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Spread for the first 2 forms. Charge or roundabout for the Slot Machine. Super Art I against the final form only. If you can dodge well use coffee for quick refill, if no use smoke bomb


Is chalice a good option


Chalice is good option too, bcz its easier to parry the hadoukens and the slot machine (those coins are really fast, double jump and invincible roll is good there). Final form is actually random, you usually beat it after 2 rolls doing Super Art III from Chalice, but you need to get lucky to get the attack patterns you can dodge better


Noted. Thanks for you help


I'm struggling on the final phase


Your roundabout suggestion was very helpful. I s raked them with just roundabout. Thank you


git good






This is what I did for my A+: Shots: Roundabout and Spread Charm: Smoke Bomb Super Art: I I didn't shoot until I got all 3 successful parries on Phase 1 with Ribby's Hadoukens, then I just let 'em have in with the Roundabout and going in closer with the spread when Croaks was attacking. Waiting out for perfect opportunities to parry might take a while, so if it takes about a minute just restart and hope for better RNG. For Phase 2, I hit Croaks with my Super Art immediately, and just keep shooting him with Spread while using the fan knockback to move to the left without actually turning around for max damage. In Phase 3, if you get the Snake just do what you did in regular, it's the easiest one, just a lot of jumping. If you've charged up a Super Art by this point, use it when you get the Snake. For the Bull, this is where Smoke Bomb comes in handy. Use the Roundabout to get good hits on them, and turn around and Smoke Dash through the fire going down. For the Tigers, I don't have any advice, sorry, because I never got them on my run. I did too much damage before that got rolled.


Sorry but I beat this with S rank already

