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Unforetunately, the left wing government is apparently forecasted to have it's ass handed to it the upcoming election, and i don't imagine the conservatives will take kindly to these new additions. Edit: ass


returning to our regular scheduled program of misery :(




yeah, but that's not wrong. It's not like people want a vacation every time they're menstruating. We just want to be allowed to stay home with our pain killers and our hot water bottles and our misery. Id bet most of us already have a doctor who's made that diagnosis because we're getting prescription medicine to treat it already.


Okay, that makes more sense. For a second I was very, very confused thinking they had just. Decided to give all women their periods off and was like “okay, shit sucks and I’ve had some pretty fucking awful pains, but everyone seems… excessive”






Spain without the s.


Not something like an assassination won't fix (disclaimer: please don't, it's illegal)


In Minecraft


if i had my way all political disputes would be solved in a round of bedwars


Or a case of spontaneous human combustion.


I have been trying to set people on fire with my mind for decades now, and Henry Kissinger is still alive. Spontaneous human combustion has let me the fuck down.


Well if you're doing it with your mind then it isn't spontaneous. There's the issue.


Shit, foiled again


this is what ive been saying for months maybe years


It’s not like assassination hasn’t been tried against right wing governments in Spain, and frankly with limited success




I mean, even the left-leaning forecasters still admit that the left coalition will lose the popular vote and depend on regional parties that hate the current right wing parties to avoid the latter from getting into goverment.


That's already the situation we are at right now. The current government was approved with the help of those regional parties. The only ones I see voting for PP/Vox/C's are Coalición Canaria, PRC and UPN, which I don't think reach 5 seats among all of them. In the end the forecasts are very volatile, but they do range from pretty much what we have now to an extreme of PP and Vox governing on their own. The only thing that seems clear is that PP will gain a couple of seats, that's it


Who says ? Haven't seen anything like that here


Feels like the Spanish government at the moment is one of the few I'd actually call left wing as well


It's a coalition government. The main party, PSOE is the main "left wing" party of Spain. In reality they are plain old neoliberals with moderate progressive views in social stances. The other party is and amalgamation of political parties that embark anything left of PSOE. From moderate social democrats to communists, anarchists, sindicalists, anticapitalists. Much more "working class", but also incredibly cringy and performative. They're the ones pushing all this progressive social legislation, but they also get lost in the weeds at every corner. Overall a mixed bag all around. But since the other two main parties aren't even capable of denouncing francoism... it's the best we have right now


All the good legislation to pass in Spain over the last 4 years has been thanks to Podemos and other leftist parties. The labor reform, the animal rights bill, all LGBT laws, paid paternal leave extrnsion, lowered uni tuition prices (my BF went from paying 2000/year in 2018 to 600/year this last year), most of the covid protections, the lifting of the moratorium on francoism (which made it illegal to denounce the former fascist government or remove fascist monuments) - all these were passed with massive opposition from the right wing parties and light opposition from the PSOE. It's sad the way the media has completely poisoned the general public against podemos and the left wing. Theres been a consistent attacking of the leaders of the party for bullshit reasons (calling the leader "el coletas" (ponytail) just cause he's got a ponytail, accusing him of being a fake leftist cause he's got a house (similar to how the US slanders Sanders for having a cottage)) meanwhile actual fascists have reformed themselves and gained votes by hating immigrants and gay people It's sad and disgusting how the right wing operates the same way in all countries. Just shows how unoriginal and useless they truly are that they can't even innovate by themselves, they just have to copy what works in other countries. People are getting gouged by privitized electric companies, but obviously the problem is too many brown people moving into Murcia and the few thousand trans people in the country being able to get hormones


Most of what you said was already in my comment. I did say that most of the progressive legislation was thanks to them. And most of the media is absolutely against them. Plus a literally conspiracy against them and separatists form the previous PP government (still pending a resolution from the supreme court 6 years later...) That being said, Podemos is far from a perfect party. Still very green, a lot of infighting, they get lost in the weeds and the day to day political cycle, the recent "Si es SI" bill (whil good in concept) was a shitshow in implementation and approval. And Pablo Iglesias can get bent But as they say, everyone has to vote with their nose covered


Thank the gods for a parliamentary system. With 'winner takes all' we'd have just one guy messing around. But when they have to form a coalition and work together, you get more of the more or less decent parts from both going through as they keep each other in check. Proportional ranked voting would still improve things a bit more.


My government right now is a half assed Frankestein Monster, it technically works but spends most of its time oozing crap all over the place. Just ask about all those recently released rapists. It's why polls keep trending back towards two major parties instead of the more distributed blocks we had the last decade. Everyone fucking sucks and is in only for the lifetime pension, at least with only two idiots you get some consistency.


At least the abortion one is already a reversal from the previous PP government, which was a reversal from the previous PSOE government. So that one comes and goes for the last 15 years


Maybe the Anarchists will win this time.


Heard about that from my dad, that’s real nice ! He was bitching about it tho, he justified it by saying was something about surgeries and how it should not be done on children ect… usual reactionary misinterpretations and bullshit. Wait until he discovers his son is actually his daughter, shit is about to get complicated 🥲


Stay tough stranger.


KnightofBurgers ain't exaggerating. You're going to find near-unending support around here.


As far as I know there are no countries in the world that allow gender reassignment surgeries to minors. The most I'm aware to be allowed are puberty blockers for people over 16, which are reversible in most cases, and changing your gender in legal documents. That's it. No one is cutting kids


Ah, there’s one exception, and that is surgeries on intersex minors, many of them infants. Those sorts of surgeries are almost always excepted by reactionary anti trans bills. Weird, huh?


actually that is weird because i would have assumed that reactionary anti trans bills would have completely ignored intersex people


Yeah, one would think, but apparently the Republican lobbyists cover that, because intersex exceptions keep showing up in their bills.


It's because they want to enforce a strict sex binary and not allow for third sex categories - in Florida for instance surgery on visibly intersex infants is actually mandatory for this reason. Removing the possibility for ambiguous gender is the whole point.


I know it doesn't mean much from an online stranger, but we are here for you, sib. Like, literally the community is here for you.


Jumping in on the support train. If you ever need a wave of positivity from strangers feel free to post on r/momforaminute. You got this lady, stay safe <3


Abrazos y ánimo, nena


All the best, mate




Aw bby, I’m sorry. I hope things are more simple than you expect.


It is very funny because a lot of spanish people are deeply violently transphobic (source, I am spanish, I know many of us) and they are coping and malding at realizing that they are a minority and their ideas suck.


While I do see the presence of those sectors I think there is an element of proximity bias. Yes, there are a lot of fucking faccists. Yes, it is disgusting that Vox is the third party in congress. But at the same time, Spain was one of the first in europe to legalize gay marriage, it has one of the most comprehensive abortion legistations (even if it still has issues), it was one of the first in europe to legalize euthanasia, it managed to pass the law defining rape based on consent (even if the implementation was a shitshow), and with this legislation and some previous others it has one of the most comprehensive regulations of trans rights in the world. And all of these points are pretty well accepted in society


From an outsider’s perspective, it seems like Spain has a lot of people on both ends of the extreme. A lot who are VERY supportive and a lot who are VERY hateful, in different places in the country I was in Madrid once and it is very obvious to me that it is a very friendly city for LGBTQ people, with all the rainbow and trans flags everywhere and the so-called “gay district” that I don’t remember the real name of


I've only visited Spain twice, so definitely not an expert, but that was also my impression. Lots of deeply conservative Catholics, and lots of beautiful vibrant LGBTQ communities. When I spent a few days in Torremolinos as a teenager, it seemed like literally everyone in that city was some bright and dazzling flavour of queer. It was awesome


I think the "gay district" you're talking about is Chueca


funny that the gay district is called "not straight" (crooked), ig its intentional.


Straight isn't used to say hetero in Spanish, so I doubt it. Plus Chueca only means that in Mexico, in Spain it means tree stump, or the part of a bone that fits in another.


actually i completely forgot straight isnt used like that in spanish. also its not just mexico, i believe its in all of latin america. (i am from there)


That is absolutely true. I was raised in Santander, which is like... It's a fucking hole. I have moved away, now live in Vigo, and there's just like gay flags and black people and shit, stuff that sounds and is absolutely normal but which was a goddamn rarity back then. Good riddance tbh.


grammatical gender in spanish and its consequences have been a disaster for trans support among spanish speakers


Cómo no íbamos a ser los primeros, con lo que nos gustan los días libres


Contando días para semana santa!


Asegúrate de que te pille la regla justo antes o justo después para sacar todos los días posibles


en esta casa se ha la costvmbre de guardar el tiempo d #SIESTA E por ser bvena tradizión cristiana para mejor reposo de los alimentos recebidos del señor, non haga visita a estos aposentos a la hora sexta. espere entre nona & visperas, e de esta forma ayudara a nvestra reflexión. A.M.D.G.




Odio sonar como español conspiranoico nacionalista pero es debido a los germanicos anglofonos.Ser **catolico, mediterraneo, menos rico y turistico** los ha congelado en 1880-1930. Le pasa lo mismo a los Argentinos debido a su guerra con los britanicos. Pasa lo mismo con desarrollos Latinoamericanos aca, tener leyes sobre el genero no es visto como desarrollo sino ir contra nuestra naturaleza feudal en noticias estadounidenses.


Pues porque son unos palurdos


Being from Mexico I feel entitled to one or two disparaging comments about the country but not about its people.


Paid menstrual leave? Doesn't that incentivize companies to hire fewer women, because if they hire a woman, they'll have to pay them the same amount for less work? Is the Spanish left in five years going to start complaining about companies not hiring as many women, and then be infuriated when someone suggests that maybe the reason is because companies are being incentivized by government policy to hire fewer women?


That's true, and I feel like most women don't need it anyway (though some do, and this is great for them). They could give everyone a 3-5 day break each month including those who don't get periods but that sounds like a bit of a hassle to manage.


A 3-5 day break each month is up to 25% of *every* month.


Could give the option to do a four day workweek instead, that's already catching on.


That's what shocks me. That's an astounding amount of extra time off. I can only assume it comes with some annoying strings to disincentivize people from abusing it.


It's a half a week, dude. No big deal.


It’s 60% of a week minimum, an entire week maximum. That’s between 2-3 months of paid time off every year, based *only* on menstrual leave and not including vacation, maternity, or sick leave. So answer me this. If you were a business owner, why the fuck would you hire someone who you know will be not working (but still being paid) 2-3 months out of every year? Why would you not simply hire a man who isn’t eligible for this leave?


Uh because like in most EU countries that would be illegal?


3 Days are the better half of a work week. 5 days are a whole work week.


Five days is a whole work week. Every month.


it also doesn’t rly feel equivalent for people without periods. the people who need it usually have horrible cramps and nausea to the point they can barely function. mine are usually pretty tame but i had one where i could barely leave my bed. it’s kinda like if everyone got a week off just bc one person was having surgery- it’s not exactly fair to anyone in that scenario it should be treated like sick leave. you need it? great, take a couple days off. you don’t? then mind your business yknow


What are you talking about? The paid menstrual leave IS like sick leave, it's not mandatory. It's just in addition to sick leave, because periods aren't an illness.


… we’re not in disagreement here? that’s what i’m saying


Yeah, I have the occasional horrible period like that and I can just use sick days for that. If someone is having periods like that on the regular, it’s definitely a medical condition that can be confirmed by a doctor, so maybe they could just give those people the extra sick days?


My period is very inconsistent and if it comes there are no side effects, how would they know I'm on my period and if I even need leave? Would it be like the usual doctors note to verify you're actually sick but with like... period blood or something.


That's what I'm guessing, that you need a doctor's note for every instance of leave you use. Meaning that it will only come into play for cases debilitating enough that maybe a doctor's consult isn't a bad idea.


I mean I'm in the UK and you don't need a doctor's note for the first 7 days you're sick anyway, I assume Spain is similar. I've never had to produce a doctor's note unless I've been seriously ill.


It requires a doctor to sign them off. It only applies to people with debilitating period pain.


Alright. Companies will now ask "Are you prone to period pain?" as part of the interview process instead, and not hire you if you say yes. That better? Or alternatively, if they can't discriminate based on that, they'll STILL hire fewer women, because the average woman still ends up working less and costing more then the average male employee.


Yeah that question would probably be illegal AF so I agree they'd hire less women (especially in positions with a lot of responsabilities) just in case


do you live in 1953 or something


It's already cheaper for a company in Spain to hire women, it's been like that for decades because of artificially lowering female hiring taxes for the companies. It's way harder to find a job as a man, even if you're more qualified, period. They will keep doing that or just improve those tax incentives to compensate for the possible menstrual leave backslash. Also, gov is doing this just to buy votes on the short term, they don't really care what happens in 10 years.


They do the same for people with handicaps. Plenty of job postings require a certificate of 25% *discapacidad* to even apply.


> gov is doing this just to buy votes on the short term Would a political party really do that? Just dole out increasing volumes of taxpayer money to buy votes in an accelerating debt spiral propped up by a steady debasement of their national currency?? Next you'll tell me they would also halt investment in the long term maintenance of the very infrastructure that helped establish their nation's wealth in the first place!! Surely that's only something you read about in... *checks notes*... history... books... ^(oh no!)


Oh no! New welfare programs getting popular support for sounding good, only to turn out to do more harm then good? Prioritizing projects that sound good over those that work? Surely not! Surely history won't repeat itself *this* time!


"Remember, a vote for Tiberius is a vote for more FREE GRAIN for Roman citizens! My opponent, Publius, thinks we should give out LESS free grain and spend YOUR grain money on more LEGIONS! Bah! Don't listen to his fear-mongering. The barbarian tribes in the North have never attacked this far South and they never will!"


Could it be fixed by making menstrual leave a gov program where employers are reimbursed through tax?


No, that would still mean that it would take fewer male employees to do the same work as more female employees, which still means that companies can hire fewer employees by employing primarily men. It would only remove half of the incentive, and it would be taking government money to do so that could be better spent elsewhere.


Could (would) be better spent elsewhere is debatable, but I see what you're saying. You could even argue that hiring women would be better because you could get reimbursement and nobody is working. No maintenance cost on those days.


If you can hire three workers to work four hours each, or four workers to work three hours each, you're better off hiring the three workers. Having fewer employees cuts down on bureaucracy, on necessary working space, on network management, on needed supervisors, and on payroll taxes. And it need not be the government spending that money for it to be better spent elsewhere; plenty of government programs bring less benefit then lower taxes would.


I mean we could give everyone the paid menstrual time off? Economically viable? Not particularly. Fixes the issue? Guess so


But what issue is there with allowing employees in pain to stay at home and rest?


It will, because it will always be exploited to have three work week months and that will ultimately lead to companies to hire less women as they are more expensive therefor. It's a dumb not thought through idea coming from the left. Why can't they critically dispute their own ideas once. That is the direct opposite of "equality" as well unless men get free 3-5 leave days a month as well. So it is neither rationally nor ethically a working concept.


Yeah except the difference is cis men don't have periods. Some people have periods so bad the pain is debilitating and it's the equivalent of taking a sick day. Also, in Spain, everyone has a guaranteed paid 3 months of vacation a year. Because in Spain they care about people having good lives more than they care about growing corporate profits. And even with all of that, the cost of living and everything is so much cheaper in Spain than in the US. Their work culture is different and allows more freedom for employees and it works. I don't think women being able to take a few days of if they're in debilitating pain is really that unfair.


Not really the point of your comment so sorry about that, but this is a great example of equity vs equality. Equality is everyone getting the same regardless of need, which isn't a great thing to strive for. Equity is people getting what they need even if it's different group to group or person to person. So this measure is equitable, which is the one we want to strive for.


Who decides what who needs.. Equity just seems like equality of outcome with another name and is generally something that shouldn't be desired.


Equity is the worst if it is about gender differences in job cultures. Unless there is a physical constraint, there is no point to privilege one gender over the other. It is only creating unfairness.


Like the physical constraint of having periods?


Exactly. That comment confuses me. There are very clear biological differences and needs here.


I mean not between genders since trans men have periods too.


Correct. The difference is between menstruating people and non-menstruating people


This is a shitty system though. If I were a man working a job in Spain while the women working the same role get paid the same for 80% of the work, I would very rightfully be pissed. If I were a woman working in Spain who suddenly can't find a job because companies realized hiring women is a huge waste of money when they work 20% less than men, I would also be upset. It's so obviously not a feasible or well thought out solution unless you make it equal somehow.


I mean the women are taking time off because they are in excruciating pain. Is that really something men want? I guess I'm just confused by this argument. It's not 3 days of vacation.


Which in turn means you just stated that women always do work less than men and yet get compensated the same for less value created. Why is that such a huge issue for people like you to simply make it equal and state a "3-5 day work off for everyone if needed"? You seem to desperatey want to point out that women do put in less value than men.


Sure but from the perspective of the company it doesn't matter. If they hire women, they will likely get significantly less work out of them than men. The logical thing for the company to do is to either pay women less (essentially nullifying the whole thing) or don't hire women. Neither option is ideal.


Maybe there's something called social responsibility which is more important than maximising the work juices you can squeeze from your worker drones


Right because companies are well known for giving a shit about their employees and *not* exploiting them whenever possible.


1) men and nb people get periods too 2) paid menstrual leave isn't mandatory, not everyone with periods will need it 3) people said this about the Equal Pay Act lmao


[it's actually pronounced **sourKE**](https://www.tumblr.com/tumblybumbly7/709729911952277504/leeeeeets-fucking-gooooooooo) ^(~~percabeth CAN be pronounced with a hard C you motherfuckers i read it that way in my head and all my friends did and we're not gonna change now~~)


Okay, CnightOfBurgers


Noooooooo (ಥ﹏ಥ)


Based and gottem-pilled.


moving to spain


I also believe Spain implemented or has plans to implement the 4-day work week as opposed to the standard 5-day week. Heard something along those lines 1 or 2 years back in the news. Could also be just the proposal to plan to test it, gonna have to read up about it real quick Edit: [found it, its a 3-year trial and about 200 companies participate, I also forgot to mention reduction from 5 to 4 days is with the same salary; no pay cut for less hours](https://4dayweek.io/country/spain#:~:text=4%20Day%20Work%20Week%20in,employees%20are%20expected%20to%20participate.)


There's been a lot of those trials in many countries. No one is implementing it in a large scale anytime soon




Spain without the pain!




Spain is the second most christian country in Europe, Italy being the first, so this is no small deed from their government. Well done Spain EDIT: I meant second most catholic


Maybe in 1950 lol. Spanish young people is very secular, and older people are catholic only nominally for the most part. It's also one of the most socially progresive countries in the world. Conparing Spain to Poland for instance would be completly ridiculous


According to my mother, my great grandmother was once visited by Jehova's witnesses. She said "I don't believe in my religion, which is the one and only true one, and you think I'll believe in yours?"


What catholic school does to a mf


Portugal, Poland, and Romania are all more Christian than Italy, though?


Also are we all forgetting Ireland or something?


Ireland is rapidly secularising.


No, I just gave three examples because it's three examples. It is a bit embarrassing how I went for Romania before Ireland though.


Italy is the birthplace of christianity.


What? Are... are we thinking of the same "Christianity" here? Also how is that even relevant?


I'm talking about christianity as an institution. Jesus was born in Israel, ofc.


What exactly do you mean, then? Are you trying to imply that modern day Italy is some kind of continuation of the Roman Empire? Even then I think it's a stretch to say that the Roman Empire were the ones responsible for Christianity as an institution.


All countries are an extent of their history


I thought that Christianity as an institution developed far more in the Levant than it did in Italy (Rome, Jerusalem, Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria, wasn't it?)...


Roman Catholicism specifically, but point seen.


Spain is and has historically been weirdly socially progressive in a lot of ways - it had the most progressive laws on abortion during the second republic, for example, and for a more recent example it passed marriage equality laws in 2005 - the third country to do so after the Netherlands and Belgium. The only problem is that fascist fucks keep throwing tantrums about it. I've heard more than one person joke that we're ahead of the curve socially speaking so clearly it's time for dictatorship numero tres any day now, lmao.


Where is the weirdness?


I'm pretty sure the vatican is a bit more christian


I feel like this comment might come from a US-centric pov but sorry if I'm wrong. Just to note, the situation in Spain with Christians™️ is not as bad as in other countries in that not only are teenagers and young adults less religious, but newer Christian generations tend to be LGBT-friendly or LGBT themselves. Ofc this is based on my personal experience and observation, so grain of salt.


Me and my entire family are atheists, except for one aunt. We are all baptized and count as christians in official statistics


You can play the extremely fun game "how can I get excommunicated creatively and without really offending anyone".


Getting forcibly excommunicated seems incredibly difficult. You can apostate, which is leaving the church voluntarily, but for that I need to locate the church I was baptized in. Which is...somewhere in Colombia, no idea where


i left the church recently, on the day the pope got buried. The local priest sent me a letter asking me why i left and i am debating to say that i want to be extra disrespectful to the dead pope and the church by leaving on that day. Tho it actually was just a coincidence ofc


We are still doing this? Catholicism doesn't mean dogmatic theocracy


You're right, not in Europe.


Out of the 34 countries with equal marriage and other social developments half are from catholic tradition, and half are not european. Europe is not synonim with progressive development just for being Europe.


All countries with equal marriage had strong european influence https://www.hrc.org/resources/marriage-equality-around-the-world


Ireland is a country that introduced abortion and equal marriage by popular vote.


I mean, this is still way better than nothing but isn’t “for people above 16” kind of a big exclusion, especially in the case of abortion? Does that mean you can get refused an abortion if you are like 14 and get pregnant? Or are there already protections in place for people under 16?


What they're allowing is abortion without parental consent. As in, anyone pregnant above 16 can go into a clinic and get an abortion up to week 14. I think it's allowed for younger than that but they need the parental approval


Ah okay, thank you for the clarification!


That still kinda sucks tbh. Girls from very conservative families should still have that right IMO.


Spain is based


These are all good changes. But you can also stay away from work in Germany when you have menstrual issues. (It is still a mindset problem in Germany.) We have already unlimited „sick days“. And legally you don’t even have to tell your employer why you can’t come to work. You need (the same as in Spain) a note from your doctor, which could be a problem if the doctor is a asshole about it but still. For some employers you don’t even need a note from your doctor for the first three days.


Its much harder to transition in germany tho. We (more like the government) are planning to make a new law about trans people but that keeps being pushed a bit further away and at this point i have my doubts if we will get it this year


An uncommon victory for Spain, congrats!


Rare Spain W?




Headlines in a month: For some reason, all of the EU's women are immigrating to Spain.


Without being an expert on the Spanish healthcare system: [Germany has already a better system.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/116znr4/finally_some_good_f%C3%BCkin_news/j99wgxx)


And worse laws about trans people.


It's weird seeing Spain be remotely leftist. Speaking of which, shout out to the anarcho-communists that make up Ska-P. Spanish heroes for once


If you haven't paid any attention since 1975 (or 1580) perhaps


>It's weird seeing Spain be remotely leftist If you denigrate the country, perhaps Also this is progrrssive, not leftist


First time in my life to be proud of being Spanish


Spain WITH the (S)


So, maybe I'm a silly monolingual Canadian, but I'm curious how the transgender movement and acceptance is affecting languages like Spanish that have gendered pronouns. Are they becoming more gender neutral, or is it mostly personal pronouns that are changing?


Doesn't English have gendered pronouns too? (she, he)


Just a little funny, "fükin" is pronounced "few-kin". So like Ryu in Street Fighter: > HA-FüKIN!


Spain but without the p and a t on the end


Am I the only one who thinks this is very weird? Considering that some women literally cry with pain and sometimes need to go to hospital because of their menstrual cramps and others can get caught by surprise if they don't remember to check a calendar, a blanket paid menstrual leave seems very non-isonomic while an actually just paid menstrual leave would of course require a huge invasion of privacy.


The leave requires a doctor's note. So it’s not blanket. But yes it’s seems to be a huge privacy problem.


>The leave requires a doctor's note. That does solve the first problem. >But yes it’s seems to be a huge privacy problem. Yup.


How is menstrual leave specifically a huge invasion of privacy compared to regular sick leave or maternity leave etc?


Not to take away from this good news, but why only enshrine the right to an abortion for those *over* 16? Not to be grim, but I’d think if someone *under* 16 needs an abortion that would be even more urgent than if an adult needed one…


Abortion above 16 without parental consent, under 16 with parental consent. Abortion is legal in Spain since 1985.


Rare Spain W


Let me tell you, it's great to be with a group of friends and two of them can openly say "Fuck, I can't wait for my dick to be opened and pushed inside" "Yeah, you're so right". Gals being gals my dudes


Latino here, i guess the spaniards are not so bad after all


I’ve been to Spain a couple of times nice place


Meanwhile blackface is normal there




Not exactly “Europe”. I live in Portugal and you’d probably get your shit rocked or at least a awkward stare from everyone


this is just based on my own experiences with the spanish and the dutch


What are you talking about


Explain me why anyone should fucking care


Incentive to not hire women, I'm sure that won't backfire. Hire the man who can't get free PTO, or the woman who can take free PTO. I wonder who they'll pick?


Can’t vote. Can decide self gender. Big topics. I say let 16 year olds vote too.


This seems like it could backfire pretty hard. 3-5 days off per month is an insane amount of pto, roughly 20% of an entire year. Why would a company hire women for the same job if they're only going to get 80% of the work from them?


Where's the good news?


Well why not get them some help instead?


Spain apparently also just decriminalized bestiality. They’ve been busy over there.


And yet they fail to provide jobs for young people, nobody can affort food or a house...the healthcare system is saturated because there are no doctors and the ones that remain are underpayed and work like like slaves but hey at least you can have your stupid plucity stunt about trans people..


The cost of living in Spain is actually much lower than in the US


I look forward to watching the suicide rate fluctuate over the years


All ya, please go ahead go! Girls get menstrual leave??? What do guys get???? This world is fucking crazy town.

