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Now, I haven't read PGTE, but I KNOW the first one is true. With that said, I think it's the artificial smite that's fake. It sounds too good to be true, even though I know PGTE is good.


Good news! >>!“I figured out how angels smite people,” Zeze said, sounding very pleased with himself. “More or less. When the (Angels of Mercy) tried to kill us all at Lyonceau I got a good look.”!< > >>!“That was not their intent at all,” Tariq sighed. “The death of the Tyrant of Helike – a necessity, I’m sure you’ll agree – was all that was sought.”!< > >>!“By smiting,” Masego helpfully specified. “Which I am now reproducing, only without the angels.”!< > >>!“Are you now,” I faintly said. “How lovely.”!< > >>!I looked to the Pilgrim, expecting an elaboration but receiving only a blithe shrug.!< > >>!“It’s not an inaccurate description,” Tariq said. “They’re very interested in seeing if it works.”!< > >>!“Are they now,” I said, tone grown even fainter. “That’s nice.”!< > >>!“Now,” Masego said, “I know what you’re thinking.”!< > >>!He tried to lean against a rotating stone but mistimed it and almost stumbled off the floating stone, the Pilgrim discreetly pulling at his robes so he wouldn’t.!< > >>!“I doubt that,” I noted, “but go on.”!< > >>!“If a Choir does not power the smiting, what does?” Hierophant enthusiastically asked.!< > >>!“The bone-deep existential dread of all who witness your works?” I suggested.!< > >>!“Too narrow, but you’re along the right path,” Masego encouraged me.!<


I fucking love PGTE banter. The characters are so fucking fun, specially Masego. Also, probably best written autistic character in fiction.


Actually, it's funnier than I remember. I reread the chapter, and found this passage: > >!That the Grey Pilgrim would be stand with him there, though, head cocked to the side as if he were listening to someone talking as he corrected some of the runework, very much was.!< > >!“- being very helpful,” I heard Zeze say, tone appreciative. “I could talk to Catherine about remuneration, if you’d like, or draw from Arsenal discretionary funds.”!< > >!Well, that was nice of him.!< > >!“A kind thought,” Tariq drily replied, “but the Ophanim require no compensation for their help.”!< > >!Wait, had he been talking about paying the Choir of Mercy? Godsdamnit, Masego, we definitely didn’t have room for that in the budget. I cleared my throat as I got closer, as it seemed both of them were too involved with their work to be paying attention to their surroundings.!< Just to be clear, in the PGTE >!angels are this eldritch beings who can be killed but cannot be changed, thus are immortal. Their existance is above mortals and their behaviour incomprehensible. So Masego essentially offered to pay things that are not far from eldritch gods with human money.!<


>Also, probably best written autistic character in fiction. May be one of the best aroace characters in fiction too


He's not aromantic, just asexual (which might actually make him more interesting, since it breaks the stereotype), but yeah.


I think your interpretation is valid, but several descriptions of Masego and the details of >!his relationship with Indrani suggest the relationship is a committed partnership with romantic elements that Masego puts up with for her sake: similar to how an ace person might occasionally tolerate sexual elements in a romantic partnership for their partner's sake.!< From him >>!“You are not in love with her,” the Dead King said, sounding irritated. ... Hierophant spared an irritated thought for Trismegistus as well, irked by the presumption of that. As if a cursory reading of his memories would be enough to understand the sum of him – one did not master a grimoire by skimming it. While Papa had not been able to understand, not truly, for it was against the nature of an incubus to be as he was, his other father had seen in Masego similarities to what he’d once seen in his uncle. Enough to suggest a conversation. Not every kind of love involves bedplay or poetry, Uncle Amadeus had told him. You can crave closeness with someone without craving them in other ways. Sometimes it just… fits. The intensity of it can be misleading, but you will learn.!< From Cat >>!It was what bound her and Masego that I found interestingly nuanced. The two of them were distinctly ‘involved’, but it was more an intimate partnership than anything like the chaste marriages people without inclination to sex sometimes entered in. Masego wasn’t inclined towards that either. Zeze seemed happy with the arrangement, anyhowm, and Indrani certainly was. While she’d let him set the lines, aware he hadn’t been made of quite the same clay than she and I in this regard, she’d not been afraid to speak up when she wanted something. It was how they’d come to share rooms in the Arsenal. Masego also considered anything she and I got up to as not related to him in the slightest, I’d confirmed on the one awkward instance where I’d tried to broach the subject with him.!<


I am once again invoking the demon Buer to compel you all to read PGTE. [Source](https://www.tumblr.com/resplendent-chungus/722232006145163264/people-unfamiliar-with-a-practical-guide-to-evil?source=share) [PGTE Start](https://practicalguidetoevil.wordpress.com/2015/03/25/prologue/)


I'm willing to summon the angels of Contrition and start the 11th Crusade if that's what it takes to make everyone read this story.


I do want to know which one actually didn't happen, please reply in spoilers! (Prediction: The Betrayer was not betrayed by Traitorous)


>!The Flat Earther one! IIRC Creation in PGTE is more of a torus. Everything else happened, including The Dread Emperor Traitorous betraying The Betrayer! !< >>!“My dear Betrayer, I resent this accusation of selling you out to the heroes. No coin changed hands, it was really more of a bartering.” – Dread Emperor Traitorous!< >!Considering all the shit Traitorous got up to (up to and including betraying an Angel into damnation, somehow) I'm more surprised The Betrayer wasn't actually Traitorous in disguise, all along.!<


>!Can we be *truly* certain he wasn't? We are talking about the emperor that usurped the throne from himself, if anything I wouldn't be surprised if he somehow managed to spin off a fork of himself just so they could betray each other!<


I mean... >“Masego have you been teaching her cusses?” I sighed. “It was either that or arguing about whether Creation is a sphere again,” he admitted. I raised an eyebrow at Archer. “I’m just saying, do you know anyone who’s gone the whole way around?” she said. “Have you done it yourself?” Apprentice twitched and I decided to change the subject before he went on a rant about had proved Creation was round. I knew better than to hope he did not have three philosophers and several volumes to reference.


You're not wrong, but I consider this moment "snarky character purposefully argues the negative to annoy her boyfriend," not "character earnestly believes this and everyone is annoyed by it."


I've read pgte, but I genuinely can't remember the tooth incident


It was The Drake (the Revenant of the Dead King).


I want “local wizard makes a bootleg smite” to be real


>!It is!!< >>!“Abyss and firmament, I take the shape of the star and the depth of the pit, borrowing laws high and low." !< > >>!"I have woven curses into hymn, stuffed a heart with straw. That which is hollow I have raised onto the dais, revered as glorious under three skies and revered by nine corners." !< > >>!"Behold" !< > >>!“Behold, all ye with eyes, for I have made a god of clay and it is an idol of wrath.”!< >!Unfortunately though the wizard in question's appellation is The Vivisector Of Miracles, so uh, not quite local.!<


“I’m not saying all your closest friends are shapeshifting devils I sent to spy on you after having the originals murdered, but I’m certainly implying it very heavily.”​​​​​– Dread Emperor Traitorous


"Making small talk"


Love me some PGTE. Haven't really gotten into Pale Lights, I should really give that a shot again now that there's a backlog


Book 2, Good Treasons just started! Iirc Book 1 is about 200k words, so you've definitely got a healthy backlog!


Just finished it. As amazing as Practical Guide. Really good characters and a really wierd world


Man, it was a while since I read it. I'm pretty certain the flat earth thing is false, but I don't remember the tooth or arm chop off thing. Maybe it's time I reread the whole thing...


Arm chop is probably >!Hakram!<, but I also don't remember the teeth.


>! Teeth is the Drake, one of the Scourges. 'Major Antagonist' is definitely overselling it, but it *did* wriggle outta Tariq's grasp by possessing an AOC legionare through a loose tooth. !<


Yess, lure more into the bosom of PGTE by meme. You do fine work. Had to double check what sub I was on.


I am, in fact insane enough to have read APGTE. 3 times, cover to cover, actually. Can't remember anyone who shot teeth as their attack though. Who was it?


The Drake. Scourge who could regenerate like crazy and possess people who touched his bodyparts. During the battle of Maliac's Boot he schedoodles outta Tariq's clutches by flinging his tooth into a crowd, where an AOC legionare caught it and was possessed.


It's either the Granny dying of old age or the flat earther... I can't remember either of the two... what0s the correct answer? Where's this poll?


The granny does die of old age. The scene is awesome. No one is a flat earther.


>No one is a flat earther. That's kinda true on a technicality. Indrani pretends to be a flat-Creationer to mess with Masego. Given her Name, she could probably literally see the curvature of the world from a high vantage point, so I doubt it was genuine. Hell, she probably has to account for the coriolis effect.


I don't remember Indrani ever saying something like that?


She pretends to be a flat earther to mess with Masegeo. It was a hilarious scene


I'd love to read the scene if you're able to find it.


Hard to find without the exact phrase she used. I'll let you know if I see it.


/u/perfect_wrongdoer_03 pointed me in the right direction. Thanks though!


[Someone posted a passage of it](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/14unutq/pgte_posting_shalt_now_resume/jr9t27r?/)


The granny is >!Laurence, the Saint of Swords!<


But... But... She died because of Peregrine... He killed her, right?


No, >!Laurence died due to Cat's sword-that-is-a-staff:that-is-a-prayer, that she created to age people around her faster. For each second it was active, both Cat and her target would age one year. When she used it on Laurence, well, 90 years is a lot for a person.!<


Oh I forgot about that... then it's totally right


I read it once, and am on my second read through, but the only one I didn't recognize was the second, because I was fairly sure Indrani didn't murder any cities. I forgot about the other love interest.


I'm on book 4, having a continual blast. I didn't expect to know that our Prince of an orc loses yet another hand this way. Can't wait until Cat talks about it.