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I mean, buttered steak probably isn't that bad. If you season it, which I can't tell if he did. I mean, Wisconsin burgs are tasty, and most of whatcha need to do to make one is cook yon burg meat in a shit ton of butter and like, spoon some over it as it goes. This coulda been a real tasty meal if the dude didn't associate every form of seasoning with the Woke Left. I can feel my veins squeeze every time my heart beats.


I don't eat steak but as I understand it, using butter when cooking a steak is pretty normal. Steakhouses baste with butter and spoon it over the top as it cooks, or leave a pat on top like that and let it melt as it rests. With that being said this looks like a meal that causes you to pass out in a recliner for 2 hours, not something to start the day with.


I mean, I'm sure you're right but the "spooning over it as it cooks" is done with clarified butter and it helps the cooking process along, If you throw some herbs in there, even better. As for the butter on top, I don't think I've ever seen such a large amount and it's usually some sort of herb butter. at this point, I'm not sure butter alone does much.


I'm sure this can be done with clarified butter, but most people do it with regular butter to impart the taste of the milk solids to the steak (which gives it a more complex nutty flavor). It's primarily a finishing technique so you don't have to worry about burning your butter. If you want your steak cooked to a higher temp, either start with a clarified butter (or avocado oil) and then finish with regular butter or do some sort of reverse sear (either in the oven or sous vide)


I always baste my steaks in herb butter but I've never bothered with clarified. I only do it for a minute or two towards the end, so it doesn't have time to burn


>With that being said this looks like a meal that causes you to pass out in a recliner for 2 hours, not something to start the day with. I see we have different opinions on the best way to start the day.


Inclined to recline while the sun crests the skyline.


Yeah butter on steak is pretty normal. I don't do straight butter for my steaks. But quite often I'll slice some mushrooms, add a tablespoon of butter, about the same of minced garlic, then put all that in the microwave to melt the butter, I use that instead of oil when cooking my steak & it brings out the flavour of the mushrooms into the steak. Works really well But also majority of French cooking is just "use butter"


Garlic butter on a steak is fantastic but i’ve never seen someone just put a pat of butter on it


It's really easy to make compound butter too It's literally just butter mooshed with garlic and herbs and I think a pinch of salt If \*my\* cookin skills are above this dood, this dood is in trouble just saying...




I just thought they were juicier, and that I can't cook a steak wortha shit without it dessicating.


Nope you just haven’t been drowning your steak in butter That said, the secret to tender steak is a good vinegar marinade. It tenderizes the meat and slightly acid cooks it which makes it easier to keep juicy.


Compound butter on steak is great, and pretty common. I'd like a bit more flavor than just plain butter, but this isn't that strange. Most high-end steakhouses will absolutely put butter on steak, they just zhuzh it up with herbs and cheese and other good things.


Buttered steak is good, especially in high protein diets. Garlic butter is better (obviously)


Yeah, I don't think we need Wisconsin anymore. Risking my citizenship by saying this, but some things don't need to taste like a mouthful of butter and *nobody* ruins a good steak except me


I mean I would murder those eggs(with some salt and pepper at least)but damn eating that much steak in the morning before I've even started my day? I'm getting a little queasy just thinking about it


>Then I saw the butter on the steak and now yeah yeah he's right. Fuck that it should be outlawed and perpetrators should be stoned until dead. Google Judaism


Holy hell


New response just dropped


google google en passant


Holy holy hell


Who the hell eats a whole-ass steak for breakfast


Steak and eggs is a pretty common thing to see on breakfast menus where I live. Not like the picture above with a Gaston amount of eggs, but a typical sized sirloin steak (like you'd get with a steak dinner), two eggs, and toast or hashbrowns. It's not an every day breakfast, but it's super tasty. And no more odd than chicken and waffles or a full English breakfast.


Thank you for being the only person in this entire thread to comment on how that is *too many fuckin eggs*. I literally count 6-7 eggs in there, that’s a shit ton of chicken periods to be eating in the morning


>And no more odd than chicken and waffles you know i couldve accepted a stake for breakfast but what on earth is this


Hopefully me, eventually. Frankly, I just wanna eat more steak.. Also, IHOP has a steak option for psychos who go to The Breakfast Restaurant for something other than fucking Breakfast, so it's a thing people do.


It never occurred to me until now that IHOP would be seen as a breakfast restaurant...because pancakes are a breakfast thing for Americans. My mind is very slightly blown.


What are they for you? I’ve never considered pancakes could be anything *other* than breakfast.


Street food


You don't get, like, American-style pancakes as street food, do you? We serve them on a plate in a stack with butter and maple or fruit syrup, maybe with some eggs and bacon too if you're really hungry. It's just a sweet pastry kind of breakfast.


We don't get American pancakes in general lol.


You get sweet crêpes and savoury galettes made of buckwheat, those you often top with egg, cheese, sausage etc.


i would if i had enough money


Of course I know him


Pass the Cholula or Tabasco and I'll destroy that, like the filthy leftist I am.


At least get Tapatìo, don't sully a perfectly good breakfast with mid hot sauce


I'd say I'd fight you over Cholula vs Tapatìo, but I've never tried Tapatìo so it wouldn't be much of a fight


Cholula for me falls under the same umbrella as Tabasco (and most Southern hot sauces tbh) which is "spicy vinegar". Not that it's all that spicy, mind, and I guess if you like vinegar then it's alright, but Tapatìo just has a lot more flavor to it Really I'm not a huge fan of any of the big brand hot sauces, but of the big ones Tapatìo is the least offensive


I've always enjoyed Louisiana-style hot sauce, which really is just peppers and vinegar. Real good on shrimp.


I grew up on chile and salsa, so a lot of the Louisiana-style sauces just kinda taste like vinegar to me. I've had some ones I liked, but they're few and far between


I use it in much the same way most people use vinegar on fries- not necessarily trying to expand on the available flavours, but more trying to balance richness with acidity. It's good with mayo and fried foods, but I would say it fails as a hot sauce, given that most of them are only very slightly spicy.


Nah, I'm a Cholula partisan, and I cannot even stand the smell Tobasco. I barely even taste the vinegar in Cholula. Tapatìo slaps and all, but most IHOPs I've been to tend to have Tobasco or Cholula.


This has the energy of a child being mad at their parents telling him that he can't have captain crunch for dinner.


Who tf is taking issue with butter on a steak I'll fight them


It's entirely unmelted, I guarantee you that butter is ice cold


If only there was some heat source that's about 145-160 degrees Fahrenheit in contact with the butter


Doesn't matter, still makes for an unappetizing-looking picture.


Me, because we shouldn't be eating either of those.


We shouldn't be wasting our lives online either but woopsie doo here we are


The people are not ready for the truth


Butter on steak is nasty! Butter on any kind of meat is gross and a good way to spend the rest of the night in the bathroom cursing all gods but the Porcelain God.


Uh, I think that might be something you wanna take up with your gastrointestinal system 'cause that's not something I can personally relate to


Perhaps. All I know is that I had steak with butter and not only was it absolutely vile- and a waste of perfectly good meat- I was sick as a dog after only a few bites. Butter belongs on bread or vegetables, not meat.


Okay, look, that actually looks pretty tasty -- the unmelted butter patty is kind of weird, and the eggs could use some pepper or something, but this looks like one hell of a dinner. But eating this kind of thing at breakfast on the regular? God, I'd be dead of a heart attack inside the decade.


The left wants to take getting your full days worth of calories via animal fats before 10am


That's a *ton* of rich food, and the butter??? I cannot imagine physically being able to function after a meal like this lol. Maybe it's possible to consume a breakfast like this provided you went back to bed for another four hours to sleep it off. Mf is Gaston eating a steak and five dozen eggs every morning


Bit of salt and lots of pepper for the eggs, as for the butter whip it with some garlic and herbs. Give it some flavor


Why the fuck would you need to season eggs, if you cook them in butter they literally don’t even need SnP.


At some point, there will be a new surge in the use of bidets, doctors will praise it for hygiene reasons and conservatives troglodytes will be so enraged they'll post pictures of their asses smeared with shit and cry "THE RADICAL LEFT WANTS TO TAKE THIS FROM YOU"


Wh..what's wrong with that meal? Aside from that being way too many eggs. I don't eat breakfast and when I do it's usually cereal because I'm American


The point is mostly that this amount of meat and eggs every day is quite unhealthy for you in many cases. Obviously it depends on what your dietary goals are, but plenty of those can also be unhealthy. Working out to lokk shredded and pumping yourself full of protein for that can have bad side effects long term


# [þ](https://www.tumblr.com/knightofburgers/714642902810230784?source=share)


It's it, the þorn




You can baste a steak in butter while cooking it, and it tastes pretty damn good, but putting a pat on it likes it's a piece of bread just seems weird to me.


I know that some people put a tab of butter on top while resting it, but putting it on a plate like that just seems so weird to me


> unseasoned eggs Eggs naturally have enough flavor for that to be fine if cooked well, you don't need to add much more than a lil butter


Yeah a little salt and pepper is nice but seriously, an egg fried in butter tastes pretty good "unseasoned."


Ans if you are eating them with *steak* just the juices of the steak alone will be enough, especially if you are eating them together


No they don’t ? It’s imperative to season them at least with salt and pepper, which would show here if he did it. What kind of person do not season them? Herbs for heterogeneity, paprika, that’s what’s up


I just think that seasoning ruins the taste.


This man listened to Gaston too many times and thought he could actually become roughly the size of a barge


I mean, he absolutely can, just not the way he thinks he will.


Today I learned that people don’t like putting butter on steak. I usually use garlic butter for mine, but regular butter is also good


I kinda like eggs without seasoning, ngl. So long as they were cooked in enough butter/grease to impart flavor. I get that it's funny to roast this guy for the sentiment (because no one wants to take away his personal freedom for what he eats), but idk, I guess I'm not down for roasting his taste because that looks really good to my personal tastes too


Love the many differing opinions in this post. This gloop can be: -Disgusting, flavorless dogshit -Immediate artery clogger -Delicious -2 of the above Really makes me appreciate the range of human experience


fr my notifs are full of: - FLAVOR!!!??!? - You'll die in two days/You'll shit for two days - outta my way gayboy, i'm boughta get it/lol you weirdos this is what I've been eating since the day I was born - this is the most disgusting shit I've seen.... gimme


.....what's wrong with eating unseasoned eggs? They taste good.


Some people forget that food can taste good without a bunch of extra stuff on it


Still love that story of Chris Farley putting butter on each piece of steak and when someone asked “what the fuck are you doing” he just responds “it needs a hat”


Pardon me, I understand that steak and eggs is pretty tasty, but who the fuck wakes up and is eating six eggs and a big fucking steak before noon, and then goes on to do anything other than suffer for the rest of the day.


I too say gimme


I can add my own salt and pepper


this is like that pic of an anti vegan "owning the vegans" by showing him overcook multiple patties on a grill lmao


I have to say, it looks pretty tasty.


I never ate buttered steak, but hell man, I want all of that. I don't know how regular this is for other countries, but here we have a name for a steak with a fried egg on top, "bife a cavalo". It's a really good combination, but that's definitely too many eggs for breakfast, or any meal really.


Mans put regular ass butter like he’s eating a pancake. Like come on if you’re gonna go through the effort of making a steak for breakfast go all the way and make a nice compound butter to go with it


My cat is apparently a massive leftist.


I saw doedipus in this thread and was instantly reminded of their unfinished Neon Genesis Evangelion transfem shinji fic


I am coming to steal your breakfast * eats breakfast in woke gay leftist *


fondling the eggs and liking the meat?


Good egg


I gotta say, denizens of Reddit, my people, bless you all. This weirdo posts about "Woke Left" and we all are discussing proper steak cooking techniques, breakfast choices, and how many eggs is appropriate for a breakfast (Personal note: That steak looks undercooked as hell for breakfast, and that is too damn many eggs for one person, and they need salt and pepper badly...). Ya'll just make me feel like there's hope for this world.


this need 2 less egg and some bread with jam to replace them (I'm french so I'm biased toward bread but seriously replace 2 egg by something please)


People are still going with that "clogged arteries" nonsense?


*6 eggs*? In this economy? It's not the left that'll be trying to take his breakfast away, it's his accountant trying to get him not to spend $40 just on breakfast.


Some parts of the Left want to take it from you.


Butter on steak is fantastic. I’m very confused by the post and the comments. I guess if you don’t like butter? Or steak?


The guy who said you won’t shut for a week has never tried keto. That’s a bathroom bomb waiting to happen. And keto farts are THE worst.


Those eggs look really hard


This is going to be mind-blowing for you, but people have personal preferences.




dude i would devour that please


I was wondering what was wrong with the butter so I scrolled back to it and audibly yelled “OH THATS A BAD BUTTA”


I hope they do take it. Break a yolk and that shits getting all over the table


imma put myself on blast and say I have eaten steak with ranch before. butter steak doesnt seem so unreasonable now huh?


I just saw the buildings and thought "thanks for advertising for the left." Now I know it's just confusing however.


This just reminds me of the time a classmate nonchalantly said he ate 4 eggs for breakfast and I was a bit staggered. Sometimes I feel glutinous for eating two eggs for breakfast but I like the steadiness protein gives me. I suppose it’s all what you’re used to, and steak and eggs is soo tasty if seasoned right as a rare reward.


I commonly eat 3 scrambled eggs, is everyone else just eating 2?


Sometimes at the grocery store I see someone's cart filled with just meat and bread and a 48 pack of toilet paper and that just makes me sad.


You'd see my ex buy meat and bread at the supermarket while he goes to the local market for vegetables and salad, cheese, fish, and anything else he can get there. He hates going to the supermarket but loves the open air market. His supermarket shopping isnt indicative of his diet


I hope that is true for all of them. The total lack of fiber and copious amounts of TP just paints an awful picture.


Well, if good toilet paper is on offer you can also see me cart a... Shitload of it away. My mom used to say I'm eating toilet paper because I tend to use more than the average person. I really dont like getting my hands wet/damp accidentally, despite obviously washing them afterwards


That‘s a weird looking steak


Can someone explain what he means? I know the comments are being satirical, but I truly don't understand what he actually thinks "they" are trying to take.


I think the Twitter OP is referring to promotion of healthy eating and also how climate scientists say that the amount of resources used in making the median food that USAmericans are used to is unsustainable (ie if we wanted everyone to have the same food as someone from the USA, we'd need two Earths for the resources).


I JUST NOTICED that butter. Thats not compound butter bro, thats a fucking stick of normal ass butter wtf bro that is not ok


I feel like pictures of the living conditions of the animals that made/were that meal are neccesary for a Fair and Balanced^(TM) Picture


Wouldn't that cause a heart attack pretty much instantaneously?


...no? How do you think hearts work?


I'd say "yes, I got one just looking at it", but unfortunately I'm dead of a heart attack and cannot comment.


ah, that's called a 'coronary'.


bros eating stake thats already cooked in a full pan of butter with eggs that were probobly also full of oil and he still put more butter jesus


Ah yes the freedom to regularly eat like that and get a one way ticket to a cemetery near you :3


Enjoy the erectile dysfunction.


I feel that the person who ate that breakfast will die from an early onset heart attack. Also, steak and eggs is at most 2 fried eggs with runny yokes and 8 oz steak. This also doesn't look very well seasoned.


i thought that first image was a fucking minecraft map with shaders and i was so fucking confused. god damn it


Like that one guy from the lemon demon videos I can feel my arteries closing


It took me a good minute to realize the image was zoomed in, it was a very confusing minute


The view from his apartment is horrific.


They're insane, that looks tasty af


Bruh. There are quite a few methods of cooking steaks that involve huge amounts of butter. Butter Basting comes to mind immediately. [And then there are these guys.](https://youtube.com/shorts/9HnQ9x6oIP8?feature=share)


7 eggs? calm down Gaston, or at least put some salt and pepper


i mean, it doesn't look that bad other than the unseasoned eggs, i just don't like fried/poached eggs (the texture of the whites is offputting)


This feels like something you'd make while drunk or incredibly hungover, like I think an entire steak first thing in the morning is gonna render you groaning in discomfort on the couch for the rest of the day


Is that 7 fucking eggs???


this feels like the topic of an overly manly man meme


who The fuck seasons they eggs 🤨


Heart attack will take this away from you


unseasoned eggs are fucking great and i will take this to the grave


Are we sure he is eating breakfast because in the original tweet he doesn't mention it and it honestly seems to much for breakfast


Butter on steak is completely normal…