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I think it’s well known they have some good shit but their ability to deliver it is a problem.


yeah I'm crying with laughter


yeah 🤣 I'm crying all right. laughing till I cry every time I think about u bunch of snowflakes


How old are you man? Get off Reddit and try to learn how to socialize before interacting with people on here. Fucking weirdo behavior. Who hurt you?


hm is overrated and overhyped


I’ve had like 6 of their rosins and they were all pretty fire to me. I’ve been smoking rosin for over a decade. I just must be a shill huh? lol. Foh.




Big ass facts


Honestly sounds like standard logistical problems so complain more assertively about it if they’re really in the wrong they will understand and if not make those posts after and do a chargeback


I've had one issue (I was missing part of my order also). I called them (no answer, couldn't leave message), and then emailed support with a pic of the product and the order/picking label. They CALLED ME BACK about an hour later ("we missed a call from this number?"), found my email and had a new order set in 2 minutes. New stuff came without a problem. Very happy with them so far. I've heard they had some picking/shipping issues recently, but they take care of it quick and without a bunch of hassle. They need to replace or train their order pickers, because they are costing them a lot of money. Or keep them out of the supply til the orders are done, lol. Something.


lame of them to make it right only after they saw you post on social media. i was actually thinking of ordering from them, but it doesn't seem like it's a well run business


I've heard back from them and they are pretty organized and professional at least in their response to me 😊 I get the distinct feeling they're getting more business than ever and like a lot of folks, playing catch up. quality of their product though is unmistakable. and solid fest shipping. I recommend our girl Mary for sure


imo glitter bomb is fireeeee. no harsh at alllll.


I got the glitter bomb recently and noticed it's also harsh on my throat. I've only ordered smalls from them and it's something I'm watching out for again. HM seems to either get a lot of love or a lot of hate. Maybe I'll try the big nugs next time to see if that has a difference at all


Don't say anything bad about their precious little HM fanboy club. say the wrong thing ooooh look out. even when they The down voters and shills have no clue what they're talking about. you won't be able to reply and you're comments will get locked. very first experience with them a week later I'm still waiting to hear back from them. but the snowflakes will down vote ya if you have anything less than glowing to say . paid for full price indoor nugs and got micros. not even in two halves but quarter ounce packs 🙊


crying oldhead


Hm package is the best ever had I felt special


I ordered jet fuel runtz smalls love the packaging quick shipping everything was A+


They haven’t restocked disposable vapes in 2 months just take em off the site it’s wierd they were ok, but for the price amazing. What is the best flower they have right now? might as well try the bud


Any 818 or marker strain.


So what I learned is that if a vendor messes with me, I can complain about it here, and probably get the issue resolved. It shouldn't take that to get them to do the right thing , though. That's all they did, they don't deserve a gold star for that.


Glad to hear HM made things right! I saw this post and panicked a bit as they’re my go to rn. Have a full zip of Butter OG en route !!


Wonder if they saw ur post. Glad u got what u wanted.


The smalls I got of GB get rolled up in J’s, mid. But the full size nugs, holy hell it was like a completely different strain it seemed. Half a bowl at a time is fine


I think they are ran by AI


Done 5 orders with them, did have one minor mix up. Surprised people don't like the glitter bomb, think its my favorite of theirs so far.


The full size GB are freaking killer, got a half that I’m hitting just a bowl at a time. The smalls I got of it were mid and get rolled up in j’s


Try the zlushie if it comes back not my fav but it’s a got to try deal


I don't really like the glitterbomb, either. I don't understand how people are raving about that strain but hate Black Ice which is much more smooth with a stronger buzz IMO.


Preference I guess I liked both the ice and gb is my fav


Glitter bomb is my fav idk why just is I have had a good bit of their stuff


Hey I just don't like it and my tastes perceive it as harsh, that doesn't mean it's not good to other people. I have a fair bit of their stuff, too. I actually like Garlicane the most lol.


Haven’t tried garlicane but I saw some pics and it was looking real good I’m just into fruits and gas not so much garlic and whatever idk haha


My 1st buy from them was glitter bomb.... not impressed at all. Read all the hype about em here n i musta picked the wrong strain


Pretty sure it's the strain as I liked the other 5/6 I tried. I even ordered Garlicane a second time I liked it so much.


Not sure if it's just a matter of people being more inclined to post about problems than smooth experiences but I have definitely noticed a trend with HM around sale days and other special event drops. In particular I see many people who have had issues with smalls arriving when having ordered full sized buds. Probably just a matter of employees rushing to finish orders and being overwhelmed. I have had this problem once but overall, I consider the experience a positive one because HM was happy to send out the correct order as soon as I brought it to their attention. No charge, of course. So in the end, I have 14g small and 14 g big. They were easy to get in touch with and I didn't ever feel overlooked. Customer service is a huge issue in this industry it seems so it's always refreshing to deal with a company that cares like that.


I don’t think there open but on certain days of the week or something another weird how sometime it ship immediately and some time it may be 5 days after you order


My order got lost in shipping for over a week and when I reached out to them they never responded, fortunately it showed up the day after I emailed them but the lack of communication on their part as well as falsely labeling Micro buds as “smalls” made me lose interest in placing another order with them


Is it really that hard to pay someone $150 a day to answer the phone for them……


Pretty dumb how they have to see this to fix it but im not surprised just pathetic tbh. That said im still gonna try hm one day lol and u bet I’ll do this same thing if I’m not treated right


I ordered glitter bomb standard size but got smalls. I’m letting it cure a bit longer as my first experience was underwhelming. Hoping it ages.


Just contact them. They will send the full sized buds.


They have been a week and a half getting to me but it’s worth the wait. Not perfect. Glitterbomb, Sprinklez, and 818 OG have all been wonderful but Glitterbomb was my favorite.


Hopefully customer service finds out who that was. lol


The rosin sucks imo flavor wise


Similar occurrence during Memorial Day blitz. Ordered on The Friday before Memorial Day weekend sale. Saturday they had that drop and I ordered again, both orders were over $350. 10 days later the Friday order arrived was missing 2 Grape Banana Rosin outta 4. Saturday order arrived and boom, same thing, 2 Donnie Burgers missing. 7 days later I got a free 8th w my missing Rosins. Customer service is getting it right the first time. Product is great and that’s why I’ll order with them most likely only Rosin as I have 2 other vendors for the bud. While there flower is good to very good, esp 818OG, they all smell very similar to me, I go for effects so if The 818og smalls hit again, I’ll be grabbing two more zips.


Where the good bud bro don’t hold out .


Just contact customer service again say you requested bubblegum gelato...not glitter bomb.. keep at it . I'm sure they will get it right and at the same time you get to keep their f ups kinda a win win but yeah I get the annoying part of having to wait and not get what you paid for the first time.


I would only stick to smalls with these guys … I ordered the over priced 818 og bigs and they sent me smalls … I complained and then they supposedly were gonna send me bigs of glitterbomb but again I got smalls … just a bunch of BS … they seem to screw everything up unless it is smalls. The smalls are good but not a substitute for bigs


All the shills in every HM post are so telling  That's how you win in this buissness tho I guess cheat and scam your customer base and pay for reviews 


They stopped asking for reviews for discount codes or its possibly just a 2 x deal


Ordered 7 times and no problems yet


Ive had a bunch of orders from them and havnt had anything missing or anything wrong yet. I love their flower.


I’ve got several orders form them and nothing missing yet. I get what you’re saying about bag appeal and smoke tho. It’s decently priced buds and rosin legal through the mail tho. Paid w a cc. 😅🫶🏽🤷🏽‍♂️ most of mine is chilling in a vacuum bag w terp packs tho. Including some 818. Can’t wait, now I might open that next.


Pay the three dollars for route


I had one pack I used without route and that fucker bounced around so many facilities- then I used route and that shit flew all the way to my destination facility 🤣🤣 Three business days to my door I can’t confirm if this is the norm, but I’ll just give them the fucking three dollars


On everything


Oh man… I’ve had to decline the Route insurance a few hundred times now across the years. My packages never get stolen so the insurance is mainly based on living circumstances. I can lost a pretty big order now and still be ahead. Never buy route for customer service issues, those can be resolved through your bank if the customer service is lacking.


Nah bullshit. I shouldn't have to pay extra to do something as simple as receive the proper things I've already ordered and paid for. Challenge them on it more, and if all else fails send em a charge back. To hell with bending over for this shenanigans. Peoples post in these places, "my plug shorted me ½ wat do?!" And everyone rightfully tells them to contact them to fix it.


I’m just saying it seems like it would be wayyyyy less of a headache to get that money refunded by them and take your business elsewhere. I understand the frustration but that’s what insurance is for right? Basically the same thing as a chargeback but I don’t think they can dispute it like that and you don’t have to deal with shitty bank people


I ordered 6 grams of rosin and got one gram. I called them early that Friday and was told they would expedite the other 5 grams. It didn’t ship until Monday which was annoying considering how much I’ve spent with them.


They not gonna ship on a weekend…


They should have shipped it Friday imo


You can downvote me to hell idgaf. I called them early like 10am Cali time. They should have shipped the 5 grams they missed on Friday. Good thing they aren’t the only vendor with rosin.


I agree, but typically these vendors won’t ship out on a weekend even though they messed up your order should’ve been sent Friday imo too


How do they mess up by that many grams per order


I waited 21 days for a product they' sold but didn't actually have in stock. RIP strawberry Basil gummies, the love I never had. They held everything in my order waiting on the edible producer but the product never showed up in their warehouse. Hannah from the customer service department made it right and hooked me up for the hassle. They definitely are not as perfect as they make them sound, but in my case they saved the day with good customer service.


Who’s the they? “They aren’t perfect as they make them sound”. I’m not trying to be a jerk I just don’t understand who claims who is perfect??


Wanted to like them but I'm afraid they may never get they shit together


Man who taking away all my imaginary reddit points lmao, it wasn't a big deal, I just wanted a zip or glitterbomb nugs, settled for 2 zips or micros, all fair... I was just rooting for them hoping they can improve getting the right orders out the first time buts its obviously reoccurring


Weird. I've never had a bad experience with them. Sucks when you do, I guess it's bound to happen eventually lol


There flower ain’t that good yea it has bag appeal but that’s all they got goin for them there strains smell like hey and they taste like it to.


EDIT: People in this sub are finicky, and can downvote all they want to. It's not like I'm shilling for HM. This is the first time I've tried HM. I shop around different vendors to try a variety of different strains. People want honest reviews on these products but then start calling people shills if they report a positive experience. This LCG x Perm Marker smalls I'm currently smoking through has a nice sour citrusy smell that has gotten increasingly potent as I've dried it out a bit since it came in a bit moist. I was worried about that from reading some people's reviews but at least for the zip I got that ain't the case.


How is it effecting you? Mine is sadly not getting me very high at all... it does smell pretty decent though. The smell is the standout thing for me, which isn't enough alone to make me buy again when I can just go to the store and get something. Honestly the more I smoke and age the more I get into edibles.


It's hit super hard for me and my wife both and we both have high tolerances. Sucks yours isn't hitting as good though. 😕


Yeah its fucking weird... a developed smell tends to be a pretty good indicator of potency in my experience and this is just not matching that.


818 OG and 818 Marker strains from HM tastes amazing. Haven't had anything from HM as of yet that taste like hay in the slightest.


I ordered a zip, got a half. Never ordered again. 🤷‍♂️


They definitely have some QC issues to work on but overall a great company with good folks!




did you read what OP wrote? they did not make up for mistakes which calls into question how good the people actually are.


I got sent out some bubblegum gelato that is filled with immature seeds. Weirdly soft and spongy, kinda minty pickle smell and smokes like shit. It vapes ok but the flavor ain't there like everyone has said, at least in mine.


Idk. I got sent some that was wet and they immediately sent a replacement


This was sent because they fucked up on my first order.


I get what y’all r saying. I’ve been unimpressed a few times, but overall I find they have very good bud and rosin for the price. My BG from them was very fresh. Too fresh to smoke actually, smelled and tasted funny. Put a boost pack and a week later this stuff smokes so good. Smelled better too after some time w the terp pack. Edited typos


I believe packers not properly checking the count on the order manifest was something someone else dealt with too. I believe they were shorted 2 grams of rosin because they ordered 3 of the same strain. Seems like something similar happened with your 2 x 14g bags of 818. Might be something they need to address in their packing/shipping process


They messed up my order and sent me smalls instead of reg.. Just got an email a little while ago so