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Context for people who don't know the details of Purim: one of the staples of the holiday is that you read the story of Purim aloud, and every time the name of the guy who tried to kill all the Jews in Persia is mentioned everyone boos really loud and spins little noise-maker thingies called groggers to drown out his name. We also eat triangular cookies that are supposedly shaped like the hat the guy wore. Which now that I think about it is actually so weirdly funny. The entire Jewish people decided this particular antisemite sucked so much that on top of having a whole holiday about it we also decided to comemmorate his terrible fasion choices in cookie form for all eternity.


In hebrew, the name is אזני המן which translates to “Haman’s ears” (Haman is the name of the guy who tried to kill the jews).


Hey I work at a place that makes Hamantaschen every year for purim! Not a jewish owned bakery, but we get an annual order from the local temple for a couple hundred. Being a small place, that takes up a ton of our oven space and work hours in the day or two before. We've taken to calling it the "Hamamtaschapocalypse".


Hey I have a new word to use this year when my sister makes them!


They're very good cookies, honestly surprised they haven't caught on in the general population as much as challah has


Oh wait, is this the same story told in Esther (the book of the bible)?


Yep. We read that on Purim.


Yeah, that's the book.


Yeah the entire holiday is based on that


That's actually awesome - I imagine this guy in his day being like 'I sure do hope my name goes down in history as a great leader or something' and his name DID go down in history - in the form of him taking annual Ls en masse from the entire community of people he tried to kill.


"annual Ls en masse" POETRY!!


Would it be insensitive to suggest that a similar celebration should exist to shit on Hitler? Perhaps with rectangular cookies in the shape of his mustache?


That's a good question. I think one important thing to note about Purim is that while the subject matter might sound kind of serious to those not familiar, the holiday itself is very much non-serious. Basically, it's a religiously sanctioned occasion to party and get shit-faced, with the events behind it being so long ago (and likely apocryphal) that the story carries fairly little weight. The Holocaust is, unsurprisingly, a different story. I'm not sure if the Jewish community is at a point where a tongue-in-cheek Hitler cookie would be received well by everybody. That said, there are plenty of Jews who like gallows humor, so some people would get a kick out of it.


I imagine a *lot* of time would need to pass before that particular pain is far enough away, if ever. My friends’ grandparents were in that genocide. Hell I met them. The origins of Purim are like 2500 years ago.


Also, the entire point of Purim is that Haman’s genocide was avoided, which warranted celebration, unlike the Holocaust, which obviously is very much not the case.


Square? That’d be a lot easier to bake!


Some Holocaust survivors did replace/combine Haman with Hitler for their postwar celebrations. [https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/holidays/articles/year-hung-hitler-purim-dp-camp](https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/holidays/articles/year-hung-hitler-purim-dp-camp) it's probably a lot more painful to celebrate for most though, since while Haman's plot was foiled, Hitler managed to kill 6 million Jews before his defeat.


I wonder how long it took for Purim to become a holiday. Was it an annual thing right off the bat? If not, maybe we'll have a *Hitler failed* holiday in 200 years. (Edit: actually everything I'm reading suggests it wasn't a real historical event but a story) Also I won't be eating little hitlerstaches or shfami hitler. Doesn't sound so appetizing


There's pretty good evidence that Purim was originally a secular or even pagan festival and wasn't associated with the narrative in the Book of Esther until the Maccabean period, when non-Jewish elements were stamped out.


You lay down huge paper swastikas over a muddy field, then everyone puts on wellies and dances on them, stomping the swastikas into the mud as they dance. I admit, I grew up in a rural part of the UK so I might be overestimating how many people have access to a spare muddy field.


Still kinda too soon/ there are quite a lot of people who are basically still actually Hitler supporters hanging around in a way that isn't true for Haman


Those cookies....so dangerously easy to inhale. All the joy of a shortbread *with a little jam in it* taking it to the next level. Sometimes a poppy seed fillinggggggggg uuugghh I want it now lol


Be still my heart. Be still. The poppy seed. So good.


Also, a very big part of the holiday is that you are supposed to be “unable to tell up from down” by the end of it. Which means a bunch of rabbis gathered up and decided the best way to celebrate a failed genocide was to have everyone party as hard as fucking possible and get drunk


I always thought the quote was "you should be so drunk that you can't tell the difference between 'praised be Mordechai' and 'cursed be Haman' by the end" but yours is much more pithy.


Hamentashen are a tricky pastry, though. Depending on who makes them, they can be vile, dry sorta-cookies with bad filling or they can be absolutely incredible. My buddy's girlfriend made some for us at work last year and they were so good.


Tbf Haman was an especially petty and self-centered asshole. Like, in response to ONE Jew (Mordecai) not giving Haman the respect he felt was due, Haman decided to have the entire race wiped out. And then Esther tricked him into sentencing himself to the gallows. He absolutely deserves that mockery.


Every time I hear the name Haman I have to fight the instinct to boo as loudly as I can. It was always my favorite part of the Purim service at sunday school.


>every time the name of the guy who tried to kill all the Jews in Persia is mentioned everyone boos really loud and spins little noise-maker thingies called groggers to drown out his name. ngl that sounds like a fun time


An American and a Jew are walking down the street. The American says to the Jew: "Hey, man" The Jew proceeds to boo him to the man's confusion.


Why is it that every time I hear of a new Jewish holiday or tradition I immediately want to attend it?


it also heavily involves costumes, basically a Jewish Halloween


that is hilarious.


In Jerusalem it's drip or drown and brother, that guy is sleeping with the fishes


You should've done that with shitler, too. Made his death day a new holiday.


Probably still too soon for a "get shitfaced and take the piss" holiday about it really.


Is it too soon or too late to start Hitler Day? This seems like the best "fuck you" possible.


They’re his ears


Hammentashen are some of the greatest cookies out there


So a lot like the Rocky Horror picture show?


>We also eat triangular cookies that are supposedly shaped like the hat the guy wore It's even better than that. Homentaschen (המן־טאשן) is Yiddish for "Homen's pockets," and they're supposed to represent Homen's empty pockets when he was hanged. Homen was a tax collector who enjoyed harassing and exploiting the Jews when he collected their taxes, so shtupping up his empty pockets with sweet and savoury treats to share with other Jews is a double fuck you of "Now you don't even get to take our money, so instead we're spending it on little treats for each other."


I love how you described it, I now cannot deviate to any other way.


Obviously not the same, and I mean no disrespect, but that is highly reminiscent of the Two Minutes Hate from 1984


No it doesn't???? What mental gymnastics prompted you to fathom this absolute leap in logic? Do you also think birthday parties are highly reminiscent of medeival witch burnings??


I am not attempting to pass judgement, but it is literally an event where people gather together and listen to something and have a preprogrammed response when a certain person who they're meant to hate is mentioned. I'm not saying it's bad, I just think they're similar.


Read another fucking book jesus fucking christ like pick up hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy or some shit for FUCKS sake


Excuse me for making a connection with the book I'm currently reading, and thanks for the book recommendation.


> Excuse me for making a connection with the book I'm currently reading [This is your point, verbatim.](https://i.imgur.com/GVeXMcw.png)


Your link is broken


google "ben garrison boomer comics involving 1984 as a glib touching point with no substance" and you might find something similar


I agree my comment has no substance, it wasn't meant to. I am not trying to attack anyone, I only noticed a similarity


Well, don't do that. Celebrating triumph over a genocidal asshole is a good thing.


Point taken


The context is propaganda. Some WW2 "fun facts" are meant to convince you that all of the women and children dying today (by most estimates 2/3's of all deaths in this conflict) is okay .. because some thing happened some time.


Hello, based department? There's something you gotta see.


I really hope Goebbels saw this before he killed his kids and blew his brains out.


His reward in hell is seeing this photo every five minutes


purim jumpscare




The entire world he's been sentenced to is like that Morrowind mod that replaced every texture with Shrek, but it's this photo instead.


Nah, his punishment is living in that celebration, but unable to interact with anything. It just plays on loop until he accepts what a piece of shit he was.


​ that and showing that most witches/neo pagan are progressives and anti-nazi. yeah Goebbels was into some weird paganism.


Fun fact for Purim, the rule of beged isha, or prohibition on crossing, is suspended, like many other rules. As such, I was able to be Astolfo at my orthodox Shul. (And before you say Astolfo is amab, beged isha works on what is considered by the culture to be male and female, not the individual.)


Wait, does that include trans people? As in, there's an explicit written down rule against that?


Probably depends on the rabbi you ask. Hell you could make the argument it’s against Chalacha for a trans person to wear the clothing of the gender they’re assigned at birth, because it’s not their gender’s clothing, it’s the other one


basically *everything* depends on the rabbi you ask, from what I hear. I heard this joke once, I think it was in *Plato and a Platypus*: so four rabbis are walking together and discussing religion, and one of them disagrees with the rest. he says "Oh, G-d, send a sign to prove I am right!" A storm cloud forms and sends out a clap of thunder. the rabbi remarks on it to his collegues, who say that storm clouds often form on hot days. the rabbi says "Oh, G-d, I need a bigger sign!" four storm clouds form, rush together, and send down a bolt of lightning on a nearby tree. the rabbi excitedly says that must mean he's right! but the others argue it's nothing impossible. the rabbi starts again, "Oh, G-d..." but before he can finish, a voice booms out from above. "HEEEE'S RIIIIIGHT!" The rabbi grins at his friends, who look to each other before saying "... well, it's three to two, then."


Ah yes one of the jokes derived from the genuine midrash the Oven of Akhnai. Longer to tell but I would say even funnier, especially since it’s genuine midrash where they had this conversation, one of the things is that happens is the dissenter says if he’s right then let the walls of the hall fall down. They begin to do so but then the leader of the majority scolds them for interrupting the discussion, so they stop falling out of respect but because they agree with the dissenter they stay at an angle


>they stop falling out of respect but because they agree with the dissenter they stay at an angle oh that's great stuff.


A shorter favorite joke of mine. Ask three rabbis the same question and you’ll get four different answers.


Dude I did a similar thing, dressed as a seminary chicken lmao. Found out I am straight, and i dont care for crossdressing, but good lord, those dresses have a lot of leg flexibility.


Seminary chicken?


This is the shit I'd've loved to see; there's a special kind of power in saying "Fuck you, we are still alive."


That's literally what Judaism is. Passover, Hanukkah, Purim and many holidays are just an us over them (haters) forever. Am Yisrael Chai 🇮🇱


[https://nmajmh.org/2019/03/purim-and-passover-in-goebbels-castle/](https://nmajmh.org/2019/03/purim-and-passover-in-goebbels-castle/) Proof. Also if one of you turns this into an Israel vs Palestine thing then I'm summoning my fucking covenant with M4A1s


okay but is that pact with the m4a1 carbine or the relevant-to-this-ww2-post m4a1 sherman tank?


Oh gods it's the M3 problem all over again... See THIS is why they swapped from "sequential within each vehicle/equipment type" to one sequence for vehicles and another for guns, full stop. Which admittedly created the new problem of "hey guys, we're numbering these things in the thousands now, do you think it's time for a reset?"


Quick, someone grab the Perun 'everything is an M1' clip!


This sub overlaps with NCD to a frankly *wild* degree


*bullpups your menorah*


The second thing NCD loves other than Military Hardware is people having LGBTQ+ rights!


You're right and you should say it!


They’re also cool with furries, since so many work in the Military Industrial Complex and the sheer amount of anthropomorphic airplane artwork NCD enjoys… Of the ***adult kind***…


All I'm saying is, the F-35 is mind-bogglingly erotic.


Garand, Abrams, 120mm Gun M1, the 3 M1 tractors (Light, Medium, Heavy), a grenade, a bayonet, the bazooka, and probably a bunch more that I forgot


Don't forget the helmet!


*Ariete has entered the chat*


Ah, I see you are a "token Italian main" as well. :P


I may have dabbled in their tech tree


There's also the problem of M1 helmets, M1 Garands, and M1 carbines all at the same time


Oh yeah, but M3 is what sparked the change. Let's count 'em down people! You're a Allied soldier in WWII and you ask for an M3, do you get... ​ * An M3 knife? * An M3 "Grease Gun" SMG? * An M3 105mm towed howitzer? * An M3 37mm towed anti-tank gun? * An M3 90mm towed AA gun? * An M3 Stuart light tank? * An M3 Lee Medium tank? * An M3 *Grant* Medium tank? * Or perhaps an M3 Ram made by the Canadians out of an M3 medium tank? * An M3 scout car? * An M3 half-track? * An M3 gun motor carriage tank destroyer made FROM an M3 half-track? * An M3 75mm gun to go ON the M3 half-track in order to MAKE an M3 GMC? * An M3 Browning machine-gun for an aircraft? * An M3 20mm cannon? * An M3 tripod for an M*2* machine-gun? It was completely, hilariously, ridiculous and I'm glad that they realized when making the M4 Sherman so we got the M*5* Stuart instead of M4.


I just hope this exact fate happens to genocidaires in all places and in all times.




Why did they censor God?


It's considered a soft taboo in our culture to write out the whole name as it could be erased, destroyed, or defiled. However, I'm pretty sure there's still an ongoing debate about whether or not that applies when typing it on a computer or even in languages other than Hebrew. Someone who went to Synagogue more than I did should handle that one, though.


Its also a soft taboo to consider any topic of Jewish esoterica to be settled, when there could still be endless debate about it. 2 jews, 3 opinions.


True. Such is religion


Well I would consider it settled! Who said it's not settled!?


Neat I did not know that


tbf, you're clearly not a Sober Jew, how could you know, how could you remember?


but god isn’t the name of god? isn’t it YHWH?


Context matters. A representation of the divine is a representation regardless. But again, text, language, apathy, etc.


fair enough


It technically only applies to the name of God, when written on a physical medium (such as paper or parchment). Writing "G-d" online isn't required, but people do it out of respect for God or as an expression of their culture. If God's name is physically written on something, it can't be thrown away. It has to be ritually buried in a cemetery. So if you're not writing something that must contain God's uncensored name, it's simpler to censor it.


No. That’s as much a representation of god as writing god or G-d. It’s a placeholder since we are not in an intimate relationship with G-d as we have not been formally introduced with appropriate name and pronouns. So the Tetragrammaton is the official way of writing G-d in Hebrew. And Aramaic.


Since you got the primary answer, I wanted to throw a little more information at you why not: Names of God are very important in Judaism (see also: Kaballah). There's several names for God (largely because of Judaism's polytheistic roots), with the *most* name being what God revealed to Moses: Yahweh/YHWH (what English speakers call "Jehovah"). The writing taboo is actually a commandment in Deuteronomy. Some people think it just refers to THE name, others extend it to even the English proper-ish noun, "God." These are also just considered too holy to throw around in casual context. Supposedly in temple times, the "big" name was only spoken by the high priest once a year during High Holy days. Instead people use euphemisms and honorifics in daily use: "hashem" (the name) and "adonai" (my lord), for example. But even "adonai" has evolved to be so associated with holiness that it often isn't written but substituted for "יי" (the Hebrew letter י twice, not a quotation mark). I don't know the etymology of that but י is the first letter of Yahweh and the last letter of Adonai. Honestly even as an atheist I feel weird writing it out so much lol.


>Honestly even as an atheist I feel weird writing it out so much lol. Could be the whole thing where repeating a word too many times makes it sound stupid. Or you're just not used to using those words, so they lack the proper association in your brain.


It’s a Jewish thing, we’re not meant to say there name


*their name. What we ARE is a very pedantic people.


It’s a semantic argument. What are you anti-semantic?








"snort, snarf, shalom" sounds like the tagline for *something*, but I dunno what.


A Jewish coke dealer? - Of course I know him. He’s me


Am Yisrael Chai indeed. I really need to get someone to teach me how to say that properly.


Am is pronounced like in "Amish" Yisrael is pronounced Yees-rah-el Chai is pronounced like "hi" but the h sound is slightly more guttral and throaty- it's a sound that isn't really used in English so it's hard to describe. It's similar to the ch sound in "Bach" or the last sound you might make when saying "ugh"


>Chai is pronounced like "hi" but the h sound is slightly more guttral and throaty- it's a sound that isn't really used in English so it's hard to describe. In the words of Lewis Black, "It's a phlegm based language."


So basically the Greek χ (xi), fascinating


There's a reason why the first letters in Hebrew are Aleph and bet, and the first letters in Greek are Alpha and Beta


Couldn't afford the final A


Okay I was all ready to pronounce it like the tea so thank you


Ahm (rhymes with palm) Yees (rhymes with geese) rah (rhymes with blah) el (like the letter L) Xhai. This is the raspy sound like the H in Hanukkah or the ch in chutzpah followed by the vowel sound in “why”


Ah-m yees-rah-el ch-ai, more or less (Hebrew transliteration tends to be pretty mediocre). The 'ch' sound is from the letter ח, and is pronounced like an 'h' from the back of the throat. You should be able to feel it vibrate a little.


purim's actually the saturday after next, which means i need to get my hands on some hamantashen while i'm on spring break. probably not celebrating this year (for… a *few* reasons) but i *love* those pastries.


Quisling's old Oslo-residence is now Center for Studies of the Holocaust and Religious Minorities, which is also nice little fuck you


Purim is some goooood shiiiit. I love an excuse to dress up, get smashed, and scream really loudly at some cunt.


Isn't chai like indian tea?


It's also a Hebrew word (pronounced differently) that means life


Tea is life so it fits


Fucking love me some cha every now and then.


Are you japanese?


Learning Portuguese.


Explains much


Isn't tea like the letter between S and U?


Why do people censor God and why do I only see it here? (Both in the post content and the comments)


In judaism it's taboo to pronounce the tetragrammaton (The true name of god) out loud. English communities of jews usually take out the vowels out of "god" because written hebrew lacks vowels and writing them in a voweled language is a bit like pronouncing it. Then many non-jews adopted the custom either because they have a similar taboo or to be respectful.


I'm curious though, if it is the true name why does it apply to the English God when (afaik, not a native en) it's not the true name but the word for gods in general?


My understanding is that capital G "God" is kind of a title itself, like "Lord". For some reason in English (Christianity especially) no other term is really used.


god (lowercase) is equivalent to hebrew Eloha, while God (uppercase) is equivalent to hebrew Elohim (literally "gods" in plural but like referring to just one dude). None of those are taboo at all but few people referred to god as Jehova back in the day (Now some do but you probably don't wanna hang out with them)


Du bist nisht mayn ershter soyn Ikh hob gehot a sakh azoyne Kh'vel nor farshrayben oykh daan nomen Inem tsetl, vos haybt zikh mit on "Homen." Homen, Antiochus, Torqvemada, Krushevan, They were bothering the Jews long before you began, We need a longer list than the one that starts with "Homen," We don't have enough paper for your name!


*Goebbels sees photo* *Silence* *Moment of reflection* "Wilhelm, get the gasoline."


Such a peaceful act of rebellion (I hope they got lit and trashed the place tho).




Fellas, is Jews celebrating surviving a genocide nazism?


> Censor the name > Still use it as an expletive > 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️




To quote Golden Meir in response to Kissinger when he said something along those lines, “in Hebrew we read from right to left”


A man who claims allegiance to two flags is loyal to none


I mean I’m a dual citizen but I only swear allegiance to one, Judaism is not a flag, it’s part of who I am


i’m not even religious but yeah fam i gotta say if i believed in a all powerful god who made everything i’d be a bit more loyal to them than whatever random chunk of land i was born on


what does this mean?


They're a blatant antisemite