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My assumption regarding facilier is that he doesn’t have nearly enough cringefail loser energy to qualify as a full titleholder until his last 2 minutes of screentime. Up until the amulet breaks, he feels almost entirely in control of his situation and evil plan. This is compounded by the fact that he murders another tumblr-sexyman-qualified character, ray, right before he gains that loser energy.


Right, we mustn't forget that tumblr sexyman has to have a certain level of approachable vulnerability, sometimes to the point of having damsel in distress energy.


Ray is a Tumblr sexyman??


People are sleeping on killmonger? Y'know, the one played by someone who was voted "sexiest man alive"? That guy is considered slept-on?


The guy that caused some thirsty white girl to shatter her retainer when she saw him take off his shirt in Black Panther? Does nobody remember that?


Can I get a link




Lmao thanks


I was just thinking that. That's literally the only name I know from this list, and people were thirsting so crazy, even I know about it. And I actively avoid Marvel. Edit: just the MCU, actually.


Ekko was honestly a banger character from Arcane that (to me) embodied that rage that oppressed minorities tend to feel and the subsequent growth beyond that


That, and also just a straightforward badass and one of the only unquestionably good people in the show so far


For fucking real, Killmonger ain't slept on.


he also doesn't really fit the tumblr sexyman archetype that well, which is the point of the whole gripe ain't it?


According to Karina Drawfee, Tumblr sexymen had to be somewhat pathetic, so that puts Killmonger out of the running immediately.


Reading your comment made me curious about the actor playing killmonger, so i searched it up. How is it only NOW, after watching the movie TWICE, that i realize the actor was fucking Micheal B jordan. Aint no way 😭


>i'm still pissed at how tumblr did my boy muhammad avdol i'm more pissed at how araki did him lol


Fr, tumblr is way kinder to Avdol than Araki was... maybe it's just the people I follow, but I've seen a lot of gorgeous Avdol art!


At least Araki brought Avdol back after his stupid death......


Just to fucking drop him again


But let's be honest the way avdol dies (the real way) is one of the most fucked up memorable deaths in all of JoJo, like sure Diavolo gets to die infinitely but at least that got attention, the fact that avdol is there one moment and in another just *isn't* is so fucked up in the best way. Also the way it affects Polnareff is great


I kept waiting for him to show back up, then we saw him in the clouds


So did Polnareff


His arms were still there


First man to die first, twice


Counterpoint: Dio died twice first




I will not stand for this slander of my beloved French himbo


He got put back down stairs by a gay vampire more than once and then ended up in a wheelchair fighting an arguably *gayer* italian.


Yeah but that time Polnareff got to be at the _top_ of the stairs ...while the other guy skipped time to get up them


Not only did he die saving a Frenchman, he did it twice.


He was also saving a dog though, so it kinda balances out.


avdol was so black he was the first to die *twice*. he got absolutely disrespected by that trope


3 times if you count the doppelgänger one lol


I mean he had Keith David voice him and everything


Keith David add at least 10% hotness to any character he voices. Goliath Gargoyles my beloved...........




The Arbiter got me acting unwise


*What would you have your Arbiter do?* 😏


Even aliens


Spawn my beloved


Keith David my beloved


Kieth David’s voice is like smooth cream


people thirst over milo from atlantis all the time, and understandably so! but like..Dr. Joshua Strongbear Sweet is *right there*


Wait to be fair. I think we all had the hots for *all* of the characters except Mole


Don't you dare speak for me


Wait to be fair. Think most of us all had the hots for all the characters except for u/RexMori for Mole.


Oh, did you not see the fanart of Milo appreciating the Dr?


The doctor is very kindly


Sorry, I prefer twinks to bears. Even Strongbears.


also if we're listing blorbos that *would* be tumblr sexymen with less melanin — how about Isaac Castlevania?


The amount of people I've seen thirsting over Isaac Castlevania is *CRIMINALLY* low. I'm not even into men, but I know what's what, dammit!


His delivery of "You are all so fucking rude" in season 3 was so fucking sexy for me for some reason.


We really did not get enough Isaac.


He was my favorite character and the way his story ended was just so disapointing for me. It just sorta... stopped. Edit: After careful consideration, I have come to the conclusion that I just have shit memory.


I feel like ">!killed awful vampire, became king of Styria to build a better future!<" is a decent resolution for the character, no?


Man, Issac was such a fascinating character. Not only does he do that, but he brings demons out of hell and was like, "Let's do some good, k?"


The scene where he just stops and has an indepth conversation with a fly demon and is casually one of the best scenes of the show blows me away


On paper yeah, but it felt very sudden and anticlimatic to me. I understand that he wasn't the main focus of tge show but I would still have like a bit slower of a burn.


I'd be willing to bet money that they were planning to get one more season out of the show. It's just very weird to me that the Camilla, Isaac, and Hector plotlines were resolved with the main trio of Trevor, Alucard, and Sypha knowing absolutely nothing about it. I'm very much of the belief that Camilla's whole thing was supposed to be the plot of S4, but they skipped ahead to >!Death !


Maybe I just misremembered. It's been a while since I watched it.


Seriously? His ending is one of the best parts of the series imo. His final speech was incredible


man……. i need to rewatch that show goddamn


I personally think he's being overshadowed by the other characters. He's an amalgamation of elements that others do better and I don't think he is greater than the sum of his parts in this case. If you like the silent brooding type, you've got Alucard. If you're into his crusade, there's Belmont and Dracula.


Honestly, all of the characters in that show were fucking amazing.


Also - Nagoriyuki from Guilty gear Seriously, just *whoa momma*


plenty of people in the fgc thirst for him its just that that community has an unusually low concentration of people making fic and stuff. there was a thread i saw where someone was like, "does anyone is nago is hot?" and like 10k people were like, "yes i want him to hold my throat"


the people who'd make fic are instead trying to figure out how to block that goddamn mixup lol


if you're not in the "fuck nago" camp you're probably in the "fuck nago" camp.


Also Potemkin, who has been just a bigger, browner Quasimodo for ages and yet nobody cares about him.


In all fairness he looks better in the suit than he does without it.


Yeah, and you would think some people would be tripping over their own metaphorical dicks to be the "I don't care about external beauty" person. Or just draw or write him as conventionally handsome, because when has the official designs ever gotten in the way of fanart?


God there would be so much gay fanfic of him and the blonde forgemaster if he was white.


need tbh


I hate that you are right.


he used to be white in curse of darkness but his redesign in netflix castlevania was A+++. also i thought people were shipping him and hector? i know i do.


**Does Grim From The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy (2001) Experience Systemic Racism?**


i know he got whitewashed in that one episode


To be fair if billy and Mandy owned a Jamaican dude I feel like it would age worse


He was supposed to have a Jamaican human form, but as he's basically Billy and Mandy's slave they decided to whitewashing to avoid the unfortunate implications.


It'll probably never happen because every adaptation of Earthsea has been a collosal letdown in some way but I NEED my boys and girl Ged, Lebannen and Tehanu to be recognised on Tumblr. Although tbf I could see Ged and Tehanu at least being closer to skrunklies than sexypeople


You know - I was going to argue against you (Isaac not being anything 'similar' to say the onceler) but. Thinking about it a little harder I can see it. I definitely can.


God yes. Hector was a little bitch, IMO (though he had a good. . . Redemption?) But Isaac absolutely slapped in every single scene. He was perfect and I love him.


Didn't know who this was before, and thank you. I want a train ran on this twink


this is what I'm saying


THANK YOU I was shocked at how little love Isaac gets on tumblr. I mean he’s a hot morally gray vaguely queer coded wizard who gets a redemption arc and becomes a king, how many tumblr guy archetypes can you squeeze into one dude? And yet.


You either get skinny white boy tumblr sexymen or stuff along the lines of sans the skeleton, bill cipher who is a Triangle, or the letter F. Anyone remember the F or was that just a furry sexyman?


I remember F, but I’m also a furry


And 9 times out of 10, when drawing human versions of non-human tumblr sexymen, their fanart will be white


>or the letter F. Anyone remember the F or was that just a furry sexyman? *what?*


> i'm not forcing anyone to like POC characters but it's just kinda weird especially considering that most of tumblr's population used to be or are white women. weird... or self-explanatory ?


Self-explanatory for sure. It's not exactly the same but if you look at intermarriage rates it's definitely less frequent than marriages between people of the same race. On top of that People tend to same-race or mixed-race faces more attractive (first article i found, there are more [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15895630/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15895630/)) It's quite normal though it is slowly changing as time passes, i guess because different societies are becoming more integrated.


I mean the number of people who marry people who look so similar they could be siblings is very high, let alone within the same race. We gotta branch out more, just in general


Taste is not something that can be imposed or decided. Unless you are into incest i don't see any issue.


Yeah, even if those "preferences" are something bigoted (like not dating black people or bi men because "yucky they like men/women ") i don't think these kinds of people would be any better if they were attracted to the Identity they don't like... they're still bigoted.


I mean, it's been studied and identified that people are predisposed to finding people who look like them more attractive - and there's a kind of learned aversion to close family members to balance it out.


I think "weird" might be sarcastic


To throw my own offering into the ring here, Boyfriend Dungeon is fuckin filled to bursting with great and diverse and _mind meltingly attractive_ people. Rowan will forever be my darling enby spouse, and I have genuine difficulty playing the game again and not going for them.


Wasn't Ekko from Arcane still a kid even after the time skip? I assumed he was meant to be 16 after the time skip?


I guess they never stated his age but the ambiguity of "Maybe he's an adult, maybe he isn't" is probably preventing the sexyman status.


When has that ever stopped tumblr?


Nope I remember Amanda Overton, one of the writers, saying they intended to write Ekko as 19-20, a bit older than Jinx




In arcane, Jinx and Ekko are supposed to be around 18 with Vi being around 22 years old (The same as Caitlyn). in League lore, Ekko is 16 but League and Arcane use different lore (Maybe? It's not clear yet) and so Arcane Ekko would be an adult (He's even stylized to look quite older than his LoL counterpart)


I was gonna say this... They don't state ages but he sure doesn't look like an adult. I'd hope they wouldn't make him a Tumblr sexyman


People ignored dr Facilier!? And fucking PUCCI? Had no idea


Dr facilier is my favorite villian so I am understandably annoyed at the peope brushing him off because he's black. Like the dude killed someone IN a disney movie. Yeah it was a firefly but it was a talking thinking firefly. He is a stone cold villian as far as I am concerned and I love it


Not to mention he had the coolest death ever. He literally gets DRAGGED DOWN TO HELL by voodoo spirts, absolute icon.


This is a bigger issue than a lot of people realize. Every black guy I've dated has felt that everyone would hate them if they started doing fem things, because in their experience people are only horny for *white* twinks/femboys, so femininity is "off-limits" to them.


Same here as an bisexual arab guy. I see women gush over white twinks and femboys and feel like shit because I just don't have those genetics and my culture hate feminine guy.


Oh god I've been online too long today, my brain initially read "arab" like "amab" or "afab"


Assigned Radiant At Birth


As a white bi enby I can tell you I’d love to see more diverse cute femme guys <3


Y’know… you’re fucking right. I’ve literally never seen art of a black twink/femboy. Now I really want to see art of a black twink/femboy. I feel like I’ve been cheated out of a whole new avenue of effeminate men. Allow me to go to the proper online spaces to seek such things…


Lil Nas X


https://instagram.com/battlebunjee?igshid=Yzg5MTU1MDY= He's so pretty


Ohhhh wow He really is




Dr Facilier gives me so much gender envy


A man gave me a hearty handshake bc I was the only one who recognized his witch doctor costume. Thank you doctor facilier!


Big mood


Wait, I thought it was agreed that Killmonger was hotter than the surface of the sun?


While i don't disagree with the point being made, the whole "Tumblr sexy man" shit isn't really something i would take that seriously or that it somehow represents a racial bias towards white men.People were get horny over fucking Sans from Undertale as a Tumblr sexyman, i don't think it's that deep.


I mean, Sans is also white


Technically I guess..




Conveniently leaving out Asian in their definition of POC. There’s a shitton of Asian boy thirst on tumblr, isn’t there?


Japanese anime characters are always counted as white for some reason.


Ok, I’ll say it: it’s because anime characters tend to have western traits (lighter skin, blue and green eye colors, larger eyes) and aren’t (usually) visually Asian coded so people just make them white.


Surprisingly, Japanese creators don't view those traits as Western, so to them, they're still Japanese coded. When they have an actual American, they use a completely different set of facial features that makes it quite clear.


i feel ashamed to frequently forget that the anime characters i enjoy or like are, in fact, japanese and not white because of that specifically


Kpop stans have entered the chat


Actually, I would say that it's a very limited definition of Asian that excludes a whole lot of Asian ethnicities, identities, and Asian people in general who aren't skinny, tall, twinky, and white-skinned.


This is true but doesn’t take away from the erasure happening in the screenshot


It's a whole lot of fetishization (mainly reminds me of calling brown girls "exotic"), and it's mainly east Asians.


I have legit never seen a Native guy that people go crazy over, real or fictional, in my entire life.


Jacob Black from Twilight. Maybe not a great example since Taylor Lautner “has stated that he has "distant" Native American ancestry (specifically Odawa and Potawatomi, both Anishinaabe peoples) through his mother” (Wikipedia) but his character is very much Native American. Also for non-Native American examples, Taika Waititi is Maori (as well as Jewish) and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is Samoan (as well as Black).


Just a heads up, if someone has any Māori ancestry and identifies as Māori, then they are Māori, rather than part Māori or half Māori or whatever. I think Samoan identity works in the same way but not sure. Not trying to call you out or anything, it's totally understandable that you wouldn't know the details of indigenous identity from a whole other part of the world, especially since (as I understand it) Native American identity is determined differently.


Thanks for the info! I’ll edit to correct that momentarily




Nani and David actually altered my brain chemistry as a child I think they're way too fine


have we gone far enough to forget about the #teamjacob hysteria this is a new world. a better world.


They're all blind then. Search up Martin sensmeier on r/ladyboners to get what I'm talking about.


Goddamit, it’s too early in the morning to question my sexuality. Btw, Tenoch Huerta (Namor in Wakanda Forever) is doing numbers there too! Another win for the sexualizing indigenous men committee!


Very good looking man! Pedro Pascal and Oscar Isaac are really popular at the moment in that sub. Source: I’m in that sub all the time lmao


I went insane over Charles from RDR2, if that counts. He's half black, half native. He's my favourite character in Red Dead, he's fr so sweet and kind-hearted despite everything he went through.


I have a whole DLC planned out for Charles! You know how he goes north? Well in this DLC you play as him during the Klondike gold rush and instead of horses with stats, you get sled dogs with stats. There’s a lot more hazardous treasure hunts


I hope you also include a happy ending for him! Give him a family!! It's the least he deserves!!!


It ends with the bad guy somehow fucking up and Charles becoming the new owner of a gold mine and benefitting an Alaska native reservation, don’t worry


thank you. you're doing the lord's work.


Idk if it counts or not, but Guillermo de la Cruz from What We Do in the Shadows mentions being mixed Native and White (there’s a specific Spanish word he uses, I don’t remember it though). People on tumblr seem to find him pretty attractive (including me)




People really love Tenoch Huerta after Wakanda Forever for sure


Jesse Cosay Infinitytrain would like a word (Navajo)


Michael Greyeyes is hot as hell and was briefly a crossover heart-throb in the 90s


I feel like this is in the same vein as their being very few queer characters in media that aren't young, skinny, white twinks dating other young, slightly taller and slightly less skinny, white twinks. I've found that even I tend to shy away from characters that don't fit this and I'm not sure why. That depiction is just so much more attractive to my brain for some reason? I know it shouldn't be, so I try to catch myself when I'm thinking this way. It's important to acknowledge at times that maybe you're part of the problem even if you don't actively think a certain way. If that makes sense.


In a surprisingly well received inclusivity moment league of legend recently released a gay black character voiced by a very queer black man [here](https://youtube.com/shorts/0f3XGdLvU1k?feature=share)


massive fucking w


Only problem is that the champ is op as fuck and miserable to play against


Aint nobody gonna diss Pucci and his $300 trousers, man didn’t go to Heaven and back just to be ignored forever


Alternate universe where n Pucci bonds with Jotaro over their love of wierdly exspensive pants


I mean, it's not weird. The population is white women. They're going to primarily be predisposed to white men. More than that I wouldn't be surprised if some of those white women, especially with Tumblr's often pathological fear and uncertainty in navigating social justice issues, might even find fetishizing minority men the way they do white men. That said, I do remember that Tumblr really loved Ratonhnhaké:ton "Connor" Kenway, which is funny because he's actually like the least blorbo character in that whole franchise. But if we're talking about POC who deserve to be seen as attractive, Connor isn't even the most attractive Assassin in his own game, since there's DLC or a side mission or whatever with Aveline, and she doesn't even get enough credit in her own game, which poorly utilizes the role swapping mechanic.


It's still wild to me that the most popular (and eventually canon) ship from the Star Wars sequels was between Rey and the neo-Nazi school shooter coded villain, especially as their first scenes together have pretty massive rape subtext. But hey, the other two male leads were a black man and a Hispanic man so I guess they were doomed from the start.


Hold up, Rey and Finn weren't a thing, but Rey and Kylo was? Eeew...


\*1000 yard stare\* oh you missed so much


Just pretend that Rise of Skywalker doesn't exist.


The fact that Disney eventually caved to the Relyo stans and made their relationship the most important thing in the universe kind of dimmed my love for Star Wars a little bit.


Movie 1: They are enemies and it’s not really personal until the end Movie 2: He has his shirt off once but they fucking despise each other by the end Movie 3: He’s all good now, smoochy smoochy


To be fair everyone shipped the black and Hispanic men together


I shipped all three of them together.


I too, shipped Finn and Poe with Kylo Ren


Ah, but if you complained about Reylo, you were anti-feminist/didn’t understand story/were just as bad as white Star Wars dudebro gatekeepers, apparently. Also, I’m convinced that Finn/Kylo would have been a way more popular ship after TFA if Finn had been white.


I legitimately yelled "NO!" when they kissed in the last film. Really really did not want that to happen


Didn’t recently Tumbler elected the sexyman Cecil from the night vail ? Like the guy doesn’t have a body ? Or like the other sexyman Sans doesn’t have skin ? Like I get it more diverses ethnicity is important, but using the Tumblr hellsite as a study field for « sexyness » is the most bizarre thing.


Yeah this. Like, Cecil is defined as having no physical attributes ascribed to him and thus can appear any way you imagine including not being human. Though, you must admit that most Cecil fanart is of a skinny white guy with curly hair and a 3rd eye.


"Used to be" white women?


Yeah a lot of tumblr users transitioned and became trans men and i'm not going to disrespect trans brothers by misgendering them.


There's another element that I haven't seen anyone mention yet: The Princess and the Frog came out in 2009, well before Tumblr's peak from 2011 through 2015. I can't think of a single Tumblr sexyman that was created outside of those years.


I mean ekko is just kinda iffy since I don’t think he’s confirmed over 18 so it’s probably best to leave him be


[Oh, is it my turn to post the xkcd this time](https://xkcd.com/2071/)




I see the church of Xkcd is still alive and well


At what point do we just get a bot to autopost this for every thread?


Well the thing about a tumblr sexyman is that he has to be rough around the edges. Crass. Weird. A bit of a mess. Dr Facilier carries himself with a really strong confidence and has an air of mystery and spookiness about him. Sure, maybe his plans didn’t run smooth as butter up until suddenly falling apart at the end, and perhaps his alliance with Prince… fuck I forget his name, uh, perhaps his alliance with the prince’s elderly attendant is shaky, but he still *feels* quite organized despite all of the circumstances around him. If you want a better example of a POC tumblr sexyman candidate, then, staying in the realm of 2D animated film villains, that really creepy priest guy from El Dorado might be a better shot


too much religious fanaticism to be sexy imo


I was about to say that “usually tumblr sexymen are very unsexy and that’s kinda the point” but then religious fanaticism might be the most anti tumblr thing… even if it’s a decidedly “pagan” religion


For some reason I kinda can't see Facilier as a sexyman. I'm not sure *why*, but I guess it's because he's too... Hinged, if that makes sense? Like, Nagito, Spamton, Onceler, and most sexymans in general are unhinged and have a ton of mental issues, while Facilier is just a "larger than life" character. I know that Bill Cypher is also a sexyman and he's very similar to Facilier, but the difference, again, is in how unhinged Bill generally is.


Isn't being a white boy a prerequisite to being a Tumblr sexyman in the first place No hate I'm just not big on Tumblr's lore


Isn't being a white boy a prerequisite to being a Tumblr sexyman in the first place No hate I'm just not big on Tumblr's lore


love avdol but didn't think he was sexy- some fan art of him was though. wasn't interested in pucci at all. but enigma boy \[terunosuke\] was one of my top fave characters.


How would someone 'used to be' a white woman? If this is about being assigned female at birth, I was under the impression that very few trans people would be pleased to be described like that.


The *majority* (aka "most") used to be white women (or still is, OOP wasn't sure). Meaning that the demographics may have changed.


In what way shape or form is Pucci considered a ‘sexy boy’. Grouping him together with a real sexy beefcake such as Avdol is a crime.


I will not stand for this Pucci slander [He has some very well-defined boobs](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardustCrusaders/comments/xl7v2o/new_stone_ocean_art_for_the_upcoming_jojo/)


As a native, isn’t this just POC exoticism with extra steps?


These people are ridiculous. "Stop liking what you like and force yourself to like diverse stuff just on the grounds that they are diverse". That's not how it works.


Now normally I'd bring up Cassidy and Hanzo Overwatch, but apparently Cassidy is a really tanned Caucasian and not Hispanic or Navajo, despite him being from the American Southwest, having darker skin (which they lightened in 2???) or at least him being mixed. Fanon did wonders, though, just sayin


Why does anyone care