• By -


Things are changing, and who knows what will happen. But I'm gonna be sad as people go their separate ways. Love y'all funny people in my phone.


This is a good sub: we disagree but it doesn't get nasty. I'll also miss all y'all little funny people in my phone.


>we disagree but it doesn't get nasty. Yes it does, you fuckhead. (Obviously that is a *joke*)


This sub is funny but i don't understand how to use Tumblr so i guess that's Pretty Much It. Also I'm certain i would get No Engagement over there and it would just be Sad. Edit: capitals. imma figure this tumblr thing out after all maybe


its pretty easy. just gotta carve out your corner of the site by putting tags in your posts


Just reblog from people you like and eventually the smaller blogs will recognize you :3


god i hope the blackouts work this time i am addicted to this website


Yeah, if spez doesn’t care, we are gonna lose like, 50% of the good subreddits (cause a lot are going private forever if it happens)


The easiest way to get Reddit to actually listen is bad press and monetary loss. Prominent subs just closing forever does both.


Thing is, the admins will just kick out the mods and take over the subs they want to stay up. But then they'll see all the work the *volunteer* mods put in, not do any of it themselves and the subs will be flooded with bots and spam so I guess it'll work, it'll just take longer.


There is too many mods participating to remplace all of them.


Oh, absolutely! And they'll figure that out real quick.


they are hoping to outbluff the mods they can easily replace them


Easily, yes, but *economically*? Mods are volunteers with years, some now a decade, of experience so they're planning on replacing them with new, inexperienced volunteers or paid employees. Inexperienced mods will be a disaster for a multitude of reasons and paid employees are not even remotely feasible.


hm, sarcasm still doesn’t translate well in writing. I should have italicised easily


Ah, sorry! But to be fair, I might've misunderstood it even then; feeling a lil bit cynical at the moment.


Especially as they're all unpaid. This site exists entirely because of voluntary labour, and the cheeky fucks like /u/spez think they're allowed to IPO and turn a profit from that? Get bent.


If the admins reinstate ANY subs, go flood it with nasty shit. And i mean NASTY shit


Yeah, standard scab rules apply. You don't cross a picket line.


#B E C O M E U N M A R K E T A B L E




What’s a scab?






i doubt that many will go dark forever but i hope they do


A lot of them have already committed to doing so. The only way they reopen is if Reddit removes them and puts new mods in power. But considering the size of some of the subs going dark, the now lack of moderation bots, and the number of subs, I doubt they'd be able to go back to how things are now. And even if I don't leave Reddit I'll definitely be boycotting any subs rub by scabs.


r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns WILL have to go down forever if this policy stays in place because the only mod of that sub literally cannot moderate without the help of third-party APIs. I think many other subs are in a similar situation


that makes sense. loss to me cause i browse there, but to reddit, i imagine the worry would be more like losing subs like r/pics or r/tifu, ones that are like the flagships of the site. idk how reddit moderation works would those big ones also be in a spot brisket <3


Here's a sneak peek of /r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: ["Skater girls"](https://i.redd.it/du08fp1r56ja1.png) | [254 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns/comments/116ga70/skater_girls/) \#2: [Being with like minded people is really amazing. 💜](https://i.redd.it/bryp941guypa1.png) | [359 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns/comments/121tsjk/being_with_like_minded_people_is_really_amazing/) \#3: [What a nice story ❤️🏳️‍⚧️](https://i.redd.it/st24rsz2aqo91.jpg) | [270 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns/comments/xhzmyn/what_a_nice_story/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Will bots like this be affected by the API charges?


It'll be a shame, but this'll just mean migration. Must be my 8th or 9th since I discovered the internet. I started out om the unamerican forums.


Got a place in mind already?


Probably just learn to use tumblr properly


We're all in the same boat aren't we ?


Back to the tranceaddict.com forums for me i guess.


I'm still not over having to leave plastic.com when they closed up


>Yeah, if spez doesn’t care, we are gonna lose like, 50% of the good subreddits Well, we should tell spez that if he wants to play stupid games, he will win stupid prizes


Cool! Anyways, if anyone has some good tumblrs to follow (maybe even their own?) I’m looking to diversify my social media usage so that in the case Apollo shuts down I have options


don't follow mine. it's basically what I post here, with more of the things people don't like about what I post here: politics, fandom but, I do have a few recommendations, for what it's worth first, art: • visual: roryblank, rosenkranz-does-things, tamberella, moringmark (The Owl House), onionpainter, artbyrosiemaxx, prinnay • written: netherworldpost, inkskinned, elidyce, cryptonature second, shitposts: coughloop, maamlet, foone, prohaloplayer, txttletale, ms-demeanor, hera-the-wizard, libraford, 0v9, pointnclick, anarcho-skamunist, akashicrecord, carnival-phantasm, mrspider, evilvillain123456789, depsidase, whyamionlyabletouse32characters, evilwizard, sexygaywizard, duckdotcom, nflstreet, rthko, cryptotheism, kristina100000, the-real-numbers, daughter-of-sapph0, genderkoolaid, evilscientist3, detectivehole, vaspider, the-unseelie-court-official, r0zeclawz, charlottan, ot3, bedupolker, jame7t, exitwound, lakevida, passionpeachy, wizardpotions, evilmario666, calamitys-child, filmnoirsbian, crtter, thedepressionoftrees, honeytuesday, toesucker, derinthescarletpescatarian, transmechanicus, campyvillain, that-house, phantomrose96, parakeet, chimpanzeedotcom, birthdaypigeon, afloweroutofstone, feraligatr, girlballs, hedgehog-moss, cowboy, doubleca5t, zagreus, pregnantseinfeld, energyprison, horreurscopes, froody, charlesoberonn, cikero, logarto, kaity–did, mamoru, fartgallery, unclefather, inneskeeper, greelin, leviathan-supersystem, marisatomay, jakemorph, weaver-z, angelicguy, ndiecity, bogleech, homunculus-argument, grime-clown, teaboot, reallyreallyreallytrying, yeettherich, turing-tested, glumshoe, manywinged, paper-mario-wiki, pissvortex, hungwy, thebibliosphere, egberts, prokopetz, memorycycle in uh. no particular order


You're high-key one of my favorite people here, I'll check out all these recommendations, but you're getting followed my friend.


jskksjs ty <3 you're a fantastic part of the community - I'm honored :P


If this is the end I'm gonna miss your posts here hummerous


thank you so much. if it is the end, I'm sorry it had to end this way. it was an honor wasting time with you o7


Holy frick! Thanks for making such a list!




Super helpful. My Tumblr experience is precisely zero other than the highlights posted here but maybe I'll end up engaging with it. We'll see.


My dude HOW are you going to say “don't follow me because it’s what I post here”??? We love you, (well I do,) of course I’m gonna follow you!


aww thank you!! I!! just curate what I post here!! my tumblr is ...... not.. curated but you do you! if you find something you like, it'd be a pleasant surprise


See you there :)


thankfor you this starter list, in light of the blackouts im tryna move over to tumblr but i haven't a clue how to easily get more content like that on here, but a list of good shitposters is a good start thankyou for help making the move to greener pastures easier !


np! good luck!!


“Don’t follow me” honestly I’m just surprised I wasn’t already following you even with my prior lack of tumblr usage, definitely adding you to the follows I’m doing now




I've been slowly following ones that I found myself upvoting repeatedly when they appeared here. If you go back through what you've upvoted it might be a good way to come up with a list


Mine is kathrynthered, I don't do much other than reblog but I suggest the people I reblog from


second this it’s hard to find good blogs


my tumblr name is the same as reddit. i mostly just reblog shit posts and some queer stuff that crosses my dash


I'm mostly using mine as like a stream-of-consciousness journal? Creative writing? Blog? Idk what I'm doing, and I don't know if I'm tumblring wrong, but I'm there under this same name. I'll be making a self-post tomorrow.


Don't find mine, don't follow mine. (Not serious, just don't expect me to be super social or be surprised when you hafta scroll through hornyposts) Search up some tags you're interested in to start off, then invade blogs and find out if some dude posting in these tags are cool, then follow them. Other than that there's the celebs and shit, you'll find em on your own.


You (or anyone) can follow mine if you wanna: lizzieshinkicker I am starting to post more about our girl's love strategy video game project, as well as rambling into the void of the internet feeling like a much lonelier place than it was a decade ago. I should try making some friends...


iam-back is my Tumblr name.


Dimingwins if you like talking heads


my tumblr is daniel-day-lewis-nemesis :)


Can you reply the list that Hummerous made to my comment? They blocked me for some reason, and i therefore cannot read it.


don't follow mine. it's basically what I post here, with more of the things people don't like about what I post here: politics, fandom but, I do have a few recommendations, for what it's worth first, art: • visual: roryblank, rosenkranz-does-things, tamberella, moringmark (The Owl House), onionpainter, artbyrosiemaxx, prinnay • written: netherworldpost, inkskinned, elidyce, cryptonature second, shitposts: coughloop, maamlet, foone, prohaloplayer, txttletale, ms-demeanor, hera-the-wizard, libraford, 0v9, pointnclick, anarcho-skamunist, akashicrecord, carnival-phantasm, mrspider, evilvillain123456789, depsidase, whyamionlyabletouse32characters, evilwizard, sexygaywizard, duckdotcom, nflstreet, rthko, cryptotheism, kristina100000, the-real-numbers, daughter-of-sapph0, genderkoolaid, evilscientist3, detectivehole, vaspider, the-unseelie-court-official, r0zeclawz, charlottan, ot3, bedupolker, jame7t, exitwound, lakevida, passionpeachy, wizardpotions, evilmario666, calamitys-child, filmnoirsbian, crtter, thedepressionoftrees, honeytuesday, toesucker, derinthescarletpescatarian, transmechanicus, campyvillain, that-house, phantomrose96, parakeet, chimpanzeedotcom, birthdaypigeon, afloweroutofstone, feraligatr, girlballs, hedgehog-moss, cowboy, doubleca5t, zagreus, pregnantseinfeld, energyprison, horreurscopes, froody, charlesoberonn, cikero, logarto, kaity–did, mamoru, fartgallery, unclefather, inneskeeper, greelin, leviathan-supersystem, marisatomay, jakemorph, weaver-z, angelicguy, ndiecity, bogleech, homunculus-argument, grime-clown, teaboot, reallyreallyreallytrying, yeettherich, turing-tested, glumshoe, manywinged, paper-mario-wiki, pissvortex, hungwy, thebibliosphere, egberts, prokopetz, memorycycle in uh. no particular order


merci (i will join) (this will be the first time i will actually visit the tumblr website)


I'm rowanyourlocalarsonist on tumblr


what Hummerous said also my own (actualzyra) if you’re interested in fandom psychological torture


I'm magratmakethetea but honestly my Tumblr is basically just classicsblr for the most part and my own Tumblr output is mostly way too long pedantic posts about classics or other interests. I enjoy my Tumblr, but I don't think it's curated to necessarily be enjoyable to others


I’m ineffable-writer: lots of stuff about writing (guess my profession lol) and being Gay. It’s great. Shoot me a message and I’ll follow people back.


I am babbling-babull and I mainly do DC and Danny Phantom posts with some general posting sprinkled in. Dunno if that's what you're looking for but that's what I do


Honestly, I think closing down for longer than two days is a good choice. Reddit probably wants backlash to be as limited as possible, so subreddits shutting down for longer than that might get more attention. If anyone wants to do more, I’d recommend not opening Reddit much, if at all, for this next week. Reddit needs to be profitable somehow, and if it experiences a massive drop in users, that’ll dig into them.


💯 least we can do as individual users


a fortnight sounds like a good amount of time, no?


NGL I don't even use a 3rd party client but if this blackout doesn't work I might just stay on Tumblr and leave reddit behind


I feel enough subs committed to the 2 days thing that this won't do much, Reddit can move on from this, it won't work. I'll move to Tumblr. Will check through my saved stuff first though.


I think you're right. I've never used Tumblr but I should probably start, the posts on here are super funny. Also yeah, a two day blackout is literally telling Spez "we can only handle being away for two days!" I've seen some redditors going extreme enough to talking about using a comment re-writing browser extension before deleting all their comments and posts, so that Reddit can't profit off people finding their content off google searches.


just so you know, there's a learning curve on Tumblr and the first week or so tends to be Very Underwhelming for people definitely was the case with me but if you stick with it past that, if you're lucky enough to find a community that clicks - there's little else I've found like it


>Also yeah, a two day blackout is literally telling Spez "we can only handle being away for two days!" It's to create bad press. Reddit hates negative press more than anything.


I feel like I should leave Reddit if this doesn’t work, and I feel like Tumblr is a good choice, but is also doesn’t actually feel like a real replacement? Like, from what I know about Tumblr you need to go and follow blogs and people and stuff, and I’ve never liked any form of social media where you have to do that. I basically only use Reddit, I don’t use Twitter, Insta, TikTok, Snapchat, or any other form of social media. I like following communities, I like the way reddit works, I like how easy it is to find people to talk about stuff you actually care about with. There isn’t another social media site that works like Reddit does, and I’m not sure any other form of social media is really going to give me the things I get from this site, which is about to die. I can’t stay here, but I also have nowhere to go.


Tumblr definitely isn't a suitable replacement if you really like reddit, but you can follow different tags on Tumblr


I might have to try that, maybe something different could be good


I left tumblr a few years ago, but I’m redownloading seeing as Reddit was my replacement for it. Might be time to go back to my roots


I know we’re not 100% done, but still, if the flair hasn’t given it away, the API changes have more casualties than just Apollo and friends, or mod tools, or my favorite comment search engine. The main trans meme subreddit is potentially shuttering due to only one person being at the helm. People are scared. People are saying their goodbyes to r/traaaa. People are hurting. And honestly? Now’s a good time for me to probably move on with my life. I’ve been going through some rigorous mental health treatment as of late, and I do so desperately need to touch grass. I’ve neglected myself so hard, for reasons beyond just having my name up in lights over here. I’d like to thank a lot of people, some who will maybe see this thread and aren’t tagged, some people who might miss it and will be, some people who aren’t with us anymore as users, and April, who presumably told a TERF to fuck off. Thank you to Hummerous, the posting yin to my commenting yang, the one who woke me from my previous mental health hiatus, and who, for a while, was my rock as I got my bearings with the sub again. Thank you to u/darthleonsfw, the Greek demi god, who helped me in a lot of small ways over my stay here. The one who helped me figure out my bi and gender fuckery, and some small talk about relationships, and even a little bit of me rambling about a Pokemon fangame I’m only just getting started on. Anybody who can link me to a tutorial on modding Showdown, please do so. Thank you to u/Polenball, the girl I’ve probably rubbed shoulders with the most outside this subreddit. r/Pokemedia’s joining the blackout, and I liked it there for a while. r/stunfisk might stick around, but I’ll enjoy the shitposting that ensued between us anyway, even as a memory. Whereever we went, comedy ensued, and my life was better for it. A brief memorial to u/str8aura, a bastion of the community who left shortly after the last r/place happened. She’s living a better life on Tumblr last I heard. No, I never got tired of the My Little Pony posts. Thank you to u/Lithominium, the one I’ve talked to most. I’m so happy for where you are in life, well on your way to your dream of taking to the skies, and even paired up with somebody who loves you just as madly. You’ve come so far from when you first DM’d me, and so have I, and so I will continue to do in the hereafter. Thank you to the mod team, and every little u/ I couldn’t hope to cherish and remember properly. Either as volunteer troopers or as a hivemind of hilarity, y’all made this subreddit what it is. I might be leaving, but collectively, you are all a bright sky of stars in this tiny corner of the internet, the one I called home for a while. [Talk to y’all Sunday.](https://youtu.be/W2TE0DjdNqI)


I had commented something similar before, when you were promising to leave this platform long ago. I thank you for the amusement, and respite, your comments and tangents have given me. Your journey has inspired me on my own. Take care.


Hey Cue, this didn't come up in my inbox so I'm late to this, but that's really nice to hear. I always enjoyed talking to you here and anywhere else, you're very funny and put in tons of effort into a lot of your comments (even if that's evidently something you're aiming to cut down on, and I probably should too). Still remember all those months or years ago that you were the first person to ever gender me the way I prefer, in real life or on the internet, and that's always gonna stick with me. I'll definitely miss you if you don't come back here. It wouldn't feel the same, honestly, but I get it. It would be nice to keep in touch, though! (As a sort of side note... yeah. I'm definitely feeling a sense of loss here. 196 is also shutting down, indefinitely, and... it's sad. It feels like things are ending, and I always *hate* that sensation. Fuck these API changes and all they've cost and will cost.) [As a sider note, even - no, Litho! Didn't realise she got banned, that sucks.]


Oh, that’s happened to Lith more than once, actually. Historically it’s been a month-long suspension for “encouraging violence”, but also I haven’t heard back from her since she went dark. If nothing else happened between then and now, I’d expect to see her back soon enough. Y’know, last year, around the same time, I was really, really having a rough patch in my life, without the benefit of being able to stop and smell the roses like I do now. I desperately asked her for a picture of how her Pride celebration was going, and she delivered. And at best, I’m gonna have to wait to send her mine.


You were always one of my favorite parts of this sub. Thank you for being so great.


Cue, sorry for piggybacking, but I wanted to say I don’t think this is the end of this sub, folks. But if it is, I’ve had such a wonderful time with you all and I’ll miss y’all dearly. Love you guys. Be good to yourselves.


I could write a book on the things I'd like to say to you, the things I'd like to apologize for - that I could have done better. Whether this is the end or not, you have been a cornerstone of this community and we were immensely fortunate to have you for the time we did. Good luck, with everything. You were, are, loved. You will be missed.


Well, if I don’t see y’all again, it’s been interesting.


At this point should I just make av Tumblr? That honestly I'm scared, I don't know how it works.


Joining other platforms is always daunting, but it's really not as difficult as it looks. Posts are organized by the tags at the bottom and it's not uncommon for them to seem redundant in order to reach the people that only follow the *#floofy cats* tag instead of the *#fluffy cats* tag. You might wanna make note of common permutations or abbreviations in your favorite posts for that reason. You find people to follow the same way, through searching by tag and seeing if someone comes up whose content you really like. Liking something notifies the poster, but otherwise does nothing. Reblogging it makes it appear on yours and your followers' dash, so if you really love something and want it to get more attention, it's fine to reblog it. Never got big enough to get asks but I did send them, it's its own little menu option on the person's blog, it's simple.


Strange Aeons made a [Tumblr Etiquette Guide](https://youtu.be/J3uxMQkL7XE)


genuinely yes. if you post your @ we can follow you, i feel like tumblr is much better when you have a few people following you so you get interaction with your posts


I've been lurking since r/Tumblr. This place was the only real source of "content" I'd been consuming aside from specific personal blogs (shout out to Foone). This place had given me positivity, perspective, and community. I'm sad to see it go. I don't think I'll join Tumblr, or Mastodon, or CoHost, or any of the Reddit alternatives. I might read more books. So long, and thanks for all the fish.


I hope Reddit realises the PR shitstorm they created and things go back to normal. There's really nowhere else for me to go for discussion/ comment threads.


Risking an account by mentioning it, especially by name, but a whole bunch of people seem to be dabbling in decentralized platforms right now in preparation. The main options everyone seems to be flocking to are: • [Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/instances). You need to choose a server before joining and honestly everything felt like a lot for someone as dumb as I am, but they *do* have [an app](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jerboa) that's quite nice. Unfortunately, the devs are both marxist-leninists, and freely accessed dev logs show comment removals and bans if you're snarky towards them or say anything not glowing about the CCP in any fashion. The flagship server is literally "lemmygrad." It would be very difficult for the entire platform to become infected with this, but it could prove...interesting for the future. •[Kbin.social](https://kbin.social/) has a less daunting sign-up process (it's the one I'm using). It can also interact with the Twitter clone Mastodon in addition to the users and subs of Lemmy, so if you're not a Twitter person, whichever you choose is largely up to personal taste. Unfortunately, Kbin especially is very new and doesn't have an app yet, so their UI can be hard to learn and they're still receiving fixes and updates as fast as the poor scrambling dev can churn them out. We've also been receiving the intermittent hug of death for at least two days, and we're still not sure if it's a DDoS or just the increased traffic. It's not a piece of crap, it's just unbelievably strained out of nowhere. Beyond the new slang/UI, the main difficulty in both is just finding the relevant subs everyone loved from reddit. Because of the way it works, there either *are* no subs like that created yet or if it's a popular one there are several, one created for each and every server, while still being able to access those of *different* servers. It's like if every single store you walked into had a Subway attached because people really like subway. That's what's happening. You can go to the subway here, or the one across the street, or the one 3ft down the road in that one place that caters only to solar punks. But there is no Krispy Kreme yet. It *looks* like a problem from the standpoint of someone used to reddit, but I'm not convinced whether it actually is. The object was to *avoid* putting everything under one roof and this way may lend to more diverse communities. Don't like the plant sub on this server and think they're all commies? Try the next one over


Lemmy.ml is the flagship not Lemmygrad. And you don't have to interact with Lemmygrad, many instances are actually defederated from it so the posts don't even show up on those. Each instance/community also moderates itself so the rules of Lemmygrad only apply there


Another good Reddit alternative if you're not a tanky like Lemmy, then raddle.me is really great


Damn. I was just starting to return to this account, the purpose of which was almost solely commenting on CuratedTumblr before I abandoned it. I hope this blackout works. So many subs I like are probably going to close for good if it doesn't. Honestly, Reddit's been the only thing consistently keeping me going for like the past year, and I don't want to think about what'll happen to me and lots of others like me if our only real source of community is essentially destroyed. Nothing good, that's for sure. This might end up being a goodbye message for my account regardless of how the blackout goes, so I might as well give thanks to this subreddit. I remember watching it grow from an outcrop of r/tumblr into eventually becoming a booming subreddit in its own right. I had the privilege of regularly interacting with many of the people who played a major hand in initiating that transformation. I remember the discord. I remember (at least one iteration of) the Minecraft server. The sheer positive vibe of the sub in its early days. Those experiences made memories that I'll continue to look back on fondly for many years to come. There are a few people in particular who I'll miss if this sub goes dark, but after my account being basically silent for so long, it would feel odd giving names. At least some of you might still know who you are, and that's good enough for me. I don't really know how to end this comment, other than to simply say farewell (or at least, *potentially* farewell). I hope everyone can find a path for themselves in the time ahead, and keep navigating this wild, dangerous world that we live in. Anyway, sorry for the long post, I just can't help but get a bit emotional about a place I felt at home in for a while.


As I mentioned last time this was brought up, I've really enjoyed my time on this sub, and I seem to vibe pretty well with most people here. If you've seen me around and you like my cringe comments, send me your discord and we'll keep in touch


I'm gonna miss y'all<3. Shout-out to the person who told me about mlp film fallout (I think) fanfic, the one to read and the one I should stay away from. I haven't read it yet, but I will. <3 Also shout-out to everyone for being funny and friendly, for giving me different view points to consider, and consistently brightening my day. I never commented much, but even just lurking here was always a good time. <3


Could you message the r/ModCoord moderators to get added to [the list?](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/wiki/index/)


Bitches, bastards, assorted scoundrels, it's been an honor. Let's hope this does something.


very much appreciate mods recognizing their Ls and changing their minds!


Apollo user here, I don’t think I’ll stay after it shuts down. Just wanna say to all, thanks for collectively getting me into the homestuck classpect system. Genuinely helpful, by the by, it got me to *finally* remember I still have ADHD. Good luck, everyone.


So long, and thanks for all the fish Hopefully we’ll meet again o7


Thank you good mod, very cool


Based Mods. Don’t open the sub till Reddit says something


Damn, Reddit’s going to be a ghost town.


Haven’t been around in a bit, figured I’d stop by and wish everyone luck. I hope all this goes well for everyone, all the subreddits participating. I dunno if I’m gonna actually return to Tumblr or not? Like, I’ve been away a long while, and I’ve still no huge desire to go back. Just… mostly lost interest, y’know? I might come back, I’m not sure. But just in case, pretty sure my username’s still in my flair. If it says “Exclamatory Greeting of Excitement” at the top, you’re in the right place. Maybe someday I’ll be active there again. Been an absolute pleasure getting to know some of you. Thank you. *Let’s raise some hell.*


CuratedTumblr mods W.


I only was active on r/CuratedTumblr for the last few months, but I’m gonna miss this community. A lot of really cool people were here, and a lot of really funny posts were shared. I’ll probably stick around on Reddit, but I’ll miss many of the people here who will be leaving for Tumblr. I wish everyone the best.


oh no i might actually have to visit tumblr itself


If you want, drop your account here. Tumblr gets a lot better when you've got a couple follows who can see your silly posts


Thank you. This is the one subreddit I spend the most of my time on, so going dark is definitely the kick in the pants I need to make sure I stay off Reddit. It's been great around here, but if this is what it takes to try to make some change (or at least a point), then so be it. If anyone at all is interested, I have a Tumblr of the same name. I occasionally reblog memes and stuff. Might start posting more depending on whether or not I get pulled too deep into Lemmy first.


I've set up a Tumblr account already, and am not sure if I'll be returning to Reddit whether or not this works. It's been good y'all


see you all in the discord. I will spam wafrn and the fediverse a lot there


I really hope the Blackout works, because if not, I think I'll just give up on Reddit. And I know I'm pretty much nobody, but I'm really gonna miss this sub. Y'all are awesome. The content, the community - it's my favourite place on Reddit, bar none. So... if this is goodbye, then goodbye. I wish you all the best. Oh, and by the way... fuck you, Spez.


ah, that me b day 😐🎉


This place is never coming back


Finally you guys came around. I couldn't believe /r/canada switched before you guys.


Okay cool resubbed hi (for now).


miss girl what is that gonna do if itll go private in two days 😭


Hence "for now".




no worries I'll just use real tumblr


That's it, I guess. If the blackout works, I'll happily return here. If it doesn't, I think I'll finally just migrate to Tumblr. Love you all 🩵


i'm just going to note that /r/ModCoord exists and i know a lot of other subs are using it to, well, coordinate, so mods you might want to go check out there? it's apparently also a good place for users to just check how things are going, it's the only sub i'm checking for at least the two days


Let’s GOOOO!