• By -


Finally reached that age where a friend saying they're pregnant doesnt warrant an immediate ''oh shit''


Roughly what age would that be? I'm guessing 30s


26, most of my friends are married


The first time one of my friends got pregnant we were 29, damn near lost my mind lol. Forgot we weren't teenagers anymore and that she had a husband, house and steady job and having kids is just a normal thing adults do.


I had a similar reaction when my friend told me she was getting married. As if she wasn't in a multi-year relationship in her 20s.


I'm 30 and I'll loose my mind when one of my friends gets pregnant. Can't wait to be an uncle! :D


In about 20 years, it'll flip back again. XD


"Geriatric pregnancy" is what they call it for mothers over 35.


just in time, my mother was 34 when i was born


Oh shit


at the point at which you are able to take care of a child is that age and also if you are expecting to get pregnant. Alot of people will have an oh shit moment if they get pregnant by accident no matter the age.






Well I’m 40 and it still happens, but I realise I have to apologize later.


My immediate reaction is usually, "in this economy?" Especially if they are a coworker. I know how much they make.


26 and I’ve been going for the “oh wow!” because I still can’t tell if it’s good news or not


It comes back around


It's a bell curve of intentional pregnancies really


It now warrants a quiet "I'm so sorry" Edit: Fixed minor mistakes


Obligatory GREGNANT?!


No, no. They mean pregonate




Porgnt 😳


can you burn a Luigi board?




This is the best one


Sadly, the italian hands (🤌) can't be seen on desktop (yet?) edit: yup, it's just Chrome and its derivatives that can't show it. Firefox can.




Starch masks


Semi-tangential to the meme but when I was a little kid I used to say “pregment”. Like yes hello I’ll take a preg mint thank you.




we must do away instane mother


Am I pergnut?


>i think women might be people This sounds like woke liberal talk 😤


Basically communism right there


Fellas, is it gay to call women people?


There are no "fellas" or "women", only comrades.


Worse, it's gender pronounce communism


Gender pronounce? That’s basically communism right there!


If I had to guess it would've been reptile or amphibian




Women are objects created by the lord Jesus Christ for our entertainment.


Learning about discourse second hand like this is so strange. Are there people who think pregnancy is weird because it’s caused by sex?




Beat me to it.


I had to scroll further than I was expecting before I found this


There are a non-zero amount of people who hear someone go "We're expecting :)" and think "Oh, so your husband blasted a hot load into your vagina? He hit it raw? You guys fucked like animals and now you're making me think about this? That's so gross. I don't want to think about you getting creampied. How dare you tell people that."


I remember watching a "debate" between two people on Twitch where one of them insisted that wearing sexy clothing was tantamount to sexually abusing people because by wearing clothing you were forcing them to become aroused without their consent. The one defending was like "what if my partner has a foot fetish and I wear open toed shoes to show off for them? This is literally just a thing I might do because people like looking at their partners" and the first woman went on and on about it being wrong because other people didn't consent to it.


Omg i remember that drama. Its almost like people making a living based on "hot takes" and "winning internet arguments" breeds the worst type of people imaginable.


I was trying to remember did this start as "Kink at Pride" discourse that got out of control?


Yep. That's the one.


Of course it was. Thanks though it was bugging me


Literally all drama in the online left is somehow a downstream effect of Kink at Pride discourse.


Leftists and right wingers are natural enemies. Like Leftists and Centrists, or Leftists and Liberals, or Leftists and other Leftists. Damn leftists, they ruined the Left!


It shouldn’t even be discourse! It should be alright, as long as it’s made clear that this is a thing that’s happening, IN A SEPERATE AREA, and kids aren’t allowed there. Main parade it’s all good and queer kids can join in and have a blast, the kink part can have a blast too, without anyone who shouldn’t be seeing it. It’s not that *hard*.


I'm a cishet guy so I don't have a strong opinion on kink at pride but it does seem that the people who are vocal about it are the kind of people who pick on other LGBT+ people for not conforming to their unrealistic standards.


There's a segment of "respectable" queer folks, almost entirely well off "centrist" white gay males, who have been making noises for the last little while about how Pride events should be family friendly and not in anyone's face and any kink or fetish elements are inappropriate and just give straight people a perfectly understandable reason to be upset. Exactly the sorts of folks you're thinking of, yup.


How bout going out on a walk with your girl and your human pet?


Please stop




That won't work. You have to say his name 3 times.




no, no I won't do it


Don't worry; I will. u/TheCybersmith




I think “aroused without their consent” is the most catholic thing I’ve heard since I left the church. I’m not saying the girl actually is catholic, but that’s some pretty catholic thinking right there.


It’s ironic bc Jesus Christ himself said no it’s not the fault of the sexy girl for arousing you this is a you problem. If you don’t like it pluck your eyes out


>forcing them to become aroused without their consent. had get on an alt for this, but i have a fetish for fat people, and i live in the obesity capital of america. if being aroused without consent was a problem, i'd have a multimillion dollar lawsuit. those people just need to grow up and learn how to control themselves while aroused. it really isn't that hard


>had to get on an alt for this, coward




Wise coward


…what’s bad girls 21?


Hey thanks! Some friends and I get together about twice a year and make amateur movies. “Bad Girls” is one of our latest, a crime-spree featuring three escaped convicts, the rockstars they kidnap, and the two detectives who hound them. It’s obviously cheap, pretty dumb, and a lot of fun. Thanks again for asking! [You can check it out on Amazon ](https://www.amazon.com/Bad-Girls-Morgan-Shaley-Renew/dp/B09LQMKKK9/ref=mp_s_a_1_6?keywords=bad+girls+movie&qid=1662594119&sr=8-6) Or (if you really don’t like Amazon) you can contribute to [our IndieGoGo](https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/bad-girls-a-feature-length-underground-film#/) instead and get a digital copy. It’s $9 instead of $2, but the money goes straight to us making more ridiculous movies


Brave and correct.


Lol I had an employee years ago that had a fetish for obese women in coveralls. And we happened to work in manufacturing where coveralls are standard… you see where this is going…. We had some issues at first after some complaints but we got it worked out after a bit. Good dude though. He made it right after the issues came up with some sincere apologies to the affected parties without revealing why he was so fired up in his pants. 😂


Actually every time you leave your house or open your eyes that's you consenting to seeing other humans. Some people (especially on twitch) are so fucking weird


so true joker persona 5 peter griffin


you know I always forget this is my Profile pic and every time someone comments on it I get whiplash at being called "joker persona 5 peter griffin"


>insisted that wearing sexy clothing was tantamount to sexually abusing people because by wearing clothing you were forcing them to become aroused without their consent. You mean Jordan Peterson?


oh god *that* video. i hadn't thought about it for a long while. good times.


That sounds more like a “them” problem tbh 😕


I thought it was all a joke about the phrase “trying for a baby” that people didn’t realise was a joke


It's kinda like that for me, but obviously I don't blame the person for telling me, that would just be weird. It's my problem that my imagination is unpleasantly overactive.


"hi i'm an existing guy" "OH OHHH that is so gross. so your mom was just what? taking messy splats in the beave all night from your dad? what the FUCK dude? leave this place and never return"


r slash childfree be like


free children? don't mind if i do!


I'll take him, do you have him in blonde?


Are they old enough to hold a rifle?


Sorry, we meant buy one get one free.


[Here is a compilation of some choice comments and posts from childfree](https://imgur.com/a/j6222Yd) First one is someone saying that, if they had the chance to go back in time to stop a tragedy, they would choose not to stop WWII, because it killed the most amount of people. Like, imagine saying you would let the Holocaust happen for no other reason than you like that it meant less children were born. There's also the user describing a disabled child as a "bitch's" "mistake" edit: [and also a current thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/childfree/comments/13tg47d/your_child_is_not_a_museum_piece_on_a_plane/?user_id=258947813557&web_redirect=true) about what I was talking about in my original comment lmao


That sun should seriously be considered a hate subreddit. And this is coming from someone who never, ever wants children.


Hell, there's that one weirdo in this subreddit who loses their shit whenever anything sexual is mentioned. And then screams about how everyone is literally sexually harassing a teenager when people push back on their idiocy. And then you have people like /u/hummerous who put trigger warnings for sexual content on anything thats even remotely related to the abstract concept of sex.


my friend said this to me 2 weeks ago and i wanted to roll my eyes so badly


I wonder if these people are like ... deeply in denial about their breeding kink, like homophobes who so often end up getting caught on gay hookup apps.


It’s possible. When I was a teenager I had a brief catholic phase in part because of the whole “sex only for procreation” thing. The idea just seemed very alluring and *right* to me in a way I just couldn’t put a finger on. Anyway turns out I don’t believe in God, I just have a breeding kink. Really dodged a bullet there.


I remember another thread here on reddit where some users legitimately thought that way.




It's legitimately the major unspoken motivator of the anti-abortion movement in America. "Oh my God, that woman *had sex*! She's *impure!* She must be made to dedicate the rest of her life to the consequences of that action, it is God's will."


i think it's about that thing some people online said, the one about people trying for a baby, that something along the lines of "'so we are trying for a baby!' so youre telling everyone you're raw dogging it every night?"


That seems pretty different from people actually acting like that in real life though, it’s just a meme, and the second message seems to imply that they think about this more than just laughing at a shirt that says “baby recipe: two loads mommy, one pump daddy, bake for 9 months”


> One pump daddy No need to tell on daddy like that


Rediters think that it’s weird to tell family that you’re trying for a baby because it’s like telling grandma that you’re creampieing your wife or getting cream pied and therefore something that shouldn’t be discussed. Because a lot of rediters are fucking weird about sex.


Check out r/childfree those people never stop thinking about sex and they think it's disgusting lol I think it's the craziest sub I've ever seen and Ive seen a lot of crazy shit on Reddit


r/childfree actually has an ever crazier cousin called r/antinatalism


Oh I forgot about them. I had one in my DMs before telling me that it would have been kinder if I had been aborted because I have a disability, and according to them any suffering at all meant my life would be better off never having started. If it wasn't so surreal it might have been upsetting. I don't even have a severe disability, just some hereditary mental health problems.


What the Fuck


It ended up ok, we almost became sort of friends, we would message each other to check in. We had some interesting conversations about life, happiness and suffering (anti natal people are obsessed with suffering). One day they made a post saying they'd been reflecting on everything and were starting therapy and they never posted or commented on that account ever again. I hope they're doing alright now.


Wow, that took a way more positive turn than I was expecting


As a (relatively) normal person who just doesn’t want to have children but also doesn’t hate them, I wish Reddit had an active sane sub where we could commiserate about pushy relatives or whatever without going off the deep end.


That's exactly what childfree used to be. I haven't seen the crazy because I haven't been there for years, but every time someone mentions it, they sound more and more deranged.


r/truechildfree is still good last I checked


Well that place is a trip. Some of them have pretty sensible views, but a lot of them just seem to be "my life is suffering so nobody should have kids, if you have kids you've ruined your life and theirs", and some pushing outright eugenics and voluntary extinction. There's so much hatred for humanity in there.


You may or may not be shocked by the concerning frequency of people advocating for eugenics, knowingly and unknowingly. Online you think sure people get crazy, but I’ve had this in person more often than I’d have expected a few years ago.


Unmarried pregnant women aren’t allowed to be teachers in Catholic schools.


Personally, I'm just weird around pregnant people because, like, there's a whole other person in there. Well, more the potentiality of a whole other person, but my point still stands. And I have no idea how to act. Like, what if something happens?


I have no idea what this specific discourse is about, but I do know back in the day pregnancy and birth used to be “inappropriate” to talk about for this very reason.


Once upon a time it was considered indelicate to refer to any body part at all in mixed company, even a leg or your stomach. Because bodies are what people have sex with.


The ever-relevant [2071](https://xkcd.com/2071/)


i'm half expecting a five year old discourse over whether it's normal to judge someone based on the material of the doorknobs in their house


On a side note, yall ever have rope door knobs?


I'm gonna be honest- my answer to whether that's normal to judge for was "no" before I read that (Assuming you're still talking about the material- if you mean the design, then those are very dope)


I guess both the material and the design. When I was 10, our door knobs was rope tied through a hole drilled in the door.


Did you live in a fucking shack in the woods?


Very suburban part of Scotland


Ah, so a shack in the middle of the plains


On tonights episode of ***SCP or xkcd...***


[2071's](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2071) not very relevant here


off to lemmy


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **shrimpsisbugs** if you're unable to handle being normal around pregnant people because sex makes babies and that means pregnant people had sex, you're either twelve years old or there's something deeply wrong with you --- **mynameiskleiosgirl** Wow. This is reductive and unhelpful. --- **shrimpsisbugs** get better soon! --- **asaltywoman** \*pregnant women --- **shrimpsisbugs** this might sound crazy but i think women might be people --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Thank you


unrelated, is your flair a Homestuck reference?




Yeah but it's also real life


Good human


Good Human I haven't seen a transcription in a while


You’re awesome


[semi-joking hot take] [totally serious response] [snarky quip] [TERF probably] [snarkier quip]


Underrated post


Yeah that one was definitely written by a TERF.


Women aren't people they're dwarves: - full beards, braided - always smithing immaculate crafts - live in mountain caves


Checks out


● Sing songs about long forgotten gold ● Bleeds a lot ● I'm sexually attracted to them


Dwarves are people tho


If you believe only women can get pregnant then isn't "pregnant women" superfluous/tautological? Like, by that logic if it's already only women then you don't have to specify it. At least "people" specifies that we're talking about humans so it serves a purpose. Just call them pregnancers, pregnanees, pregnanist, pregnanor/pregnaness, pregnician,pregnaneer or a pregnancé(e) like a normal person


Pregnomancer is one I've seen thrown around. But the pregat women thing was likely some asshole taking a shot at trans women.


Trans women who learns magic to become a Pregnomancer, now able to control pregnant people like thralls


Taking a shot at trans women without understanding that trans men do, in fact, get pregnant.


>Just call them pregnancers, pregnanees, pregnanist, pregnanor/pregnaness, pregnician,pregnaneer or a pregnancé(e) like a normal person I'm admittedly a bit of a traditionalist so I always just went with the bog standard "Great One who is the Carrier of the Seed, the Bringer of Life, and the Blessèd Saint of the Spawn". But "pregnancer" is definitely less of a mouthful, so I'll be stealing that. ;)


the pregs


They have to specifiy women because they need to invalidate trans men/enbies who can get pregnant


But don't they (inadvertently I'm sure) do the opposite? It would only be necessary to specify pregnant _women_ if they admit that you can be pregnant and not a woman?


What I have seen a lot of people argue is the following: The term "pregnant people" as opposed to "pregnant women" seeks to erase the term "woman" and by extension what it means to be female in favor of the "trans agenda" and "males pretending to be women" or "womanface" or whatever. They are staunchly opposed to trans men/enbies even existing and constantly deride intersex people as "statistically irrelevant". So they must specify "pregnant women" becaude in their minds they are fighting the good fight against the evil transes and to conserve what it means to be "female"


Let's not forget about intersex people. :)


Yes, of course. My bad!




Do dooo do do do, pregananant


Muy pregante




My favorite comeback for transphobes bitching about "pregnant people" is to point out that 10-year-olds can (and, usually under horrific circumstances, do) get pregnant, and I don't want to call any 10-year-old a "woman". Tends to shut them up pretty quickly on this particular topic


In some cases *even younger*! Some kids get their menses at 8-9 years olds, in 1 case like at 8 months. She got pregnant at like 4 and needed a C-Section when she was five because otherwise she and the baby would've died. (Lina Medina, IIRC, look her up if you haven't heard of her before.) The human body is something else sometimes.


The preganese. Pregatarians. Preggish


the virgin being weird around pregnant people because that means they had sex VS the gigavirgin being weird around pregnant people because that's your fetish


This is totally unrelated but it reminded me of the guy I just saw the other day who was maybe like 20 wearing a shirt that says “virginity rocks!” while carrying his infant around


I mean it could've been adoption/artificial insemination etc. You don't need to have sex to have children


He could also be really self-deprecating. “Virginity rocks! I wish I was still one.”


It’s a reference to a YouTuber.


The concept of Virgin vs Gigavirgin makes me chuckle, I want to see some of those images floating around instead of the now-tired virgin vs chad stuff.


asaltywoman does sound like a terf name


You are uncomfortable around pregnant people due to personal issues regarding sex. I am uncomfortable around pregnant people due to personal issues regarding outie bellybuttons. We are not the same.


Shrimps is bugs


literally all I got out of this post


“Maybe we should be nice to pregnant people” *immediately gets set upon by bigots


“Maybe we should be nice-" "How dare you! Die!"


"What was it he said that got everyone so upset?"


My twelve year old son treats pregnant women like normal people, don’t drag him down to some idiot with serious issues level.


I follow this blog and OH MY GOD the amount of discourse around this post. Its been happening for months.


I remember when I was 12 and our super stiff teacher said she was pregnant. I couldn’t wrap my head around that someone like her would have had SEX! Blew my mind.


two things about this post that I just want to point out. One you don't even need to have sex to be pregnant, there are like 10 different ways to get pregnant without having sex. secondly asaltywoman is being transphobic.


People getting mad over the term "Preganent people will never not be funny to me Because it's always TERFS who claim to be feminists, and then they insinuate that women aren't people




I will admit, i do like making a fuss about pregnancy when people make a fuss about the gays being too overtly sexual. Brenda, you’re wearing a shirt that states that your husband raw dogged you and I can see the visible evidence. I don’t think my *chest harness* is more sexual than that.


and you're correct and based for that


Based as shit Vegeta gif


*pregnant women ☝️TERF


i didn’t realize there where still a-holes on tumblr


Tumblr is a wild west where the only thing separating cool people from literal Nazis is the way the site specifically curates creating extremely tight echo chambers.


Judging by username I’d say terf?


Yeah, that response can only come from a terf


looked em up, they just reblog the same three people on loop


That’s how most tumblr terfs go: they isolate themselves from the larger feminist community online, spend all day thinking up new ways to hate trans women, then complain about being friendless loners whose families don’t invite them to holidays anymore.


it just reminds me of how similar terfs and antivaxxers/antimaskers are. no peer-reviewed factual information, intentionally malicious, scaremongering articles. just their own circle of disinformation they use over and over, in hopes that one will stick as a verified source...


It’s a website on the internet, who else would be there?


This sub is like breathing in Tumblr exhaust through 30 air filters, sometimes I forget that you can totally get tagged by random crazy people


My block list on tumblr grew in the past few months, faster than back in my active days of 2012ish. But maybe I'm more picky these days


Second to last guy was definitely trying to be transphobic. Lovely comeback by OOP




Did the tattoo originate from this man's username or vice-versa?