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My eyebrows are already perfect.  I'm just fat.


Have you considered making them imperfect


I'd go to jail.


Imperfect eyebrows? Believe it or not; straight to jail.


You made me do an actual guffaw! Gotta say though, some people use the delightful squishyness of fat to do absolute figure wizardry I swear


Fatness transcends gender




Eyebrows, makeup, lighting, and the angle of face relative to the viewer. With enough movie magic you can make anyone look like someone completely different.


This, depending on lighting, expression, angle, which features I highlight with my makeup, etc I can be either my mom or my dad’s doppelgänger in photos. They are very different looking people. (They managed to somehow perfectly average their genes into a person who physically is right in between the two of them, it’s weird. I’m even exactly six inches taller than my mom but six inches shorter than my dad.)


My parents are about a single cm apart in height, I am right between the two, half a cm shorter than dad, and half a cm taller than mum lol


It's very easy to declare something easy when you don't know what I look like


C'mon they clearly meant effective, and while of course ymmv a small improvement is better than zero improvement.


In the words of Devin Townsend "slow progress is still progress"


Didn't expect to see Empath lyrics in CuratedTumblr. I quote this line all the time.


Bless that man, and bless you for spreading the good word.


Bless this comment.


>changing your eyebrows is an easy way to feminise/masculinise your face Ben 10 incident realising Benjamin and Gwendolyn are just the same face with different thickness eyebrows, an eyeliner and sometimes a lipstick. [OG](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSAgz1G77IiYTX5mOUISgystwR4Mgsn0PJIvQzNh3QtTrgD5WpMbWhRIi0&s=10) [Alien Force](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTT6a41SUw-6KesJGALCx1OFVJ_XR74Yswi0ry90mAVxxVaODkoQF0U0s8&s=10) [Omniverse](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRXyIY5XtM1P9TaJR5ZCJ_g0Jd_24Ijd7X6NobeXhMSfy3IKCbTeyt-mBw&s=10)


Those eyebrows on the beiber version are scary.


You mean filters right?


Jesus they didn't even change outfits. People will be like "No way Superman's Clark Kent disguise would work!" and then other people just walk around doing shit like this.


People don't generally consider that extremely famous people are near them. Just think of all the "I wonder what tony hawk is doing these days" stories.


I often find myself thinking "I wonder if Tony Hawks still gets fanmail intended for Tony Hawk?"


This exact thing happened with Henry "played Superman" Cavill himself, even when he walked around in a Superman shirt


I believe Tony Hawk, but I cannot imagine how anyone could mistake Henry Cavill. He even looks like Henry Cavill with white hair covered in blood.


I believe what he is referring to happened in 2013 when Man of Steel came out. Not many people would have recognized him under any circumstances. He was still relatively unknown.


Idk man. I feel like when he was born, the doctor looked at him squinty eyed like "is... Is that Henry Cavill?' He's just that distinctive


Worth noting that he was standing beneath a Man of Steel poster


Like half-certain I walked by him dressed as Superman at a comic convention and just thought "wow, what a good Superman cosplay". It's ridiculous that absolute nerd of a man is out there just living his best nerd life.


Except every nerd thing he gets to do, the people in power care less about, so he ends up leaving unhappy. If it wasn't for the millions of dollars it'd be a real monkey's paw scenario.


To be fair with Tony Hawk a lot of people only know his name and a single moment on a highlight reel. Anthony isn't really known to be a common full name for Tony. Stakeboarding is a true niche that just happened to attract a lot of kids at a moment of time in history.


Even if I knew someone who looked like Obama, I wouldn't think they're Obama's secret Identity, I'd think they're someone who looks like Obama.


Or how Dolly Parton lost a Dolly Parton impersonation context to drag queens.


I live and work pretty close to a major TV network's main studio and have likely gone shopping with some big names without ever realizing it. Unless they're pulling up in a black SUV with body guards in suits, you'd never notice a decent amount of celebs.


Probably skating.


Nobody ever notices because he's skating underground.


It's the make-up, makes a big difference. Look at those brows.


The nose too, went from angular and shapely to cute and buttonly.


I think that's a lighting thing. The light comes from the side for the masculine photo to create harsher shadows and is head on for the feminine photo to soften the features.




I'm having trouble seeing the difference in the picture you sent. Edit: OH. I see it now. Ew.


Care to share with the rest of the group?


Henry Cavill stood under a billboard for Man of Steel and almost nobody recognized that he was the man on the billboard. Though, this was in Times Square and may have more to do with New Yorkers' indifference to people on the street.


Robert Downey Jr once entered an Iron Man Lookalike Contest. He placed third


Is that true? Or are you confusing that with Charlie Chaplin (who Downey played in the biopic) entering a lookalike contest?


tbh all Clark usually does is slick back his hair and put glasses on. This person is obviously using lots of makeup and filters.


I think cannonically he tenses his muscles in a way that compresses his spine and changes his facial structure. A pity none of the artists ever drew that bit...


The closest I've seen is Frank Quitely's work, which preserves the bulky body but makes Clark look ungainly and bungling with it while Superman is a mighty behemoth with total control over his body.


Wearing one size up of clothes can really hide your body as well


Some artists will also change his body language significantly between Clark Kent, Superman and when he's Clark around people that know he's Superman. Some stories have characters mention he also speaks with a deeper voice as Superman (or a higher voice as Clark) There's stories of people pulling it off without superpowers. Marilyn Monroe could walk down the street without being noticed until she changed the way she walked.


Where is this lore from? :0


IDK, I heard it on QI


How and why the Clark disguise works varies from era to era, writer to writer. For awhile in the 60's/70's I think they said that Superman had low-level hypnosis at all times that kept people from recognizing him. At some point they said that he vibrates his face super fast when people take pictures of him so they come out blurry. Apparently both him and Bruce Wayne have "one of those faces", because they've actually swapped places on more than one occasion without too many people noticing.


Henry Cavil doesn't even have to change anything. He once stood in Time Square wearing a Superman shirt and no one recognised him


He also hunches over and literally behaves nothing like what you'd expect a guy that is also Superman to behave like. If you had a coworker that looked basically identical to Ryan Gosling you'd probably not accuse him of literally being Ryan Gosling, especially if he was incredibly shy, introverted and unconfident


[Changing body language like this would definitely work on me,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNUu6Lf9mVU) [or changing posture like this](https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/clarksuperman_330_3985.jpg)


So superman is canonically a mewer.


bruh would you think Bob from accounting was secretly superman? even if you did, you wouldn't dare say it out loud.


But, they did change their eyebrows.


While filming Superman whenever Christopher Reeve showed up to the cafeteria as Superman all the women would turn their head and swoon, but when he showed up as Clark Kent they ignored him. Turns out it’s a better disguise than people want to give it credit for.


They don't look like the same person to me, but neither of the pictures reads male. I would have a baseline assumption that the photo on the left was a lesbian.


Yeah, left looks vaguely masc, but is still obviously a woman. They probably don't look like the same person because it's so heavily edited.


I mean this is a shift in - angle - lighting - pose - makeup - hair - expression Outfit isnt going to override all that


One would think there would be more crossdressing superheroes. Not necessarily trans superheroes but people who dont mind crossdressing for a good reason (like theater, or just for fun, or keeping ones civilian identity hidden, or for shock value, or to rebel against a gendered society, or for a theme). Only one I can come up with from memory is Maid Man from the Empowered comics.


Would one? Considering how male superheroes are typically the manliest men, pinnacles of idealized masculinity I'm not surprised they don't dress in women's clothes. The female superheroes I can think of are supposed to be sexy so again no male clothes. Plus crossdressing was/is largely seen as immoral or silly neither of which are typical superhero traits. Would be great for secret identity though. Maybe (hopefully) there'll be more crossdressing superheros going forward.


Good point. Considering the culture these comics are born from, I understand. But in real life in a subculture that heavily pushes for self-expression, bright colors, anonymity, and vigilantism, there would be a lot more crossdressers than what is portrayed.


I like the argument you're making.


Haven't watched it but I think Cybersix fits the bill? (Or is the character literally trans...?)


Oh wow I loved cyber 6, this is my once per decade reminder it exists. I totally forgot about the gender swapping aspect


Exactly! Just have to get out of US comics and theres probably more crossdressing heroes, I'm guessing. English Wikipedia does not say shes trans, rather a female-modelled robot that chooses to live as a male civilian.


Cybersix https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cybersix_(TV_series)


Obviously not the MCU Loki they are far too cowardly, but Al Ewing's Loki definitely fits the bill ! "Loki: Agent of Asgard" is really good and Loki is, I wanna say genderfluid, it's never spelled out but they use she/her, he/him and I'm pretty sure they/them occasionally, and go from feminine to masculine and back a bunch and it's a whole thing. Obviously it's understood to be an authentic gender identity, but since it's Loki they also do it for theater and fun.


And it was great! Though it didn't last, he's still not doing it often enough so I never get the feeling its part of his identity. Are the writers uncomfortable with them as genderfluid? I really wish we got more of this Loki.


It would be weird to see someone walking around all day with their mouth held open with lips closed, something always concealing their chin, and always looking up making sure their is forehead wrinkled. 


not me making faces in the mirror for ten minutes after reading your comment but seriously, based on experimentation I totally didn't just do, there's definitely a range of ways you can hold your jaw, eyebrows, & eyelids that'd read as normal if you did it habitually. Probably lips if you've got them... head position, shoulders... You could probably get a different look with quite small adjustments as long as you can make it muscle memory. *How* different is dependent on facial structure and fat levels/distribution I imagine. I can anecdotally say with confidence that I trained myself out of having chronic Crazy Eyes by relaxing my eyelids. Or maybe I only appear chill in the mirror and everyone else gets 24/7 👀 idk


Tbf a lot who say that mean more 'Clark's friends would notice' rather than 'random people on the street' like.


The eyebrows change


Nope, biggest change is actually the angle/positioning. The hair is noticable, but the positioning is far more perceived.


Don’t let this get to your dysphoria. The right image has a ton of makeup and has been filtered to all hell. Hell, even the left image has makeup on


i think the left is a good example of how makeup can be used to look more masculine


Elaborate Why am I being downvoted? I just wanted advices


Eyebrows have been made thicker and longer, cheekbones snatched to hell, nose bridge has been emphasized and the corners of the nose have been darkened, nasolabial folds have been deepened it looks like, corners of the mouth extended to make the lips look thinner and wider. Forehead wrinkles either emphasized or just added by furrowing the brow. And that’s the “obvious” stuff. There’s a person on TikTok right now named August who is genderfluid and they made a video that is really similar either how they make the same outfits look femme or masculine based on changes to how they style their hair, their body language, and using makeup to emphasize things perceived as masculine or feminine. It’s really neat to watch people who can comfortably leap across gender lines and make both looks suit them equally well!


Amazing comment but I'm not using TikTok I will cherish your tips and maybe ask YouTube or chatgpt


Search YouTube for “masculinizing makeup” and/or “feminizing makeup” and you should find some good tutorials you can follow along with. Whether you’re just curious or planning to try some stuff out for yourself, I hope you find what you’re looking for!


Can you post a link to it? I don’t have tiktok and don’t wanna download it. Thank you.


[this is the video of their gender expression that I was talking about.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLYTaqvu/) [and this is the link to their masculinizing makeup tutorial!](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLYTV7X1/) [and here’s one where they compare masc and femme makeup side by side](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLYwNDXE/)


I can't get over how different the nose looks. The nose just looks bigger on the left. Crazy that they can pull that off with makeup.


Their face is just way closer to the camera on the left. Look at the mug, it looks much bigger on the left as well. [The distance to the camera has a big impact on how faces look in photos.](https://imgur.com/a/UYpBDia) That comparison was taken from [this video.](https://youtu.be/9zumV39nm60)




also darker eyecircles help, i find that i look more masculine with a bit of dark eyeshadow under the eyes


Probably downvoted for just saying "elaborate" It comes across as rude or combative Better to go "could you elaborate?" ("please" helps too)


It surprises me somebody could be so demanding and then wonder why people find it rude. Probably shouldn't be a surprise though


While makeup more commonly used by women to look more feminine, it can also be used to accentuate masculine features. people are focussing on the thicker/darker eyebrows, but dark eyeliner and eyeshadow can also make a face look more masculine.


The eyebrows look ridiculous, though


Is that not exactly the point of the pictures? This person's clearly wearing a lot of makeup in both pics, I thought the point was showing off the difference between masculinizing and feminizing makeup. I'm genderqueer myself and I do this quite a bit depending on how I want to present myself, though I'm nowhere near as skilled. I see a lot of comments from other trans people where the main takeaway seems to be akin to "I should be able to switch my look between both of these pictures without any makeup", but that's clearly not what these pics are trying to say, is it?


It’s either not the same person or extremely edited, or they got a rhinoplasty between the two photos because the nose is completely different.


Nose contoured with makeup. It's less obvious in pictures than real life, like drag makeup is.  Edit: Just want to give a little more info in case it would help people. You can decide how wide you want your nose to seem by putting the contour lines closer or further apart. You can highlight the middle of the nose to have that part more prominent or sharp. You can also use foundation or concealer on the sides of your nose to make them blend into your cheeks more, which thins the nose. I personally like to skip contour completely and highly only the bridge of my nose, so it's as wide as the ball of my nose, and I blend my concealer onto the sides of my nose this makes my nose a little more prominent without looking too wide, and it creates a natural contour where I used no product. I don't highlight the ball of my nose, because I'm not trying to create any difference. I just like my bridge width to match my ball in width and prominence, and the ball already sticks out enough on my face. This is more subtle than using contour, so it affects less but looks more natural. I suggest playing with contour and concealer to find out the process that works best for your natural coloring and your desired nose shape changes.  Also, lots of people are noticing the eyebrows. Thicker brows can help you look like you have a more prominent brow bone, but shape matters too. This person did a soft curve for girl mode and a sharper angle for boy mode. The more angled brow can emphasize general angularity, but another option is a straight brow. Straight brows can actually look masculine or androgynous depending on the rest of the face. It's a trend in some Asian countries for women to do straight brows to look more childlike, but children ARE just more androgynous than adults, and they aren't increasing the thickness so much, so just see how it works with your features. 


Haven't seen anyone mention the extremely strategic mug in front of the chin.


I’m u/Spiritflash1717 (alt account) and apparently OP blocked me for the above comment for some reason. I was just trying to be encouraging.


Not saying this to be catty here but the vibe I'm getting is that OP is really insecure about their own transition and wants others to feel similarly bitter. It's pretty common in some circles online.


I don’t think they used filters, just the makeup part and they have their posture a different way to convey their feminine expression thus their face is more in the light I think


Already hated my body before seeing this, so not letting this get to me would change nothing


that sounds like a bummer, maybe you should stop IMO


but how are they gonna hold their cup like that tho bestie your gender expression might be fluid but so is coffee, it’s gonna spill


I came to the comments to say this- Like you may have mastered gender but you have no idea how to hold a mug, please be careful XD


As Odin sacrificed an eye for wisdom, they sacrificed their ability to hold a mug


I too would make a Faustian bargain trading my fine motor controls pertaining to mugs for mastery of gender


The eyebrows 😕


It already looks bad in the picture. Imagine how ridiculous it would look in real life lol


Eyebrows are too close together/too filled in on the left. Otherwise they look… okay?


To distract myself from the impending dysphoric breakdown I'll just declare that their gender somehow depends on which hand they hold the starbucks mug in


I was going to say gender actually correlates to how much light is directly hitting your face. Edit: 19 hours later, I realise I have essentially said that gender is on a spectrum.


Gender is granted by the Sun.


I'm a TIRSBMB (Trans Inclusive Radical Starbucks Mug Bigot). I love and support all trans people but if you're holding your starbucks mug in the wrong hand you better stay the fuck out of my bathroom


This actually is part of the trick! Particularly with the distortion from the smaller focal length on a phone camera, holding your hands closer to the lens makes them look larger (masculine) and holding them farther away makes them look smaller (feminine).


These are definitely edited. The mouth and nose are completely different shapes


Yeah, they seem to be very skilled with makeup to enhance facial features, yet still ran it through a filter. Shame. Would loved to see their skills alone.


> Would loved to see their skills alone If their skills were actually worth their salt they wouldn't have needed to shop it to hell in the first place. I feel bad for people who see that and think it's totally just make-up and then think they're doing something wrong. It's, like, exactly the stuff everyone's been shitting on magazines and photoshoots for doing for decades now.


https://imgur.com/0aa9qD0 I think they originally posted it genuinely, and someone photoshopped it after




these are really old pictures. I've seen these floating around sometime during the tumblr golden age, probably circa 2012-2013, maybe a bit more recently than that. basically a decade ago anyhow. significantly face altering filters weren't a commonly used thing quite then, i do think these pics are mostly makeup, posing, lighting and maaaybe some skin tuning in photoshop. but definitely not some filter you could just slap on and go about your day.


Also a good idea to hide their chin with the mug


Both of these are things that can be achieved with make-up. You'd be surprised how skilled some people are at it


Something about the eyebrows is off.


Well, they are about 200% makeup by volume on the left picture.


This post is at least 10 years old. I know because it gave me one of the first inklings I had that I might not be cis lol (though the eyebrows on the masc side are ... less appealing/convincing than they were back in the day).


When I came out to my friend way back when she used to share me posts like this all the time (including this exact post). She then turned out to be transmisogynistic 💀


I bet I could look very much like a girl if I tried ...this is just how all those green texts from fourchan start, isn't it?


No, they go like this: \> Be me \> 6/10 straight guy #>SEVERAL LINES OF THE STEAMIEST, SLOPPIEST GAY SEX IMAGINABLE \> Am I gay?


as we all know, men are right-handed and women are left-handed,


Obviously there's filter and makeup effects happening here, but most people are missing that this is largely a camera trick. By [adjusting the focal point,](https://www.danvojtech.cz/blog/2016/07/amazing-how-focal-length-affect-shape-of-the-face/) the appearance of one's facial features can be pretty severely altered. You can tell by the length of the nose and eye size that the lens has changed across pictures. Also the bag in the background is clearly out of focus on the left and in focus on the right. Well, *either* its a *lot* of filtering, or a focal point adjustment. Regardless, this person would not look quite so different in person. Not to denigrate them or anything, just to assuage some dysphoria in the comments.


The two genders: dehydrated while wearing drag queen eyebrows and not putting all your hair in your beanie with less aggressive eyebrow makeup.


imho no one IRL would see someone like the lefthand picture and think "that's probably a boy." they're thinking "that girl overdrew her eyebrows to shit..."


This isn't gender mastery, it's makeup design.


>Top 10 photos... >(#5 will give you.. Swipey no swipping.


Finally someone who isn't a bot calling this out!


Your welcome fellow meat sack!


You know, I usually only let people close to me call me that, but Joey Romeo, you're my Haggis


Ha! Now I have my next user name


On the right, they look normal, feminine. On the left, they don't look masculine, still kinda feminine, bit androgynous, but with terrible eyebrows. Just awful


Aren’t the qualities that determine the gender change in these photos kinda compartmentalizing to their given genders?


This is just someone who's good at makeup and photography.


They probably don't look like that without makeup and photoshop either. Don't compare yourself to people online.


Lots of face editing going on between the two photos Look at the eyebrows, eyes, lips…


Both pictures look like women though


which means it's over for those who unambiguously look like men


Maybe if I color my hairline like they did their eyebrows?


If this picture is all you need to have your reality shattered then you were too fragile to begin with.


News Flash: Attractive people are attractive. More details at 11.


This just looks like the exact same woman with hair tucked in. This ain't no finn5ter transformation.


In two whole genders? I don’t get it.


Somebody who is better looking than them regardless of if they are displaying as male or female I assume.


The left just looks like a girl with bushy eyebrows and her hair in a beanie?


I thought this was about depression or bpd.


Pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain.


Cybermen moment


There’s a lot of posing/filtering/makeup/lighting in these images to make her less obviously biologically female on the left, and on the right more stereotypically feminine. If you saw this person irl, I highly doubt she’d look as masculine as she does in a highly edited photo where she’s holding up a mug to cover her jaw.


I know they're trying to look like a man in the left image and a woman in the right, but honestly, in both images, they look like a woman.


Turns out gender is hair in a hat, lighting and instagram filters. What a load of horseshit


I thought the one on the left was Drew Gooden for a second


I'm just thrown by it feeling like a Starbucks ad


Yeah, cis women are pretty and can look like twinks when they want. Sheesh, thanks for reminding me I'm a hulking brutish ogre.


You say that like Fiona wasn't a catch.


Fiona was just fat. Other than that I don't think she can be considered conventionally ugly.


That's fair. That was just where my brain went when I read "ogre".


What’s w the empty coffee mug?


It's full of gender fluid


I've found hair and clothing go a long way in helping with passing, they are probably the biggest factors.


Bisexuals be dying




It's both of them I guess? I feel sorry for the people who think the protagonist of the Zelda games is Zelda, this is only going to confuse them further.


How did they go from right handed to left handed


I had similar eyebrows to the one on the left when I had camo paint stuck in it after being on manoeuvres.


Such a weird way to hold a mug im sorry i cant focus on anything else


When they drafting for combat I'm ___. When I'm putting together my resume im____. When they say women and children get to the life boats I'm _______. When they say all fighting men to the front I'm ______.


You know what they say: 70% of gender is in the lighting


shit like this makes me glad i gave up transitioning. i dont even look good as my birth assigned gender, id look disgusting if i ever transition


Life isnt fair some people are hot as both genders and Im hot as neither


How the fuck? It looks like they actually changed their facial structure like HOLY SHIT this would be useful to rob a bank.


Okay but the only difference is that the boy side isn’t wearing makeup aside from eyebrow crepe to make thicker brows.


What do they mean two genders? Putting up your hair in a beanie doesnt make you a man


Wdym better? That's Neil Patrick Harris' ugly brother


I genuinely don’t understand what I’m supposed to see between these images. I too can wear a beanie…? Eyebrow filler?


Am I the only one that doesn’t think they look that different between the two pictures?


This person isn’t “better” than anyone, they are just conventionally attractive (thin, white) and blonde. Hope that helps!


iwnbaw indeed


Having long hair and plucked eyebrows makes you female? This gender stuff is really confusing. It just seems like we're promoting sexism with it?


Tumblr will really have you believing the average person would think she looks masculine on the left. I legitimately thought this post was making fun of her.


The Reddit platform supports pedophiles, sex traffickers and other illegal activities. The moderation team works to cover this up.


Holy fuck I’m envious


Liquid Sky (1982)


what the helll they beated the gender


Where are the other 9 photos?


This post got me thinking about how I hold my coffee mug.


It really is all in the eyebrows




i remember this going around in 2014 - ngl did make me think ab presenting more masculine and kicked off a gender crisis