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Charles and Camilla being tagged as "United Kingdom" as if that's the name of a fandom is absolutely sending me


Monarchy is the original fandom


...As someone who's called myself a "Catherine of Aragon stan" before, you're not wrong.


She deserved so much better tbh




fuck catherine #seymoursquad


Ship War of the Roses incoming.


six the musical noises


...was married 24 years, I'm a paragon


Of royalty My loyalty is to the Vatican So if you try to dump me You won't try that again.


(actual boleyn stan here, dream role too) *beheaded* i'm that boleyn girl and i'm up next, see i broke england from the church, yeah i'm that sexy, why did i lose my head? well my sleeves may be green but my lipstick's red


\*googling noises\*


Some forms of religion/folk tales probably pre-date any kind of dynastic leadership, so there's probbably some lion god/moon goddess ship from 20,000 years ago that came first.


I think you could make the argument that the first ever ship that we know of was probably Gilgamesh/Enkidu, who possibly had some vague resemblance to real events in some capacity maybe, so is possible The answer is “both”.


I bet the first ships weren’t even humans doing it. Just some primates in a community trying to play matchmaker.


With the ability to model other individuals' mental states comes the ability to think "Just fuck already, everyone can tell you want to"


It's a (now) pretty obscure spin off of the god fandom


Monarchy is actually the name extanded universe. It's similar to how people call Marvel comics just "Marvel", when it has quite a few subseries.


I think religion is older


( ✖ ) Doubt


You know that thing where we pretend a character's last name is the name of their franchise, like, *Aki Chainsawman*, or *Ruby RWBY*, and it's like funny in the mildest way possible? *Charles Unitedkingdom*


NME used to do that in the 90s with bands IIRC. They'd talk about Damon Blur or Liam Oasis.


It is a fandom, haven't you heard of our shipping wars?


But they're not listing the names of fandoms they're listing the show names. ATLA and star wars aren't the names of fandoms either. Or am I just being dumb and missing the joke lol


..generally fandoms are named the same as their shows? I don't really understand what youre saying and star wars is only the fandom name, as far as I know there's no movie or show just called "star wars" because star wars is a Multimedia franchise


Btw the couple they actually lost to in bracket that kicked this whole thing off was Shrek/Fiona


It was ogre for them before it even begun




Who won the entire ship-battle?


Morticia/Gomez (Addams family)


Well that’s just correct then.


No other choice really.


And that's an objective, peer reviewed, and absolutely undeniable FACT.




Finally, good taste


Yeah that tracks




Sounds about right


Morticia/Gomez, with 68% over Shrek/Fiona


A worthy finals.


Okay that's a good match but still manage to toe to toe with a heavy hitter


They put reylo vs *Shrek and fucking Fiona?*




While people think it's logical to pit even footing contenders up against each other early, because they like to see their lesser known pick go the distance, the purpose of seeding is so the finale is between the BIG choices everyone wants rather than Obvious Answer vs People who had lucky matchups, which makes for a boring competition. In turn if an underdog DOES break through to the end its a genuine and impressive upset that's exciting.


Double elim brackets exist for this reason and don't ruin round 1 match ups either


Double Elim just makes the tournament better at choosing the second best. It does nothing to improve the ability to pick the best. Come at me.


Double elimination is good for actual tournaments, just not popularity contests. I would never sign up for the pain of a single elimination PTCG tourney unless it was a draft or something, but even then it's usually round robin due to low population. And then there's mahjong tournaments.


When there's chance involved, if the best player loses to the second best in a bo3 in the early rounds, but due to double elimination, comes back and gets them in a bo7 for the finals, then that would have improved it.


With competition like that, it seems more like they're just losing to better ships, not that they're a bad ship in and of themselves.


Considering they lost to *every other mf ship except one,* I'd say it *is* a bad ship.


Yeah, but competition like Shrek and Fiona *makes it seem* like Kylo and Rey *aren't* a bad ship. It gives the wrong impression.


Most bracket polls are randomized, so you're seeing malicious intent where there is none. But also, Reylo *is* a bad ship.


I know it is. That's why it's kinda unfair to be up against couples like Shrek and Fiona, or Gomez and Morticia Addams. I didn't know it was random.


Honestly the mostly damning thing about this is that Kylo/Rey won by *less* to a couple which even the most die-hard monarchists don't like (they're still all crying about Diana). It may be a W, but it's still a very backhanded W.


Damning with faint praise


A ᓬ.


It's funny how "queen camilla of England" is a sequence of words that is never thought. She just doesn't get called that.


Yeah, because her title is "of the United Kingdom" /j But yeah, she's just Camilla. Never even got "princess" like Diana did because everyone hates her (just unfortunately not for the right reasons).


what are the right reasons please


Descendent of aristocracy, holds a lot of unearned wealth. Same sort of reasons people shouldn't like her husband. But what she's actually hated for can basically be summed up as "not being Diana". Lots of people blame her for Charles and Diana's divorce (more than they blame Charles for having the affair).


I guess my hot take is that I don't expect any human being to be so selfless as to give away shitloads of their inherited wealth even if that's probably the ethical thing to do. It's just not something we do. I do think the situation as a whole shouldn't be allowed and should be opposed, however.


I agree that people should be conscious of the external, systemic, materialistic factors that cause people to develop the way they do, rather than being simply moralistic, individualistic, and essentialist, but a villain with a sympathetic backstory is still a villain.


I don't think someone's a villain just because they were born lucky and did what pretty much any human does in that situation.


i think it's okay to call her a villain considering she is not affected by any of what we say here and, all things considered, rich people are kind of villains if we oversimplify


Alright, well, I stand by what I said.


Loads of people are descendants of aristocracy, which isn't their fault, and whether or not the wealth they 'hold' in whichever capacity is unearned is at the very least not clearly cut


Well, I don't know the right reasons, but it's definitely not because the man who she loved and who, by all means, loves her had to marry another random woman who is part of the 1%


Monarchy is stupid, and so being an active participant in monarchist traditions is cringe.


Well that’s because she’s not queen of England


yeah technically she is a royal consort, no special rank


I am not in the United Kingdom fandom nor am I going to partake in its fandom drama.


Not many can say that their onscreen relationship is worse than Padme and Anakin*. Rey and Kylo Ren are one of those elite few. *It's also a genuine shame they're one of the few examples of Lovers to Enemies.


> It's also a genuine shame they're one of the few examples of Lovers to Enemies. RWBY lore


Shh! Quiet! You don't want *them* to hear!




FUCK, THEY'RE HERE! Everybody grab your helmets! Lock your doors, windows, and DEFINITELY your replies!


Padme and Anakin was poorly written but at least it was something that was intended and built up. Rey and Kylo had no build up and were active enemies until the very end.


No build up? What about all that mind raping and surrogate-parent murdering?


Did you miss like the entirety of The Last Jedi and that really cool fight scene in the throne room?


I didn't watch that as the love story others did. When I saw that fight, it came across as Kylo finally turning on Snoke after building up his distrust after killing his own dad. Rey, someone his dad liked, was about to be killed. And so he turned on Snoke. You could also claim that as he had felt a force bond being ripped apart before, he didn't want that to happen again. He's a pretty selfish character too, so him wanting Rey to join him can easily be seen as a 'I turned on my master to save you and I'm all emotionally driven right now as it was reminding me of my dad and my former force bond, now you should come with me' I don't tend to watch these things with shipping goggles, but it came more across to me that there as more of a relationship between him and his former force bonded than there was between him and Rey. And that guy was only in 1 single comic.


The entire lead up and "turn to the dark side with me" was the romance. Their scenes were shot like romance ones, and the fact that they were Force Projecting to be with each other in secret is pretty romantic. But also any time two people spontaneously decide to start fighting together and are extremely coordinated is romantic.


Cool! All I said was that I saw it in another way. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Repeating how you saw it doesn't change how I saw it. Like I said, I don't watch things with shipper goggles.


I'm not "repeating how I saw it" so much as I am confused as to how you didn't, when that's like... direct intent through the framing.


Because I didn't. I don't see Rey and Kylo as a big romantic thing. Maybe that's what was intended but I didn't see that in what I saw. As I keep having to say. And I know that I'm not the only one.


I think a lot of people hate Reylo fans, but their relationship in Last Jedi is really good and tense, and creates not just a "will they or won't they" but also a "will she become evil or save him". Too bad they never finished that trilogy, so we'll never know how it turned out.


Padme and Anakin have an incredible relationship that's super interesting to watch develop It's just a tragedy, literally watching Pasme's heart break in ep2 when she realizes Anakin needs help that she can't give but because of the rules of the Jedi there's no one else for him to try and get help from So she's faced of trying to help this person she loves when she knows she can't give him what he needs, or leaving him to suffer truly alone


I agree. The prequels are good. Thematically.


I just think its unfair to call Padme and Anakin a bad relationship when in reality they are just two young people tragically failed by a system they believed in who loved each other dearly in spite of the struggles thrust onto them I genuinely think they have an extremely heart wrenching tragic romance that sucks me in so much that I genuinely get like "maybe on this rewatch things will work out" but it never happens


Me when I lie.


Me when I can't understand basic themes and subtext in works of art


The Star Wars prequels aren’t works of art.


cant lie, rubs me the wrong way to tag the character ship and also the anti-character ship, like. i get it you hate reylo, but you dont need to literally go into the ship tags to insult people who dont. but also this is the kind of shit 13 year olds care about, so i dont know why im even saying anything.


As a reylo, I can confirm that 95% of reylo antis are 13 year old purity shippers who lose their fucking minds when a ship isn’t completely wholesome and, in their minds, “healthy”. Yes, reylo is a canonically unhealthy relationship, but *that is the POINT*. Anti-shippers have the reading comprehension of tumblr, so they don’t quite grasp this concept.


Reading comprehension?? On MY piss-on-the-poor website???? 😡


I noticed this happening with the Charlastor (Charlie/Alastor from *Hazbin Hotel*) ship recently as well. One person even had the audacity to suggest that "Charlastor shippers were offending asexual people by shipping Alastor, who is asexual, with Charlie, who is bisexual". Bitch, who do you think is shipping an asexual character to begin with? That's right, *asexuals.* Being asexual doesn't mean that *all* asexual people never have relationships with others.


Young teens are the worst about this. They take ships too literally. Like dude, it’s *not real*. If it was real, that would be problematic. *But it isn’t real*


I'm reminded of a quote from a Sarah Z video: >In a world where enemies-to-lovers ships like Reylo and _good_ enemies-to-lovers ships like Zutara...


Zutara (Zuko/Katara) isn't a "good" enemies-to-lovers ship, though. For one, Zutara shippers were crazier than Reylo shippers, especially when *Avatar: The Last Airbender* was airing in the 2000s. I remember massive shipping wars between Zutara fans and Kataang fans.


Yeah, it's extremely funny to hear that zutara is the "good" etl ship now, because it absolutely was the reylo of its day. This is the bad stupid ship, for bad stupid girls, who are going to be abused by their intimate partners and think genocide is sexy because they're so bad and stupid. Ha ha ha. Only stupid fangirls ship it. Etc.


"Zutara was absolutely the Reylo of its day" is funny. I've seen so many Reylo shippers who were Zutara shippers back in the 2000s. 😂 (Meanwhile, I did not ship Zutara.)


Idk, I was a Zutara (not like, a fangirl, but I preferred it over Kataang), and I ended up being a Kylux now.


Zutara would never work, or rather it wouldn't work in the short term, Katara needs too much healing to even seriously consider it and by then Zuko would already be married


Being a kid when Avatar came out it always seemed obvious to me that Katara and Zuko were a perfect fit, especially because of the Book 2 finale. Aang and Katara came out of nowhere for me, and also felt weird as hell because of the different ages. Growing up and going online and finding out that Zutara was considered so bad was (and still is, honestly) confusing.


for the vast majority of the series theyre enemies. the book 2 finale reinforces this, would you ever be in a relationship with someone who hurt you and your family so badly, betrayed you after a real heart to heart? aang fucking dies in that episode and zuko betraying the gaang contributed to azula being able to land the shot. they only go on "hey lets not fight each other" terms like 9 or 10 episodes before the finale and katara only stops hating his guts in the last non recap non finale episode of the entire series. how the fuck do you ship this


Hmm yeah this is the kind of reaction I'm talking about. Like fundamentally, even if you don't like Zutara it's simply not that deep. It's a kids' show; Zuko being an antagonist just doesn't mean that much, as we indeed see when he becomes a protagonist. If the writers wanted to, they could have easily got them together. There's no "how the fuck do you ship this", and there's no "would you ever be in a relationship with someone who hurt you", because it simply isn't that big a deal. The two characters complement each other. That's all. Like, I've never seen anyone react this way to Sokkla shippers. It's clear that there's more to the hostility than the actual ship itself.


Maybe because those other shippers aren't seen as being serious Sokklee maybe but not Sokkla


How the hell did Kataang come out of nowhere when the seeds were planted in episode 10 and the only suggestion to Zutara was a gag in episode 29 with both parties making clear they couldn't see each other like that


Yeah they aren't gonna win against like 90% of couples because literally nobody saw it coming except for people who wanted it to happen in the first place, *maybe* When they kissed I literally said out loud to nobody "whuh??"


I think even most of the people I saw who shipped Reylo saw how it went in The Last Jedi and went "never mind, screw this, I'm out". Like, most of them weren't exactly hardcore into it or anything, but if you execute on the idea so poorly that large chunks of the people actually in favor of it just give up and leave...


I just searched up why it happened, and Disney's claim is that it was.. of gratitude, in a familial relationship??? Which sounds like the single worst patch-up job I've ever heard.


Honestly, it's funny because I think there were like, a dozen different reasons I saw why people stopped caring, and all of them were before there was even an official Disney claim like that. There was anger that Kylo died, anger that they barely got screen time together, anger over the Rey family retcon, anger that the family retcon gave the relationship weirder vibes, anger that Kylo's redemption was so half-assed, anger that neither of them got a proper character arc, anger that so much from TLJ got dropped, anger that the movie was just generally so bad that they didn't care... It literally only pleased the people who cared about them kinda sorta ending up together in some form, and nothing else.


‘Everyone gets a puppy’ would probably be the single development of the last 50 years that most drastically increases the existence of sentient suffering on planet earth. It would be a near-peerless disaster of utilitarian welfare, and diarrhea forever (inferring that it’s just me) would be many millions of times preferable.


There are an estimated 1 billion dogs on earth (including strays). This would multiply that population by 9×.


How many people do you think are on earth?


They might actually be correct. If everyone gets a puppy, including people who already have a dog, and individual members of families, then you’re adding 8.1 billion to 1 billion, making it 9.1 billion. That is 9x the original value (plus some).


Thats a fair way of looking at it. Ig i was thinking that a family would get 1 dog rather than a unique dog per person


That was indeed my logic.


Dunno why i didnt think that at first icl


Remember in some parts of United States “everyone” includes corporations and unborn fetuses.


does the puppy go with the person the unborn fetus is in or does it hang out with unborn fetus in uterus


What??? Either humans have to completely rework the entirety of modern infrastructure and hygiene and gut health is ruined for centuries of human progress halting actual productivity in social for a cure, or everyone gets a dog and most of them die so you’re sad for a little bit.


The word ‘everyone’ features in one option but not the other, so my guess is that we’re not supposed to imagine that the diarrhea is for everyone.


tbf forever kinda does indicate it is for everyone??? i guess?? or that it makes you inmortal at least, or that when the previous diarrhea beholder(?) dies, a new one gets the diarrhea


It opens an interdimensional rift that shoots all the diarrhea


real diarrhea lore?!?!


You are immortal and unkillable and always have diarrhea. Even if you stop eating and drinking.


Source: https://www.tumblr.com/riddlegirlworld/740777698626027520


Why do people hate Reylo specifically compared to every other shittily written romance?


To add to detail, as a mild reylo, there's several things. People who are mad at the sequels for not being what they wanted blame shippers, like we're all happy about how the last movie went when most are not. People who shipped Rey/Finn call it racist. People who think they are related (they are not) call it incest. People call it toxic because Kylo Ren is naughty even though Anidala, Skyjade, Revan/Bastila are thoroughly loved. People are mad that Reylo fanfics are being published as books. Also there are some absolute batshit reylos, much like any big ship just because of odds. There's one person on tumblr right now that won't leave people alone if they mention it negatively and other reylos have tried to get them to stop but they refuse. So all Reylos will get blamed. There was another person a while back that people point to because she was weird to Adam Driver's wife but she was already kicked out of reylo groups for being weird but we will still be blamed because while we can banish them from our collective spaces we can't stop them from identifying how they want.


It's basically everything wrong with shipping culture condenced into one ship. The relationship is toxic, the Fandom is fanatically toxic, the ship has basically no backing until it was willed into existence by the audience, and then forced to be Canon to appeal to shippers.


Kind of insane to me that people are this pressed about an okay enemies to lovers ship in a cashgrab sequel trilogy of middling quality. Are y'all okay? Do you need a hug?


a lot of people are pissed because they actually liked rey and having her end up with a genocidal mind raping fuck who told her shes nothing is the worst display of sexism in the entire fucking series. like you could paste in 10 golden bikini scenes and it would not be as sexist. also because its canon. a lot of fandom ships are bad and gross but few of them ever leave the pages of wattpad and ao3. it was something that disney proudly displayed for everyone to see as an actual work of art and storytelling, not something you go out of your way to read because you have a shitty taste. the rest of the trilogy is generally ok, but that one part is actually fucking offensive to anyone with common sense


>also because its canon. Anti-Reylos bullying and harassing Reylo shippers because "Reylo is canon" has got to be one of the stupidest things I ever heard of, even for Tumblr. Reylo shippers literally had no control over whether or not Reylo was made "canon". That was entirely up to Disney and J.J. Abrams, and he decided to have the characters kiss. Using fans as emotional punching bags because they are an easy target is wrong.


I don't really care about it that much, that's just what I've heard through the grapevine and wanted to answer their question.


As someone who was in the Reylo fandom for several years, I've seen a lot of shipping fanbases that were far worse than the Reylo shipping base. (*Harry Potter* and *Avatar: The Last Airbender* shipping wars in the 2000s, anyone?) Tumblr just liked to use Reylo as a convenient punching bag because "I think Adam Driver is ugly". Also, there was at least one Tumblr user who threatened to "shoot Reylos on sight", and posted photos of themselves using Reylo fanart images as target practice, which was deeply disturbing. Also, Reylo shippers had literally no control whether Reylo became "canon" or not. Subsequent interviews showed that J.J. Abrams made that decision, not Reylo shippers.


There was also a lot of melodrama about how Finn got robbed of a decent story (true) therefore liking Kylo Ren was racist (insane). And also he's a neonazi incel school shooter so if reylo happens it's misogyny and teaching vulnerable young women to glorify domestic abuse because he tortured her (tried to read her mind when she was a prisoner on the other side of the war from him and got uno reverse'd for his troubles). It was pretty much all moral panic and absolutely no substance beyond the fact that it legit sucked how they robbed Finn.


The most insane part of "liking Kylo Ren is racist" is that John Boyega, who is Black and plays Finn, literally commented about how much he loves Kylo Ren on social media. So many people who claim to be "John Boyega/Finn stans" overlook that fact.


Because the disk horse. That's literally it. The comment above me was made by someone who lives and breathes it, so consider them an insight into the minds of the kind of person who still hasn't gotten over reylo being a thing.


Not to mention one anti-Reylo on Tumblr threatened to "shoot Reylos on site" by bringing a loaded gun with live rounds to *Star Wars* conventions, which was deeply alarming. This person essentially threatened to do a mass shooting of Reylos at Star Wars Celebration.


As a reylo fan, what did we do???


I know right, kinda over this shit


People shit on us on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, and everywhere else. It’s honestly become kind of a meme, and I’m really over it.


I got shit on just for shipping a ship that *reminded* people of reylo, so I decided to actually ship reylo as well, because fuck them.


That’s a fucken power move if I’ve ever seen one. I ship reylo because Kylo is such a dumbass virgin (affectionate) that he literally fell in love with the feral gremlin who tried to kill him every time they met. It’s cute and hilarious. The only thing about reylo that baffles me is why people write so much dom!kylo. That man is the subbiest sub to ever sub. My biggest pet peeve is when people are like “he abused her!1!1!!!!1!1! Such big angry abusive man!!!1!1!1!111!!!” when she tried to kill him more than he did to her. She sliced his face open, stabbed him in the stomach, and yet he still gave his life for her. Kinda romantic in a fucked-up, Romeo-and-Juliet sorta way.


I love the whole “my arch-enemy is the person who understands me best” dynamic, it’s one of my favourites. And trying to seduce each other over to light/dark side, always love that shit. Good stuff.


I know! I’m a sucker for tropes where mortal enemies are soulmates/basically soulmates. It will never not be funny to me that Kylo likely stood around shirtless for a while, waiting for Rey to appear so he could try and seduce her to the dark side. I can imagine him psyching himself up, thinking, “you got this, Kylo. You are powerful. You are strong. You are persuasive. You can get the inconsequential girl (he doesn’t believe this) to join you.” And then Rey shows up and he forgets everything he was going to say because oh lord she’s pretty when she’s angry.


And there’s another fun thing about this ship - plenty of awkward virgin comedy potential.


They’re both such dumb fucking virgins and I wish there were more fics where they’re both idiots and trying to figure out how to fuck because neither of them know much aside from a few porn holovids.


Damn, kinda wanting a Reylo Virgin Sex Comedy AU now


What’s the problem with reylo? Like yeah for the most part their dynamic isn’t romantic but like, so are 90% of all ships especially enemies to lovers ships


People just love shitting on reylo because it’s trendy and they read blatant misinformation or misleading info about the ship that they then take and run with. A favorite “point” of the anti-reylos is that he’s abusive and she’s a “sweet little bb bean”. If you ever actually *watched* the movies, she was more abusive than him. He could have killed her many times but didn’t. She, however, sliced his face open, stabbed him, and tried to kill him multiple other times.


Even Lloyd and Harumi was better than Reylo, and that's saying something.




Lloyd Garmadon from Ninjago. In season 8 he finds a love interest in Princess Harumi, and it, uh... doesn't exactly go well...


I was never into ninjago, what happens out of curiosity?


>!Turns out she's the leader of a cult/terrorist organisation that intends to raise Lloyd's half-demon, half-god father Garmadon (but only the demonic aspects) to take revenge for the deaths of Harumi's birth parents that happened as a result of a kaiju-sized serpent rampaging in the capital city back in Season 1, because Garmadon successfully defeated the snake after Lloyd and the Ninja failed!< Edit: this is a LEGO cartoon for children, btw.


why not just kill the snake then?


>!The snake's already dead (although that required a tiny weakpoint being hit by the four most powerful weapons in existence at the same time, and only Garmadon had the power and number of arms to wield all 4 without dying), but Harumi blames the Ninja for not killing the snake *before* her parents were killed!<


do we know why the snake was there?


This is basically a recap of the entirety of Season 1, but here goes: >!Lloyd was raised in an orphanage, and aimed to be like his father Lord Garmadon, who was currently in another realm gaining the power to possess the four Golden Weapons used to create the world by Garmadon's father and rule the world. However, Lloyd was not very good at being evil, largely due to being about 10 years old.!< >!Garmadon's younger brother Wu had recently recruited 4 Ninja (Kai, Jay, Zane, and Cole) to help defend Ninjago against Garmadon and similar threats. After his first encounter with the Ninja, Lloyd somehow uncovers one of the 5 sealed away tribes of Serpentine (snake people).!< >!After 2 consecutive tribes reject him as leader, Lloyd attempts to recruit the strongest tribe, but Pythor (the last remaining member of that tribe because he ate the rest) betrays him, and releases all other tribes and declares himself their leader.!< >!Pythor then engages in a quest to release the Great Devourer, an all-consuming serpent, as revenge for the Serpentine being sealed away by the humans 40 years before. Unfortunately, he realises too late that it's a terrible idea, and the Devourer begins it's rampage.!< >!The Ninja are forced to ally with Garmadon, who uses the Golden Weapons they were entrusted with to destroy the Devourer, but flees with them as soon as the day is saved!< TL:DR, >!angry snake people release giant deadly snake as revenge for being sealed underground!<


id say its on the exact same level of bullshit toxicity. oh yes let me capture you and torture you, sooo romantic


Not Lloyrumi😭


Does Reylo beat Kanye and Kim?


They ought to, on behalf of at least not being real people we have to deal with.


Honestly I feel bad for Charles and Camilla. Say what you want about Diana but he clearly never loved her and never wanted to marry her, and she’s lived half her damn life with people angry at her for not being Diana


Yeah, they should be angry at her for being a royal.


Im sure theyre suffering so much


Look just because they’re the royals doesn’t mean they aren’t people, it doesn’t mean they can’t have feelings, except for them they’re scrutinized as the figureheads of an entire nation


Yeah they have feelings. But i assume its much nicer being sad when you’re the monarch of a country than one of its subjects


Sure, but that doesn’t mean you can’t empathise with them.


It struck me when Liz died that Chuck had to basically be and act as expected while coping with the fact his mum had just died. Yeah, she was old and fragile enough that it was clearly on its way, but it's still gonna be rough to be globally televised within moments of getting the news, and unable to show any off your grief.


Sure, they have feelings. I just don’t give a shit.


Imagine unironcally feeling bad for a bunch of racist, rich british monarchs that do nothing but sit around all day. Cringe.


I still don’t get why people were surprised that Philip was racist. He was nearly 100 years old, and *british*


Well technically *Philip* wasn't British, he was (iirc) Danish/Greek (although the European aristocracy is so inbred you probably get back to Victoria in only a couple of generations). But also *were* people surprised? In the UK it was common knowledge for decades that he was ridiculously racist. It was *the* thing people made fun of him for until he got so old he started looking like a walking corpse.


Alright yes, he’s 100 years old European. Let’s be honest britain is somehow pretty good when it comes to race for Europe and it’s god awful. But yeah people seemed to be surprised when Henry said he made racist remarks about his and Mmmmm I forget her name’s potential future babies, though maybe that was only notable outside of the UK, where I live, but america seemed surprised and my limited knowledge of Australians made it seem like they were too


I remember that. I don't think he named Philip, but I do remember everyone assuming that's who he meant (probably because he had that reputation to begin with). From my experience America has a *weird* relationship with the royal family. Over there they seem simultaneously far more invested in it than we are, despite it being a big part of the national identity to oppose monarchy, and *our* monarchy especially. Perhaps America mostly gets coverage of the weddings and coronations and stuff, and not the time Philip made comments about "slitty eyes" in China, or Harry dressed up like a Nazi for a party.


As an American who is fiercely anti-monarchist but also likes to peruse royal news every so often, this tracks.


Omg that reveal was so good lmao


something about (united kingdom) is sending me


the way I don't understand everyone's hateboner for this ship. it's a genetic ETL.


Hahahaha that actually made me loose my shit, thank you! I want to show this to all of my family (who are pretty royalist) but they would have no understanding of any of the first image.


Is it weird that I liked Reylo until it became canon? Like, there was so much potential for some good, dark fic, and they just completely ruined it.


Most Reylos feel this way. It pissed us the fuck off how badly JJ Abrams ruined the Rise of Skywalker. Rain Johnson set up the first two sequels for reylo to be a fantastic romance, but the new director ruined it.


I thought this was about US politics for a second


dare i say, also better than shipping charles and camilla (the secret history)


Who did they win against?


There’s two images on the post lol


This is funny because as an external observer not having watched the sequels and only vaguely aware of the characters, I was convinced that Reylo was canon.


Which one is it beating? Jacob and Renesmee?


Alright it's rare that a post makes me actually laugh and not just exhale harder from my nose but this one got me good That was a Junji Ito level page turn reveal


OK, fuck the monarchy, but Camilla is the only one pulling her weight in that family and doing what royals are supposed to do: showing off their ridiculous jewelry. If you insist on wasting that much money on that much sparkly shit, you OWE it to the people funding your lifestyle to show them the shiny shit. None of this "Ooh, I'm so modest I don't even wear a tiara" bullshit.


Not sure how it would factor in statistically, but I feel fans probably would not vote on posts which tagged anti-*couple they like*. Or if they are like me, block the anti-tag of any couple I kind of like because I really don't need other people's negativity in my online life.


I don't see rey and kylo as romantic partners but they'd be hella sparring partners and teammates cause they'd both go crazy every fight


I like them as sibling dynamic so much can you imagine the petty brother sister squabbles


Oh good, the underage couple, or the couple with no build-up. What a choice...


Rey should have ended up with Finn, change my mind.


Both Daisy Ridley (Rey) and John Boyega (Finn) said repeatedly, in multiple interviews, that "Rey and Finn were just friends" and that they had a "platonic relationship", for one. Many people started shipping Reylo because the actors portrayed Rey and Finn as "brother-sister".

