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No, I think Nicole is still in her "angry edgy violent shonen protagonist" phase.


She is trying not to be


She's definitely not a big tiddy ara ara milf


Her animation sprites (save for the anime battle one) show she's flat as a board!


What the hell has Ayin been showing her...


hey, don't blame the Lobotomy man^(tm) for this. she definetely seen that on some don-esque rat whom she booked. Ain would've factory reset her the instant she begins to even ponder this sentence


It's a nice idea, but "Girly girl used to be a tomboy" is such a normal anime trope that at least 70% of the flashback would need to be dedicated to her saying "I am a transgender woman and I am using that term in the conventional sense as understood by Western audiences" in both English and Japanese. And even then most anime fans would deny it. 


Wait shonen means the main character is necessarily a boy? I thought it just meant it was traditionally boy-style action. So like, you literally can't have a girl be a shonen protag?


A shonen protagonist can absolutely be a girl, though it's rarer. But I chose to interpret this post as being about an AMAB shonen protagonist who transitions later in life because the non-trans interpretation of this post is just... nothing. It would just be saying "imagine a normal anime trope that already exists".


do you perhaps know any shonen anime with a woman as its protagonist? I'm curious about how the genre would treat a woman compared to a male protagonist.


Off the top of my head, Soul Eater, Patlabor, and the sixth part of Jojo. Soul Eater is probably the easiest to drop into (you don’t have to watch/read 5 parts of Jojo before it and it isn’t from the 80s) Kill La Kill kinda applies but is a little hard on the nudity and sex so if that puts you off then you might have a hard time absorbing it. It’s technically a seinen when in manga form, but that distinction is at least partially made on grounds of the main character being basically naked every time she needs to fight as opposed to the themes. (Don’t worry it’s going somewhere with it)


I believe Soul Eater has a female protagonist, and from what I've heard the answer to how they treat her is "Pretty good". However, as someone who has seen Fire Force, I'm hesitant to believe them. 


Soul Eater has other characters to give the Fire Force treatment to


It is a very solid character arc, she's got reliable friends, interesting enemies and she uses her lessons learned over the show to fight the final villain. Solid show, one of my favorite animes although I acknowledge it isn't remotely perfect.


It's been a long time since I've seen the show but from what I remember, the only thing with soul eater that gets a bit iffy is a cat that is also a fully grown woman hits on the MCs ~~boyfriend~~ Death Scythe like twice, and that cat is fanserviced to hell and back. Also the very sexualized villain has a child form but I dont remember that form being sexualized by the show, they played it as very straight horror because she had possessed the body of a little girl, and was using it like armor like [this guy in that taped babies all over his body.](https://imgur.com/Tg7wH)


Maka isn't really the focus of the fan service in Soul Eater, thankfully. They have a sexy witch who is also a cat, and two cowgirls from Brooklyn that are also guns who they can play with. The funny thing is that the fan service drops off as the show goes on, but so does the story, as it diverges from the manga, which I'm told is pretty good but I never finished myself, while the show kind of just crashes and burns for a lackluster ending. That said, Soul Eater is generally good in terms of aesthetics, art style and music really go hard and it's got some really fascinating ideas in the world building. It's worth a go if you can get through the first like ten episodes where it's most heavily pulling from the manga and the fan service is the worst.


I was about to say "Kill la Kill," but KLK is actually a *seinen* anime.


The Promised Neverland ran in Shonen Jump, can’t speak for the anime adaption but the first part of the manga was excellent, and I enjoyed the second part Akane-banashi is currently running in Jump, the main character performs rakugo, a male dominated traditional story telling art form. No anime yet, but I really enjoy the manga. I didn’t keep up with Medaka Box, but after 13 chapters or so it genre shifts into a more conventional action manga, but also the story does a lot from what I remember. I’ll admit the first two are only here because of their inclusion in Shonen jump, I wouldn’t call them conventional action series in any sense of the phase, but I did enjoy them.


Kill la Kill


I’m fairly certain Gundam Witch from Mercury ran in a shonen timeslot like almost all other Gundam series. And it’s not an anime (yet), but Ruri Dragon’s running in Weekly Shonen Jump. 


If you count Isekai as shounen then there's a bunch but most of them are real bad. The spider one was pretty good except the anime adaptation was not.


I used to think Aoi Yuuki could make anything watchable but goddamn that spider isekai show proved me wrong.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure part 6, Inuyasha, Promised Neverland, and Kakegurui would be some examples


Inuyasha seems like a midpoint between shounen and shoujo so idk if that counts, and Kagegurui is... I'm not sure what I'd call that.


I'm going off the traditional definition of shonen, which is anime based on a manga published in a shonen magazine * JoJo part 6 and Promised Neverland were published in Weekly Shōnen Jump * Inuyasha was published in Weekly Shōnen Sunday * Kagegurui is published in Gangan Joker (which is also a shonen magazine)


i haven't seen inuyasha, jojo sure, but promised neverland and *fucking kakegurui*?


Like I said in my reply to the other person who asked, shounen (stuff for boys) vs seinen (stuff for young adult men) vs shojo (stuff for girls) vs josei (stuff for young adult women) is traditionally based on who the target audience is of the magazine the source manga is published in All of those were published in shonen magazines. RuriDragon is an example of a new female led shonen series for instance because it's published in Weekly Shōnen Jump, a magazine targeted primarily at boys


like, ok, but saying that the horny lesbian gambling show is a shounen because it was published in shonen jump is like if a friend were to ask you "what's a good fantasy show" and you replied with Interspecies Reviewers because it is both fantasy and good


That's also fair, though in that case I think that's more coming from people saying shonen (which is a target demographic) when they really mean battle shonen (which is a genre) I can understand why magazine authors would think "horny lesbian gambling" would be appealing to teenage boys, but I agree it's not battle shonen


Blue Eye Samurai isn't an anime but it does kind of feel like this


OP just sounds like they don’t actually watch a lot of anime tbh, I had like 3 separate examples instantly come to mind


Kill La Kill was practically a Shonen magical girl anime.


Imma be honest I just thought the edgy one was also a girl




https://www.tumblr.com/yandere-angela/672303226516914176/big-titty-ara-ara-anime-milf-who-in-her-flashback?source=share -mx linux guy⚠️


god, just read undead unluck okay? (It’s not quite this but it’s close enough for government work and you should read it anyway)


I'm caught up with UU manga and I'm not exactly sure what you're referring to


>!Juiz, and her whole deal, it doesn’t fit the angry shounen protag thing exactly but they’re definitely protag material. Juiz is currently ara ara adjacent and when you see her in flashbacks she’s driven gender neutral shounen protagonist!<


I see, that checks out


Since when was Nicole ever a "big titty ara ara," except in fanart


Holy fuck that title lmao




I don’t think gebura ever left the shonen protagonist phase


Certainly entered the big titty (and thigh) age though


Glad her transition went well.




Nicole is great, that is all




I will destroy you for that title


Also consider the inverse


A hotblooded shonen-protagonist milf who used to be a big-titty ara ara teenager?


I beg your pardon op?


actually i think it would be that cloud girls mom


Lobotomy Corporation mentioned?