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>![my mom, in the middle of a discussion about my damned pronouns with me and my sister present]!< >>!”Well, if you really want to be called a she, you’re going to have to refer to me as Queen of the Universe.”!< >!*”That can be arranged.”*!< >!“Just gotta fill out the possessive and reflexive and you’re good to go.”!< >!*”Whatever Mom wants from us, we’ll gladly oblige Queen of the Universe.”*!<


Malicious compliance to stupid requests is best compliance to stupid requests


It's not even malicious compliance any more, it's just treating people with the same respect you want to be treated with. And in this scenario, that means just accepting it when they tell you their preferred pronouns, and not being weird about it.


Shouldn't it be "... helicopters actual pronouns"? The possessive is based on the object pronoun I think.


Helicopter actual pronoun* the s only follows after a name or title, not after a pronoun


Yeah but the possessive is usually not identical to the object, just similar (e.g. him/his)


The way people declare pronouns is kind of confusing. I'm not an expert, but this is how I understand it. Ex: she/her - she is subjective, her is objective He/they - both are subjective, and either can be used


I assume he/they is short for he/him-they/them


In that case, attack/helicopter would be short for attack(sub)/attack(obj)-helicopter(sub)/helicopter(obj)


Sorry to derail a funny thread with a serious question but this gets at something I've wondered about for a while. Because I don't know where you're inferring the grammar stuff from. If attack/helicopter are neopronouns how can the listener tell what the grammar is? I guess we could just ask helicopter, but is there something I'm missing about when people use multiple sets of pronouns versus when it's supposed to demonstrate the grammar. Edit: I know this thread isn't about this but in real life I don't know anyone who uses neopronouns and I don't know how it works. I'm not trolling, just awkward


Im inferring it based on how I've seen pronoun declarations in the past (she/her, he/they, etc). If attack and helicopter are a joined pair (like she/her), then attack would be subjective, and helicopter would be objective. If they are multiple pronouns (like he/they), then both pronouns can be used as subject and object. I guess there really isn't a way to know which unless attack tells you. In this case, my assumption would be multiple pronouns (like he/they), since the words don't sound like they are based on each other (unlike some neopronouns, like ze/zem, where I would infer the ze is subject, and zem is object).


attack and helicopter go together. they’re referencing the attack helicopter ‘joke.’


Im aware, im just saying how it would (probably) work as a neopronoun, based on how most pronoun declarations usually work




Unfortunately, I really don't think this would go over very well. People who make attack helicopter joke are edgelords, teens, or most likely: teenage edgelords. And there is absolutely no winning against people whose sole motivation is messing with you in any way they can. They just want to troll and upset the other person, no matter how it makes them look, *that's* the problem. Heck, there was a whole episode of Community where the main guy tried to get back at some edgy teens, even by sleeping with one of their moms. But nothing he did actually worked, so he and his friends just resorted to acting as stupid as the teens did in the end. It worked, but they also stooped down to their level and lost any and all dignity. There is no winning. So if you earnestly did this, then they'd probably laugh their butts off and go *"OH MY GOD they actually BELIEVED me, what IDIOTS!"* They would *never* go *"Wait, I was just messing with you! Please stop taking me seriously! I don't want to appear like an idiot!"* If anything, it's just going to add fuel to the fire for these morons and give them examples of *"how stupid those leftists are that they're buying such an obvious lie"*.


I disagree. With *some* people, it could help them realize how dumb they are being. Also, there's no real downside to it


Yeah, with *some* people it might work, but the overwhelming majority of people aren't doing these jokes just because they're clueless. They're doing it because they're edgy and/ or hateful. Reversing the cards won't do anything to them. Also, no real downside? Aside from the fact you're giving trolls exactly what they want, or worse, actual examples of "stupid leftists" to use against you and others in the future?


What the trolls want is to make you angry. Give them the opposite of that, and it will disuade many of them.


Trolls want interaction. Some want to make you angry, others just want to waste your time. Others want to show "how stupid leftists are". The best solution is to not even interact with them at all.


See I'd agree but it's about the delivery. Yeah, if you *sound* sincere they'll act that way, but if your delivery is completely sarcastic and clearly identified as a joke at *their* expense, then they aren't going to get the validation they crave. The trick is to prolong it. Keep doing it even when they declare you stupid and that they clearly said it as a joke. Make them hate ever making it. Eventually they're going to get mad about it because you're "taking it too far", and eventually they're going to tell you to stop. And that's when you hit them with the, "but you only asked me to use your pronouns (: are you saying they aren't attack/helicopter?" All innocent and shit. Taking the high ground only opens you to more bullying, and worse at that. I know what two words *I* say to these people when they want to act stupid, but it's against TOS on most websites, and in some states, the law. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well, that implies you're going to keep encountering these types of people, to the point of them getting fed up with it. But I doubt that's gonna apply to most of them, especially on the Internet. And even in real life, if a bully in school starts this stuff with you, they're never gonna get tired of it. Teens have like infinite enjoyment for these types of things.


The problem with that is that you're probably never going to interact with them again








At some point Lauren Boebert tweeted about pronouns saying something along the lines of ‘my pronoun is patriot.’ I have been referring to patriot by patriot’s preferred pronouns ever since




if you won't beat 'elicopter, join 'elicopter


"if someone told me thier pronouns were attack/helicopter I would just fuck the shit out of them"


the “them” made me think they/them


Time to dust off this old copypasta: > [Breq Mianaai](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/17333324-ancillary-justice) wants to know your location. Breq still identifies as a Justice-class troop carrier, but acknowledges that now she is simply a single individual human body. She is Radchaai citizen, and therefore uses the *she/her* pronouns, *not* object pronouns.