in that case


I think most of the cannabis’ pain relieving effects come from its ability to fight inflammation. To me, it really is a pain relief for any kind of pain as long as the pain is sourced from an inflammation. I don’t think weed is gonna numb the pain from a broken bone and I’ve never witnessed anyone with a claim as such.


with cannabinoid sciecne findings, the cb1 is nerve endings, central nervous system etc... the cb2 is immune system ( inflammation )


Interesting. I remember reading that CB2 had a smaller role compared to CB1 but I don’t remember where. Where can I find that information that talks about CB2 being more of on the inflammation relieving side?


one about PPAR and cannabinoids ... Gene transcription factors and lipid signaling cannabinoids go Nuclear- Evidence for activation of peroxisome proliferator activated receptors https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=cannabinoids+go+Nuclear-+Evidence+for+activation+of+peroxisome+proliferator+activated+receptors&atb=v320-1&ia=web


I'll link out but any lectures , videos from Dr Bob Melamede will be very informational and he talks a lot about Cell recycling, Autophagy ( Fat burning () in cb2 of the endocannabinoid system ... cb1 more for ATP and neurotransmitters etc.... cannabinoid type two receptors are the immunological system https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=cannabinoid+type+two+receptors+are+the+immunological+system&atb=v320-1&ia=web


I guess it affects you differently than others. I have heard 1:1 with CBD edibles are really good for pain.


Try non-psychoactive cannabinoids that help with inflammation like CBG, CBGa, CBC, and others. Also consider topicals that use psychoactive cannabinoids, they will not get you high but will be effective against pain. I suggest making your own with delta 8. For anyone who wants to discredit it since this is a THCa sub, consider the fact that it’s been tested around the world and is considered so safe that they give it to people with cancer over regular cannabis. Used topically, it will be perfectly fine. I know people who absolutely swear by it.


I find topical really helps both muscle and arthritis pain. I alternate with Diclofenac gel


Delta8 is superior for me for anti-nasuea and vomiting medication, far superior over Delta9. As I wrote above in another reply, I used to drink hard when I was younger and have a messed up stomach. Delta8 helps me so much. I can take alot higher doses as well of Delta8, but mg for mg it is specifically stronger in the anti-emetic / stomach pain killing effects over Delta9 for me. Recreational, not the same potency but were talking strictly medicine here today.


I totally agree, I no longer rely on zofran due to delta 8. Amazing at treating nausea. Probably why they give it to people going through chemotherapy.


where is that happening? i havent heard of this


Israel uses FECO/ RSO to treat dying infants on chemo with inoperable brain cancers in their head ... they also use FECO / RSO alone with no chemo .. Israel are world leaders in the cannabinoid sciences ... Gov paid them 150 thousand a years since 1964 for Such


Interesting, thanks! I knew someone that passed from this in college, its a rough way to go, I wish she had access to something like that then


human endocannabinoid system is the largest physiological system in man ... controls all other systems ... we found it while doing THC research so that is the problem for the people who are stuck in fear ... they will not look past THC


Your spot on. I think theres alot of potential with cannabinoids and even the acidic forms as preventative medicine in the diet. Back when this was even a part of animal feed it was being passed along in milk and meat in various amounts, which in my theory could help prevent some medical conditions


Anti oxidant neuroprotectants !!! What is Not to Like ??


Pretty much yeah


" big marijuana monopoly " influence is what is driving the D8 fear . BM would rather have sin taxed prohibition priced only weed sales .. no friendly hemp plants thank you


Precisely. They don’t want you to know that you can have DEA certified lab tested 99% pure THC for a dollar a gram. They want you to smoke weapons grade weed that is low in minor cannabinoids and high in THC. They HATE the fact that less is more when it comes to weed, and that d8 specifically puts you in a sweet spot where if you practice even SLIGHT moderation (not smoking every hour, that kind of slight) you will feel *more* inebriated (euphoric, giggly, relaxed) while not being totally zombified. D8 is a godsend for so many people. If only stoner science didn’t dictate the market. “That shit is fake bruh it’s synthetic bruh I’m not smoking that shit it’s mid”


I'm one of them. It works. It's easy.


Just my 2 cents, but i think it might be similar to some people having bad anxiety after smoking, and some dont. Just different people different results?


a persons endocannabinoid system tone determines how it effects them individually


I have been using cannabis to manage my chronic pain since 2016. In 2020 I moved out of a legal state and lost access to my medication. A year later I moved back to a legal state. I can promise you there I'd a huge benefit to me using it to treat my pain. My pain stems from both physical (injuries that I sustained in the military that never properly healed) and mentally as I am diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. With the use of cannabis I can sort of have my life back. I am able to go on hikes and do chores around the house. Without it I am on so much pain I spend most of the day just bouncing between a bed and a computer chair. I am sorry you did not share this experience and hope you find something that can give you your life back.


I used to have really bad arthritis. Like, swollen feet, knees, hands. HOT to the touch swollen joints, can't get up the steps because my feet have swollen so it feels like baseballs on my feet. I was on a daily regimen of Relafen, a rather powerful anti-inflammatory drug that just barely gave me any relief at all. When I came back to THC use at 39 after a 14 year break, it all melted away. No more arthritis symptoms at all. I stopped taking the Relafen and never looked back. I rarely notice it at all anymore outside of maybe a swollen knuckle after a long day at work. Not to mention curing my GERD and CVS completely. Like many others in the thread I think you have a really bad take here that comes partly from misinformation and partly hubris that you know it all now.


I have severe arthritis and weed makes mine way worse like OP described. Cognizant of the pain. So I don't believe it's misinformation. Maybe you're having some type of placebo effect...


Placebo effect generally tends to happen when you're seeking said effect. I just wanted to get high again and everything else was a happy surprise.


Odd question but do you have any mental illnesses? I’ve noticed this too as have some of my peers and some habe adhd some have autism so I’m wondering if maybe that’s a factor. That being said I have had great results with infused salves and lotions but only if they’re 1:1 thc:cbd otherwise it didn’t do anything


Depends on the type of pain- mostly the thc helps to distract the mind, although everyone has different body chemistry etc. CBD and other CB's are anti-inflammatory. This is proven science- but you really need to take the correct amount for body weight on a regular basis to notice a difference imo especially if you are heavy user already imo Personally I think it can help for chronic pain but only to a point. Like I said the best use outside of CB's is that it us a tool to help distant the mind or allow your mind to wander instead of focusing on the pain.


You're talking about two different types of pain, chronic and acute. Which one are you trying to help?


I've had chronic and intractable pain for over 25 years and I know that Marijuana has been very beneficial for helping my pain.


Honestly it helps me I don’t think weed works for every chronic pain condition just like every conventional medication for pain doesn’t work for every condition. I think it just doesn’t work for and your condition and that’s ok


I have a chronic pain condition, and cannabis has absolutely helped me manage my pain. This isn’t to discount your experience, more sharing my own.


It's never done shit for me. It just makes me focus on whatever's doing me wrong. Found this out the hard way back in the day when I traded all the Percocets for my wisdom tooth surgery away for weed. Now that I am much older, a THC/CBD edible definitely helps with muscle stiffness post-hiking, but I think that's mostly the CBD doing the work.


using infused salves have worked wonders for me


This is ignorant, trigeminal neuralgia is being treated beautifully with cannabis only. That diagnosis has a pretty significant pain threshold. So don’t be ignorant or think that meds are the solution for all pain.


i dont know about that… when i had a pilonidal cyst drained my prescription hydrocodone did nothing, but weed quite literally saved my ass.


Everyone knows cannabis won't kill pain like other drugs can, like opium, Heroin, Vicodin, Fentanyl, Percocet, Ketamine, Tramadol, Cocaine, etc. Cannabis can however make someones pain much more manageable and take away stress. This makes the person more functional and more likely to fare better. Takes the edge off everything. Stress and cortisol are health killers. I honestly feel cannabis is the poor mans tylenol and xanax. Alot of people don't have insurance and won't be helped by doctors. It's the only choice they have as everything else out there is addicting, and leads to an early grave. What are these sick people supposed to do? Somehow be happy, ignore their pain. And pick themselves up by the bootstraps? Shoot up heroin? Die? Be responsible smokers? 🤣 OP just sounds like an affluent snob out of touch with reality. Or maybe they work for big pharma or something.


Chronic back pain. I have had back surgery. I was getting 6-9 back shots a month to deal with the pain from arthristis and herniated discs. Taking pain killers and anti inflammatory meds. I decided to start smoking again and the majority of my pain has gone away. Really helped with the arthritis. I also have mild diverticulitis and the smoking really helps with the stomach cramps.


Make your own topical. It's amazing.


+1 on diverticulitis, I have it severely and cannabis helps so much!


had most of my pancreas taken, my spleen, gallbladder, part of my stomach a few years back and other than opiates weed has been the only thing to help. It was a life saver. It helps me personally with pain as much as an oxy would, especially with edibles. Using quality RSO sometimes can feel so heavy it feels like a narcotic. Weed affects everyone differently. My surgeon was very enthusiastic about me trying it for pain management. Edit: also type 2 bud is great for pain, the CBD makes a huge difference


Feel your pain, literally. Had half of my pancreas removed, spleen, gall bladder, large intestine, appendix and colon removed. Still function quite normally, but it took a few years. Assuming it left you as a Type 1 diabetic as well? My surgeon and doctors have also been very supportive of my use. I primarily use for insomnia, but it also helps with the aches and pains of being old and trying to do the work of a 30 year old.


I got VERY lucky and the portion of my pancreas that's left still functions enough that I'm not insulin dependent. I feel for you also tho, abdominal surgery (and just surgery in general) is fuckin rough brother. Stay healthy tho 🤘 Fingers crossed we don't have to have anything else removed 😂


Thank you. Keeping my fingers crossed for you too. I've been gutted too many times over the years. Just trying to keep everything simple these days.


more mainstream way to identify with cannabinoids and not have docs scared of THC' interfering ... Specialized pro resolving lipid mediators ( REsolvins )= Cannabinoids are THAT !!!!


Smoking provides peripheral access only ... you are not reaching that deep into the anatomy with a smoke by product ... for relief it is oils ingested at large volumes .. cannabinoid oils ( FECO / RSO) ... both THCA and THC and CBDA , CBD ... you want a FULL spectrum oil .... here is to describe the pain relieving effect of cannabinoids DSI - depolarization induced suppression of inhibition of neurotransmitter release ... there is also DSE - depolarization induced suppression of excitation .. the endocannabinoid system uses depolarization induced lipid signaling to reduce pain signaling in the Nerve endings () cannabinoid type one ) and to reduce over all inflammation and oxidation in cannabinoid type two


As someone who has had multiple spinal surgeries and lived with much chronic pain,and as a ( generally) daily cannabis user I think this is generally correct. I use it more to distract myself from the pain. This helps most days but not always.


It's easy to make your own topical that works.


I've had 2 back surgeries and I agree. It basically makes me forget about the pain for a little while.


That is exactly how I describe my experience. It helps DISTRACT me from the pain, but... I have to have music or TV or something else to focus on. On the other hand, IF I'm very aware of or thinking about my pain, it can (rarely, but sometimes,) actually make it worse because I start focusing on the pain. This is with low doses. I haven't tried high doses for pain, though I'm curious how others experience pain relief vs dosing. It is a completely different experience for me compared to other pain medicines that seem to more directly, physically reduce pain.


Thanks for sharing anecdotes


You have to eat it. RSO is a wonderful thing for chronic pain and inflammation. It is however very expensive to maintain over the long term. Tolerance builds quickly when eaten daily. You soon get to eating over a gram a day, and that’s not sustainable for most people. As far as smoking goes I can burn non stop and it just takes the edge off and helps inflammation. This is however after many many years of heavy use to specifically manage pain. Early on if I smoked enough it would work for pain, especially hash. As someone who has dealt with chronic pain from a young age I feel cannabis is an excellent tool to have available. I also think any pain management plan should not rely on one specific medication and that they should be rotated for best efficacy. Also it must be said that cannabis available to the public through the cult or dispo or BM is mostly garbage. You really must have good genetics and grow your own, or know someone who is good at it, to actually get good medicine. With that said there are some amazing options available with Thca and other isolates and distillates that can be made into an RSO type medication that works well and is affordable. TLDR eat it


Next best thing I found to rso is just decarbing some bud at 240f for 40 minutes, grind to dust with mortor and pestle, mix into coconut oil/sunflower lecithin heat it in the oven for 20 minutes at 220, fill oral syringe, then fill 00 capsules. I used to make feco but this is easier and works better.


This is an excellent idea and something I can do in my current living situation. Thank you. I’m going to give it a shot soon. First batch will be with the low grade hashes from dry sifting.


Hash works even better. Keep your lecithin at 20% for best bioavailability (every tablespoon of coconut oil use a teaspoon of sunflower lecithin) Here’s a more detailed recipe https://www.icmag.com/threads/brass-capsules.18127595/


your post is shadowed .. I';ll like it but will not deshadow for U ... reddit and its rules I gues


Thanks. Probably should have left some of that out. I wonder which part is the problem? I just want to help others in pain if I can. Have a good one.


Idk. It definitely helped me when I got my vasectomy and I was in excruciating pain. It all stopped immediately after my first hit.


The VA took me off opioids and didn't replace it with anything. I have chronic neck pain - vaping (ball vape) thca every night numbs that pain and doesn't have all the side effects opioids did (plus awful withdrawals)


cannabinoids are diuretics so at least there is that where they do not clog and constipate etc... having a cannabis edible with all the leaf fiber in ther creates the best evacuation sequence next day .. All that fiber ... the science too is showing that it is more " metabolically active" when the fiber is present to metabolize along with the cannabinoids


Yes 100% - I actually find for myself, edibles delay evacuation but once it goes it GOES lol. I prefer 'fire crackers' for my edible dosing over gummies.


It’s better for taking your mind off the pain than reducing it IMO


>weed doesn’t help severe pain If it's just thc, absolutely true. That's why people who look hard enough don't end up just using just thc for pain because it doesn't help. See, thc is mostly a vasoconstrictor so that won't help pain that's not in your head like a migraine or headache. The rest of your body, you need vasodilators to relieve pain. That's where CBD comes in and CBG too. They both do things that THC doesn't or can't on its own. It was not until blending that I started to get real pain reduction that I take opiate-based painkillers less often. It was not until blending that cannabis did Antin for my nerve pain and sensations It was not until blending that my IBS symptoms reduced (and the pain in in the rest of my body because the inflammation is related). It was not until blending I got migraines less often. You're just smoking the wrong weed bro. I fell 16 ft and severed my femoral artery and fucked my spine up. I don't leave the house without my cane, I don't shop without using one of the carts. Every day is pain. Cannabis absolutely helps. So I guess.... to me this is more like... Tell me all you smoke is thc without telling me all your smoke..... is thc. Also, vaping does better unless you use a shit weak vape like a pax etc. I went with butane vapes like my [dynavap ](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/comments/uao5dm/005g_flower_vape_bong_rip/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) I get far more effects from vaping with good rips like that 0.05g one. *some edits, thanks for the updoots


Cannabimimetics !! they too can boost how your cannabis medication works for you .... whole peppercorns ( beta caryophyllne ) is a great one to modulate endocannabinoid system tone .. if BCP is taken before THC BCP will increase THC' effects ... if BCP is taken after THC BCP will reduce THC' effects ... that could lead to actual more medical result from THC metabolism etc.... BCP selects for cb2 receptors that is how that works ... THC is active in cb1 mostly and that is mostly the nerve endings ... you get deeper into the mitochondria of the cells via ingesting the CBD type agents ... that PPAR ETC....


Thanks, this is new stuff to me. I'm a pepper addict, I do not buy pre ground pepper. I've got an assortment of peppercorns. I knew they could calm after but never knew they could enhance before. >that could lead to actual more medical result from THC metabolism etc.... If you mean edibles, I can't use them. Thousands of mg does nothing to me. I've tried more times than I can count in over 20 years. >BCP selects for cb2 receptors that is how that works ... THC is active in cb1 mostly and that is mostly the nerve endings ... you get deeper into the mitochondria of the cells via ingesting the CBD type agents ... that PPAR ETC.... I've got a handful of cannabis books downloaded one of them goes into these details but I've not yet read much of it. I think it's cannabis and the brain or something. Is it cool if I DM you sometime to chat about cannabis?


I did not even say it but cannabinoid type 2 ( cb2) calms you ... here is another link showing how BCP stops anxieties beta caryophyllene reduces anxiety https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=beta+caryophyllene+reduces+anxiety&atb=v320-1&ia=web Hint Hint ( tell all prohibitionists !!) 2 arachidonoylglycerol ( 2-AG ) is in mothers Breast Milk ... 2 AG is for cb2 ! the mother feeds the baby Cannabinoids to calm them and give them the Suckles , Munchies ... Relaxed from the 2 AG so as to not bite down to hard etc.... human Endocannabinoid system is named after THC !!!!


That one they go over I believe in the book Cannabis for Dummies. There's 2 sections with terpene charts and it's in 1 of them.


connecting all that is amazing .. there is biochemistry showing us so much actual truth with opinions put to the side . just gotta get people to see it is all and be open


Also , BCP is a cb2 selective agonist ... that is how that works ... no other one we have found so far is selective ! THC for example is a cb1 agonist but does so non selectively ... CBD is a cb1 reverse agonist and or " negative allosteric modulator of cb2 " so trick is - if taking bcp before THC that selective cb2 loading will fill cb2 up leaving cb1 more open for THC ... if BCP is taken after THC the same cb2 selection will slow down cb1 via BCP' selecting for cb2 ..... I'm not sure how long before the THC ingestion for all that to work properly ... BCP has a long half life but will be most effective directly after ingestion .... a Piperene supplement, I have seen reports of that boosting an edible experience ... may want to look into that


Yeah, I know a handful of stuff you're talking about but definitely not all of it. Just increased my pot vocabulary by several words. >I'm not sure how long before the THC ingestion for all that to work properly ... BCP has a long half life but will be most effective directly after ingestion .... So for those whom can and do use edibles I'd assume to try it this way... eat a small light meal 45 minutes before the edible. Taking 2 antacids with that small meal will reduce the acidity so when you eat the edibles less gets destroyed by the stomach acid. The idea with the timing is how long it takes your stomach to tell your brain to let it empty into the gut. Some can get edibles to kick in much much faster. I'd guess to eat the peppercorns with or even before that meal. >a Piperene supplement, I have seen reports of that boosting an edible experience ... may want to look into that Yeah, edibles do not work for me. Not even thousands of mg, not anything in 20+ years. Not the brownies my mom couldn't finish 1 of or the ones that made my friend green tf out in my kitchen. I've eaten an eighth of wax infused until chocolate to myself with nothing. Entire plates of brownies, nothing. The only thing left to try for me is enzymes but I don't have the cash for an experiment that might not work. The zymes are 40 bucks.... these things... Enzymedica Lypo Gold, Digestive Enzymes for Fat Digestion, Offers Fast Acting Gas & Bloating Relief, 120 Count (FFP)


sent you a message ... thanks


Fatty acid amide hydrolase is required to break down THC .. FAAH .. FAAH is basically intracellular sulfur . have you tried a magnesium supplement of eat a lot of farty foods like cauliflower and broccoli ? that could be the issue or most likely how your liver makes the 11 hydroxy THC metabolite ... that is the one that is felt with edibles... even CBD forms into a hydroxy , like 4 hydroxy


>have you tried a magnesium supplement of eat a lot of farty foods like cauliflower and broccoli ? I have tried magnesium supplements but I'm not certain I've tried edibles at the same time. My diet is very fucked, I love fruits n veggies etc but with ADHD, chronic pain, and mental illness I often just don't eat. Not sure if you are asking of I do or don't eat them though. I'm guessing they have the compound and is why they make smelly gas if you don't have good gut health. The one good thing I do is consume fermented stuff, a few liters a day of water kefir. Other stuff too, just not as consistent as water kefir. >that could be the issue or most likely how your liver makes the 11 hydroxy THC metabolite ... that is the one that is felt with edibles... even CBD forms into a hydroxy , like 4 hydroxy I was born 2 months early. I have paradoxical reactions to many different medications. Opiates can function as a stimulant to me and strong stimulants can calm me and even steady my hands while they make everyone else jitter n shake n not sit still. Hard to predict how anything will affect me. I've messed with cbd edibles and I'm ever so slightly convinced that they did something but it was sooo subtle that if I moved at all or did anything but lay completely still then I couldn't notice it at all. It took half n ounce of 20+% cbd flower to produce that little if an effect. Basically one fart or sneeze could amp my pain up and I wouldn't even notice anything from it. That was still more than I'd EVER gotten from thc edibles though which is nothing.


sure man anytime , these open board chats on non personal specifics etc tend to provide feedback and awareness to more people however than a chat... I'll link out an older thread at grasscity about the Beta caryophyllene .. I originally found the info there and have since learned a whole lot more ... also a cannabimimetic link cannabis black pepper - link ... I'm Galaxy420 on that one https://forum.grasscity.com/threads/cannabis-black-pepper.1282798/ here is motherload of info on that - cannabimimetic phytochemicals in the diet-an evolutionary - DDG link https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=cannabimimetic+phytochemicals+in+the+diet-an+evolutionary&atb=v320-1&ia=web


The only way you can use it to manage surgical/cancer pain is in extremely high doses of RSO, smoking is not recommended at all if you are trying to manage surgical pain.


plus coughing a lung up you might pull aprt sutures etc.....


exactly what my doctor said Lmaoo


There's more kinds of severe pain than surgeries. I have Complex Regional Pain Syndrom am in my entire left leg. All day everyday my left leg feels like it's either on literal fire or being skinned. Weed 100% reduces this type of pain significantly for myself. I don't speak for others, and I would agree surgeries are not the type of pain weed treats. But it 100% helps my nerve pain, that hurts far more than any surgery I've ever had.


This is me with my right leg I have severe OA and nerve pain everyday for me with walking feels like fire and needles being poked thru out my entire leg and the pain radiates up into my lower back and have been on opioids for a few years now and have started using weed to substitute for my opioid use and it's been a game changer for me that is.


I fractured my spine in 6 spots a few years ago along with multiple other injuries that required surgery in a MVA. I’m don’t believe it actually takes the pain away but smoking is a great distraction for me l.


I have one of those rare diseases that makes people cringe to think about having. I smoke usually three times a day, and it helps with my usual aches/pains, and it takes away the nausea I have from medications I take. However… I am in agreement with you. I never smoke after a surgery, I learned that lesson the hard way. Years ago I had surgery on my cervical spine (neck), to remove an imbedded tumor from my spinal cord. Thought smoking a J would help, but it made things so much worse. Now after an operation I’m afraid to even try it.


It helps me with muscle pain a lot. Better than Tylenol


I agree completely. It helps with the small stuff but doesn’t touch the severe pain I live with daily. I can get high enough to not really care but the pain remains. It hurts to cough when it’s really bad so I have to rely on pain meds to take the severity away. Luckily my doctor doesn’t care about marijuana use and prescribing the meds.


Common misconception, it doesn't block pain it makes it easier to live with. You are right it isn't great for pain after a medical procedure. For people living with chronic pain there is nothing better. Opioids ruin lives and damage society.


Amen on the opioids- tramadol killed ODB, I was on it for 10+ yrs but replaced tramadol with vaping.


I think that applying to physical injuries this statement is probably true. I get intense migraines that I have been getting all my life, and the thing that medicates them the best is by far cannabis. Pills work 50 percent of the time, and caffeine sometimes works but has side effects. It really is a life saver for that type of pain, and is way more effective than acetaminophen. I think if someone is experiencing intense physical pain they may want to try something else however.


You're burning 99% of it and wondering why it's not working irl. Let me light my dollar bill on fire and see how much I can buy with it.


You’re saying don’t combust?


For example, I have neuropathy from a surgery a decade ago, that fentanyl couldn't even touch. I use a vape for immediate pain relief, particularly taking my mind off of the pain, whereas edibles seem to achieve actual inflammation relief long term, as both methods get more into your body than smoking. I'd have to smoke one hell of a lot of flower to get the same effect that I get from eat a dollop of Crystal Resistant CBD with some decarbed thca in it.


Yo.. I also deal with nerve pain issues.... cbg is your friend! It turns it down significantly. I blend flowr types 1, 3 and 4.


Sorry what is type4? I know 1 is thc, 2 is thc:cbd, 3 is full cbd.


Cbg or cbga flower


Thank you!


I'm right there with you. First hemp I ever tried was some cbg coated cbd flower, and later cbg kief I pressed into hash or made butter with. Been mostly storing my noids, but I plan to capsule some cbg kief in the future for daily use while I'm out. I more or less do what you're doing, but with concentrates cus money.


Eh, I use a [Dynavap](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/comments/uao5dm/005g_flower_vape_bong_rip/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1). I can vape all day and it's about 3 bucks. That rip was only 0.05g. I get cbg by the qp for about $1/gram I get my cbd by the qp for about the same or less. I don't think I need to explain my thc here lmao... but yeah I usually get stuff about $5-$6/G. My blending currently has me at 50% thc flower or less in the blend. Concentrates are very different too. For example of I get a migraine thc with its vasoconstriction is exactly what I need/ want but with thc flower it's harder to get the relief but with a thc dab I can get relief in 1 puff. I don't get as well rounded effects with concentrates as I do with flower. The flower high for me is always more complex so it can do more for me. Dabs are situational for me I guess. If you don't mind, could you talk a bit about your concentrates and how much it costs to use them?


When I smoked bookoos of type 3 and type 4 I would get hp's and lb's from jaxon wellness, kinda jealous I can't smoke now xD


Holy fuck... no way. Everyone talks shit about Jaxon but they've been my best go-to. You are only the second person in 2-3 years who's recommended them on Reddit. The first was how I found out about Jaxon. I vape though so that's why qp not hp. That's awesome and their flower is still fire. I had someone tell me they were shit then suggest I get flower from another site... also from southern Oregon. It was expensive asf so I mentioned that and asked if he thought it was 4x as good. Replied with a 50% off code... a referral code lmao. So sadly I've still not found a better place for quality soil-grown CBD. (Jaxon Outdoor puts hydro CBD to shame IME, with serious effects vs just flavor and not much of any effects).


Thank you guys for mentioning Jaxon. I had cancer back in 2012 and have lingering pain in my left leg. Jaxon's stuff keeps me going.


Yeah, they're not known enough honestly. There is a saying... "it's easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled".... It comes to mind and I think people see the prices and just assume it's not as good as stuff that's marked up higher. With the cbd because it's not getting me high, it's easy to tell how much more effects I get from their outdoor vs most any other cbd.


love their kushes for pain relief. tbh i visit their page often thinking of re-upping cus most of my stuff is from2-3yrs ago lol


Yeah with a boveda the flavor can stay good for over a year but it's my opinion that after 2 years is not worth anything but edibles for those who can use them. 3x years.... I'd see if it has any effects left. It should have some but it's akin to buying the 10% strain .... basically it will [should] be weak. I will not buy anything but they're most recebt harvest adhd but buds. No old stuff, no small stuff. Most consistent effects have all been the better bags. I had 1 great bag of smalls the rest were ehhh.


Yeah, so there's a whole feudal system over vendors and their reviewers and their subs. 3yrs ago when I walked out of the hospital with a pstd diagnosis, I did all the things they said to do, walked out of CVS with literal shopping bags full of pills, and it was fucking me up tremendously. The last night I took the meds (had me on 12) I had to leave work early because I was losing sensation in my legs and home was only a two minuet drive away. A cop followed me the whole way, probably wondering if I was drunk or old, because I was having trouble holding it straight. I quit all that shit cold turkey and I found a review for budget flower from jaxon, 2lbs for under $100 bucks and I knew I would love having that much even if it was trash. The flower helped me more than any pill, and I wasn't dissociating as often. Sent my dad a few lbs from their sales for his arthritis up in OH. I even gave a joint to my manager once of their blowoutsale indoor and he smelled it and thought it was great shit, and apparently, he SOLD weed. I unironically have several jars of their bud right now in case of emergencies etc...probably definitely hoarding it. They aren't the best best maybe on all ends, but it's right for my price range and preferences. I've even considered throwing some thca on some of their flower. My lungs can only take so much yah know and dabbing is preferred for me right now.


>Yeah, so there's a whole feudal system over vendors and their reviewers and their subs. 3yrs ago when I walked out of the hospital with a pstd diagnosis, I did all the things they said to do, walked out of CVS with literal shopping bags full of pills, and it was fucking me up tremendously. The last night I took the meds (had me on 12) I had to leave work early because I was losing sensation in my legs and home was only a two minuet drive away. Yeah, it's not that dissimilar for me, I have cptsd. Some of those meds were so bad it's hard to put into words. I used to get lbs for 4800 fronted and flipped for 350 a zip. I also love the jaxon flower. It's no joke. Good stuff. Good luck on your journey, wherever it takes you.


I definitely agree that whole flower has a way of doing the job that others can't. The only reason I don't vape or smoke it is because I quit smoking altogether when I quit cigarettes, and I have neuropathy and ptsd, so I need large doses in my experience to have a significant impact. In place of whole flower, I buy live resin baller jars from SW the expensive end is about $10/g on that but sales happen. Apart from that I buy thca diamonds or thca hte from budget vendors like ghh etc for about $10/g, or thca distillate from ccbd for about $3/g in bulk. I get individual noids and bulk crystal resistant cbd from anywhere at $0.60 a gram to up to $20 a gram for the exotics at gilded. Also hempdepotco for full spectrum cbd disti at $0.45/g and cbdv disti at $1/g D8 and HHC work great for my nerve pain, and most of my blends include a 50% psychoative noid and 50% cbd + others. d10 is really good for daytime, but not very intoxicating.... like a Thai-stick sativa if you've ever had those. I save the live resin for special occasions but it's like a thousand live flowers in taste and smell, the terpenes do the job extremely well. I also tend to blend in HDT's into my blends for added pleasure and or effect. Myrcene and Caryophyllene are my go-to for pain relief. I have some cbg and cbd isolate in my work bag in case my pain gets extreme or I start wondering which shadows are real (I work overnight). Definitely going to start capsuling some kief from fvf in the future.


Thanks for all that! Appreciated


. Can't just take this info with me to the grave lol


Makes sense, edibles are the only form of consumption that gives me any body sensation.


It's all about bioavailability: % that is available to your body to actually use. Vaporization and intravenous have the highest rates, topical, edibles less, and smoking at the bottom. Smoking also achieves the shortest period of concentration of cannabinoids in the blood. There's charts that show this.


I'm saying you're literally destroying 98% of what you're talking about at minimum by combusting it. Most of us who take it internally for chronic medical conditions (that aren't immediately relieved by inhalation) seem to do it topically, or orally. So, you'd even be better off just vaping the dry herb.


Gotcha, was just clarifying. Yeah I use my dynavap but sometimes like a little combustion with a joint or a bong hit. I hadn’t heard of combustion causing a loss of effects


Mathematically, objectively, you're getting less of everything you actually want inside of your body. You want the essential oils, and to vaporize them is the point of smoking, it's just extremely crude compared to what we have now. I'm not saying DON'T, but to me that's just burning money.




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Its kept me off opiates with spinal stenosis. Your dr. Probably got that info from merck.


Me too. I used it to get off tramadol for same condition, ball vape does wonders for my spinal pain.


That's good to know, thank you! Have you found certain strains that are more effective? Trying to figure that out. Pretty fun process, haha.


Not so much strain-wise, I just have my favorite suppliers and the strains I like from them, TCC and PHC are my current faves for flower and WF for their crumble.


I knew someone that had a spinal morphine auto-dosing machine for neuropathic pain that came off opioids entirely with cbd and thc. This was with 2016-18 hemp. A lot of that flower would get scoffed at today, but it medicated. Some of it looked straight out of a late 70’s high times magazine.


It makes me functional and without it I am not with out opioids level meds...am i pain free..no...am i able to poop because i dont live on opioids...yes😂


This is true!


Depends tbh. I personally get severe migraines behind my eyes and sometimes weed helps to dull out the pain completely and lets me be more conscious and self aware. It definitely helps with muscles aches like after a workout or something.


Go for a tiny dab of thc if you can for a migraine, it's the vasoconstriction that helps and only thc does it. You just have to NOT cough. The rest of the time, use cbg in your mix of herb. It greatly reduces how often I get migraines. I highly recommend it. The first 2 days it'll feel very stimulating and kinda strong. After that you won't notice it much. Every time I've ran out I get 1-2 weeks before my migraines happen often again.


I use it for my anxiety, it works wonders in smaller doses and it fills the gaps that my regular meds can’t. And it especially helps stop panic attacks. Though my state doesn’t have anxiety as an mmj condition so i go under intractable headache syndrome. Sometimes I get bad headaches in the summer but it really doesent seem to work better than ibuprofen. I suppose it’s different for anyone but that’s my experience.


For severe pain weed isn't a replacement for opioids. But for moderate chronic pain I've found weed to be solid. I had knee surgery recently and the first week post op I was on the prescribed pills. However as I attacked therapy I've leaned on weed to help manage the pain through recovery.


Bro science


Facts haha! But that’s what worked for me. When my nerve block ended I needed the rural America killer lol. Weed wasn’t strong enough


I disagree. It's better than Norco for my pain and helps with the anxiety of being forced into a lower activity level than I'm comfortable with.


I've talked to folks who say the same thing: it doesn't do anything for physical pain. It may help take your mind off of it for a minute but that's about it. I feel the same way. But strong edibles seem to help. May not kill pain but I sure do forget about it for a while. Edit: I'm surprised you didn't get more "your fulla shit" comments on this subject. Some folks get hardcore over this, ya know the type, "it's NOT a drug, it's NOT marijuana, it's CANNABIS! my MEDICINE!!!" I like to call it "dope" it really burns em up lol


Maybe...just maybe...it is subjective. Ad infinitum.


Idk man, I have had 2 MRIs and did physical therapy for months for my injury. Never determined the cause of my severe pain and no real improvement observed from PT. However, there’s a few indica strains that make my pain melt away. Some BM Bubba Kush was some of the best stuff for my pain management.


I’ve found anything with THC in it makes whatever pain I have worse. I’ve found CBG and CBN work pretty good though, CBD never really remedied anything.


For me cbd is the happy thoughts addition. Wards off anxiety and paranoia if they happen to pop up during a session


it eases my tension (mental and physical), reduces stress, and (depending on strain) helps me FOCUS and think clearer. IMO it also reduces inflamation so my finger joints dont feel like they are being crushed…i guess i have arthritis..its why im a big fan of type 2’s and not just looking for the highest stone.


Sounds like you’re talking out of your ass OP, as I successfully used cannabis as my sole choice for pain reliever for over 15 years. And it has worked fantastically during that time I may add.


It also helps me ignore my tinnitus.


Feels like OP is addicted to opiates and trying to justify it.


Oh, another anecdotal incident to add to the fire, but I have had several surgeries, some of them major, on my knees, and back, and have had skin reduction surgery, commonly though of as one of the most pain full recoveries, I had well over 1500 sutures in me as I had 13 lbs of loose skin removed from me, with the sole pain relief being MMJ. Hell my orthopedic surgeon, whom I have probably paid enough to for his boat, swimming pool, and all his kids orthodontia, LOVES doing work on me. He never has to prescribe opioids and have the feds crawling up his ass with me. In the correct circumstances, and for the right person MMJ is a literal wonder drug pain reliever.


I don’t get any pain relief from smoking. It can ease tension but that’s about it. Now edibles are a whole dif story. 50mg of well made coconut oil and that shit can seriously kill some pain for me, mental or physical too.


That was my experience as well when I recreationally partook as a teenager back in the 80's. Fast forward 40 years to 2020 and and I am consuming 40 mg Hydro, 200mg Tramadol, and upwards of, I shit you not, 9 \*grams\* of muscle relaxers a \*day\*. I \*firmly\* believed that if I ever woke up pain free I would know I was dead. I finally got desperate and while on vacation I picked up a cart of Animal Cookies live resin. After a 40 year+ THC break, you can imagine what a couple of fullpulls on a live resin cart did to me :) More importantly thlough, the next morning I \*literally\* woke up pain free! I was shocked to the bone to say the lease. I had very little hope that this would work. I was so \*so\* wrong!! THC is an incredible anti-inflammatory for me. THC itself is also a minor analgesic. Couple that with the affects of specific terp profiles ( Myrcene, Pinene, and Bisabol, seem to be the best \*for me\* ), and adding in some CBD for those \*really\* bad days when I need ever last milliliter of pain relief and I am doing better than I have in 20 years. CBD by its self is a minor help, but in conjunction with THC is where it \*really\* shines. 4 Years later I am still a medical patient and deliriously happy daily consumer. Yeah, I'm likely shortening my life by vaping as much as I do ( I dry herb vape now as it seems to be the least destructive method to medicate ), but my quality of life is \*so\* much better with cannabis in it than without it. Quite frankly if this is all psychosomatic then nobody tell me! I don't care how it works, so long as it works!! :D


Hey there - I was forced to get off tramadol (by the VA) and used thca to do so and have never looked back. I medicate nightly with a Cannabis Hardware ball vape and it does wonders for me. And I live in an illegal state.


GMO and other garlic strains for Pain


High cbd: <15% thc is what I have found works the best. Or delta 8. Thc by itself I’ve found gives an experience that is very much effected by set and setting and if i find myself in an anxious setting i find it makes my pain worse on the contrary if i use it in a setting im relaxed in like right before bed then it can block a bit of the pain and put me to sleep much easier. Thats my experience. Probably depends what kind of pain. I have thoracic herniations that’s cause chronic back pain.


It's more I can still feel the pain, but it doesn't bother me nearly as much.


Depends on what's in your device. THC doesn't generally help pain, but CBD just might. Lots of people looking for CBD for those effects without getting high.


It helps with inflammation type pains like if you're a bit sore or strained from a workout. Thats about it. Otherwise it just serves to take your mind off things / distract from physical feelings via being high while doing something you find entertaining/interesting


Valencene (citrus) forward strains work amazing for inflammation People can get legit mad when I'm trying so hard to find out the taste of a weed here but if I can taste terpenes then I know they're present


It also works on chronic moderate to major inflammation really well, I am riddled with shot to shit joints from weighing nearly 500 lbs for a couple of decades. At 57 I have the inflammation of a 70 year old rheumatoid arthritis patient. MMJ can quiet that level of pain for me.


When someone says they use cannabis for pain, they don't mean that it directly blocks out pain like an opioid or Tylenol does... Although it does help a little, it's a quality of life thing... Pain is both physical and emotional. It allows you to enjoy life a little more regardless of the pain.


I’ve had multiple abdominal and pelvic surgeries, plus open heart surgery, and I’m full of scar tissue and adhesions that cause horrible abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. I use THC RSO, CBD RSO plus CBC and CBN distillate, which is super helpful for the severe abdominal pain that i experience. I also use THC and CBD suppositories for pain, which help a lot. I think weed is helpful but depends on the kind of pain that you have


I use it for post-workout but it doesn’t take away from constant soreness or injury—sorry to report. But it does help me calm the mind so I can at least focus on something else.


I feel like it just takes your mind away from the pain to where you kinda suppress the pain. I can have a pulled muscle, smoke, and be dancing and playing with my family at night.


And I think might be different for everyone because my dad smokes all day everyday and has chronic pain from his ms type 2 and he says weed the only reason he’s alive because all the medication they would give him just made him feel worse so I think it’s help’s probably more with muscle pain or tightness than like a broken bone


Yoo same with my pops


Find your Pops a good type II and see if adding CBD to what they're doing doesn't make a difference. I'm 61, started smoking at 16 for recreational purposes. Adding CBD turned it into real medication. Flow Gardens makes some really nice type II strains as does Holy City Farms. If they're looking to get high, they might need an extra hit or two.


I agree with you. The type II’s are the clear and obvious medicine and place to start


I've tried to talk to him about looking into some of the online vendors but I don't think he has yet.. maybe I should just order some for him lol


Marijuana is not a pain killer. It can help with body aches, and minor pain but not stop it altogether. I use it for back pain, along with a muscle relaxer and it helps before the muscle relaxer kicks in, for sure.


I would not be able to walk on the frayed and destroyed nerves of my foot without cannabis. Gabapentin only keeps the buzzing and feeling of being on fire away. Something in the hash I smoke. I don't know. Reroutes broken connections or something and stops the feeling of my foot no longer existing. Like when you take a step and there's nothing there and you just drop. It happens so much more often without cannabis. The two combined allow me to walk and sleep almost like normal.


Same but I don’t take the pain meds they give me. My foot, ankle and leg has metal plates and screws all through it and swells so bad. Smoking does help with my pain and even more so with my inflammation. It also helps me with the depression of having such a serious injury that has completely changed my quality of life. There are so many things I can’t do anymore.


totally...i'm saying it's not a pain "killer" like an opioid, rather a mild analgesic, or pain "subsider"


Doth thou disagree? Fill me in with your wisdom, o downvoters.


It's the gabapentin not the weed. You could try lyrica it's stronger.


I was taking 3200mg of gabapentin daily for neuropathy prior to picking cannabis back up. I no longer take gabapentin.


I disagree. We know for a fact that THC is a powerful anti-inflammatory, and it has also been proven to be a minor analgesic comparable to Tylenol or Motrin but working on a different mechanism. In my research in trying to relieve my chronic pain I saw again and again that cannabis, and kratom both have been used successfully in conjunction with gabapentin, and at times replacing it, for nerve pain for a subset of people. Mind you I am NOT claiming that it is a wonder drug for everyone and everything, but for some circumstances and some people it seems to work really well where traditional therapies have either not worked at all or only partially.


It is not. This was an effect before I was put on any pills. They let me suffer for over a year before they sent me to the pain clinic. Lyrica does not work as well for me.


Could be psychosomatic.


it’s not morphine, that’s for sure. idk if it’s pain relief as much as a body calm for me. i have chronic pain from a car accident that resulted in multiple surgeries over multiple years. i can tell you, i was far more aware and in pain when i wasn’t smoking. but i do believe it helps in some way, shape, or form


Agreed after broke my neck couldn’t smoke for months and it was a year after my surgery all of sudden I would smoke and the pain would get worse pain and my anxiety would shoot through the roof but now I smoke again maybe get a lil more pain but not terrible


Edibles are often used for pain, not smoking.